Monday, 2015-03-23

Kennan:sdake just come, sorry for have issues during weekend00:00
KennanI will try the new image if possible today00:00
sdake__its all good - don't expect people to work on the weekends :)00:02
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hongbinsdake: I am back. Sorry for missing your message. I saw you have already created the git review :)00:27
sdake__if it looks good add a +1 and your testing notes :)00:36
hongbinK. I am trying to fix the VM to test it.00:37
hongbinsdake__: A bad new. The pod creation at old image seems to work.00:39
sdake__of course it does, you have the docker images on the hard disk00:39
sdake__it doesn't need to fetch them00:40
hongbinSo the problem is possibly from the new image.00:40
sdake__but you said you couldn't ping
hongbinThe old image have the docker images?00:40
hongbinThat is because that region filter ping00:40
hongbinI can curl google.ca00:40
sdake__can you curl in the new image?00:40
hongbinSorry, I just remembered that00:41
sdake__its ok00:41
sdake__I should have mentioned to try to curl00:41
sdake__can you try curl in new image00:41
sdake__to see if there is a network probelm or something else going on00:41
hongbinI can test the new one again00:41
sdake__wife bought me a xikar torch lighter - so happy :)00:44
sdake__no more matches to light cigars00:44
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hongbinsdake__: Good for you.00:55
hongbinAnd the image, I can curl as well00:55
sdake__ssh to the node00:55
sdake__minion node00:55
hongbinand sudo docker images still shows the empty list00:56
sdake__sudo docker pull kollaglue/centos-rdo-mariadb00:56
hongbinit seems to work. Downloading00:57
sdake__so docker is working - that is a plus00:57
sdake__wait for it to finish00:57
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sdakeopen another ssh to the machine01:00
sdakesudo df | fpaste01:00
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hongbinhere you go:
sdakejournalctl -xl -u kubelet01:03
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sdake| fpaste01:04
hongbinit is empty01:05
sdaketry adding .serviced01:05
sdakerather .service01:05
hongbinI know why. sudo :)01:05
sdakedid that docker download finish?01:06
sdakepull rather01:06
hongbinThe kubelet's log:
hongbinYes, the docker download finished01:09
sdakeMar 23 00:52:41 te-ijfn5ixpajfm-1-rmsje2csxwze-kube-node-apk4zatqugyr.novalocal kubelet[1233]: unknown flag: --api_server01:09
sdakeits now called --api-servers01:12
hongbinyes, saw that01:13
sdakeand --etcd-servers01:13
sdakelooks like fedora is busted out of the box01:13
sdakekill your bay, start a new one01:14
sdakelets try to manually get kubectl running01:14
sdakewe will stop kubectl via systemctl01:15
sdakeand beat on the config files until they work01:15
sdakethat way we can file a fedora bug01:15
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hongbinI changed the api-servers01:20
hongbinNeed to change this as well? $ grep -RI "etcd.servers" /etc/kubernetes/ /etc/kubernetes/config:KUBE_ETCD_SERVERS="--etcd_servers="01:21
hongbinSorry I type that line by line01:21
hongbin$ grep -RI "etcd.servers" /etc/kubernetes/01:21
hongbin /etc/kubernetes/config:KUBE_ETCD_SERVERS="--etcd_servers="01:21
sdakelooks like our tempalte handles that already01:25
sdaketry running systemctl start kubectl01:26
hongbinYes, the template write the config file01:26
sdakeand paste the logs01:26
hongbinFailed to list *api.Pod: Get dial tcp connection refused01:27
hongbinmany of these error01:27
sdakewhat is the api server set to?01:27
hongbinWill paste the full logs01:27
sdakepaste the config01:27
hongbinset to localhost....01:29
sdakewhich config file01:29
sdakeand which item?01:29
sdakedid you put in
hongbinI can change it01:30
sdakeyes to the master ip please01:31
sdakewe need to send a pull request to larsks repo to set that config option01:33
sdakeit is new in k8s 1101:33
hongbinThis is the tail of kubelet log:
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sdakedid you reset-failed01:34
sdakewhat state is the service in as shown by systemctl?01:34
hongbin.... will do that. I used restart01:34
sdakerestart wont restart a failed service01:34
hongbindid a reset01:36
hongbinThe status
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hongbinI am not sure it is good or bad01:38
sdakejournalctl -xl ?01:39
sdakestatus doesn't provide the right info01:39
hongbinjust let me know if you need the full log01:39
hongbinfull log:
sdakei think that isn't the right link01:40
sdakesystemctl stop kubelet01:42
