Thursday, 2012-03-01

eglynnjaypipes: there?00:00
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anotherjesse2dtroyer / dolphm / jaypipes: <- wip by bcwaldon and myself00:15
jakedahnwhat's the diff look like00:15
vishyjk0: ping00:15
anotherjesse2dolphm: could really use some help verifying the _validate_user_token response code ...00:16
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jk0vishy: sup00:17
vishyjk0: reading through the soft-reboot stuff in xen00:17
vishyjk0: am I correct in my impression that a soft reboot will eventually turn into a hard reboot if enough time passes?00:17
jk0vishy: in xenapi or our implementation?00:19
vishyin your implementation00:19
vishythat is my reading of the cleanup stuff00:19
vishyin vmops00:19
vishythere was a note from you so i figured you might know for sure00:19
jk0ah, what line #?00:19
jk0ohh, I see00:20
jk0yeah, anything stuck in that state will be cleaned up if that periodic task is enabled00:20
jk0I think that was put in there from a kernel issue a while back00:22
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jk0vishy: it's disabled by default00:24
vishyjk0: well soft reboots don't work if the guest doesn't support them00:24
vishyor if they are locked up00:25
vishyso I'm trying to see what happens in that case00:25
vishydoes it do a hard reboot instead?00:25
jk0yeah, the reboot method catches a XenAPI exception if it fails and issues the hard_reboot call00:25
jk0but in this case there was no exceptions being thrown00:26
anotherjesse2jakedahn: is the current diff00:26
jk0hm, maybe it doesn't00:27
jk0I thought it used to00:27
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jk0vishy: well, if it does throw the XenAPI exception, you could have it issue the hard_reboot instead :)00:28
jk0could have swore it did that already *shrug*00:29
vishyjk0: sorry maybe I'm confused00:29
vishyjk0: there is  a cleanup task that turns failed soft_reboots into hard reboots00:29
vishyI'm writing the soft reboot code for libvirt00:29
vishyi just want to make sure it works the same way00:30
vishybut I have to say i don't understand the logic of issuing a hard reboot automatically00:30
jk0yep, those cases were from some one-off kernel bug where it would just hang instead of throwing an exception or being ignored alltogether00:30
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jk0the only way to get the vm to respond is by issuing a hard reboot00:30
jk0in that case00:30
vishybut why have two reboots exposed to the user00:31
vishyshouldn't user's always request soft and let the cloud do a hard if soft fails?00:31
jk0yeah, I get what you're saying00:32
anotherjesse2vishy / heckj / jaypipes / dolphm - review please -,4675,patchset=1400:33
jk0if I recall correctly, the hard reboot should only be availabe in admin api00:33
anotherjesse2bcwaldon is going to update the docstrings ...00:34
jk0at least it was when added originally00:34
jk0vishy: hopefully that makes sense.. I'm having a hard time remembering all of the details00:37
heckjanotherjesse2: lookin' now00:39
anotherjesse2heckj: it is probably really testable now - hoping bcwaldon will help with that!00:40
vishyanotherjesse2: might want to remove your oopsy00:40
heckjyou got logging in there! Nice!!!00:40
anotherjesse2might need fixed - but the basics should work00:41
anotherjesse2vishy: pushed new review with 2 lines changed (comments)00:42
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zulmtaylor: still around?01:38
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danwentmtaylor or jeblair: around?  have a fairly urgent openstack-ci issue.01:50
danwentseems like a new gate was introduced for quantum trunk, but it fails with an infrastructure error:
danwentpreventing us from getting a fix in we need for e-401:50
danwentany help would be appreciated01:51
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mtaylordanwent: hey02:17
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danwentmtaylor: did you see email?02:21
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mtaylordanwent: yes...02:26
mtaylordanwent: I don't think it's essential that we land that change pre-e402:26
danwentmtaylor: ok.  with change from jeblair, we can now get stuff merged for e-4 milestone.  then we can work on implementing the ci enhancements.02:27
mtaylordanwent: sounds great to me!02:28
danwentgreat.  talk to you later :)02:28
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jakedahnwhen is rc1/how does the rc process work?03:21
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ohnoimdeadtermie: you around?03:43
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danwentjakedahn:  no date set.  each project will fix all critical bugs they are targeting for essex, put out an rc1, and then evaluate whether any new critical bugs are found in rc1, in which case those bugs will be fixed and there will be an rc2.  Rinse and repeat, with the bar of what is considered a "critical" bug rising as time goes on.  Goal is that most rc1 versions will be close to e-4 drop, and that entire rc process05:15
danwentwraps up well in advance of april 5th.05:15
jakedahncool, thx05:18
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YorikSarbcwaldon: Sorry. Wrote everything I wanted to Gerrit.07:03
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ttxdanwent: I couldn't summarize it better :)07:12
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ttxmikal: around ?09:27
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eglynnttx: what time today are you planning to cut E4 final?10:02
ttxeglynn: when the bug list is empty. Hopefully before the end of the day, otherwise very early tomorrow10:03
ttxWhile it's still Thursday in Hawaii.10:03
eglynnttx: thanks ;)10:03
eglynnttx: btw thanks for the approval on
eglynnttx: I also have another fix backported from master that I'd like to get into E410:05
ttxThis review is just about checking that the bug is a E4 bug and was merged to master first10:05
ttxI saw that one -- wanted to make sure jay wanted it in E410:05
ttxThose are just one step away from getting in, so I'm not too concerned about them... The others in the list are more of a concern10:06
eglynnttx: yep it was merged to master first and I'm pretty sure Jay wants it in E410:06
eglynnttx: (chatted yesterday about it on IRC)10:06
ttxeglynn: ok, will push it then10:06
eglynnttx: thanks!10:06
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stuart2eglynn: Hi Eoghan11:18
eglynnhi stuart211:18
stuart2Imaginative, huh?11:18
eglynnyeah ;)11:19
eglynndid you have a chance to look at,4728 ?11:19
eglynnits identical to your patch on master, except with two changes ...11:19
stuart2just having a look now, give me a sec11:19
eglynnstuart2: to save you comparing here's the first change I made:
stuart2thanks, having a look11:20
eglynnthe problem was that check_auth_params() was being called prematurely from KeystoneStrategy._init__11:21
eglynnwhereas previously it was called later in KeystoneStraegy.authenticate()11:21
eglynnin a round-about way, this cuased nova image-list to fail11:21
stuart2ah, ok. I've no problem with that change. Shows the value of the test setup, no?11:22
eglynn(as the nova image client does not provide the password credential explicitly, just the auth token IIRC)11:22
eglynnstuart2: yeah, wasn't cuaght in glance tests as there isn't a test case that mimics the nova image client exactly11:23
eglynnstuart2: so it only showed up in devstack integ tests, which do run nova image-list explicitly11:23
eglynnstuart2: so the other change is ... one sec11:24
stuart2nice catch by Brian on the publicURL too. We should probably update the test cases to make sure we get a URL11:24
eglynnstuart2:,sidebyside,4728,2,glance/common/ line 20811:24
