Saturday, 2012-01-21

adam_gany reason why devstack deploys diablo branch of keystone?00:03
openstackgerritPaul McMillan proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Update Actions to require class-level name property.
andrewbogottHm... I have a record in the nova db which is 'deleted' but causing a conflict when I try to recreate a record with the same key.00:05
andrewbogottHow do I delete it for real so that I can move on?00:05
openstackgerritZiad Sawalha proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Implement Secure Token Auth
comstudwhat is the 'key' that is the same?00:05
openstackgerritPaul McMillan proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Update Actions to require class-level name property.
comstud(in what table)00:06
andrewbogottcomstud:  It's in the dns_entry table.00:06
andrewbogottI'm getting a ref, calling ref.delete(session)00:06
andrewbogottBut... maybe that's not really how you delete things?00:07
andrewbogottum, my mistake, the table is called dns_domains00:07
andrewbogottThe key is just the name of a domain.  So it's not weird to want to reuse an old key.00:07
comstudyeah i see00:07
comstudit's implemented slightly differently than other tables00:08
comstudref.delete() should be fine00:08
comstudto delete it00:08
andrewbogottI implemented it, so if it's slightly different from other tables that's maybe a mistake.00:08
comstudi think it's okay00:08
comstudit's just that most other tables use a unique key of an incrementing id00:09
comstudand we just mark 'deleted' instead of removing the entry00:09
* andrewbogott nods00:09
comstudbut there are other tables that require a real delete like yours..00:09
comstudit's fine00:09
comstudref.delete() should work00:09
comstudit is not deleting?00:09
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comstudthe certificates table is an example you could look at00:10
comstudlike certificate_destroy()00:10
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andrewbogott_I'll look -- thank you.00:11
comstudit grabs the ref and just does a .delete()00:11
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comstudif that doesn't work, there's something else weird going on ;)00:11
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andrewbogott_Wait, I think that what certificate_destroy() is doing is what I'm already doing.00:12
andrewbogott_            domain_ref.delete(session=session)00:12
comstudit sounded like it00:12
comstudso, what happens for you ?00:12
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comstudyou say you get a conflict with domain already existing00:13
comstuddid it not actually remove the old entry?00:13
andrewbogott_The first delete appears to work; if I repeat the delete I get exception.NotFound()00:13
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comstudok, sounds like it did delete then00:14
andrewbogott_I don't think I know how to look at the db by hand, though.00:14
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andrewbogottWhen I try to recreate, I get an integrity error:  Duplicate entry 'private.domain' for key 'PRIMARY'00:14
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: pass filter_properties into scheduling requests for run_instance
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andrewbogott('private.domain' being my key, weirdly.)00:14
comstudecho "select * from dns_domains" | mysql -u <username> -h <mysql_host> -p nova00:15
comstudif your mysql server is on localhost, ignore the -h option00:15
andrewbogottHm... I wonder what username and password devstack is using...00:16
comstudi haven't looked at devstack yet00:17
comstudso I dunno00:17
comstudbut if the 2nd delete failed with NotFound, then it sounds like it was surely removed00:18
comstudthen you say trying to add the entry back fails with duplicate key error?00:18
andrewbogottok, looks to me like the record is there, and it has a 'deleted at' timestamp.00:18
comstudthat must be a different table than dns_domains00:19
comstudwhich table?00:19
andrewbogottbig paste:00:19
andrewbogott$ echo "select * from dns_domains" | mysql -u root -p nova00:19
andrewbogottEnter password:00:19
andrewbogott2012-01-20 23:47:592012-01-20 23:48:102012-01-20 23:48:101private.domainprivateNULLNULL00:19
vishymtaylor, jeblair: this has been happening infrequently:
comstudandrewbogott: It looks to me that nova/db/sqlalchemy/ the DNSDomain class is not in sync with the real DB table.00:20
comstudandrewbogott: that is likely the problem00:20
vishymtaylor, jeblair: looks like it is just failing to download stuff from review, perhaps we could get a retry in there?00:20
andrewbogottPretty sure I've done a 'nova-manage db sync' once already in this session, but will do it again to make sure.00:20
comstudandrewbogott: or maybe not.. there's just a few columns missing i guess00:21
andrewbogottYeah, I think the output is just badly formatted -- tabs vs. spaces or something.00:21
comstudwell, i just notice 'created_at', 'deleted_at', etc is missing from models.py00:21
comstudbut I guess it shouldn't matter, if you don't use them00:21
comstudie, 'deleted' is missing from the model00:21
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andrewbogottRight -- they're in the table, I left them out because other models seem to leave them out too.00:21
comstudhmm.. well somehow, something is setting 'deleted' to True in your DB entry00:22
comstudI wonder how00:22
vishyandrewbogott: if you are the stack user you can mysql without password00:22
comstudif it's not in the models00:22
openstackgerritRick Harris proposed a change to openstack/nova: ERROR out instance if unrescue fails.
