Thursday, 2024-06-06

opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-magnumclient master: Update VerifiedHTTPSConnection for Python >= 3.12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/magnum-ui master: Restrict actions based on cluster state
mnasiadkaatmark: that is surely not tested, but has a chance of working - of course since it's not tested - we can't guarantee, accept bugs or ,,support'' that kind of configuration.07:18
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DNM: Test CI for v1.28.9
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DNM: Test CI for v1.28.9
atmarkmnasiadka: understood. I'll give it a try in dev env.  I don't see schema changes in the db between Yoga and Xena. Zed has from 2 years ago not sure if I need worry about 14:37
mnasiadkaatmark: that patch is mechanics for connecting to a database server, not any API/db schema change15:30
atmarkmnasiadka: thanks for confirming.  my goal is to test drive  magnum-capi-helm on  Yoga or Zed ( currently on Xena ). Unfortunately, i cannot do full upgrade to Zed due to risk of linuxbridge being experimental. 15:47
mnasiadkayou can install magnum-capi-helm on Yoga Magnum, that should work without any issues15:49
atmarkgood to know 16:05
atmarkwill try it out16:05

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