eglynni.e. return endpoint['publicURL'] instead of return endpoint11:25
eglynnstuart2: if the entire endpoint dict is returned, all the bin/glance CLI commands fail, again breaking devstack11:26
stuart2Yes, absolutely needed. Do you think we should update the tests, or is time against us?11:26
eglynnstuart2: I *think* this slipped thru the glance tests as they always just fallback to v1 auth11:26
eglynnstuart2: in the medium term we need to up the test cpverage certainly11:26
eglynnstuart2: but in the interests of getting this into E4 quickly (time is agin' us as you say)11:27
eglynnstuart2: prolly best to just apply those two change to your patch on master #435011:27
stuart2Right, but a change unit tests could catch it? (Perhaps take the code as is but put in a but to update
eglynnstuart2: sure, if you can get that in quickly, go for it!11:28
eglynnstuart2: E4 final is being cut later on today11:29
stuart2eglynn: ok, I'll update my code with your changes and will look at a test change too. If the test change looks like it will slow us down I'll punt and just go with the code change. Sound ok?11:29
eglynnstuart2: so to have a realistic chance of getting the fix in, your patch #4350 on master will need to be merged with a couple of hours11:29
eglynnsuart2: sounds like a plan11:30
eglynnstuart2 ^^^11:30
stuart2Should be able to make a start right now. I'll keep you posted11:30
eglynnstuart2: cool, thanks!11:30
stuart2eglynn: you there?11:36
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eglynnstuart2: yep, whassup?11:37
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stuart2would this be better?11:38
stuart2return endpoint.get('publicURL')11:38
stuart2(if publicURL isn't in the dict)11:38
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eglynnstuart2: normally yes, but in this case we'd be screwed later if the publicURL is missing11:39
eglynnstuart2: also it's part of the endpoint "contract" so I think we can rely on it being there11:40
stuart2gotcha. Probably need to do something like raise an exception, but not now.11:40
eglynnstuart2: yep, cool11:41
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stuart2eglynn: ok, just pushed up a change. Your changes plus a bonus of two in the unit test.11:59
stuart2two lines ^^11:59
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eglynnstuart2: cool, looking now11:59
stuart2passes our unit tests anyway...12:00
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eglynnstuart2: nice12:02
eglynnstuart2: one tiny suggestion self.assertEquals(plugin.management_url, 'http://localhost:9292') instead of self.assertTrue(plugin.management_url == 'http://localhost:9292')12:02
eglynnstuart2: gives more useful error message on failure12:03
stuart2ok let me re-spin12:03
eglynncool, thanks!12:03
eglynnstuart2: in the meantime, I'll update the test in milestone-proposed patch12:05
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stuart2eglynn: ok, re-spin pushed12:08
* eglynn +1'ing12:09
stuart2fingers crossed...12:10
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Allow region selection when using V2 keystone
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eglynnstuart2: devstack passes! but glance test fail now ... grrr!12:21
eglynnstuart2: looks like a transient failure12:22
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* eglynn pushing it through again12:22
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eglynnstuart2: is finally merged, yay!12:33
* eglynn is looking to scare up some glance core reviewers for the corresponding patch on milestone-proposed branch12:34
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ttxeglynn: I can review milestone-proposed patches. Looking13:16
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eglynnttx: thanks!13:20
ttxeglynn: the patch is not strictly similar (extra newline in milestone-proposed), but I guess we can live with that13:21
eglynnttx: I can remove the newline13:21
ttxeglynn: ok, do it and I'll approve13:22
ttx:120 actually.13:24
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eglynnttx: newline-be-gone!13:26
ttxeglynn: and approved13:26
eglynnttx: thanks!13:26
ttxeglynn: last one on list is,460913:28
ttx(for Glance)13:28
* eglynn looking ...13:29
ttxnova-core reviewers: please give the following E4 reviews some love:13:29
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eglynnttx: 4609 still has whitespace errors, I'll see if I can the author to re-submit with these fixed up13:31
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ttxeglynn: or we'll push it to rc113:32
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eglynnttx: yep, its fairly low down the priority stack13:32
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smoservishy, here now.14:37
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ttxjaypipes: let me know if we should wait for 908803 to do E415:19
annegentleHappy Hack Day Stackers!15:25
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smoserttx, bug 942965 seems like it should be on some "important list"15:50
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942965 in unity "Press Alt+F1, panel’s shadow dissapear" [Low,Triaged]
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smoserbug 94286515:51
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942865 in nova "upgrade from diablo leaves existing images with kernel unbootable" [Undecided,New]
smoserbut pressing alt+f1 and having panel shadow disappear is important too15:51
vishysmoser: is there any way to get cirrus to support acpi?15:52
smosernot that i know of. i'd have to poke.15:53
smoserwhat is it that you're wanting ?15:53
smoserto respond cleanly to shutdown ?15:53
smoserand i'm surprised i'm even resonding to you when you spelled its name wrong :)~ cirros is an OS for the clouds, cirrus *is* a cloud15:54
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ttxvishy: could we look into the E4 buglist now ?15:57
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vishyttx: No i'm off to the dr.16:01
vishyIn an hour?16:01
ttxvishy: ok16:01
vishysmoser: hehe, sorry. I would like cirros to respond to the signal16:02
vishyvirsh shutdown has no effect16:02
ttxsounds like cirrhosis16:02
smoservishy, open a bug, please. i agree that would be nice.16:03
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jaypipesttx: did you approve the two branches that were in glance's milestone-proposed branch?16:06
jaypipesttx: I've moved the other three bugs to the RC16:06
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jaypipesttx: ok, good to ship, AFAIAC16:07
jaypipesttx: thx for help16:07
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zykes-anyone here from Mirantis ?16:13
ttxok, glance E4 done16:15
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ttxquantum E4 done16:20
ttxzns, heckj, termie: keystone E4 looks ready to publish according to
ttxwill publish in a few, unless you scream16:22
ttxdevcamcar: horizon E4 looks ready to publish according to
ttxwill also publish in a few minutes, unless you scream16:23
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ttxkeystone E4 done16:35
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dolphmttx: :D16:35
ttxonly nova and horizon left16:36
* dolphm furiously writes migration docs16:36
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heckjdolphm: thank yoU!16:36
ttx(melange E4 is done too)16:36
joesavakgood job heckj, dolphm, termie, and anotherjesse!!16:36
joesavakheckj: I don't see any BP on AD integration. Ok if I open one, or will your flamethrower torch it?16:39
heckjYou can open it if you're going to advocate for it :-) (i.e. assign it to yourself). I think we've got some use cases around that in the wiki, but nothing yet in the blueprint list.16:41
