Wednesday, 2024-05-29

opendevreviewDale Smith proposed openstack/magnum master: Implement control plane resizing with driver.
jakeyiphi all, meeting in ~15 mins. dalees / mnasiadka around?08:46
mnasiadkaI'm around, but might be not fully responsive (on a bunch of other calls, sorry)08:46
jakeyipthat's ok, let me know if there's something you want us to discuss08:50
jakeyipdalees: are you around?08:55
daleesjakeyip: hello!08:56
jakeyiphi! :) 08:56
jakeyipcan dump your reviews into the agenda please :) 08:58
daleeshaha, okay I'll find a few to discuss08:58
jakeyiplet's start 09:03
jakeyip#startmeeting magnum09:03
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May 29 09:03:54 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jakeyip. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:03
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'magnum'09:03
jakeyipPlease put your topics into to Agenda09:04
jakeyip#topic Roll Call09:04
jakeyiplet's wait a couple of mins09:04
opendevreviewNatz cheng proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Use py3 as the default runtime for tox
jakeyip#topic Review Action Items09:06
jakeyipCluster actions: kubeconfig download and reorder 09:07
jakeyipdalees: this is generally OK, I do have a comment. keystone_auth_enabled defaults to True, but your patch checks for the label explicitly. do you have a reason for this?09:08
daleesyeah, I think we're specifying it explicitly in our Cluster Templates so I made the wrong assumption about the default. I'll re-check this and make the change so it accounts for the default 09:09
daleesthanks for catching that09:09
jakeyipI guess you can flip the logic and it'll work, i.e. check for False :) 09:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-magnumclient master: Remove extraneous quote in non-TLS kubeconfig
daleesyep, I'll test the defaults too though. The CAPI driver (or helm charts) might have a different default, but I hope not and I hope I just got it wrong.09:11
jakeyipah I see. ok I'll wait for your response. thanks! that is good work09:12
daleesIt's quite nice to download a kubeconfig file and **just use it** without any openstack CLI auth :)09:13
daleeskudos to ricolin for the first version of that feature09:13
jakeyipdo you have it in use for your production clusters?09:15
daleesYes, I even updated our quickstart screenshots with all these changes in place :)
jakeyipactually I thought we need another patch at
jakeyipthat line is still using v1beta1, another one at ln 24309:19
daleesah, maybe we do. I recall updating it from `v1alpha1` in
jakeyipdalees: maybe I am wrong. I couldn't get it to work in devstack (using OS_CLOUDS=devstack)09:22
jakeyiplet me try again and comment. good that it is working for you09:22
jakeyipI haven't review the rest of magnum-ui changes, I will get to them09:24
daleesit looks like `` is what it should be, even if it continues to work with my `kubectl` version. But I'll need to dig up the version it was introduced, removed and deprecated to make sure I understand the timeline.
jakeyippossibly both are still supported at this point in time and I was facing another different error. I'll update when I find out more09:27
daleesIn my quick search, I can't find signs of `ExecCredential`s v1beta1 being removed yet...09:28
daleesyep - ping me if you have issues and error messages. Maybe I can also reproduce on my side or help investigate.09:29
jakeyipI don't have much to discuss, just want to bring to attention that I haven't got CI passing for v1.28 with Heat driver09:31
jakeyipit passes locally in my devstack but I don't know what's wrong in Zuul. I might play around that patch to cut down number of tests etc to try09:32
daleesreading zuul logs i notice "0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had untolerated taint { }"09:34
jakeyiphm that's wrong09:34
daleesand "0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had untolerated taint { true}".09:35
daleesSo not sure which is the most relevant to the failure09:35
jakeyipI was hoping for a `kubectl get nodes` but that output is in json and my eyes went x_x09:36
jakeyipoh yah I remember another place I got stuck09:39
jakeyip occm logs at
jakeyipE0520 09:19:36.923645       1 node_controller.go:240] error syncing 'tempest-cluster-308782461-3hjtwkyajabv-node-0': failed to get instance metadata for node tempest-cluster-308782461-3hjtwkyajabv-node-0: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host,09:40
jakeyipit looked like the networking is broken, but I couldn't tell why09:40
daleeshmm, failed trying to talk from the cluster to the openstack neutron serivce.09:41
jakeyipyeah. for both calico and flannel, so it's not a cni issue 09:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/magnum master: Change network driver test to use non-default driver.
daleesnot sure if that's a magnum problem or the VM generally can't reach openstack09:43
jakeyipwell the 1.27 clusters in same PS worked. just broken for 1.28 clusters09:43
daleesbut other tests pass for 1.27? so it must be isolated to 1.2809:43
jakeyipmaybe I play around with occm, try the 1.27 occm with the 1.28 cluster09:44
daleesyeah good plan09:44
jakeyipwhat versions do you use? 09:44
daleeswe didn't run 1.28 in Heat09:45
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DNM: Test CI for v1.28.9
jakeyipanything else?09:47
daleesthat's all from me, thanks again for the effort on reviews09:49
jakeyipno worries. thanks for staying late (again) :) 09:50
jakeyiplet's end the meeting09:50
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May 29 09:51:09 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)09:51
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DNM: Test CI for v1.28.9

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