sdakesystemctl | grep kubelet01:42
hongbinThe log didn't seem right01:43
hongbinlet me give you the right log01:43
hongbinIt looks they cut the tail portion of my log01:44
sdakeits in the logs01:45
sdakewoudl like to see what it should really be01:45
hongbinThis is the tail portion01:46
sdaketry launching a pod01:50
sdakethe google cat said that last warning is no big deal if it restarts the watch01:51
sdakewhatever that means :)01:51
sdakejoin #google-containers01:51
Kennan:sdake, I tested with the new image, from console-log I find01:52
Kennan  348.523672] cloud-init[845]: Failed to start docker.socket: Unit docker.socket failed to load: No such file or directory. [  348.588835] cloud-init[845]: activating service docker [  354.282315] cloud-init[845]: activating service kubelet [  354.663861] cloud-init[845]: Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service. [  359.857553] cloud-init[01:52
Kennan[  371.937272] cloud-init[845]: 2015-03-23 01:41:46,262 -[WARNING]: Failed running /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-010 [  372.082919] cloud-init[845]: 2015-03-23 01:41:46,356 -[WARNING]: Failed to run module scripts-user (scripts iscripts) [  372.109901] cloud-init[845]: 2015-03-23 01:41:46,384 -[WARNING]: Running scripts-user (<module 'cloudinit.config.cc_scriython2.7/site-package01:52
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sdakehongbin ssh into vm sudo docker images01:54
sdakeif its working it should be displaying an extra image01:54
hongbinyes, the list is not empty now01:54
sdakeso now for the PR to heat-kubernetes01:54
sdakehongbin can you work out a pull request01:55
sdakei'll merge it01:55
sdakewhile your vm is getting the container rolling01:55
hongbinsdake: Yes, I can.01:56
hongbinI am thinking one issue01:56
sdakei would, but I'm not sure what you changed ;)01:56
hongbinThe fix possibly won't be backward-compatible?01:56
hongbinchange from api-server to api-servers01:56
sdakenope, and nobody in their right mind should deploy k8s 0.6.001:56
hongbinThen, let me make a pull request01:57
sdakealthough i expect fedora will fix the api-server and change it to servers01:57
sdakeso try to make the pull request handle both cases correctly01:57
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hongbink. Will try that01:57
sdakeif if api-server is found withot the 's' change it to api-servers01:58
sdakethat way we can make a new image and it should just work ;)01:58
sdakewhen fedora fixes that bug01:58
Kennan:hongbin, when you available, pls ping me if possible. Not sure what you changed, I hit some issue when tested with the new image02:00
hongbinKennan: Try this fix
sdakehongbin bug 1200924 in kubernetes "typo in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet" [Unspecified,On_qa] - Assigned to jchaloup02:01
hongbinsdake: ......02:02
hongbinif it is a bug, then I don't need to worry02:02
sdakeyes but I want it to work now not in 3 weeks when there is a new image :)02:03
sdakeand our tempalte doesn't set the variable *at all* atm02:03
sdakethat is why its
sdakeon-qa takes several weeks to hit the repo02:04
sdakemaybe more then a month02:04
sdakeand then we will have a new version of kubernetes to worry about :(02:04
sdakei'd like to keep our image churn down as much as possible02:05
sdakeso we are testing on older versions of k8s02:06
sdakeuntil we throw in a new one02:06
sdakebecause it has taken 16 hours of engineering work to fix this problem02:06
hongbinyes, their release model is slow02:06
sdakethey want to do 2 week releases but they have no gating02:07
sdakeall the testing is manual02:07
sdakethey could have per commit releaes if they had gating ;)02:07
hongbinyou know something inside redhat :)02:07
sdakeI worked there for 9 years02:08
sdakethe 2 weeks thing is on the public ml02:08
sdakedid that pod start up btw02:09
hongbinYes, Running now02:12
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sdakecool after you finish that pull request i'll merge it into my patch stream02:16
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hongbinsdake: check here
hongbinI need to test it first02:25
hongbinLet's me test it againest the new and old image. Then will send the PR02:25
dims__hongbin: doesn't the :8080 be inside the last single quote?02:27
hongbindims__: let's check02:30
dims__i am probably wrong :)02:30
hongbinNP. I will verify that02:31
Kennan:hongbin, I still hit the issue02:31
