Thursday, 2020-07-23

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openstackgerritYumengBao proposed openstack/cyborg master: P0: Refresh cyborg basic_policies and device_profile_policies
openstackgerritYumengBao proposed openstack/cyborg master: P0: Refresh cyborg basic_policies and device_profile_policies
openstackgerritYumengBao proposed openstack/cyborg master: P0: Refresh cyborg basic_policies and device_profile_policies
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songwenping__Hi Yumeng, morning.03:02
Yumenghi songwenping__, brinzhang_03:02
brinzhang_hi Yuemng, songwenping__03:02
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brinzhang_Yumeng: sorry, spelling error03:03
Yumenghaha, no worries03:03
Yumenghi chenke03:03
Yumengseems not much people today03:04
chenkehi yumeng. hi all.03:04
songwenping__hi chenke03:04
chenkehi songwenping.03:04
Yumengshall we just kick off the meeting now or wait a few minutes?03:05
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Yumenghi xinranwang__03:05
xinranwang__Hi Yumeng03:05
Yumenggreat.  let's getting start!03:06
Yumeng#startmeeting openstack-cyborg03:06
openstackMeeting started Thu Jul 23 03:06:39 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Yumeng. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.03:06
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg'03:06
Yumeng#topic Roll call03:06
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Yumeng#info Yumeng03:06
xinranwang__#info xinranwang__03:07
brinzhang_#info brinzhang_03:07
chenke#info chenke03:07
Yumeng#topic Agenda03:07
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songwenping__#info songwenping__03:07
Yumeng#topic policy default refresh03:07
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YumengI updated this morning
Yumengnow this patch submmited the basic policies and device_profile policies, and basic framwork03:08
brinzhang_Yumeng: I was reviewed just now, but I am sorry not looked into. in general, LGTM, but that need to add the UT, I left comment inline.03:10
Yumengboth the old and new policies will both work during development process03:11
brinzhang_Yumeng: after I compeleted thing in my hands, I will check again about the implemention details.03:11
brinzhang_sound good.03:11
brinzhang_we should keep old policies and new policies are all run good, thanks03:12
Yumengbrinzhang_: yes we need test. but not as easy as a unit test update in current API tests. that should be another tests for only policies, we should add new policy test framwork, that would be a big work.03:12
brinzhang_Yumeng: I know, but in the patch if you dont add the UT, I dont think it's good to go.03:13
YumengI will submit the policy test in another patch, I just don't want to make the first patch too big.03:13
brinzhang_you can splite the UT for add new policies, another patch is to add the new policies to the interface03:14
Yumengfor this patch, I have tested the function by current unit test, the test_create case of device_profile, I have pasted the detailed debug info to the commit message:
xinranwang__Policy test framework is a big work. We can just add test in API test first03:15
xinranwang__For example, add test in device_profile API,  test create dp by non admin user, and it fails03:16
brinzhang_xinranwang__: yeah, we can. But the better way is add as the same time.03:16
xinranwang__Do you think this make sense03:16
brinzhang_It make sense to me. But I also hope that it is not a TODO.03:17
xinranwang__We can add api test in this patch. Policy test framwork can be in a new patch.03:18
xinranwang__What do you think Yumeng03:18
Yumengxinranwang__: yes! agree, current API tests will go through the policy check in each test. I will start in the next patch very soon to submit policy test for device_profile03:19
Yumengbut for this patch, I think the detailed debug info has shown the policy check process, which can show that this patch basically works, so we can start review.03:21
Yumengthis patch can be merged after the next policy test patch is passed and submitted, but can start review now. what do you think?03:23