comstudthere's a base class00:23
vishyandrewbogott: otherwise it asks you for a MYSQL_PASSWORD when you run stack00:23
comstudref.delete() definitely just marks the entry as deleted00:23
bcwaldoncomstud, vishy: having trouble getting resize to work in the SchedulerHints extension, gonna prop with just create support00:23
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Implement Secure Token Auth
vishybcwaldon: that seems reasonable for now00:23
comstudandrewbogott: Ok.  I think what you want to do is not use ref.delete()... and instead use .delete() on your query00:24
znsmtaylor: is this an environment failure? - something about gapi did not start? Or is it our code?00:24
andrewbogottcomstud:  ok, trying...00:24
comstudandrewboggot:  ie:00:25
comstudmodel_query(context, models.DNSDomain, session=session, read_deleted="no").\    filter_by(domain=fqdomain).\ delete()00:25
andrewbogottvishy:  thanks; happens that devstack set up 'root' as the mysql user, so don't really want to run as that.00:25
vishyandrewbogott: ah00:25
andrewbogott(but I only figured that about about 2 minutes ago, after I asked my original question)00:25
comstuddo we know what the problem is with 'git fetch' ?00:27
comstudit seems like the script should abort earlier00:27
comstudor retry00:27
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comstudgotta run out for a bit00:33
* comstud &00:33
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bcwaldoncomstud: you jerk, assertIn is only in 2.7!00:41
bcwaldoncomstud: no no, I'll fix it for you00:41
openstackgerritBrian Waldon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add SchedulerHints compute extension
openstackgerritBrian Waldon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add SchedulerHints compute extension
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add option to force hosts to scheduler
comstudbcwaldon: It's in nova/test.py00:42
comstudbcwaldon: You jerk00:43
bcwaldonI don't even care00:43
comstud(I added it a while back)00:43
bcwaldonI was working off your branch on gh befor eyou fixed those two tests00:43
bcwaldonI was so onfused why the tests were failing00:43
bcwaldonturns out you dont like to run tests beofre handing off code!00:43
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Implement Secure Token Auth
comstudi wasn't done with the branch00:45
comstudit was a WIP00:45
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bcwaldonnow your story changes00:45
openstackgerritBrian Waldon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add SchedulerHints compute extension
bcwaldonI'm just going to keep 'git review'ing this00:46
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add context and request spec to filter_properties
vishybcwaldon: i think we might conflict on this one
mnewbyI have ported nova's test runner to swift - we needed CI here at internap and couldn't wait.00:48
bcwaldonvishy: I can rebase, no biggie00:48
mnewbyFixes this bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 909177 in swift "swift is missing a venv-based test run" [Undecided,New]00:48
mnewbyShould I put it up for review in gerrit, or is mtaylor working on a different solution?00:48
openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1992: SUCCESS in 3 min 0 sec:
openstackjenkinsChris Behrens: pass filter_properties into scheduling requests for run_instance00:48
vishybcwaldon: we both added filter properties, but you stuck them up a level00:49
vishyso mine will have to change to an update i guess00:49
bcwaldonwould it make sense to colocate the force_hosts/ignore_hosts stuff?00:50
vishybcwaldon: I think we should probably use a special key for hints00:51
vishybcwaldon: just so we don't accidentally allow users to specify filter_properties that we are using internally00:51
bcwaldonok, that's a good idea00:51
bcwaldoncall it user_hints?00:51
comstudvishy: comments on yours00:52
vishybcwaldon: ignore_hosts is only set in resize00:52
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vishybcwaldon: so not sure what you mean by colocate?00:52
bcwaldonok, I mean ignore what I just said00:53
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vishycomstud: I originally was pulling az out of instance opts, i can switch back to that00:55
vishycomstud: not sure about your second comment00:55
comstudwhat is desireable with force_hosts, i guess?00:55
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comstudmaybe it needs a better name00:56
comstudbut i assumed it meant only include the listed hosts00:56
vishycomstud: ah right because it is should filter out all of the other hosts00:56
vishycomstud: updating00:56
comstudif you're going to change availability_zone to not be in the Instance table for some reason, then i'm okay with your change00:57
comstudotherwise instance_properties is just a copy of the instance ref00:57
comstudif that's not changing, I don't see the need for the extra arg00:58
vishycomstud: no that isn't it00:59
vishycomstud: I also need a return true00:59
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openstackgerritJake Dahn proposed a change to openstack/python-novaclient: Implementing client for new x509 support in nova.
