Friday, 2014-04-25

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bauzasDinaBelova: you there ?08:34
bauzasDinaBelova: I'm just adding a new col called 'status' to leases08:34
bauzasDinaBelova: but when running the Alembic tool, it notices some discrepancies in between my DB and the target08:34
bauzasDinaBelova: so I have to clean up the generated file08:35
bauzasDinaBelova: have you ever seen or heard of this problem ?08:35
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add extensions for API v2 controllers
DinaBelovabauzas, well, know :-|08:46
bauzasok, no worries08:46
DinaBelovaso that's smth new for me08:46
bauzasthat's just hacky08:46
bauzasI just had to autogenerate the template and remove the lines08:46
bauzasnot related to the change08:46
DinaBelovaheh, okay)08:49
DinaBelovabauzas, will you be able to attend the meeting today?08:55
bauzasI will08:55
DinaBelovafull attention or a half one?08:55
DinaBelovaI suddenly learned that I'll have *big* retrospective meeting today right with intersecting with our meeting :(08:56
DinaBelovaAnd I feel that I may be there only half of my attention08:56
bauzasI can handle the conf if you wish09:01
DinaBelovabauzas, ok, thanks you!09:03
DinaBelovaI just wanted to ask you to be chair today)09:03
bauzasjust let me know the agenda09:03
DinaBelovawell, I'll propose some one09:05
bauzasDinaBelova: do we have some specs about leases statuses ?09:16
bauzasDinaBelova: or am I freeride ?09:16
DinaBelovawell, almost freeride)))09:16
DinaBelovayuo may find the Bp09:16
DinaBelovathere were some variants there09:16
bauzasDinaBelova: the bp is worth it :)09:16
DinaBelovabut I guess they are floating now)09:16
bauzasdo you think we should plan some tasks statuses as in Nova09:17
bauzasok, got my idea09:18
DinaBelovaam ok)09:19
bauzasok, will do a proposal, I leave you review it09:19
bauzasbasically, we will have an action and a status09:20
bauzaslike in Heat or in Nova09:20
bauzasbut Nova is a bit unclear09:20
bauzasclass Stack(collections.Mapping):09:20
bauzas               ) = ('CREATE', 'DELETE', 'UPDATE', 'ROLLBACK', 'SUSPEND',09:20
bauzas                    'RESUME', 'ADOPT')09:20
bauzas                ) = ('IN_PROGRESS', 'FAILED', 'COMPLETE')09:20
DinaBelovanice I guess09:21
bauzasI guess the actions will be for the leases09:22
bauzasthat should be clear now09:23
openstackgerritJay Lau proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Adjust import order according to PEP8 imports rule
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openstackgerritJay Lau proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Adjust import order according to PEP8 imports rule
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add extensions for API v2 controllers
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Adjust import order according to PEP8 imports rule
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openstackgerritChristian Martinez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add scenario testing support
pafuentHi. I need some core "spider-sense" on ?14:02
DinaBelovapafuent, soooooorry))14:11
DinaBelovamy +2 there14:11
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pafuentDinaBelova: Thanks14:18
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cmartpafuent: Could you please take a look at my comments on Tell me what you think14:20
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Set osapi_compute_extensions default value
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bauzasmeeting in 8 mins in #openstack-meeting :)14:52
bauzasI'll chair this one, DinaBelova being around14:52
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DinaBelovayep, My biiiiiiig Mirantis meeting is already in process14:53
openstackgerritCristian A Sanchez proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: CLimate client now shows the list of commands
bauzaspafuent, casanch1, cmart, DinaBelova, Nikolay_1t, f_rossigneux, jay-lau-513, SergeyLukjanov your assistance is appreciated in #openstack-meeting :)15:02
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openstackgerritCristian A Sanchez proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: CLimate client now shows the list of commands
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jay-lau-513bauzas I will try to apply the hot fix and play with climate now :-)16:03
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bauzasjay-lau-513: sure thing16:04
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pafuentbauzas: I posted some questions on
