Friday, 2015-12-04

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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Tox tests are broken at the moment. From openstack-infra we are working to fix them. Please don't approve changes until we notify that tox tests work again.09:30
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eglutemfisher_ora please check this out:
eglutebut yes, more discussions are going on.16:43
mfisher_oraeglute: thanks, have been watching that doc but it looks much clearer now16:44
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The earlier JJB bug which disrupted tox-based job configurations has been reverted and applied; jobs seem to be running successfully for the past two hours.16:53
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purpHi, all. I've been a bit absent of late (understatement) and had the Linux requirement issue ( called to my attention this week, post board meeting.19:57
purpHave caught up via notes, transcripts, and such. Didn't see an agenda for next week, so started it here:
purpDon't know if we'd intended the issue to be on the agenda, but I'd like to discuss then.20:02
purpI've added an agenda item which we can reword as needed.20:05
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eglutethanks purp, i will send out calendar invite for next week, have not gotten to the agenda yet. We had been discussing the "linux issue" for multiple meetings now. Did you have a chance to check out this doc?
purpHi, eglute! I did. It's hard to read and understand without context, I'll say, as between that and the notes (and what I heard post-board meeting) I'm fairly confused on the intended next steps.22:23
eglutewe are still taking feedback, no final decision has been reached. Please take a look at possible solutions in that doc.22:24
egluteThis is also on the agenda for the TC meeting next week on Tuesday22:24
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Next Meeting December 9, 10 AM CST"22:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/defcore: Adjust definitions of clients and tools
purpOkeydoke. I'll plan to be at both for sure, and I've just succeeded in moving the former standing 8a Pacific meeting that required my attendance so I'll show up for DefCore more often now.22:37
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