jaypipesQA meeting in 19 minutes on #openstack-meeting!16:41
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andrewbogottis essex a done deal, or will there be yet another release cut at some point?16:47
heckjandrewbogott: Ther will be release candidates coming for Essex16:48
heckjandrewbogott: view E4 as a final feature freeze window - the intention is to focus on QA, testing, bug fixing (and in my case) docs until we cut a final Essex release.16:49
andrewbogottIn that case... can I get a +2 from someone on change 4209?  bcwaldon perchance?16:49
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ttxHorizon E4 done16:55
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ohnoimdeadttx: thanks!16:57
ttxOnly Nova left, waiting for vishy to trim the E4 blockers.16:57
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vishyttx: ready17:02
ttxvishy: looking at
ttxvishy: looks like none of those bugs are ready to land except mine, proposed @
ttxvishy: do you want to delay E4 for any of the others ?17:03
vishyi don't think it is necessary to delay17:03
vishyi think they can go rc117:03
vishythat one just needs another core approve17:03
vishyi just sent in yours17:04
ttxvishy: we can wait for mine + this one to hit, if you can get it reviewed and backport it17:04
ttxI can certainly give you a couple of hours, I'm about to pause for dinner17:05
vishypvo, johan_-_, tr3buchet, can someone review this:,462117:05
vishyshould be a quicky17:05
ttxI push the others to rc117:05
vishyi got a soft-reboot review in17:05
tr3buchetvishy: on it17:05
vishyalthough i haven't been able to functionally test it yet with a vm that supports soft reboot.  It does fallback to hard reboot successfully17:06
ttxvishy: I think that can wait rc117:06
ttxbut I'll take whatever you can sneak in in the next two hours :)17:06
ttxvishy: deal ?17:06
heckjdtroyer: ping17:07
armaanhi folks, when i give the command euca-describe-availability-zones verbose, i got an error:500 server has either erred or is incapable of performing the request... please help17:07
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dtroyerheckj: dtroyer is alive17:08
ttxPushed bug 942156 to RC117:08
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942156 in nova "floating-ip-delete disassociates and doesn't de-allocate when ip is associated." [Critical,Triaged]
heckjdtroyer: reading up on, and I think you do have it covered with Going to mark it fix committed, but wanted to check in with you first and see if there was anything you saw as missing17:09
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942979 in devstack "devstack should create admin tenant, users for each service, and associated role for each" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:09
dtroyerheckj: I'm good with Tres' answer, I think that was it17:10
heckjdtroyer: fix committed then!17:11
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zuljaypipes: ping have you seen this before?
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ayoungtermie, just posted a response on the LDAP get_user_by_name  review.  I think the patch is ready to push as is.17:22
termieayoung: i'll take a look when i get to the office in a bit17:23
armaanhi :) , when i give the command euca-describe-availability-zones verbose, it gives an error 500: server has either erred or is incapable of performing the request... please help17:24
heckjdtroyer: er, looks like we need to backtrack and add in a horizon service user after all - password changing in keystone is Admin only (right now), so it'll need a service account. I'll go make a patch though.17:28
dtroyerheckj: roger17:29
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zulvishy: ping have you seen this before?
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ohnoimdeaddtroyer, heckj: are we really putting super user creds back in
heckjohnoimdead: if you want to be able to change a user's password, where should the credentials get stored for the service account?17:39
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ohnoimdeadheckj: nowhere because a user should be able to update their own password?17:40
ss7proHi, there's a small bug with nova-api-metadata withtin POSTROUTING chain17:40
ohnoimdeadheckj: (you knew i had to say that)17:41
ss7prochain name is limited to 28 chars17:41
devcamcarttx: e4 can drop for horizon17:41
ss7proso when nova-api-metadata-POSTROUTING17:41
ss7prois to long17:41
ss7proand it breaks this component from working17:41
devcamcarttx: and it's already been done, so even better :)17:41
ss7prois't known bug ?17:41
ttxdevcamcar: I read your mind through the milestone page.. and heckj.17:42
devcamcarttx: awesome :)17:42
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ss7pro"iptables-restore v1.4.10: Invalid ch"iptables-restore v1.4.10: Invalid chain name `nova-api-metadata-POSTROUTING' (28 chars max)\nError occurred at line: 16\nTry `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more information.\n" ain name `nova-api-metadata-POSTROUTING' (28 chars max)\nError occurred at line: 16\nTry `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more information.\n"17:43
heckjdtroyer: ( needs testing, and I need to figure out with horizon team how to put in the creds while they cry - so WIP for now17:43
ohnoimdeadheckj: there's really no place to put it other than horizon has no data store. it's only backend is openstack.17:44
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ohnoimdeadheckj: you got me so flustered i used the wrong its.17:47
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ss7proanyone ?17:47
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jaypipesttx: I goofed and set to RC milestone instead of E4 :( didn't realize you and eglynn had gotten it thourhg :(17:53
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 936798 in glance "Glance always picks the first endpoint from the service catalog" [High,Fix released]17:53
jaypipesttx: same for :(17:54
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 920386 in glance "Client side SSL related variables" [Medium,Fix released]17:54
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dtroyerheckj: looks good, tested ok17:58
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heckjdtroyer: thanks - I've got to add something into configs, and then we'll be ready to roll with it17:59
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jaypipesjeblair: mind checking into why Daryl Walleck doesn't have core permissions in the stable/diablo Tempest branch? See his comment here:,472217:59
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 944184 in nova "Iptables chaine name is to long for nova-api-metadata" [Undecided,New]18:02
jeblairjaypipes: only openstack-stable-maint can +2 stable/*18:03
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jeblair(openstack-release is a member of openstack-stable-maint, so they can too)18:03
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jaypipesjeblair: ok, thx for the explanation. I'd forgotten about that...18:06
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danwentanyone seeing an error with devstack when adding the cirros image?  Following command is returning an error it seems:  zcat --force /home/nicira/devstack/files/images/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-uec/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank.img18:08
danwentresult is that nova image-list only includes ramdisk & kernel18:08
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/horizon failed: Added package_data to horizon
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termiehrmph, openstack hackathon at dreamhost today, but i feel like crap and should maybe sit alone at the office :/18:43