pafuentbauzas: Regarding one of them, we talk about it, but I'm not sure if we agree on something16:06
bauzaspafuent: I'll take a look at your comment16:07
pafuentbauzas: Thanks16:07
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: A core-member question: It's OK if I approve patches of Intel guys? There are any concerns about this on OS community?16:09
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bauzaspafuent: I'm good with it16:10
DinaBelovapafuent, no, it's ok - but we have 2 +2's + 1 A16:10
bauzaspafuent: just don't approve if you're the only one +216:10
DinaBelovaso in absolutely all cases (except smth really frustrating) there are at least two core team members needed16:10
pafuentbauzas: : Ok16:11
DinaBelovato push change to the upstream16:11
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: So if I think that other core should check the patch, I just put a +2 and 0 approve, right?16:12
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: If I'm the second +216:13
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bauzaspafuent: if nobody gave +216:15
bauzaspafuent: then you only +2/016:15
bauzaspafuent: if someone gave +216:15
bauzaspafuent: then you +2/A16:15
bauzasthere are 2 option boxes16:15
bauzasin Gerrit for approving16:16
bauzasbut don't approve unless there is another +216:16
pafuentbauzas: Yes, but if a think that other core should check it, should I +2/0?16:16
bauzaspafuent: you just have to vote on your own16:17
bauzaspafuent: don't think about other cores16:17
bauzaspafuent: if you feel that the patch is good, give a +216:17
bauzasI can still vote -1 if I don't agree16:17
pafuentbauzas: Why not? If someone modifies the V2 API I think you should check the patch16:18
bauzasif you think something is good, but you need to doublecheck, give +116:18
bauzaspafuent: don't worry16:18
pafuentbauzas: I didn't know that is possible to -1 an approved thing16:18
bauzaspafuent: DinaBelova is reviewing API v2 while she doesn't know all the details16:19
bauzaspafuent: oh, let me clarify the terms16:19
bauzaspafuent: you +2 a patch16:19
bauzaspafuent: you vote a patch (eq. to +2)16:19
bauzaspafuent: but that's different than approving16:20
bauzasI mean in Gerrit16:20
bauzaswhen someone approves a patch, it goes to trunk16:20
bauzaswhatever the votes are16:20
pafuentbauzas: I think I got the whole process, I just asking about edge cases. Maybe I'm too polite, I don't want to be over the opinions/votes of the others core members.16:23
bauzaspafuent: hence the thing of waiting a first +2 before approving :)16:23
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pafuentbauzas: Ok, and thanks for the clarifications16:24
pafuentbauzas: I really want to useful as a core16:25
bauzaspafuent: don't worry ;)16:25
bauzaspafuent: we all do mistakes :)16:25
pafuentbauzas: s/want to useful/want to be useful/16:25
bauzaspafuent: will you be at summit ?16:26
pafuentbauzas: Yes16:26
DinaBelovabauzas, yes - and casanch116:26
bauzaspafuent: cool16:26
bauzasDinaBelova: there was a discussion about the possibility to discuss of Climate at summit time16:26
bauzasDinaBelova: based on the previous summit, I think that would be worth it16:27
bauzaslet's plan some time in the agenda16:28
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bauzasthe most difficult thing will be communication during the Summit16:29
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bauzasas we'll all have intermittent Internet access16:29
casanch1bauzas: +116:29
pafuentbauzas: +116:29
bauzasa single etherpad for leaving messages would be good16:30
bauzaswith all our private email addresses16:30
casanch1how is this discussion different from the design session?16:30
bauzascasanch1: well, the design session will be crowdy16:30
bauzascasanch1: and the future of Climate is depending on the result of this session16:30
bauzascasanch1: that would be good to sync up *before* the session16:31
casanch1bauzas: +1 on the sync up16:31
DinaBelovaone more +1 from me)16:34
bauzasthere we go :
bauzascasanch1, pafuent, DinaBelova: ^^16:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Add new option to allow lease reductions
openstackgerritChristian Martinez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: V2 API Support for before_end param configuration
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be unavailable for a few hours starting at 1600 UTC on Monday April 28th for an upgrade. See
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