Wednesday, 2020-02-19

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flwang1brtknr: strigazi: around?08:51
brtknrflwang1: im here08:57
flwang1brtknr: i didn't see the response from strigazi08:58
brtknrme neither08:59
flwang1so i'm going to cancel this one, but we can discuss if you have any topic08:59
brtknrflwang1: nothing urgent this week, will test the patch you emailed about today09:01
flwang1brtknr: i understand your concern about that patch, another solution is, always passing in a default AZ for the volume09:02
brtknris availability_zone a label?09:02
flwang1it is09:02
brtknryes always passing in default AZ for the volume seems preferable to me09:03
flwang1the only tricky thing is technically, the AZ between nova and cinder could be different :(09:03
brtknryes I read about AZ, the whole thing is a bit of a mess09:03
flwang1but i never heard about that case on a production env because it doesn't make sense and may make the architecture so complicated09:04
flwang1that's why I end up with current solution09:04
brtknrWhat if the solution was to pass in default AZ unless its overriden?09:05
flwang1you mean adding a label for volume AZ just in case?09:07
brtknrso the conductor reads the default AZ for Cinder via Cinder client09:08
flwang1brtknr: ^09:08
brtknrand passes that to heat?09:08
flwang1yep, let me explain it with more details09:11
brtknrok maybe you could add this to gerrit09:11
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flwang1actually, i'd like to involve strigazi to discuss to make sure we all agree with the solution or any solution09:13
flwang1otherwise, i'm seeing we will easily waste another 1 or 2 weeks09:13
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brtknrflwang1: sounds good09:14
flwang1the patch is sitting there for 2 weeks without any review make me a bit sad09:14
brtknrflwang1: yeah sorry its a tricky one to test for me as ive never used AZ09:15
flwang1as i said, to test this patch, you don't have to have a multi az09:16
flwang1anyway, we need to make decision how to solve this issue09:20
brtknrflwang1: do you know what is the name of the az on devstack?09:21
flwang1i think the goal is avoid user setting the AZ unless they really want to09:22
flwang1so, we can have two new config options for AZ list for nova and cinder09:23
flwang1and we can support another label for cinder AZ just in case09:24
flwang1but with this way, cloud ops has to set the config option when doing deploy or upgrade, it's not backward compatible09:25
flwang1brtknr: ^09:25
brtknrhmm flwang1 you're right09:25
brtknrflwang1: im testing it now09:26
jakeyiphiya flwang109:26
flwang1i can't see an api in cinder can get the AZ list09:26
flwang1brtknr: this blog series is really good09:26
flwang1it's about openshift on openstack when doing az, but it also works for k8s on openstack09:27
flwang1jakeyip: hello09:27
flwang1jakeyip: it would you appreciate if you can provide your comments on this
jakeyiphave you seen this?
jakeyipscroll down to OpenStack Project availability zone Comparison Summary09:28
brtknrjakeyip: hehe i read the mirantis blog09:29
jakeyipthis says cinder doesn't accept None. However the cinder cli seens to say it defaults to None if not specified09:29
brtknrwhen i was trying to learn about AZ09:29
flwang1jakeyip: i can confirm cinder doesn't accept None09:30
flwang1that's the thing i don't like openstack09:31
flwang1different projects implement same concept different :(09:31
flwang1that's really frustrating09:32
brtknrOpenStack needs some UX people :)09:32
jakeyipflwang1: I am a bit confused about your patch09:32
brtknrthat work across projects09:32
flwang1jakeyip: what confuse you?09:33
jakeyipif AZ isn't set then you'll be creating a  `Magnum::Optional::Cinder::Volume` without availability_zone param? isn't this same as None ?09:34
flwang1jakeyip: if it's not pass in, heat seems handle it with a different way09:35
flwang1i haven't checked the heat code, but i do tested it with None09:35
flwang1jakeyip: it would be nice if you can test it09:35
flwang1I would be happy if i'm wrong09:36
jakeyiphow do you pass in a None value in Heat?09:37
jakeyipey that's the thing, we (Nectar) enforces AZ to be mandatory, so I can't test None easily. Wondering how everyone's cloud work?09:37
flwang1I tried None and none09:38
flwang1and null, i can't exactly remember09:38
flwang1it's about 3 weeks ago09:38
jakeyipto be honest, I think the easy way is another label09:39
flwang1another label for volume?09:40
brtknrwould be nice if Cinder's default config was respected09:40
flwang1volume AZ?09:41
brtknrinstead of having a magnum default for Cinder volumes09:41
flwang1brtknr: i don't really understand09:41
brtknrflwang1: we need to take another look at what heat is doing when az is not specified09:42
jakeyipif nova AZ != cinder AZ we are enforcing them to be same when they shouldn't be...?09:43
flwang1jakeyip: obviously, we can't09:43
flwang1that's why i recommend above blog from redhat09:44
brtknrhmm volume_availability_zone label seems like the best option09:44
flwang1there are 2 scenarios,   nova multi az= cinder multi az   and nova has multi az and cinder has only one az09:45
flwang1jakeyip: do you also like the idea to create a new label for volume az?09:46
jakeyipflwang1: yes I would think so09:46
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jakeyipjust treat them differently. we won't want to be too strict09:47