gyeeanyone from rackspace?18:44
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termiegyee: lots18:46
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markwash_littleidea: around?18:57
littleideamarkwash_: I am18:57
markwash_just wondering if you are working on 928521 already18:58
markwash_my team was looking at it to, but we can just go hands off if you prefer and help with the review process18:59
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markwash_littleidea: ^^19:00
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littleideamarkwash_: I can make a 'fix' that changes the vm state back to ACTIVE fairly trivially, vishy and bcwaldon suggested it would be better to change it so API returns a 500, which I think I have pretty close, but I've struggled to see how to test it.19:02
littleideamarkwash_:  have you looked at it enough to have a plan of attack?19:03
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markwash_littleidea: I think my plan is just "set it back to active" :-)19:03
markwash_and to clean up some of the nastiness in that vicinity19:03
littleideathe concern was that is a silent failure19:03
markwash_littleidea: but I'm confused about the 500 because at that point the message has been cast off and the api has returned 200 already19:04
markwash_littleidea: agreed, but the api docs say its okay I believe19:04
littleideachange the cast to a call19:04
markwash_littleidea: since the transitions go from ACTIVE -> ACTIVE (even on error)19:04
littleideathat's what was advocated when we discussed it19:04
westmaasaww thought that would link it :(19:05
markwash_littleidea: I think we should keep the api as async as possible here19:06
markwash_the scheduler could take a while or be physically distributed19:06
markwash_the silent failure issue can be addressed later when we have better instance fault reporting19:07
littleideamarkwash_: I was deferring to vishy there, since I didn't feel I had enough context to advocate something19:07
littleideamarkwash_: in the discussion, I brought up that I thought a per instance event log seemed like the best way to do it, and everyone seemed to agree, but that would be hard to plumb for essex19:08
westmaaslittleidea: sounds like silent failure was maybe bcwaldon and vishy's concern and not yours, but can you help me understand what you mean there?19:08
westmaasif it was yours, even better :)19:09
littleideawestmaas: if you try to resize and instance, and the scheduler can't find an suitable host, it leaves the vm state as RESIZING, but the vm is unchanged19:10
jdgclayg: ping?19:10
markwash_westmaas: and just switching it back to ACTIVE is even silenter19:10
littleideawestmaas: so if you just change it back to ACTIVE, a user may not realize the resize/migration failed19:11
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markwash_littleidea: but wouldn't they know because it never landed in CONFIRM_RESIZE ?19:11
westmaaslittleidea: gotcha.  seems like nirmal's suggestion then of doing an async fault may be sufficient?19:11
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littleideamarkwash_: the speculation was someone might assume overlook/space off/think someone else dealt with the confirmation19:12
markwashlittleidea: that makes sense, I guess I just think synchronous behavior here is more costly19:12
markwashlittleidea: it would destroy cells/zones19:13
markwashlittleidea: maybe there should be a way for us to expose some faults even when in ACTIVE for some defined period of time19:13
littleideawestmaas: the async fault is a little more involved that that suggestion, because there is a conditional to bail if the call isn't 'run_instance'19:13
littleideathe code is already technically trying to set the fault from my understanding19:14
westmaasa conditional to not set async fault if it isn't run_instance?19:14
markwashwestmaas: yeah there is a tremendously dumb conditional in there19:14
westmaasI guess we have a problem of not being able to clear the async fault19:15
markwashmaybe we should lure vishy or bcwaldon into this chat19:15
markwashvishy: ^^19:15
markwashbcwaldon: ^^19:15
westmaasbcwaldon: vv19:15
littleideaif you look in nova/scheduler/, you can see it calls _set_instance_error on any exception19:15
westmaaswhat other cases go through the scheduler that could error?19:17
markwashwestmaas: I'm pretty sure it is only run_instance and prep_resize19:18
westmaasresize, obviously19:18
markwashwhich is why I thought it was dumb19:18
markwash"we need to be so general to handle these two cases"19:18
ttxvishy: ping19:20
littleideaif there isn't a blue print for per instance event logs, seems like there should be19:21
westmaaslittleidea: yeah, we need some better features around that, I agree.19:22
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littleideanot sure where/how that should be stored19:22
ttxvishy: ready to defer the last 3 bugs and release milestone-proposed at e65045855920aeaa60032ea5f4e823a9a2e856a619:22
vishywestmaas: there is no way to display aync fault unless a vm is in error19:22
vishyttx: yep lets do it19:22
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littleideathe db makes me shudder19:22
vishywestmaas: and the vm isn't really broken so putting it into an error state seems wrong19:23
westmaaserror is wrong. agreed.19:23
westmaasand its rough to show async error on active, cause there could be a really old error in there19:23
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vishywestmaas: so returning to active seems ok, but i think bcwaldon was suggesting that it might be nice to let a user know that it failed19:24
littleideavishy: what creates that display limitation?19:24
vishywestmaas: by returning an error using a call vs. cast19:24
westmaasprobably the instance controller19:24
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vishylittleidea, westmaas: the spec is the limitation19:24
markwashvishy: I wish we let the know of the failure, but the docs do seem to provide cover for _not_ letting them know explicitly -->
westmaasvishy: yeah call just isn't going to work I think.  especially once we move to cells.  but really even before then.19:24
dprincewestmaas: what about using task_state?19:25
dprincewestmaas: That would keep the instance in an ACTIVE state but allow you to query for the failure via an extension?19:25
littleideavishy: what does it take to change a spec?19:25
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dprincewestmaas: And avoid the use of a call.19:26
westmaasdprince: possible, worried about exposing too much there19:26
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westmaasthough I guess if a deployer wanted to have that it would be their choice19:26
ttxnova E4 done19:26
westmaasworried about depending on that too much and not being able to change internal task states as freely19:27
dprincewestmaas: how is that exposing too much?19:27
westmaasbut maybe we go back to active, as the spec says19:27
markwashdprince: task_states are private19:27
vishylittleidea: well the spec is finalized so we can't really19:27
markwashor at least feel private to me19:27
vishylittleidea: another version of the api?19:27
vishylittleidea: or we could create an extension that shows faults on active instances19:28
markwashvishy: I'm pretty sure the current spec allows for the silent failure we're worried about19:28
littleideavishy: this is the api for eternity?19:28
westmaasvishy: or dprince's ideas of using the existing task state extension19:28
markwashand its not completely silent, as you should expect it to go to confirm_resize, not ACTIVE19:28
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westmaasand then add the event log in the next release19:28
