Thursday, 2018-08-23

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openstackgerritziyu proposed openstack/magnum master: Correct the invalid reference
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openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum master: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum master: switch documentation job to new PTI
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum master: add python 3.6 unit test job
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-specs master: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-ui master: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-ui master: switch documentation job to new PTI
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: switch documentation job to new PTI
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: add python 3.6 unit test job
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum stable/queens: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/queens: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient stable/queens: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum stable/rocky: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/rocky: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritFilippo Inzaghi proposed openstack/python-magnumclient stable/rocky: import zuul job settings from project-config
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/queens: Fix horizon dependency from master to stable branch
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/pike: Fix horizon dependency from master to stable branch
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui master: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/rocky: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui master: switch documentation job to new PTI
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/ocata: Fix horizon dependency from master to stable branch
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/queens: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/magnum-ui stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
strigazisfilatov_ I guess you are not using the system containers from
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/ocata: Fix horizon dependency from master to stable branch
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/pike: Fix horizon dependency from master to stable branch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/queens: Fix horizon dependency from master to stable branch
strigazisfilatov_> I guess when you tested 1.11 compatibility, you did it without TLS enabled RE: kubernetes deployed by magnum doesn't work without certficates. So let's not make assumptions that we are not using tls08:05
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strigazi sfilatov_ are you using fedora atomic or you have a fork of magnum?08:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/queens: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
boris999Hi guys, I would like to ask, how to force python-magnumclient to use provided token for all subsequent request ? What happens is following: 1. I create session, pass it as a parameter to MagnumClient. 2. Magnum uses the token provided to obtain new token from keystone. This is not desirable in my case. How to avoid that ?09:02
strigaziboris999: the server or the client tries to create a new token?09:05
boris999the client asks server to create new token. It uses original token provided for authentication.09:09
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boris999I explicitly specify reauthenticate=False when creating v3.Token09:14
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strigaziboris999: I'm lost, you don'09:18
strigaziboris999: I'm lost, you don't want the client to request a second token?09:18
strigaziboris999: what if you use password authentication?09:21
strigaziboris999: do you use this workflow with other clients too?09:22
strigaziboris999: and they are different to magnum?09:23
boris999i am afraid that's not an option for me. I receive the token from end-user. Received token has a scope. The token which client asks does not have needed scope -> subsequent request end with failure09:23
boris999strigazi: well, this is the first client I am using :)09:24
strigaziboris999: it seems that this how the keystone middleware work09:24
strigaziboris999: it seems that this how the keystone middleware works09:24
boris999strigazi: thank you very much for info.09:30
boris999strigazi: if by any chance some solution crossed your mind, it would be very welcomed :)09:31
strigaziboris999: you can try with password auth09:33
boris999i will think about it, thank you09:33
strigaziboris999: or you can try to see if the behaviour is the same using curl or python requests09:33
strigaziboris999: but since with postman is different, I guess with curl or python requests should be fine09:34
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boris999 strigazi: yes, with python requests it works. that might be used as last resort. However I would really like to use that python-magnumclient if possible. I'll dig into it a bit further10:28
boris999strigazi: the solution is to specify scope of v3.token, which is passed to session. That way client still asks for new token, however as the scope is the same, subsequent request works. Thank you.10:45
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strigaziboris999 you weren't using v3.Token before?11:07