brinzhang_Yumeng, do you test the older policies? I saw you deprecated the old policies, I am not sure it's ok for all apis03:24
brinzhang_Yumeng: this patch I think we (xinranwang__) dont reviewed into, after checked again, we can decide whether let it to go, do you think so?03:25
brinzhang_is there a milestone?03:25
Yumengthe old policies are "not actually" deprecated, they won't actually deprecated until we set [oslo_policy] enforce_policy=True in cyborg.conf03:27
Yumengthe old policies work for now, they just marked as deprecated, not actually deprecated.03:27
Yumengemmm. I think we should add tests for new policies, for the old policies, we will deprecate them after all the new policies are implemented03:28
brinzhang_agree, so I think this change should have UT to cover the old policies and the new policies, and checked the enforce_policy config (of course you can do in another patch, but it will be not easy to review).03:29
brinzhang_no, after you completed the new policies, we also need to keep the old policies run until W or X release03:30
brinzhang_To ensure backward compatibility, we should not remove it so quickly.03:30
brinzhang_What do you think? Yumeng, xinranwang__, songwenping__03:31
songwenping__Yumeng: you can fix the ut and pep8 first, ths.03:31
Yumengbrinzhang_: yes, that's what I planed. I have NOTE them in the code. deprecate_since W03:32
xinranwang__Sorry, I am back03:32
xinranwang__brinzhang_:  yes, agree03:32
Yumengxinranwang__: oPS, will see the pep8 error. don't know why. works fine in my env.03:33
brinzhang_ok. I have nothing to say of this patch now03:35
brinzhang_I have two patches need to go, it was submited for a looong time. and
Yumengbrinzhang_: anyway. this patch defines the overall framwork, I wanna you guys help to review it.03:35
brinzhang_Yumeng, xinranwang__, and all: Hope you can review all, thanks03:36
brinzhang_Yumeng: of course ^^, it's my pleasure03:36
songwenping__bingzhang_: will look into this patch.03:36
Yumengbrinzhang_: about the milestone, that was set to milestone-2, but we will see if we need postpone03:36
Yumengbrinzhang_: yse, will review03:37
songwenping__brinzhang_: sorry for error spell.03:38
brinzhang_xinranwang__: IRC cloud need to be jump the firewall, otherwise we cannot connect to it03:38
Yumengxinranwang__: aha. thanks xinran. I will fix it.03:39
xinranwang__Oh, I thought is works for PRC, never mind03:39
YumengInspur FPGA driver spec:
Yumengsongwenping__: just reviewed this morning. pls see my reply.03:40
Yumengwe can merge this before milestone-203:40
songwenping__Yumeng: yeah, i see it.03:40
Yumengalso Intel QAT driver ready for review:
YumengI will review again today.03:41
xinranwang__thanks a lot03:41
songwenping__thanks for review, i will check again.03:41
YumengAnd shogo's is also milestone-2. Programming support ready for review:
Yumenga big work.03:42
brinzhang_songwenping__, xinranwang__:will review later03:42
xinranwang__thanks brinzhang_03:42
Yumengxinranwang__: can you also ask haibing to help review this, I'm not expert in programming.03:43
songwenping__thanks brinzhang__03:43
xinranwang__Yes, sure03:43
YumengI have nothing else to mention for today.03:45
YumengDo you guys want to bring up anything else?03:45
brinzhang_nothings by me03:46
xinranwang__Just noticed that cyborg-tempest-plugins has no doc03:46
xinranwang__shall we add some docs for it?03:47
brinzhang_if  necessagr we can03:48
Yumengnot sure if we need.03:48
brinzhang_May there will be add in the future03:48
YumengI can take a look, we can decide later.:)03:48
Yumengok. sounds good.03:49
Yumenglet's wrap up this meeting and have a good lunch.03:49
xinranwang__Ok, it's not urgent. Just mention it here.lol03:49
xinranwang__Ok, thanks. Bye03:50
Yumengsee you next week. Thank you for attending! bye03:50
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Jul 23 03:51:00 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)03:51
openstackMinutes (text):
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openstackgerritXinran WANG proposed openstack/cyborg-specs master: Add Intel QAT driver specification.
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