vishydprince: task_state does show up in dash through the extened state extension19:28
vishydprince, so that is reasonable i guess19:29
westmaasevent log extension I suppose19:29
dprincevishy: sure. Control panels and the like can get at it already.19:29
westmaasand see if that makes it in to core19:29
vishydprince: westmaas does make a good point about causing potential side-effects though19:29
vishywestmaas: +1 to event log extension19:29
westmaasvishy: I'd just say active for now, task extension in the interim, event log extension for long term19:30
vishyso what do we set the task state to?19:30
westmaasthat'd require setting the task state though..19:30
westmaasand that affects 409s on other actions19:30
westmaasfailing_resize seems odd heh19:31
dprinceACTIVE. resize_failed19:32
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westmaaswe could also set an async fault so that operations teams can easily see faults19:33
westmaasnot great for end user though19:33
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markwashany task_state is going to break some api functions19:33
westmaasdprince: that'd be fine just have to go make sure other api actions work19:33
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markwashbut I suppose we can add the task state to the problematic check_instance_state usages19:34
markwashe.g. compute.api.API::stop() would break with a new task state for this19:34
westmaaslittleidea: have we sufficiently scared you away from this bug? :)19:35
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vishyttx: where is the best graph for nova bugs? ?19:35
littleideathe bug isn't scary, though it seems like a lot is working around hand cuffs to a spec.19:36
ttxvishy: depends on what you're after ;)19:37
littleideawestmaas: if the api doesn't change to a call, I even think I understand how to test changing the state19:37
ttxit might make sense to substract the wishlist bugs from that opn bugs figure19:38
claygjdg: pong?19:39
danwentblamar: ping?  have a chance to quickly comment on style issues?  I'm fine changing them if you prefer19:39
littleideavishy, markwash, westmaas: is just setting the vm_state to ACTIVE and logging enough for now?19:39
littleidealet the chips fall19:40
danwentblamar:  context is,475419:40
markwashlittleidea: +1 from me. . might want to ask comstud or sandywalsh about any possible notification need19:40
blamardanwent: yeah, I saw Monty's updates and didn't want to heavily conflict + didn't have bugs/blueprints or anything19:40
danwentblamar: sorry, was talking about nova change19:40
blamardanwent: haha hold please19:40
markwashlittleidea: but those could be added later so I wouldn't worry about it19:40
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littleideaok, I'll make that change and push for review then19:41
markwashlittleidea: sweet19:41
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sandywalshlittleidea, what's the question?19:43
blamardanwent: replied19:44
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littleideasandywalsh: right now if a resize fails to find a host in the scheduler, it leaves the vm in RESIZING, the proposal is just to change that state back to ACTIVE19:45
markwashsandywalsh: I was just wondering about whether or not a schedule_prep_resize failure needed a notification like schedule_run_instance currently has?19:45
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mtaylortermie: I have no idea why that didn't merge cleanly - I'm going to rebase and push again19:46
sandywalshI think it should, otherwise the user will continue to be billed19:46
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danwentblamar:  ok, so i will switch log statement to include the exception, and remove the NOTE?  Agree with comment that unit tests are right away to enforce.  Already have an internal todo there.19:47
sandywalshlittleidea, is the original instance still running?19:47
littleideasandywalsh: yes19:47
littleideasandywalsh: unchanged19:47
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sandywalshlittleidea, cool ... should be fine to set to active, the notification is a nice-to-have19:47
ewanmellorHi all -- Lloyd promoted a separate #openstack-event IRC channel for today's global hack-in.  There's hardly anyone there though.  Are you all using this channel?19:48
sandywalshlittleidea, so long some error is reported along the way19:48
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blamardanwent: many thanks, sounds great19:48
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littleideamarkwash, sandywalsh: is this the notifier code then? just swap the run_instance to resize?
sandywalshlittleidea, yup19:50
danwentblamar: seems like LOG.exception() automatically logs the last exception without it neededing to be passed in explicitly?19:50
danwentis that correct?19:50
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blamardanwent: correct19:50
blamardanwent: You can just pass the existing message s/warn/exception19:50
danwentblamar: yup, thanks.19:50
termiemtaylor: restamp19:50
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eglynn dwalleck: hola19:55
sandywalshjustinsb, ping?19:56
dwalleckeglynn: howdy!19:56
eglynndwalleck: I've got a couple of patches I'd like to get into tempest if you have a moment to review them?19:56
dwalleckSorry, bouncing between meetings19:56
eglynn &
eglynndwalleck: no rush19:56
dwalleckeglynn: Sure, let me look19:56
eglynndwalleck: I'm interested in including tempest in the Fedora17/openstack test day next week19:57
eglynndwalleck: so obviously eager to have it working smoothly on Fedora in advance19:57
dwalleckeglynn: Awesome!  I'll do what I can to make that possible19:57
eglynndwalleck: cool, thanks!19:58
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vishyif you are participating in the hack-in join #openstack-event !!!!20:02
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anotherjesse1bcwaldon: thanks for pointing out all of my little failures20:42
westmaasmarkwash: vv20:42
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: that's why I'm here20:42
anotherjesse1bcwaldon does code review and life review… and votes −220:42
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: -2 for you20:42
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bcwaldonanotherjesse1: review time!20:49
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adam_gis all of this service token / service account work targetted toward essex or folsom?20:51
anotherjesse1adam_g: essex - since it is already supported in the middleware - just painfully (eg, lots of bugs)20:52
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: I think termie's comment still holds - although if token validation fails the app shouldn't be called — it would be good to remove auth headers just in case?20:52
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: sure, we can do that20:54
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: do you want to do it, or shall I?20:54
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anotherjesse1bcwaldon: take it!20:56
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: kk20:56
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: I have at least 4 patches you will need to make20:56
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: :(20:56
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: I'm not sure termie's comment is true anymore20:57
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: we *always* set all of the auth headers to a specific value20:57
termiebcwaldon: y'all forgot a lot of periods20:58
termielike, all of themn20:59
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: are you sure? what if delayed auth is set to true, and the user sends an invalid token but HTTP_X_ROLE is set20:59