Kennan[  393.804859] cloud-init[842]: 2015-03-23 02:30:55,131 -[WARNING]: Failed running /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-009 [7] [  395.487065] cloud-init[842]: Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/flannel-config.service. [  413.661686] cloud-init[842]: 2015-03-23 02:31:14,993 -[WARNING]: Failed to run module scripts-user02:31
hongbinKennan: will get back to you. Sorry :)02:32
sdake__kennan i'm all yours02:32
sdake__the issue you are having is what (rather then a log, describe the problem)02:33
sdake__looks like part-009 failed02:33
sdake__could you paste that file02:34
sdake__ /var/lib/cloud/instances/scripts/part-00902:34
Kennanhi sdke__02:36
Kennan[fedora@kqcontainer magnum]$ ls -l /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/ total 002:36
Kennanit is empty02:36
Kennanstill empty02:37
sdake__still empty?02:37
Kennanin the controller02:37
sdake__you got that error on the master?02:37
sdake__sudo -i02:37
sdake__cd /var/lib/cloud02:37
sdake__run ls02:38
sdake__ls -l that is | fpaste02:38
sdake__kennan I have tosa yyour host name doesn't make any sense02:39
KennanI just run that command on devstack machine, not the nova master instance02:39
sdake__are you running that ls command from the vm?02:39
sdake__oh login to the nova master :)02:39
sdake__k8s master i mean02:39
sdake__you should beable to ssh into it using the ssh key you registered with baymodel-create02:40
Kennan-bash-4.3# ls -l  total 0 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Mar 20 14:52 per-boot drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Mar 20 14:52 per-instance drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Mar 20 14:52 per-once drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Mar 20 14:52 vendor02:40
Kennan-bash-4.3# pwd /var/lib/cloud/scripts02:40
sdake__I htink we have some lag :)02:40
sdake__ssh into the node where you saw that flannel error02:41
sdake__need to know what is in part-00902:41
Kennanyes, I ssh into that instnace02:41
sdake__is the part file there now?02:41
sdake__does anyone know how to redirect stdout to
sdake__paste /etc/sysconfig/heat-params02:44
sdake__sudo run the file02:46
sdake__echo $?02:46
sdake__and paste output02:46
Kennandone, same link as above02:47
sdake__exit code 7 = couldn't connect02:49
sdake__does that ip # look familiar to you?02:49
sdake__what host os are you running02:50
sdake__is your heat server's ip address?02:51
Kennanyes, I used public ip02:51
Kennanendpoint all registed with such public ip02:52
sdake__from inside the vm02:52
sdake__use curl to retrieve
sdake__does that work?02:53
sdake__you either have an iptables problem or a networking problem02:53
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sdake__port 8000 must be open on
Kennanmy instnace can connect to external network.02:54
sdake__can your instance connect to
sdake__from inside vm, try ssh and see what happens02:55
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Kennansorry, when you talked about instances, do you mean kube instance or my devstack Vm instance ?02:57
KennanI installed devstack with vm02:57
sdake__the kube instance, the place where you read that file from02:57
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Kennanthe kubeinstance can ping, but it can not access other internet address, I remmeber and tested before, kube instance not need to access internet address02:58
sdake__hongbin your patch looks good03:00
sdake__kennan scp telnet to the kube instance03:01
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sdake__then from teh kube instance telnet
sdake__and also the kube instances *do* need to access the external internet03:02
sdake__to download docker images03:02
Kennan? so I think I have not synch about this. is this a new change ?03:03
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KennanI remembered not need internet access before03:03
sdake__its always been so03:03
sdake__did you launch a pod?03:03
Kennanif you said is true, my env need rebuild, as kubenets instance can not directly access internet address03:03
sdake__you uusally can use masquarding via iptables to deal with that (hack around it)03:04
sdake__lets focus on why you can't access the heat server03:04
Kennanseems k8s instance not install telnet03:05
Kennancan not test telnet03:05
sdake__yes you will need to scp from your host03:05
sdake__(these are all my hacks for getting around the pain of a small iamge :)03:05
sdake__what should really be done is a toolbox container should be build and bindmounted to a host dir like /usr/local/bin ;)03:06
hongbinsdake__: This might be irrelevant. I saw there is still one failure03:07
