Thursday, 2021-05-27

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xinranwangHi all02:00
brinzhanghi xinranwang02:00
wenpingsonghi all02:00
xinranwanghi brinzhang and wenpingsong02:01
wenpingsonghi xinranwang02:01
xinranwangchenke has not repond.02:02
xinranwangis there anyone else wanna join?02:02
brinzhangwait a min02:02
brinzhangI will call other two people02:03
wenpingsongxinranwang: are you using the web page?02:04
brinzhangwe have two new contributors, that you can see they all submited some patches02:04
xinranwangyes, I use irccloud02:04
xinranwangbrinzhang:  yeah, I see. that's great.02:05
wenpingsongso we can send facial expression02:05
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xinranwangwow, I never use this02:06
xinranwangHi ArthurDayne02:06
ArthurDayneHi! ^_^02:06
ArthurDayneFirst to use it02:07
brinzhangI cannot login in the web IRCCloud, may since the firewall02:07
xinranwangArthurDayne:  I saw you patch before, thanks for contributing. Could you please introduce yourself a little bit?02:07
brinzhangArthurDayne: welcome02:07
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wenpingsongUploaded file:
xinranwang#startmeeting openstack-cyborg02:07
openstackMeeting started Thu May 27 02:07:59 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is xinranwang. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.02:08
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:08
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg'02:08
xinranwangHi qiujunting! is it Fossen02:08
ArthurDayneI began to learn cyborg with cyborg doc, but when I read the cyborg arch pictures, I am a bit confused02:09
brinzhangxinranwang: yeah, qiujunting is Fossen named in Gerrit02:10
ArthurDayneSo I decide to give a more detailed architecture picture to help anyone who want to learn cyborg02:11
brinzhangArthurDayne:awesome!, your first patch has been approved, that you should add the nova-cyborg interaction patch, thanks02:12
xinranwangArthurDayne: that's great!  it helps a lot for the beginner, thanks for your patch02:12
ArthurDayneMy pleasure02:13
xinranwangqiujunting:  could you please also introduce yourself a little bit. I think you all know each other lol02:13
wenpingsongqiujunting has learned to manage PMEM device by cyborg.02:14
xinranwanggreat!  do you plan to support pmem in cyborg?02:15
wenpingsongnot sure.02:15
wenpingsongwhen pmem is use as memory, it will be conflict with the vm maxmemory02:16
brinzhangxinranwang: whether need to support PMEM in Cyborg, need to be talk more02:17
wenpingsongdo you know this problem? xinranwang02:17
qiujuntingcyborg support pmem is not friendly, PMEM device is not like other pci device.02:17
brinzhangand there some some issue as wenping said02:17
xinranwangcan we support another mode, I remember pmem has 2 modes02:18
brinzhangI think xinranwang is not simarlier with PMEM, as I know PMEM was maintained by other teams02:18
brinzhang3 modes, memory mode, AD modes and storage over AD02:18
xinranwangnow nova use memory mode, right?02:18
xinranwangbrinzhang:  got it02:19
wenpingsongyes, nova treat it as memory mode02:19
wenpingsongeven we use it as storage disk02:19
brinzhangxinranwang: I plan to discuss some issue with pmem in hackthon with your nova team02:19
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qiujuntingat nova there are some problems about pmem models02:20
wenpingsonglet's discuss after meeting ok?02:20
xinranwangok, let's talk about this during hackathon, there are some pmem experts02:20
xinranwang#topic vgpu support02:21
*** openstack changes topic to "vgpu support (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:21
wenpingsong#info wenpingsong02:21
xinranwangoh sorry02:22
xinranwang#topic roll call02:22
*** openstack changes topic to "roll call (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:22
xinranwang#info xinranwang02:22
wenpingsong#info wenpingsong02:22
brinzhangwelcome qiujunting and ArthurDayne join our meeting, we are meet time on 10:00am, at Thurday in each week02:22
qiujuntingcyborg support vgpu complete?02:23
xinranwangwelcome qiujunting and ArthurDayne, hope we have more collaboration int the future02:23
xinranwang#topic vgpu support02:23
*** openstack changes topic to "vgpu support (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:23
wenpingsonglet's merge the spec first.02:24
xinranwangmany users are interested in vgpu support, I have received some mail which asking the status02:25
wenpingsongmy env is down, i cannot continue now.02:25
xinranwangI hope we can land it in x release if possible.02:25
brinzhangthe spec in cyborg, I think it's ready to go02:25
wenpingsongbut yumeng's code is well on the whole.02:26
xinranwangbrinzhang: yeah, I will review it during hackathon, to make it also an output lol02:26
xinranwangwenpingsong:  did nova guys have some feedback on nova spec?02:26
wenpingsongxinranwang: no, i'll ping them today again.02:27
brinzhangI plan review the vgpu spec during hackathon and asked Alex to help02:27
wenpingsongbrinzhang: good method.02:28
xinranwangwenpingsong: ok, fyi, there is also a mdev framework proposed in nova02:28
wenpingsongmdev framework?02:28
xinranwangwenpingsong: will you rebuild your env to continue?02:29
wenpingsongyeah, i will continue soon.02:29
xinranwangwenpingsong:  great02:29
xinranwangplease check it, it may helps.