vishycomstud: the idea being that if force_host skips all the other filters01:01
jakedahnvishy: check,3246 for cli usage01:01
comstudso:  return in force_hosts if force_hosts01:01
comstudit sounds like01:01
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add option to force hosts to scheduler
jakedahnvishy: probably need to change it to set proper permissions on created files?01:02
openstackgerritTres Henry proposed a change to openstack/horizon: VNC no longer loads by default on instance detail page.
openstackgerritBrian Waldon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Handle FlavorNotFound on server list w/ filter
vishyjakedahn: nice.  Maybe a message at the end saying "Cert written to xxx" "Pk written to xxx" so that it doesn't just return blank01:03
jakedahnk - what do file permissions need to be?01:03
andrewbogottcomstud:  Your suggestion seems to work great.  Thank you!01:04
comstudandrewbogott: no prob!01:04
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comstudok, dreaded run to costco01:06
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Adds availability zone filter
comstudwill try to avoid killing people in my way01:06
vishycomstud: updated them01:07
openstackgerritandrewbogott proposed a change to openstack/nova: Change the logic for deleting a record dns_domains.
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comstudyou could have fixed the tests without having to mox.IgnoreArg()01:11
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add option to force hosts to scheduler
comstudbut I'll ignore the less strict testing ;p01:11
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bcwaldonvishy: I cherry-picked your force_host commit, so my branch will just be dependent on yours01:12
comstudbcwaldon: i just approved them all01:14
comstud+2'd them all01:14
bcwaldonyeah, saw01:14
comstudi'm out for real now01:14
comstudgood work, dudes01:15
bcwaldonkk, bye christopher01:15
* comstud & poof01:15
vishybcwaldon: cool after your patch is in we can redo _0x44's patch and see if it works01:15
vishybcwaldon: we will need novaclient changes as well01:15
bcwaldonvishy: there's a bug in this ->,unified,3249,4,nova/compute/api.py01:17
bcwaldonNameError on 295 if not availability_zone01:17
bcwaldonhost won't be defined01:17
bcwaldonI fixed it in my dep branch by moving that if context... branch into the if av_zone block01:18
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vishybcwaldon: do tell01:27
vishybcwaldon: why did you approve it if there is a bug?01:28
bcwaldonwell it was caught by a test in my branch, so maybe I caused it here?01:31
vishybcwaldon: no it was my bad01:32
vishyi removed the line01:32
bcwaldonok, well the tests will fail on this build01:33
bcwaldonpush and we can reapprove01:33
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add option to force hosts to scheduler
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Add option to force hosts to scheduler
vishybcwaldon: pushed01:34
vishygot that annoying RPC error anyway01:34
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bcwaldonwhew, nobody will ever know!01:35
vishybcwaldon: want to retrigger it?01:35
bcwaldonis this causing the devstack failures:01:38
bcwaldonnova [scheduler-extension] % git fetch refs/changes/49/3249/5 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD01:38
bcwaldonerror: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 50301:38
bcwaldonfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly01:38
bcwaldonI can't pull from gerrit01:38
vishyand mtaylor and jeblair seem to be away01:40
bcwaldonthe problem was just temporary for me01:40
bcwaldonbut I got it 4 or 5 times in a row01:40
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openstackgerritDave Lapsley proposed a change to openstack/nova: bug 917397
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 917397 in nova/essex "Quantum Manager configuration sanity checks" [Undecided,In progress]
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openstackgerritjustinsb proposed a change to openstack/nova: Support filter based on CPU core (over)allocation
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openstackgerritJake Dahn proposed a change to openstack/python-novaclient: Implementing client for new x509 support in nova.
