Wednesday, 2025-02-19

jakeyiphi anyone up for a chat today? 07:38
jakeyipI'm here for a bit if someone wants to chat08:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/magnum master: Implement control plane resizing with driver.
daleesjakeyip: sorry, couldn't make last night. I've got a few things to discuss but I might just submit some spec proposals and we can go from there.20:28
daleesThe things I'm interested in are:20:30
dalees* Label inheritance (currently, these are copied into Cluster, but don't make it to NodeGroups. I propose we don't copy and do real inheritance). 20:30
dalees* Mutable Labels. There are several labels(and properties) we use that CAPI can handle changes to by rolling out new nodes, or updating autoscaling parameters. I want to make this possible.20:30

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