jakeyipnova can also attach to cinder az of different names -
flwang1jakeyip: i know that. that's why we have to support this, because some env doesn't support cross az attach09:48
flwang1otherwise, it won't be a problem09:48
flwang1i understand a new label like volume_availability_zone can fix current issue09:49
flwang1i'm just thinking further, how to avoid setting the label in the template09:50
flwang1otherwise, we have to always set that label for any template09:50
jakeyipflwang1: I think there will be 2 scenerios if we don't set a vol az label - either it defaults to cinder default, or it uses AZ label.09:51
flwang1jakeyip: do you mean we should get the default cinder/volume az from cinder if there is no label or config option?09:52
jakeyipnot really. I feel that whichever option you choose, some cloud will be different and then they need to override it09:53
jakeyipwe could default to AZ if not set and still allow override. I think this is the safest09:53
flwang11.  add a config option   volume_az   2.  try to get the volume az from label   3. otherwise, get it from cinder service list api09:54
flwang1jakeyip: ^09:57
jakeyiphow to get default?09:57
jakeyipI assume (3) is get the default AZ ?09:57
jakeyipis it possible to geet it from API?09:58
flwang1feilong@feilong-pc:~$ openstack volume service list09:58
flwang1| Binary           | Host                   | Zone | Status  | State | Updated At                 |09:58
flwang1| cinder-scheduler | feilong-pc             | nova | enabled | up    | 2020-02-19T09:29:42.000000 |09:58
flwang1| cinder-volume    | feilong-pc@lvmdriver-1 | nova | enabled | up    | 2020-02-19T09:29:41.000000 |09:58
flwang1should be09:58
jakeyipAFAIK it's a config option
jakeyipwhat if there is >1 and the operator has set a default config option :P09:59
flwang1check the cinder-volume binary and get the az09:59
flwang1for that case, the cloud operator should do that in the config option10:00
flwang1otherwise, Magnum can't know10:00
jakeyiphmm that's an extra API call. you ok?10:02
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flwang1we only need that api call if both config option and the label are not set10:02
jakeyipbtw we have multiple cinder-volumes10:04
flwang1i don't think that matters, is it?10:04
jakeyipcan you run me through your decision tree again please?10:05
jakeyipif label=availability_zone is not set, and if it is set ?10:06
flwang11.  if the config option    default_volume_az=nz-1  is set, use it, otherwise go next10:06
flwang12. check if the label default_volume_az is set or not, if it is, use it, otherwise go next10:07
flwang13. try to get it by call cinder service list and filter the cinder-volume to get the az list and randomly select one10:07
jakeyip(1) is introducing a new config option in magnum ?10:08
jakeyipwhat about label=availability_zone?10:09
flwang1add a new label  default_volume_az10:10
flwang1the existing label availability_zone is for nova10:10
flwang1and it's only used by nova at this moment10:10
jakeyipIthink you're on to something10:11
flwang1what do you mean on to something?10:11
jakeyipI would say 1. try label volume_az first10:11
jakeyip2. fallback to default in config10:11
jakeyipI don't think 3 is necessary... randomly select one won't work10:11
flwang1i'm happy with that10:12
flwang1and i kind of like to drop the #310:12
jakeyipnice and clean :)10:12
flwang1brtknr: thoughts?10:12
brtknrflwang1: that sounds preferable but may be worth chatting with strigazi about this first as they are the other az users afaik10:13
jakeyipif config isn't set what happens...10:13
flwang1jakeyip: like now, failed i think10:13
jakeyipflwang1: in your cloud can you create cinder volume without passing in az ?10:14
flwang1we can10:15
flwang1because there is default az in cinder10:15
flwang1i assume you're talking about cinder only case10:16
flwang1not in magnum context, right?10:16
jakeyipcan you do a --debug on that cinder call to see if AZ is passed in ?10:16
flwang1are you talking about a multi az env?10:17
flwang1i don't think there is az being passed in, because there is no where the client side can get it10:17
flwang1i have to go offline, sorry10:18
flwang1strigazi: could you please take a look above discussion and leave your comments here or on the patch10:18
flwang1jakeyip: thank you for your good thoughts and input10:18
flwang1i appreciate that10:19
flwang1brtknr: are you going to join the Vancouver PTG?10:19
flwang1jakeyip: ^10:19
flwang1strigazi: ^10:19
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jakeyipno I am not. might have someone from Nectar still10:20
flwang1jakeyip: ttyl10:22
jakeyipflwang1: seey10:22
jakeyipflwang1: seeya10:22
brtknrflwang1: sadly not going to be traveling anywhere for a little while even if I was allowed to while the twins are still small10:26
flwang1brtknr: make sense :)10:27
openstackgerritPierre Riteau proposed openstack/magnum master: Fix typo in docs
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cosmicsoundStatus Reason15:07
cosmicsounddefault-master failed ,default-worker failed15:07
cosmicsoundKiller error15:07
cosmicsound anyone any idea what is causing these timeouts15:08
cosmicsoundWould be helpfull to get some hints in the error what to seek into15:08
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openstackgerritSimon Merrick proposed openstack/magnum-ui master: Dynamicly restrict cluster action based on state
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