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openstackgerritBrian Waldon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add SchedulerHints compute extension
openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1993: SUCCESS in 2 min 32 sec:
openstackjenkinsVishvananda Ishaya: Add option to force hosts to scheduler02:03
openstackgerritAkira YOSHIYAMA proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Follows recent ec2token changes.
openstackgerritAkira YOSHIYAMA proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Adds keystone auth-n/auth-z for Swift S3 API.
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msami get "warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout" when i try to do git clone nova.git through a proxy. what's wrong?02:13
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bcwaldonare you literally typing 'git clone nova.git' ?02:16
openstackgerritAkira YOSHIYAMA proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Adds keystone auth-n/auth-z for Swift S3 API.
openstackgerritBrad Hall proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add floating IP support to Quantum Manager
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add HACKING compliance testing to
bcwaldonok, just wanted to make sure :)02:17
msamgit clone
bcwaldonI'm not sure how to help, sorry02:17
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novas0x2a|laptopi've seen problems with github https through some types of proxy02:35
novas0x2a|laptopmaybe try the git scheme?02:35
novas0x2a|laptop(^--- msam)02:35
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_0x44vishy: What will need to change in my patch post bcwaldon's?02:49
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stacker443Question: How does openstack utilize eucatools, for instance "uec-publish-tarball ubuntu-10.04-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz mybucket"03:00
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comstud_0x44: I believe walrus needs to pass this scheduler_hints in filter_properties.  Then you can check filter_properties['scheduler_hints']['whatever'] -- he made it arbitrary so you could define what you need in a filter03:26
comstudso 'whatever' is up to you03:26
_0x44comstud: Ah, cool.03:26
_0x44comstud: Grazie03:26
_0x44comstud: Also, walrus?03:26
comstudso, it sounds like you could do things like "near_instance": instance_id03:27
comstudthough i'd use uuid03:27
comstudsorry, waldon03:27
_0x44I've already patched it locally to use uuid instead of id03:29
zaitcevBlasted Glance refuses to start registry with index out range in  do_start(). Do you guys actually try to run the git HEAD or just ./ and declare victory?03:31
zaitcevOr, another hypothesis: nobody ever uses glance-control, everyone just runs glance by hand, or using distro scripts.03:33
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Handle FlavorNotFound on server list w/ filter
bcwaldoncomstud: whoops, thanks for pointing that out03:43
comstudi have something i need you to review as well that I forgot03:47
openstackgerritBrian Waldon proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add SchedulerHints compute extension
bcwaldonjesus christ03:48
comstudforgot to update chance scheduler for avoid host change03:48
comstudwhen i added filter_properties passing03:48
comstudtests passed because there's no integration test03:48
bcwaldonwhile you're thinking about it, can you kick this off again:,325603:49
bcwaldonok, so would you like me to add something to my patch?03:49
comstudi'll take a look03:49
comstudwhile you look at:03:49
openstackgerritChris Behrens proposed a change to openstack/nova: Forgot to update chance scheduler for ignore_hosts change
bcwaldonit failed to get the code from gerrit03:49
bcwaldonok it03:50
comstudyours too03:51
comstudeh i didn't mean to rename one of my tests.. o well03:52
comstudit's fine03:52
bcwaldonjust a test03:53
comstudyou missed something in my branch04:03
comstudso did I04:03
bcwaldonmaybe I shouldnt be doing revies any more04:05
openstackgerritChris Behrens proposed a change to openstack/nova: Forgot to update chance scheduler for ignore_hosts change
comstudyeah, don't do revies.. just do reviews04:05
bcwaldonwell I'm done for today04:05
comstudcome on04:05
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Handle FlavorNotFound on server list w/ filter
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openstackgerritChris Behrens proposed a change to openstack/nova: Refactor test_scheduler into unit tests
zaitcevI think Glance bugs out this way only glance/common/ farts it04:28
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Handle FlavorNotFound on server list w/ filter
zaitcevWhich "obviously" can never work because a) ConfigOpts can only find a configuration if either prog= is set or program name is one of known ones, but b) glance-control constructs GlanceConfigOpts before it knows the server name, so duh, of course it tracebacks.04:34