hongbin$ sudo systemctl | grep failed ● cloud-final.service                                                                       loaded failed failed    Execute cloud user/final scripts03:07
sdake__hongbin I'm curious if that is the same problem I am chasing with kennan03:07
sdake__can you run journalctl hongbin?03:07
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hongbinhere you go:
sdakehongbin show me yoru part-005 file03:11
sdakeit is backtracing03:11
hongbinnever mind. get that03:12
sdakeProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.03:12
sdake                                                                                                 Command: ['/var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-005']03:12
sdake                                                                                                 Exit code: 603:12
sdakecould we make it harder please :)03:12
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sdakerun that script03:13
hongbinnever mind. I run it again03:15
sdakerun with bash ;)03:15
hongbinoh. bash. I run with sh03:15
sdakecat /etc/group03:16
sdakechange docker in that script to dockrroot03:17
sdakepull request - win :)03:17
sdakecan atomic change more please - need to spin more cycles :)03:17
hongbinso, in the heat template, overwrite that file, or ...03:20
hongbinoh, never mind. it is user-data. Just change it. Get that03:22
sdakeya its in fragments03:22
sdakedo em as separate prs pls03:22
sdakesince they are separate bugs03:22
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Kennan:sdake seems 8080 is not opened on. even on devstack vm itself. is 8080 or 8000?03:27
sdake8080 is heat-api-cfn03:28
sdakemy guess is that process is not running on your devstack03:28
sdakeheat-api-cfn should bve running in your devstack environment, or waitconditions wont operate03:29
sdakedon't ask me why :)03:29
sdakebad design choice long ago03:29
sdakenow stuck with it03:29
KennanINFO heat.api.cfn [-] Starting Heat API on
KennanI restarted again, it seems 800003:31
sdakewhat port does heat-api run on?03:31
sdakegrep 8080 /etc/heat/*03:31
sdakehow do you spell "Pick one" in chinese03:33
sdakeis it goey gobah?03:33
sdakewatching the grandmaster03:33
sdakegreat movie03:33
sdakeits a really bad sign when your github streak is 7 days03:36
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hongbinsdake: Just send two pull request.03:48
sdakehongbin tested working in a fresh environment?03:48
hongbinI tested them in new image. Work well03:48
sdakeno more systemctl errors?03:49
hongbinI bring up a new cluster03:49
hongbinno more systemctl errors03:49
hongbinone thing is if it is important to test it in old image?03:49
sdakeI think we can ask people to suck it up03:50
sdakeand move to a new image03:50
hongbinOK. All done03:50
sdakeif you got time to burn feel free to try an old iamge03:51
sdakeit would be nice to say i tworks there too but I doubt it would because of the sed on the nonexistent line03:51
hongbinThen, I won't mind the old image03:52
hongbinI go to sleep soon. Just leave me a message if anything I need to follow up03:53
sdakecan you wait a moment until I get these pull requests rebased so you can +2 the patch set03:54
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/magnum: Modify documentation to point to kubernetes-0.11 atomic image
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/magnum: Merge heat-kubernetes pull request 15
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/magnum: Merge heat-kubernetes pull request 16
sdakehongbin all yours to doublecheck my work :)04:05
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sdakeis there a problem?04:08
sdakejust check the files04:08
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sdakehitting exhaustion levels atm :(04:09
hongbinI haven't verify this one
hongbinyou still want me to +2 on it?04:10
hongbinyup :)04:10
hongbinThen, all good04:10
hongbinK. Then see you folks.04:11
sdakehongbin enjioy04:12
sdakethanks for the monster debug session - it was good :)04:12
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openstackgerritMadhuri Kumari proposed stackforge/magnum: Handle heat exception in create_stack.
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/magnum: Modify documentation to point to kubernetes-0.11 atomic image
sdaketime to PTFO05:51
sdakenight all05:51
sdakethanks yuanying for testing that patch :)05:51
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openstackgerritDigambar proposed stackforge/magnum: Add cluster_type field in baymodel.