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: good point20:59
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: −2 for you today20:59
bcwaldontermie: I dont want to add periods in log lines21:00
termiebcwaldon: the docs21:00
bcwaldontermie: yes, on it21:00
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termiehrmph, if you push a new thing then my comments on this one will be hidden :/21:03
anotherjesse1termie: yes, but the usually folks go back and look at comments on older versions21:04
vishymtaylor / jeblair : either of you have access to the thing generating the json for
vishyi would like to switch it to today if possible21:05
blamarbcwaldon: should 'glance add id="asdf" location="http://asdf"' be valid?21:05
bcwaldonblamar: 'id' will be interpreted as a property21:05
bcwaldonblamar: so yes21:05
blamarbcwaldon: why can't it just set the id?21:06
bcwaldonblamar: it could21:06
bcwaldonblamar: we just dont support it21:06
bcwaldonblamar: I wouldn't be against it21:06
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blamarbcwaldon: k, the comments of image_add() indicate that id= will set the image id, unless I'm reading them wrong21:07
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blamargonna update it to work21:08
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termieayoung: did you see my review of your patch?21:11
ayoungtermie, yes.  I've made the changes,  but have not resubmitted yet21:12
termieayoung: groovy21:12
termiei think if you rebase on my change you can just make it as a dependeny21:12
termieyou can do git review -d 4659 to get my change as a branch21:12
termieand then rebase your change on it, when you git review again it will make it as a dependency21:13
ayoungtermie, probably,  or I can wait until yours get submitted...I can bug someone to review it21:13
ayoungI made my change on a branch that was already on top of your changes21:13
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ayoungtermie, I also submitted a patch on top of your,4762  which fixed the live version of the LDAP tests21:14
ayoungthe unit tests are OK,  but the fakeldap  implementation doesn't make me trust code the way running it against a live server does....21:15
markwashanotherjesse1: hey, I was just taking a look at the new auth_token middleware you're propping21:15
termieayoung: i don't see any other patches by you21:15
markwashanotherjesse1: btw this code looks about 1 million times better than the previous code21:15
ayoung,4762  patch set 3?21:16
ayoungtermie, no,  to your review21:16
markwashanotherjesse1: one issue that I will end up having with this change (100% on my side to deal with though!) is21:16
termieayoung: oh, you're not supposed to do that21:16
ayoungI didn't change any of the files you modified,  just added to the commit so it didn't break the live tests21:16
termieayoung: i did it giving you a day's warning before on the ldap stuff21:16
termiejust make a new branch based on the review and add things with it as a dependency21:17
termieor ask the person first21:17
markwashanotherjesse1: currently rackspace auth doesn't scope tokens the same way keystone does, so I have a custom patch against it I will probably have to rewrite21:18
markwashanotherjesse1: I should really look at seeing if some form of my custom patch could land in trunk as a measure of mercy :-)21:18
ayoungtermie, if you would rather revert it,  go ahead,  and I will submit it as a separate patch.21:19
termieayoung: i don't think it is worth the effort in this case, but please don't do that again unless i'm expecting it21:20
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ayoungtermie, Sure.  I'm still learning the work flow patterns here.  Its less of an issue when you are attaching a patch to an email on a mailing list.21:21
anotherjesse1markwash: now that the auth_token is cleaner perhaps ...21:21
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anotherjesse1markwash: the spec does say how roles are scoped - just that they are returned when you validate a token - surprised they had to do something different21:22
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termies/does/does not/21:23
markwashanotherjesse1: yeah I think that once rax-auth adds tenant-ids to roles, we might have convergence again (at least if I understand correctly)21:23
markwashanotherjesse1: but until then I have to patch it to pass in ?belongsTo=<tenant-id> in the validate request21:24
termiemarkwash: we don't return tenant-ids with roles21:24
anotherjesse1markwash: I think belongsTo is part of core - but we don't do it because then the middleware would have to know too much about url structure21:24
markwashanotherjesse1: really you guys just have no need for it--you can auth without specifying a tenant because your token is only associated with one tenant id21:25
termiemarkwash: not exactly, no21:25
* markwash is now sure he's confused :-)21:25
termiemarkwash: or rather, the token is yes, but you get that from authing with a tenant21:26
termiemarkwash: do you mean validate?21:26
termiemarkwash: i think you mean validate21:26
markwashtermie: yes, validating21:26
termieauth == authenticate21:26
termiekk, then yes21:26
anotherjesse1markwash: for instance glance doesn't put the tenant in the path iirc21:26
markwashanotherjesse1: precisely, that's what my patch is geared towards21:27
markwashanotherjesse1: I guess I also have a patch to glance to pass the tenant-id around even when its using token authentication21:27
markwashso maybe I'm a hopeless case21:27
* markwash curses the irrelevance of a divergent rackspace auth21:27
markwashwell, hopefully auth_token will settle back down after this rewrite so I can revisit the patch less frequently21:28
anotherjesse1markwash: hopefully the code makes it easier to patch even if you need to21:29
anotherjesse1my understanding is that even using the middleware is temporary perhaps - until glance + repose works21:29
markwashanotherjesse1: hmm, interesting. . .21:29
markwashanotherjesse1: maybe I can help push that along then21:30
markwashanotherjesse1: I think the only thing stopping glance and repose from working together is the fact that glance client doesn't pass around the tenant id21:30
markwashanotherjesse1: well and any issues that repose might have with working with keystone itself21:30
anotherjesse1markwash: feels like too late in the essex cycle to fix that :(21:31
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markwashanotherjesse1: sure, but if its possible in folsom, that's still better than I had hoped21:31
anotherjesse1don't know if I like tenant_id in the url - but I don't like that services are different21:31
markwashanotherjesse1: right now I'm getting it from headers21:32
anotherjesse1markwash / westmaas - a show of support (review +1 or +2) from your team would be great before merge21:32
markwashanotherjesse1: I'll jump on21:33
anotherjesse1heckj: do you want to update the middleware_architecture.rst21:33
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heckjanotherjesse1: yep, I've got it.21:37
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mtaylorvishy: I do not - but now that you're pointing it out - I'd really like to have access to it. :)21:37
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westmaasthx for checking in anotherjesse121:38
vishymtaylor: oh, i thought you had access to the wiki server21:39
vishymtaylor: soren seems to21:40
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vishymtaylor: or maybe that is the docs server21:40
dolphmbug 94437321:40
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 944373 in devstack "devstack should use nova-rootwrap instead of sudoers" [Undecided,New]
blamarso I'm not the only one who gets openstack launchpad emails delayed like 30 minutes right?21:42
