Monday, 2022-03-14

*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|LUNCH08:16
*** ykarel|LUNCH is now known as ykarel09:36
*** Gu____________________________ is now known as dhrp10:59
dhrpHi all! I'm looking for some help with OpenStack Magnum. We (Leafcloud) are operating magnum for our customerrs.11:02
dhrpCurrently I've been trying to create a template that has does *not* have the PodSecurityPolicy enabled. -- which appears to be enabled by default in the recent Magnum releases. 11:05
dhrpThe specific problem that I have is; which feels super dumb. Is that that when using the CLI to create the template, I cannot pass a comma separated list. with the admission_control_list. This probably just a parsing issue. But my alternatives are not great either. I tried using Heat templates; but then I cannot use the "overlay2" Docker driver for some reason. 11:07
dhrpWhat do you use to create templates? 11:07
opendevreviewStavros Moiras proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: Cluster config update
opendevreviewStavros Moiras proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: Cluster config update
opendevreviewStavros Moiras proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: Cluster config update
opendevreviewStavros Moiras proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: Cluster config update

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