Wednesday, 2025-03-26

noonedeadpunkdalees: well, I was planning to look into what it would take to implement capi-helm driver to osa, as currently we do have vexxhost driver only.08:13
noonedeadpunkand, as some expertise is there existing, I happened to use it in our envs as well08:13
noonedeadpunkbut right now pretty much concerned about direction where development goes08:14
noonedeadpunkand how slowly PRs are getting reviewed08:14
noonedeadpunkand basically depending on agenda of the organization or mood of their stuff is not great08:15
noonedeadpunkalso, there were also concerns raised among other osa users that it potentially makes no sense to invest into learning other driver as it's swapping one external org with another, so does not make much sense08:16
noonedeadpunkfor our org as a whole - we do have an air-gapped environments, which do not have access to github or whatever. Thus, we maintain a list of orgs/repos to mirror08:17
noonedeadpunkand process of adding another org to the trusted list is waaaaay more complicated, as adding another openstack project does not require any and can just be done08:18
noonedeadpunkdalees: so if you ask me - I'd prefer not having such external dependency for these reasons :)08:19
daleesnoonedeadpunk: so when using capi helm charts, we build and push these as an OCI image. We also don't want any dependency on Github.08:58
daleesanyone around for the meeting?09:00
daleesjakeyip, mnasiadka , darmach 09:01
noonedeadpunkbut you still need to pull them to build the image I guess:)09:03
noonedeadpunkand maintain the trust chain of suppliers09:04
noonedeadpunkalso I'd guess it's a more aligned with rest of kolla infrastructure/mindset - we don't have docker registry rolled out to begin with09:05
mnasiadkadalees: Sorry, got a last minute other thing09:06
darmachdalees: We got caught in another call09:07
daleesmnasiadka: you can't make it, or you're delayed?09:07
mnasiadkaI can't make it at least for the next 30 minutes09:08
daleesI see Jake is joining soon, so we can just delay.09:08
jakeyiphi I am here now! :) sorry got caught up with something else09:10
jakeyiphi dalees 09:13
daleeshey jakeyip thanks for joining. I figure we can delay a bit until mnasiadka and darmach are ready, or we can chat a bit now and they can join.09:13
daleeswhat's the protocol for video meetings? I could take some notes as we go through the topics perhaps, rather than record?09:14
jakeyipyeah I think best to keep notes in etherpad still?09:15
daleesnoonedeadpunk: yeah, those are reasonable points. I'm keen to hear a bit more info from StackHPC about the status of azimuth-cloud; I understand it was separated to become a separate entity.09:16
daleesMy company does use the charts, but we only sync our branches every minor k8s release and carry a set of additional features. So there are a few things you raised that we're less bothered by. I do appreciate the automated dependency upgrades being done and would lose them if we were to simply fork it in Opendev like I'd initially intended.09:19
darmachdalees I'm ready, do we have the the call link? As for the protocol, I feel that making etherpad notes will be better.09:20
mnasiadkaI assume it's
dalees^ sure, that'll do09:21
jakeyipnoonedeadpunk: yeah I totally get the concern about the lack of progress in magnum. we had a period of inactivity recently; I think the pace varies over time due to dayjob commitments so growing the team will be great, it'll give some people a chance to rotate off and on when the need arises09:23
daleesjakeyip: (and any others for the weekly meeting):
noonedeadpunkjakeyip: well this is completely fair to taking some cycle slow09:29
noonedeadpunkI just was wondering at least where it was all heading overall09:29
noonedeadpunkand changing ownership/prio of original repo is a good reason for sure to stop and figure out next steps09:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/magnum master: Drop binary dependencies for cmd2

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