wenpingsongcool. i'll look into this patch.02:31
xinranwang#topic doc improvement02:32
*** openstack changes topic to "doc improvement (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:32
xinranwangI got some feedback from users, they asks the nova/cyborg version requirement and said the doc is not very friendly for a beginer. I hope we can improve the doc in this release as well02:34
ArthurDayneyeah, cyborg has some interactions with nova and cyborg, but in the doc, we cannot find some detail about that02:35
brinzhangYep, that we need to improve the docs readability02:35
wenpingsongso is ther some suggestions from user?02:36
brinzhangArthurDayne: that you can try to wirte, and we are all review and can hep to complete it02:36
xinranwangArthurDayne:  if you find something confused or need to improved during your ramp up, please let us know. you can also improve it by yourself.02:37
ArthurDaynebrinzhang: ack02:37
ArthurDaynexinrangwang: imo, we could add a section to introduce the interaction about nova and cyborg02:37
xinranwangwenpingsong:  I think we don't have suggestion from deployer about the version requirement now02:37
brinzhangyour can start a new page, and we can import it to the cyborg index page02:38
wenpingsongwe havenot the interaction doc between nova and cyborg?02:38
xinranwangthere is a spec to explain that. but it is in nova02:38
wenpingsongoh, then we need to add this in cyborg side.02:39
xinranwangyeah, we can make this a ref and explain the overview simply02:40
brinzhangwe should reword these description to the cyborg docs, not just a hyper link, it's not friendly02:41
xinranwangbrinzhang:  of course, this is a reference02:41
wenpingsongyes, it's similar with the nova spec.02:41
brinzhangArthurDayne, wenpingsong: we can reference this nova-cyborg interaction spec to competed cyborg's instruction02:41
xinranwangthere are 2 point of view. one is for deployer, one is for developper02:42
xinranwangso... anyone is availble to do this?02:43
wenpingsongwe are developer, not good at doc write :(02:44
ArthurDaynelet me to do it02:44
ArthurDaynefrom a beginner's view to write it?02:45
xinranwangArthurDayne:  cool, thanks a lot. please remember to create a bp on launchpad about this02:45
xinranwangI think you can start by deployer's view, like how to boot up a VM with accelerator, what configuration admin need to do for this. Then we can dive into the code flow.02:46
xinranwangwhat do you think02:46
ArthurDaynexinranwang: good idea02:47
xinranwangok, thanks ArthurDayne02:47
brinzhangagree with xinranwang02:47
xinranwangwe have only 10 mins left.02:48
xinranwang#topic smartnic support02:48
*** openstack changes topic to "smartnic support (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:48
xinranwangthe implementation is rebased, and we plan to review it during hackathon.02:49
xinranwang#topic disable/enable api02:49
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xinranwang#topic spec review02:50
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wenpingsongi need the rootwrap spec to review.02:50
xinranwangI noticed there are some pending spec from wenping, and also the disable/enable api. all of this will be review during hackathon02:51
xinranwanglet's review them face to face, it's more efficient02:51
brinzhangwenpingsong: during hackthon we plan to compete your  rootwrap spec02:51
xinranwangthat's my opinion. what do you think02:51
wenpingsongok cool02:51
xinranwang#topic AoB02:52
*** openstack changes topic to "AoB (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:52
xinranwanganything else you want bring up?02:53
brinzhangnothing from me02:53
wenpingsong i think we need update rp inventory02:53
wenpingsongwhen rc is changed02:53
wenpingsongand do we need to cleanup old trait and rc if they are changed?02:55
brinzhangthis week we will switch freenoe with OFTC, and the details I have not time to review, if you have time, please review it02:56
brinzhangthis is the ML
xinranwangwenpingsong: I think it's not neccessay. but we can do this by not raising a exception in rc is still used02:57
xinranwangbrinzhang: thanks for the link02:58
wenpingsongok let's discuss offline.02:58
xinranwangif nothing else, let's wrap up the meetin02:58
brinzhangyeah, we can catch and logged it, but not be raised02:58
*** openstack changes topic to "Pending patches (Meeting topic: openstack-cyborg)"02:58
openstackMeeting ended Thu May 27 02:58:58 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)02:59
openstackMinutes (text):
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openstackgerritWenping Song proposed openstack/cyborg master: Delete trait from placement
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