openstackgerritChris Behrens proposed a change to openstack/nova: Refactor test_scheduler into unit tests
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comstudthis devstack gate issue is getting rather annoying04:47
vishycomstud: is it dying again?04:53
vishygerrit server seems to be hosed in some way04:53
comstudi've been sending in one of waldon branches repeatedly04:54
comstudit's still spinning on it04:54
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Handle FlavorNotFound on server list w/ filter
uvirtbotcomstud: Error: "^" is not a valid command.04:54
vishycomstud: fyi, you can see if it is failing and manually cancel and restart it04:54
comstudahh, good to know04:55
comstudthat'll speed up retries04:55
vishyif you click on the red dot to get console output and see the 50304:55
vishyjust hit the x in the top right04:55
vishyand then click retrigger04:55
comstudvishy: and I could use a review on:,326304:55
comstudvishy: but it's kinda long... ;)04:56
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comstudit drops test runs on scheduler from 40s to 4s on one of my boxes04:56
vishyoh i just approved the depending patch04:56
comstudi've had that one in queue for over a month04:56
comstudresolved all of the conflicts the last couple days04:56
vishycomstud: I guess I need to get over my dislike of mox04:58
bcwaldonmox is awesome!04:58
comstudi know some people don't like it04:58
comstudi like that it has strict argument checking04:58
comstudvs having to manually verify args if you use stubs04:58
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comstudi know the .AndReturn() can be harder to see and read though04:59
vishycomstud: I just find the ReplayAll stuff non-intuitive04:59
comstudyeah, i had trouble at first04:59
comstudnow i've gotten used to it04:59
vishycomstud: test_start_instance_exception_puts_instance_in_error_state05:00
vishycomstud: I still don't know why we are using the scheduler for start_instance05:00
comstudwhy we *aren't* you mean?05:00
comstudare we05:00
comstudii keep getting confused05:00
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comstudok, right, we are05:01
comstudi think we can switch that05:01
comstudintance['host'] should still be assigned05:01
comstudso we should be able to just cast right to the compute manager05:01
comstudi can propose that in a follow up05:01
vishycomstud: there is a bug because some things aren't implementing schedule_start_instance05:02
comstudyeah, dist scheduler does not05:02
comstudalthough it would be easy to05:02
comstudbut i'd rather it not go through scheduler05:02
comstudi don't see the need05:02
comstudit was scheduled already once05:02
comstudand its resources are still accounted for05:02
comstudeven if its destroyed in the virt layer05:03
comstudi can prop that tomorrow05:03
comstuddepending on how hung over i am05:03
comstudlooks like devstack is working okay on this current job05:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918615 in nova "compute_api.start() crashes at schedule_start_instance()" [Low,Triaged]05:06
comstudi'll take it05:07
vishycomstud: you didn't need to requeue that with an approve05:07
vishycomstud: if you hit retrigger on the job in jenkins it will go again05:07
vishy(which I did)05:07
comstudyeah, i had the review open05:08
comstudwas easier05:08
comstudok :)05:08
comstudthe current one failed05:08
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vishyyup just canceled and retriggerred05:08
vishythat one is working05:09
comstudi wasn't seeing the 'x' to cancel05:09
comstudthough we might have had a race condition05:09
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comstudoh my05:15
comstudwe're passing instance_uuid into _cast_compute_message in compute api05:16
comstudand it sometimes pulls the instance record again05:16
comstudwhen the caller typically already has it05:16
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comstudhm, i guess only if host= is not passed05:16
comstudwhich is rare05:16
comstudbut that could use a clean up05:17
openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1994: SUCCESS in 2 min 39 sec:
openstackjenkinsBrian Waldon: Add SchedulerHints compute extension05:18
vishylots of cleanup!05:21
vishyat least we have two full milestones to do it!05:21
comstudyeah, i kinda want to discuss this zones stuff again ;)05:22
comstudbecause I can get the core in next week and we'll be working full time on stabilizing and enhancing05:23
comstudif i wasn't working on this stuff today, i could have cleaned up what i had and propped it05:23
vishymaybe we can do a FFE for it05:25
comstudi'll git some code up somewhere and drop you a note05:26
comstudwith what I'm thinking05:26
comstudthe new zones service is pluggable and I think I can even keep the current API communication work, it seems05:27
vishygit some code?05:27
vishydefinitely too much coding today!05:27
comstudand it would allow us to remove the zones shit from dist scheduler to clean that up05:27
comstudi think that would be really nice for essex05:27 zone_rpc branch05:28
