Wednesday, 2023-08-02

jakeyiphi all, anyone around today? 08:59
jakeyipmnasiadka: no unfortunately. see dalees reply. kind of a annoyance, we have projects with a number of projects with number of clusters and unattached cinder volumes, without access to the k8s api we can't tell09:01
mnasiadkajakeyip: maybe it's time to add that support there :)09:02
jakeyiphi mnasiadka hope you had a good break :)09:05
mnasiadkajakeyip: yes, fantastic break, I still am mentally on vacation ;)09:13
jakeyipI don't think many people are around today... 09:14
jakeyipmnasiadka: when you are back, we can catch up on the test. need to figure out what's missing, gives us confidence to accept capi.09:18
jakeyipnot too much of a blocker - we have discussed adding a feature flag to turn capi driver off by default in this version09:18
jakeyipreally need you to bring me up to speed 09:19
mnasiadkawell, I still think we need the current driver CI tests first, to be able to compare apples to apples ;)09:19
mnasiadkaI'll try to make time on Friday to push it forward09:19
jakeyipthanks :)09:22
jakeyipanything you want to bring up?09:22
mnasiadkanot really, we have some backlog internally to make newer k8s versions work with the current driver09:26
mnasiadkaso we might push some patches over the vacation season09:26
jakeyipdefine newer?09:29
mnasiadkaI don't know - latest?09:30
mnasiadkaor do we support that already? :)09:30
jakeyiphm no I think I didn't get that far, only v1.2509:31
jakeyipI believe it should work... the power of belief09:32
spatelDoes anyone know what could be wrong here? -
spatelopenstack coe cluster config mycluster-3113:44
spatelthrowing error - a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'13:44

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