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openstackgerritDigambar proposed stackforge/magnum: Add cluster_type field in baymodel.
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digayuanying: Hi07:02
digaagain tests are failing -
yuanyingyou should add a test about `token` field if cluster_type is coreos.07:02
yuanyingplease remove cluster_type from baymodel_dict in setup method.07:06
yuanyingand add a test method, which is check `token` field and change cluster_type to `coreos` in baymodel_dict.07:07
yuanyingmaybe test method will be `test_extract_bay_definition_with_cluster_type_coreos`07:08
yuanyingand assert `token` field is contained in bay_definition.07:09
openstackgerritDigambar proposed stackforge/magnum: Add cluster_type field in baymodel.
digalet me correct it07:14
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openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed stackforge/magnum: Add cluster_type field in baymodel.
yuanyingHi diga07:39
yuanyingI have fixed it.07:39
yuanyingPlease check07:40
digayuanying: Thanks :)07:44
openstackgerritMadhuri Kumari proposed stackforge/magnum: Adding support of python-k8client.
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digatcammann: Hi08:45
digaI have filed TechDebt  -
openstackLaunchpad bug 1435200 in Magnum "Tech Debt: Add enum type for cluster_type field in baymodel api." [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Digambar (digambarpatil15)08:45
digawill do seperate patch for that because its improvement in api.08:46
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sdake__yuanying you in?14:12
sdake__madhuri nice job on k8sclient!!14:12
sdake__that blueprint has been sitting around unsolved for months14:13
sdake__finally some action :)14:13
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/magnum: Modify documentation to point to kubernetes-0.11 atomic image
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diga_sdake__: Hi17:00
sdake__how can i help diga17:00
diga_check this -
sdake__I agree with Tom the name is bad17:02
sdake__I know its bikeshedding17:02
sdake__but this stuff is permanent17:02
sdake__how about cluster_model?17:03
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sdake__this is a little more generic17:03
diga_can I do that change in the ?17:04
openstackLaunchpad bug 1435200 in Magnum "Tech Debt: Add enum type for cluster_type field in baymodel api." [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Digambar (digambarpatil15)17:04
diga_beucase I have filed seperate TechDebt for that17:05
sdake__I think techdebtt is not appropriate in this case17:05
sdake__I think the variable name needs to be changed17:05
sdake__let me review the patch in detail sec17:05
sdake__diga done17:15
sdake__needs more love17:15
sdake__have any questions?17:17
sdake__I think cluster_os is best probably17:17
sdake__we can figure out ironic vs virt from the flavor17:17
sdake__and need a cluster_coe17:17
sdake__some followup work ;)17:18
diga_sorry away for sometime17:18
diga_yes, I saw your comments17:18
diga_sdake__: can I replce cluster_type with cluster_os ?17:21
sdake__wfm as long a syou get rid of ironic from the defines17:22
sdake__because ironic is not an os17:22
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diga_Heyy will ping you once I am done with the implementation17:24
diga_its around 11PM at my side17:24
diga_Have a nice day :)17:25
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diga_sdake__: I will make that change appropriate as discussed17:27
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sdake__get some sleep :)17:29
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adrian_ottohi team. I was discussing Diga's patch. The idea of cluster_type could be conflated to also include attributes for platform, discro, coe, etc… rather than just a name like 'coreos'.18:05
adrian_ottoone approach is to have additional attributes on the baymodel resource for platform, discro, coe, etc.18:05
adrian_ottoanother approach (possibly more DRY style) would be to have a custer_model resource that would hold those attributes that could be used by multiple baymodels18:06
adrian_ottothe advantage of packing it all into baymodel is that it keeps the object model and API simpler18:06
adrian_ottothe advantage of having a new resource for this is that cloud operators are likely to have an opinionated view on what combinations they support, and can have a small number of cluster_type resources that a larger number of baymodel resources would reference.18:07
adrian_ottothoughts on this?18:07
diga_having a seperate cluster_model resource will be good for long term18:09
adrian_ottoanother issue to consider is that if we start using enum's, we are applying a level of regidity. To define new bominations as a cloud operator, you would need to make code changes (bad!)18:10
adrian_ottoso maybe having a cluster_model resource with text fields for each of the attributes would allow a higher degree of customization without making code changes.18:11