comstudit's not quite right yet.. i have some local changes not pushed up05:28
comstudwith some of the pluggable stuff in the zones service05:28
comstudwell, i get pulled in many directions, so that code is from last sunday night05:29
openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1995: SUCCESS in 2 min 42 sec:
openstackjenkinsBrian Waldon: Handle FlavorNotFound on server list w/ filter05:33
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Forgot to update chance scheduler for ignore_hosts change
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1996: SUCCESS in 2 min 45 sec:
openstackjenkins* Chris Behrens: Forgot to update chance scheduler for ignore_hosts change05:48
openstackjenkins* Chris Behrens: Refactor test_scheduler into unit tests05:48
comstudty guys05:48
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Forgot to update chance scheduler for ignore_hosts change
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openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Adds isolated hosts filter
vishycomstud: looks like that failure is something to do with ordering of dependent branch causing a tarball build failure07:18
vishythe dependant branch tarball build went first i think07:19
vishycomstud: I think if we merge all of the filter branches in we have everything from simple scheduler07:19
comstudwell, mine all went in07:19
vishycomstud: yeah07:19
comstudthe last failure was apparently a repeated job somehow07:20
comstudi'm finishing refactoring compute api's compute manager messaging right now07:20
vishycomstud: joe gordon was working on some patches to split compute filter into a few different filters07:20
comstudi saw one07:20
comstudi forgot to go back and look again07:20
vishycomstud: once all that gets finished we can switch the default to distributed scheduler07:21
comstudthere's some functionality that will be missing until you write some weighting methods07:22
comstudi think07:22
comstudthis isolated stuff is missing the cores check07:23
comstudwhich might be interesting07:23
comstudto implement07:23
vishycomstud: yeah I don't know how important that is07:23
comstudthe logic there in simple scheduler is kinda funky07:23
comstudcool, tests pass with my refactoring here07:24
comstudjust pep807:24
vishycomstud: it would have to disable an another filter07:24
comstudyeah, exactly07:24
comstudthat's what i was wondering07:24
comstudthat's where things get interesting07:24
vishycomstud: I'm thinking that the right way to do that07:24
vishycomstud: is to put allocable cores into the db07:24
vishycomstud: so you can have different max cores per host07:25
vishycomstud: the hacky way would be a flag where you could override the number of cores based on host name07:25
comstudcan't you do this today by setting up the service table properly?07:25
comstudor does this need to be an addition to service table07:25
vishycomstud: well it depends on where you pull vcpus from07:25
vishycomstud: I think justin's patch pulls it from actual cores07:26
comstudi see his07:28
comstudi don't think his does what he wants it to do07:28
comstudhe's checking the wrong thing in his filter07:29
comstudadding a comment in his review07:29
comstudah shit07:29
comstudmaybe it's right07:29
comstudok it's right07:30
vishyvcpus is reported from the virtualization layer07:30
comstuds/service table/compute node table/ above07:30
vishyi suppose we could have a flag to override it07:30
comstudwhich is updated from virt layer, yeah07:30
vishyin libvirt we could make it return FLAGS.cpu_override if FLAGS.cpu_override is not None else multiprocessing.cpu_count()07:33
vishyso you could fake a bunch more cores07:33
vishyI think that would solve the same problem07:33
vishyreally it seems like there should be a field in the hosts table though07:33
vishythat could be updated by an admin07:33
comstudi think that makes sense07:34
comstudwhat's your thoughts on use of 'assert' in main code?07:35
vishycomstud: hmm, don't really like it07:36
comstudyeah, me neither07:36
comstudi'd added one, but wasn't happy with it07:36
comstudonly added it because i saw a few in i think it was07:36
comstudRan 2529 tests in 188.660s07:52
comstudthis is getting much better07:53
openstackgerritsleepsonthefloor proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Remove services openstackx dependency
openstackgerritChris Behrens proposed a change to openstack/nova: Refactor compute api messaging calls to compute manager
openstackgerritChris Behrens proposed a change to openstack/nova: Make start_instance cast directly to compute host
comstudvishy: ^08:11
comstudi think i've done enough for today08:11
comstudbeer pong time08:11
* comstud &08:11
openstackgerritVish Ishaya proposed a change to openstack/nova: Adds isolated hosts filter
openstackgerritsleepsonthefloor proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Remove services openstackx dependency
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Add support for Qpid to nova.rpc.