Kiallblamar nope .. not the only one at all21:42
blamargood god it's impossible to converse via carrier pigeon like this21:43
novas0x2a|laptopdoes rajalakshmi ganesan hang out on irc?21:44
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annegentlevishy: I have access to the wiki server, what do you need?21:49
anotherjesse1mtaylor: do we know why the email is so slow?21:52
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mtaylorvishy: oh, I have access to the wiki server21:53
mtaylorI just don'tknow what creates that json21:53
mtayloranotherjesse1: the email from?21:53
heckjzul, adam_g: ping21:54
anotherjesse1mtaylor: se complaints about slowness of openstack email list above21:55
anotherjesse1do we know who to talk to?21:55
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mtayloranotherjesse1: oh, that. that's launchpad21:56
vishysmoser: where would i file a bug about installing acpid by default in the cloud images21:56
anotherjesse1as in - it is expected for email to take 30 minutes - no biggie?21:56
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vishysmoser: just on the general ubuntu project?21:56
smoservishy, just against ubuntu. subscribe me.21:56
smoseryeah. tag with cloud-images, ec2-iamges.21:57
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vishysmoser: cool21:57
mtayloranotherjesse1: well... no, I think that's a pile of ass ... :)21:57
mtayloranotherjesse1: lemme see if I can find someone to punch21:58
smoservishy, acpid is in the images21:58
smoserat least precise21:58
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vishysmoser: oh? i just tried oneiric and i had to apt-get it21:58
vishyif it is in precise i guess that is ok21:58
smoseryeah. by happenstance it seems to be there in precise.21:58
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anotherjesse1heckj: any clue why ended up empty?22:00
mtayloranotherjesse1: there's a currently known issue that they're apparently really close to solving. the words "quadratic archive page writes" were used22:01
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anotherjesse1mtaylor: let them know we have quantum technology … "quantum archive page writes" might be faster22:02
heckjanotherjesse1: nope, hadn't seen that before. All the core bits are empty - I'll see if I can reproduce22:02
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heckj(by core bits, I mean module entries)22:02
jeblairanotherjesse1: only if nobody looks at the archive page22:02
anotherjesse1heckj: also - what do you think about a bug that our sphinx builds should have buildtime on the copyright footer22:02
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anotherjesse1heckj: probably a bug for all docs22:03
heckjanotherjesse1: a build for all the docs - that would be excellent to have in all of them22:03
heckjprobably linked to all the projects, single bug22:03
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mtayloranotherjesse1: ahahaha22:04
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anotherjesse1annegentle: would it be you that we work with to get the footers of,, … to have buildtime / git rev in the footer?22:07
annegentleanotherjesse1: I do know how to do it (have to look again)22:08
annegentleanotherjesse1: actually sleepsonthefloor knows more than I22:08
anotherjesse1annegentle: looks like layout.html22:10
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annegentleanotherjesse1: yeah that sounds right, though theme.conf extends layout.html22:15
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anotherjesse1heckj / westmaas / markwash / jaypipes / termie: I just gave,4675 +2 - others want one last review?22:21
anotherjesse1I see small tweaks to docs, but we can continue those afterward22:21
termiealso +2d22:22
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* heckj lookin22:22
anotherjesse1heckj - nothing landed in keystone since patch 17 (or wherever you last reviewed) - so using the base patch feature is nice22:23
heckjanotherjesse1: what's the "base patch feature"?22:24
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anotherjesse1heckj: click the "patch history" at the top of,sidebyside,4675,20,keystone/middleware/auth_token.py22:25
anotherjesse1then you can see old version -> change from base to 18 or whatever22:25
heckjnever noticed the disclosure triangle there!22:25
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anotherjesse1you can on the main page too - "old version history" - I wish it put that in the url22:25
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heckjyeah, no kidding!22:28
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Raise 409 when rescuing instance in RESCUE mode
heckjanotherjesse1, termie: +2'd22:29
anotherjesse1approve it22:30
heckjbit flipped!22:30
vishymtaylor: so you can get to the wiki? So does that mean you can change the bug display to show today?22:31
vishymtaylor: or at least create a new page that shows current nova bug graph?22:31
heckjWow - I really wish it enabled those between patch-set diffs as a bookmarkable item22:32
termieheckj: yeah22:32
termieheckj: i use the key commands and it keeps the patch set base between moves22:32
heckjthat's what I've done as well, but I didn't know you could even look between diffs. I'd been going back and forth between two open windows to do ti22:33
termiei'll be expecting twice as many reviews out of you now22:33
heckjoh yeah22:33
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mnewbytermie: Are you the keystone guru?22:34
termiemnewby: depends if you are asking me questions i don't want to answer22:35
termiemnewby: in those cases heckj is22:35
termiemnewby: we let anotherjess hang out with us too22:35
mnewbyKeystone uses POSTED json for auth calls?22:35
termiemnewby: yes, now try a harder one22:36
anotherjesse1w00h - it just landed22:36
mnewbyIs there any interest in supporting legacy header-based auth, ala Swift?22:36
anotherjesse1time to re-stack all my boxes22:36
mnewbyOr is the idea to just update all clients to use Keystone?22:36
heckjtermie <-- definitely the guru, especiallty when he doesn't want to answer22:36
termiemnewby: i think everybody is supposed to use keystone, there is appropriate middelware for everything to do that now22:36
termiemnewby: swift probably still accepts things via headers and makes keystone requests22:36
mnewbyIf there is swift middleware that does that, I haven't seen it.22:37
mnewbyIs it part of swift or keystone?22:37
termiemnewby: look in the keystone's middleware22:37
mnewbyI know there is swift-supporting middleware in keystone.22:37
heckjmnewby: it's been a while since I looked at the swift auth pieces, but I know they were doing some things locally and acting as a proxy to enable higher volume of requests - i.e. permission and token lookups. I think most of that moved into reasonable middleware with caching support though.22:37
mnewbyauth_token and swift_auth22:37
anotherjesse1mnewby: chmouel knows a lot about swift auth22:37
mnewbySo I should pester him?22:38
termiemnewby: well, i'd probably read the middleware for swift in keystone first22:39
termiemnewby: if you havne't22:39
mnewbyI guess that it makes sense to just add middleware support in swift to translate a header-based call to keystone's json call.22:39
mnewbyauth_token handles already-granted tokens, and swift_auth performs authorization on keystone-authenticated request.  I just hadn't seen anything that actually granted tokens and presumed that a call to keystone was required.22:40
anotherjesse1mnewby: if chmouel isn't around now email the list as he's been focused on making that all work22:40
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vishymnewby: the swift client has support for new protocol22:43