diga_sounds good18:12
adrian_ottothat's both a good thing, and a bad thing at the same time. Clear as mud!18:12
diga_sdake__: you there ?18:12
adrian_ottoHe might be sdake_ or sdake__18:13
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diga_he is active on sdake__ 'i guess18:14
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diga_by the way, having a seperate cluster_model resource is fit for our usecase18:15
apmeltonadrian_otto: diga_: aren't those fields all represented on the image?18:15
apmeltonwhat do we mean by platform, distro, and coe?18:16
diga_coreo, fedora, swarm, ironic18:16
diga_we are talking about these18:17
apmeltonplatform = vm, ironic;18:17
apmeltondistro = coreos, atomic;18:17
apmeltoncoe = k8s,swarm;18:17
apmeltonlike that?18:17
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adrian_ottothose are image independent18:18
apmeltonplatform is on the flavor, distro is on the image18:18
apmeltoncoe is the only thing we're adding18:18
adrian_ottooh, I see what you mean now18:19
apmeltonwhat does coe stand for?18:19
adrian_ottocoe = container orchestration environment18:19
apmeltonwas this discussed at the meeting last week?18:19
adrian_ottoit's an acronym we made up about a week ago18:19
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apmeltonapologies for missing that, was in basically a week long set of meeting18:19
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adrian_ottowe have not really talked about this design decision outside of the review I linked above.18:20
adrian_ottoI suppose the trouble happens when Magnum is looking at a baymodel resource18:21
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adrian_ottoto create the bay, it needs to know if you want coreos on ironic, or coreos on vms, or….18:21
apmeltonI can understand not wanting to query nova/glance every time18:21
adrian_ottoso referring to the glance image and flavor from the baymodel could surface the answer to that potential ambiguity18:22
apmeltonI just don't think we want to rely on the user knowing with image X I need to use distro X, and ditto with platform/flavor18:22
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adrian_ottochances are that baymodels will be prepared by cloud operators, not users.18:22
apmeltonadrian_otto: true18:23
apmeltonthey are basically flavors, which are prepared by operators18:23
adrian_otto#link Baymodel18:23
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adrian_ottowe already have image_id and flavor_id on there18:24
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adrian_ottothe image_id will not yield the distro information… unless that metadata has been added by Magnum or Magnum's administrator somehow18:26
diga_sorry got disconnected18:26
adrian_ottodiga: baymodel already has references to the flavor_id and image_id18:26
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adrian_ottothe flavor tells us the platform already18:27
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adrian_ottoso the question comes about the distro, which could be added to image metadata18:27
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adrian_ottook, so that value could be set to 'coreos'18:29
apmeltonadrian_otto: looks like we're a little non-standard, we're setting it to com.coreos on our public images18:29
diga_adrian_otto: flavor = m1.small etc, right ?18:31
adrian_ottoRAX is a perfect example of what not to do ;-)18:31
adrian_ottodiga_: yes, the flavor is the arrangement of the "machine" (RAM, DISK, Network, etc)18:32
adrian_ottom1.small is the common name of a popular flavor18:32
apmeltonflavor is going to be a bit harder to map to platform18:33
apmeltonI'm not sure there's a standard at all for representing that18:33
adrian_ottothat could be in the baymodel18:34
diga_check this -
diga_ImageProperty model18:34
apmeltondiga_: flavor's have something similar called extra_specs:
apmeltonbut I don't think there's a standard extra spec to differentiate a VM flavor from an Ironic flavor18:37
adrian_ottodiga, while I'm reflecting on this, can you remind me what software is going to read the type value, and what will it mean?18:38
adrian_ottoit it just the bay creation code?18:39
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adrian_ottook, so in the interest of keeping things simple, I am going to reply on the comment stream of the review indicating that we should just implement this as attributes on the baymodel18:40
adrian_ottothat the architecture is already on the flavor, and it does not need an attribute on baymodel18:40
adrian_ottowe can do a regex string match for 'coreos' on the image resource linked to the baymodel.image_id18:42
adrian_ottoso we just need the attribute that means custer_coe_type18:42
adrian_ottoand until there is some plugin mechanism for defining new ones, that can just be a text enum type18:43