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KiallAnyone around who can help me identify why these tests pass locally for me, but fail on jenkins?
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Add support for same tenant source-group security rules. Fixes bug #860780.
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 860780 in horizon "security groups should allow control via source groups" [High,Confirmed]
Kialldevcamcar: ping?16:46
openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Add support for same tenant source-group security rules. Fixes bug #860780.
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 860780 in horizon "security groups should allow control via source groups" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack/nova: Add support for Qpid to nova.rpc.
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Kiallttx: the 26th is the deadline for feature additions in essex right?19:17
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dtroyerAnyone around who can re-kick Jenkins failed with the git fetch 503 error...19:35
Kialldtroyer: I've no clue why I of all people can.. but done ;)19:37
dtroyerkiall: Thanks.  I don't know the criteria either but I can't…19:38
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Implement Secure Token Auth
KiallIt looks like launchpad tells gerrit i'm part of this team..
KiallIt must be that19:39
openstackgerritTres Henry proposed a change to openstack/horizon: Hide boot from volume UI when no volumes are available.
Kialldtroyer: lol.. hard luck19:47
Kiallfailed again19:47
KiallOh .. wait, looks like that error was ignored19:48
dtroyerkiall: yup, it's in. thanks again19:49
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1997: SUCCESS in 2 min 59 sec:
openstackjenkinsDean Troyer: Fix nova-manage floating list (fixes bug 918804)20:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918804 in nova "'nova-manage floating list' calls undefined method 'floating_ip_get_all'" [Medium,Fix committed]
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vishyKiall e-3 branch is the 24th21:37
vishyshipped on the 26th21:38
Kiallvishy: thanks.. and if a review doesnt make it in time? (for horizon in case that matters..)21:38
Kiall(I'm specifically thinking of this.. )21:39
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Add support for Qpid to nova.rpc.
vishyKiall: it will be up to the PTl22:08
vishy* PTL22:08
vishyI will be doing feature freeze exceptions in certain cases22:08
Kiallvishy: right, makes sense.. guess I'll have to figure out how horizon does validation pretty quick so ;)22:08
vishyand cleanup/refactoring + admin apis + non-breaking extensions probably will be fine for e-422:08
vishyKiall: ask devcamcar22:09
KiallI ping'ed him earlier, guess he doesnt work weekends ;) Will try catch him tomorrow..22:09
vishyhe doesn't work weekends?22:10
comstudi agree22:10
Kialllol .. I would call it lazy, but whatever ;)22:10
vishycomstud: just sent you an email22:12
vishycomstud: My thought is that they are using diablo and those bugs have been fixed22:12
vishycomstud: but I figured you would know :)22:13
comstud#2 isn't fixed... except for notifications22:14
comstudIt's something I think about now and then.. but never thought it to be a huge issue22:14
comstudBut... I didn't thinka bout rpc.calls!22:14
comstudhis message does say "diablo-based code"22:16
comstudI think it's probably a very rare condition22:19
comstudyou'd have to have deleted all rabbit queues are just started services for the first time22:20
comstudi think22:20
vishycomstud: ha, apparently I'm not so good at actually reading emails22:20
openstackgerritEd Leafe proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Merged work-in-progress for the configuration changes. Tests are still failing on the D5 tests.
comstudi filed a bug 91983522:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 919835 in nova "rpc cast/call should declare the queue" [Undecided,New]
comstudpizza time22:24
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/nova: Allow compute manager prep_resize to accept kwargs
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Allow compute manager prep_resize to accept kwargs
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vishyretriggered the above ^^ if anyone is watching23:19
openstackgerriteglynn proposed a change to openstack/glance: More flexible specification of auth credentials.
openstackjenkinsProject nova-docs build #1998: SUCCESS in 2 min 29 sec:
openstackjenkinsdan.prince: Allow compute manager prep_resize to accept kwargs23:33
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