Monday, 2024-04-08

opendevreviewTravis Holton proposed openstack/magnum-capi-helm master: add label for enabling auto scaling
jakeyipmnasiadka: who is the best person that I should chat with re: magnum-capi-helm issues and where? do you have a slack?06:12
jakeyiptravisholton: what's your TZ? wondering what's a good time to catch you with magnum-capi-helm questions07:03
mnasiadkajakeyip: you can try Matt Pryor on Kubernetes Slack - he should be in #openstack-magnum08:47
jakeyipmnasiadka: thanks I got him :) 12:01
mnasiadkajakeyip: did we conclude on the Magnum PTG slot?12:02
jakeyipyeah it's booked 12:02
mnasiadka6:00 UTC? nice - I'm not going to be there :) (I'm in Washington DC, so EDT, which is 2:00 AM) :)12:05
jakeyipnice, enjoy yourself12:52
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-capi-helm master: Disable keystone-auth by default
opendevreviewJohn Garbutt proposed openstack/magnum-capi-helm master: Fix typo in upper constraits
opendevreviewJohn Garbutt proposed openstack/magnum-capi-helm master: Fix typo in upper constraits
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