adrian_ottoapmelton: what do you think?18:43
apmeltonI don't think 'that the architecture is already on the flavor, and it does not need an attribute on baymodel' is actually correct18:45
apmeltonI was wrong when I said platform was represented by/on the flavor18:45
apmeltonthis may just be a rackspace issues where we're not following standard flavor naming mechanisms18:45
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adrian_ottoso the question boils down to this...18:47
adrian_ottodo we express each of these things in the baymodel, or do we have an additional culstermodel?18:48
diga_currently we are defining each of these things in baymodel18:48
adrian_ottoif we have a baymodel, and it has the platform on it, then in order to support that bay type on multiple platforms, then we'd need to have a multiplicity of baymodel resources that are all very similar18:48
apmeltonif there are going to be things that a operator will want to set in stone, a separate clustermodel might be adventageous18:49
adrian_ottorather than a single entry that could have a list of available clustermodels it can be used with.18:49
diga_I dont thing we have platform at baymodel18:49
adrian_ottowe don't yet, but sdake__ suggested we have some way to express it.18:49
diga_yes, we can define it in baymodel18:50
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apmeltonso I guess the way I could see it, ClusterModel are the models the operator wants to support, and BayModel holds the user tweakable arguments18:51
diga_but adrian_otto having clustermodel will be good18:51
sdake__hey sorry was on a call18:52
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sdake__letme catch up18:52
adrian_ottoapmelton: we don't currently have the concept of a readonly resource in magnum (or writable only by admin)18:52
adrian_ottothat would be a new concept18:52
adrian_ottoto some extent this is limited by which flavors are defined18:54
diga_apmelton: aggeed!18:54
diga_if someone wants to specify extra properties, then we should have ClusterModel in place18:54
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diga_adrian_otto, apmelton - its 12:30AM at my side, I will try to attend the tomorrows meeting.18:55
diga_Have a nice day :)18:56
adrian_ottodiga_: thanks. I'll put it on the agenda.18:56
apmeltonhave a good night diga_!18:56
diga_adrian_otto: sure18:56
apmeltonso, with all this talk of renaming columns on baymodels, I was thinking about some columns on the bay18:57
apmeltonand what they're actually used for18:57
adrian_ottowe might also want some way to pass parameters into a bay create call rather than relying only on the baymodel18:57
sdake__all caught up18:58
apmeltonadrian_otto: docker_volume_size would be a good fit for that model18:59
sdake__think we need to have this discussion in the team meeting18:59
sdake__and block the review until then18:59
sdake__or alternatively on the ml18:59
sdake__i guess I hsould be more on the ball with my reviews, I should have noticed this earlier19:00
adrian_ottoso sdake__, We will. My question for you is why did you raise the concern of representing os, platform, and coe19:00
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sdake__the template is going to need the inputs to do the right thing19:00
sdake__for example, how do we launch a swarm vs k8s now?19:00
adrian_ottoso one approach is to use a ClusterModel19:00
sdake__you mean a new api type?19:01
sdake__i am not in favor of new apis for this :)19:01
adrian_ottoanother approach would be to have optional parameters you pass to the bay create call to get behaviour that is either default (operator settable) or alternate (if available).19:01
sdake__i think we dont want to allow users to choose that unless the cloud operator has set the baymodels up19:02
sdake__could be a security concern19:02
sdake__for example, you could easily root a box with swarm using a bindmount19:02
sdake__-v /etc:/etc19:02
sdake__vi /etc/shadow19:02
adrian_ottobut if that is running on a host that's owned by that same tenant, maybe getting root is fine.19:02
sdake__except for the ironic case :)19:03
sdake__th emore I think about ironic the more concerned I am about security concerns19:03
apmeltonsdake__: isn't that an ironic concern though?19:03
sdake__because ify ou root a baremetal machine, you ahve full access to the network infrastructure19:03
sdake__and could spread your rooting around19:04
adrian_ottothat depends if you are running stock firmware or not19:04
sdake__outside of your tenant19:04
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sdake__lets just all admit ironic is a challenge for security in our model :)19:04
sdake__and we need to make sure its secure19:04
sdake__i agree tho, vms, who cares19:04
sdake__the tenant made em, if they want to root em, that is their choice19:04
adrian_ottoapmelton made a good point… that should be an ironic concern19:05
adrian_ottoas I see it, we can create containers on a nova/ironic instance19:05