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boris999strigazi: yes, I were. But I did specify only 'token','auth_url','reauthenticate'. Now i added 'project_name' and 'project_domain_id'11:34
strigazioh right11:35
boris999strigazi: one more question. I am encountering following crash when server response is 403. magnum client crashes11:35
boris999is it a known issue ?11:35
strigazifirst time I see it11:37
boris999shall I file bug ?11:38
strigaziWhat is the bug though?11:39
strigaziHow one can reprocude?11:40
boris999when magnum_clt.clusters.create() fails (server reponse is 403), magnum client crashes11:40
strigaziclient tag?11:41
strigaziserver tag?11:41
boris999i don't understand the question11:41
strigazimagnum --version11:42
strigazibtw, what are you trying to do?11:42
boris999$ magnum --version 2.10.111:43
strigaziand server?11:43
strigazimagnum-api --version11:43
strigaziif you have access to the server11:43
boris999strigazi: create a cluster. Which I am able to do. However i encountered the reproducible crash we are talking about11:45
strigaziIs the api saying smth?11:45
strigazithe log of the magnum api11:46
boris999checking right now11:47
boris999well, nothing interesting, magnum api sends the response with the error11:49
boris999localhost magnum-api[7435]: 2018-08-23 11:46:45.717 DEBUG wsme.api [req-92c02503-0281-4709-b6f9-1f7fd01344b6 None None] Client-side error: unexpected keystone client error occurred: The service catalog is empty. format_exception /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wsme/
boris999Aug 23 11:46:45 localhost magnum-api[7435]: 2018-08-23 11:46:45.723 INFO werkzeug [req-92c02503-0281-4709-b6f9-1f7fd01344b6 None None] - - [23/Aug/2018 11:46:45] "#033[1m#033[31mPOST /v1/clusters HTTP/1.1#033[0m" 403 -11:49
boris999and the response the causes crash in magnum client11:50
boris999or is it expected ?11:52
boris999then when there is an error, exception is thrown and should be handled by me ?11:53
strigazithe client shouldn't crash and for sure the magnum sevrer has a wrong config11:55
strigaziopenstack catalog list11:56
boris999ignore the first link please11:56
strigaziyou should be able to see the endpoints11:56
boris999strigazi: well, magnum server has correct config. Issue is hit, when authorized aotken with incorrect scope is used11:57
boris999that results in reported error11:57
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josecastroleonif you send an unscoped token to a keystone server it will send you an empty catalog11:58
josecastroleonthere is nothing you can do from there, unless you scope it11:59
strigazimaybe the client needs to catch it?11:59
strigazimaybe it needs one more except clause?12:00
boris999josecastroleon: that's fine. I am not complaining about that. What I am saying is, when that happens, and this error is being sent back to client, client should not crash. Or am I missing something ?12:00
strigaziif body is empty12:00
strigaziboris999: so yes, we need story in storyboard.openstack.org12:02
strigaziboris999: so yes, we need a story in storyboard.openstack.org12:02
strigaziboris999: if you can also do the fix, it would be nice :)12:02
boris999strigazi: ok, will do :)12:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum master: Deprecate send_cluster_metrics
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boris999@strigazi I have the fix, all the unit tests are passing. Does commit message need to  contain anything else than task number from story board ?14:47
strigazistory: $number14:48
strigazitask: $numer_of_task14:49
boris999@strigazi!/story/2003533 -> story: 2003533 task:24818  ?14:50
strigaziyes, diffrent lines14:52
boris999thank you14:53
boris999bpilka@bpilka-laptop:~/xworks/python-magnumclient$ git push origin 2003533_crash_error_response14:57
boris999ERROR: Permission to openstack/python-magnumclient.git denied to BorisSK.14:57
boris999fatal: Could not read from remote repository.14:57
boris999i have checkouted master, from that new branch to fix, which a am trying to push.14:57
boris999what am I doing wrong ?14:58
openstackgerritBoris Pilka proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: python-magnumclient crashes when receives error response  403 - Service catalog empty
boris999got it :)15:01
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strigaziboris999: the title of commit messages usually is < 50 chars15:07
boris999@strigazi oh, ok. Shall I ammend the message ?15:09
strigaziboris999: yes15:14
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openstackgerritBoris Pilka proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: crash: error response 403: Service catalog empty
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boris999thanks guys, bye for now15:22
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openstackgerritBoris Pilka proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: Fix crash on Service catalog empty 403 response
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openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum stable/rocky: Deprecate send_cluster_metrics
colin-anyone know if there is a precedent for magnum to consume Ironic (MaaS) in openstack?21:20
colin-instead of nova21:20
dimscolin- i believe so, i remember a talk -
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colin-perfect, thank you dims22:05
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