sdake__we will need to install an l3 agent on the ironic host as a container19:05
adrian_ottoand the cloud operator can decide which instance types make sense for them19:05
adrian_ottowhy should we give special consideration to the security characteristics of one instance or another?19:06
sdake__because vms offer special protection that baremetal does not19:07
adrian_ottoI don't mean to be flippant here, I want to be sure that our interest is well considered before we head a direction19:07
sdake__you can't break out of a vm into the bare metal host19:07
sdake__atleast I don't think its possible19:07
adrian_ottoit's possible, just really hard19:07
sdake__you could break out of a container onto a bare metal host19:07
apmeltonsdake__: if a user wanted root on an ironic instance, couldn't they just go straight to nova?19:08
adrian_ottoyes, and the container breakout is easier.19:08
sdake__I dont know enough about ironic to answer apmelton19:08
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apmeltonat least in the rackspace model, users who request ironic instances from nova get root on them19:08
sdake__i think realistically if people want to deploy ironic instances, they should be in a separate network vlan19:09
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apmeltonafter they're done the entire host is wiped, and anything re-flashable is re-flashed19:09
adrian_ottothe whole point of ironic is to give cloud tenants the ability to provision bare metal instances, and presumably so those tenants can use those instances at any access level.19:09
sdake__from the rest of the cloud19:09
sdake__i see, that makes sense19:09
sdake__maybe i'm just being paranoid19:10
sdake__I hear people bitch about security + containers 24/719:10
adrian_ottoso my attitude about instance types is that Magnum could be totally agnostic to them19:10
adrian_ottoand if you want maximum security isolation between containers, you can place them into nova instances in a 1:1 ratio.19:11
sdake__ya that works but not good density19:11
sdake__containers do not offer a security solution19:11
adrian_ottoas long as the tenant_id of the nova instances matches the tenant_id of the magnum resources, then pack them in.19:11
sdake__apmelton if you ahve some cycles there is a review outstanding that needs testing19:12
apmeltonsdake__: link?19:12
sdake__ and its 3 dependent patches19:13
sdake__only +2 if it works :)19:13
adrian_ottoapmelton can +1 if it works.19:13
sdake__oh right19:13
sdake__my dev ennvironment where i run magnum is busted - nothing python works :(19:14
apmeltonnot core, yet19:14
adrian_ottook, I'm putting the ClusterModel discussion on tomorrows team meeting agenda19:14
sdake__its a bad sign when your github streak is 7 days :(19:15
apmeltonI saw the thread about moving heat to stackforge, what's the timeline on that?19:16
adrian_ottothat's in review19:16
sdake__on patch revision 8 last I checked :)19:17
sdake__heat-coe-templates is the repo19:17
apmeltonwhich project is that review on?19:17
sdake__adrian_otto we got another +1 on the openstack namespace change19:19
adrian_ottooh, good!19:21
adrian_ottomordred. That's promising.19:23
adrian_ottofor those wondering what we are talking about19:24
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adrian_ottothe OpenStack TC meets tomorrow at 20:00 UTC, and magnum is on the Agenda:
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sdake__noon and children still sleeping19:33
sdake__spring break ftw19:33
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adrian_ottowow, those kids must have been up late?19:57
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adrian_ottosdake/sdake_: yt>21:00
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sdakeno they are just lazy21:02
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sdakeadian_otto ^^21:02
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openstackgerritAndrew Melton proposed stackforge/magnum: Update pod_delete call for new log message
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sdakeinteresting just got a recruitment offer for virtual synchrony job22:21
sdakenot often that happens :)22:22
sdaketoo bad I can't do a brain transfer of all I know there.22:22
sdakeapmelton did you test that patch with the latest fedora-atomi-2 image?22:23
sdakethe one I posted earlier22:24
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sdakeneed a core to +a plz23:34
sdakelooks like it has received sufficient testing23:35
yuanyingok, yesterday my environment is busted...23:35
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/magnum: Merge heat-kubernetes pull request 14
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/magnum: Merge heat-kubernetes pull request 15
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/magnum: Merge heat-kubernetes pull request 16
sdakenew streak record on github - 8 days23:41
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