mnewbyvishy: I know the openstack stuff supports it.  No guarantees that all client software in use does, though.22:44
mnewbyI think there's a good case for continuing to support the header-based auth via translation middleware.22:44
mnewbyNot necessarily in openstack proper, but I think that's the approach we'll take at internap/voxel.22:45
anotherjesse1mnewby: so - the auth_token middleware does the following:22:46
mnewbyPlus, it makes keystone adoption easier if the the switchover only has to be made server-side.22:46
vishymnewby: yes makes sense.  The auth_token middleware once supported v1 auth22:46
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anotherjesse1mnewby:  gets the token from here
anotherjesse1mnewby: so it looks for both X-Auth-Token and X-Storage-Token22:47
mnewbyBut there's nothing in there about _granting_ a token.22:47
anotherjesse1mnewby: the question should probably be: can swift clients get a X-Storage-Token - … exactly22:48
anotherjesse1and for that I don't think keystone supports that22:48
mnewbyAt least not granting a token via the header-based 1.0 call.22:48
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anotherjesse1mnewby: what clients exist that talk swift?  would it be easier to us to go update them rather than support a deprecated prototcol?22:48
zaitcevThere's a ton on obscure crap nobody uses, too. Like iwhd's CloudFiles back-end.22:49
mnewbyAnd forcing clients to upgrade vs simply maintaining support for an old protocol seems like a no-brainer to me.22:49
mnewbyBut anyway, my question was whether there was or should be support for v1 header-based auth in keystone.22:50
mnewbyI'm hearing that the answer is no, which is fine.  I can always write the middleware myself.22:50
vishyyes they can22:51
vishywell there is currently middleware in swift to give the token back22:51
mnewbyBut not to issue the token.22:51
mnewbySo it's a bit piecemeal.22:51
vishyyes to issue as well22:51
vishythat is how swauth works22:51
mnewbyOh, sorry.22:51
mnewbyI meant for keystone.22:52
vishymnewby: but legacy clients don't talk to keystone22:52
mnewbyYes, of course swift supports v1.0 auth.22:52
mnewbyBut if I were to want to standardize on keystone, I wouldn't want a separate auth mechanism for swift.22:52
vishymnewby: well...22:52
vishyall of the instructions for third party software22:52
vishy(which by the way is almost nothing)22:53
anotherjesse1mnewby: there was never a pre-2.0 auth in openstack - it was rax auth22:53
vishyhave you use swift as the auth endpoint and use swauth22:53
anotherjesse1mnewby: I agree with you that it is painful22:53
anotherjesse1it is painful both ways22:53
vishymost clients are hard-coded to use the rax auth system22:53
mnewbyAh, ok.22:53
vishyso if you are going to put in compatibility for old clients22:53
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vishyyou 'could' put it in swift as well22:54
vishysmoser: ping22:57
vishymnewby: but i suppose a compatibility middleware in keystone would also make sense22:57
bcwaldonjeblair: is horizon gated on devstack?22:58
mnewbyvishy: I'd be happy to contribute compatibility middleware if you think others would find it useful.22:59
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: there aren't any tests to run :(22:59
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: doesn't matter22:59
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: we need to make sure devstack works with horizon22:59
jeblairbcwaldon: no, is it ready to be?22:59
bcwaldonanotherjesse1: we broke devstack the other day with horizon changes22:59
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: we run this against our daily deploy22:59
bcwaldonwhich broke all gating22:59
anotherjesse1to figure out when we are able to login23:00
anotherjesse1note - the test is REALLY ghetto23:00
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mnewbyAnother swift/keystone question - swift presumably uses a token-based auth system to minimize load on the auth system.23:00
jeblairbcwaldon: how did gating break if horizon isn't used?23:00
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vishyjeblair: yeah we might want to run it23:01
bcwaldonhorizon is set up in devstack23:01
vishyjeblair: it broke the install23:01
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: actually we test
bcwaldonmaybe we should just disable horizon in our gating hob?23:01
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bcwaldonproblem solved23:02
jeblairbcwaldon: that's the current state23:02
jeblairso i'm not sure how something was broken23:02
bcwaldonI assumed we were gating on it when I saw 'devstack is broken' the other day23:02
bcwaldonI guess gating never broke23:02
bcwaldonbut it would still be good to get coverage on making sure devstack and horizon work together23:03
notmynamemnewby: swift uses a token based auth system because it was written at rackspace and rax auth is token based :-)23:03
jeblairok.  good; just wanted to make sure there wasn't something in the gating test design that was borked.  absolutely agree with you, we should test horizon to make sure that doesn't happen in the future23:03
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: the test to clone/setup horizon seems to be correct
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bcwaldonit is now23:03
bcwaldonit wasnt yesterday23:04
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bcwaldonI'm asking to add devstack gating to horizon23:04
jeblairbcwaldon: do you think if we just add it to enabled services, it will work now?23:04
jeblairis there an exercise test for it?23:05
bcwaldonno, but setting it up is the minimum exercise23:05
bcwaldonwe had path issues the last time it broke23:05
anotherjesse1bcwaldon: is the closest thing we have23:05
anotherjesse1jeblair: ^23:05
bcwaldonsure, we could use that as our 'exercise'23:05
jeblairwill barf if it fails to set it up before launching it in screen?23:05
bcwaldonwell, for certain things23:05
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jeblairok, good, because i don't think a failure to start in screen is detected by, which is needed in order for the job to fail23:06
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jeblairmost failures are caught by exercise23:06
jeblairso, iow, we don't actually notice that, say, keystone doesn't start.  we just notice that the exercise tests don't work.23:06
jeblairbcwaldon, anotherjesse1: anything other than adding "horizon" to ENABLED_SERVICES needed?23:08
termiejeblair: checks for thigns starting23:09
vishyjeblair, anotherjesse1, bcwaldon: but that 'exercise' isn't in sh!23:09
termiejeblair: if keystone doesn't start it will fail before the exercises23:09
jeblairtermie: cool23:09
vishywho wants to rewrite it with curl?23:09
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mtaylorvishy: I can totally change the page - I just don't know what creates the graph - do you have that?23:11
vishymtaylor: I don't know where it comes from, but it appears to be getting a local json file.  I assumed there is a cron job that is generating it ?23:11
torgomaticany admins around who can help with an openstack-cla membership?23:11
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bcwaldontorgomatic: sure, what's the name you signed the cla with?23:12
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mtaylorvishy: lemme look23:13
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bcwaldontorgomatic: have you proposed to add yourself to ~openstack-cla?23:13
mtaylorvishy: ooh - I may have found how to refresh the data23:14
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bcwaldontorgomatic: you need to request to join
bcwaldontorgomatic: then I can approve you23:15
mtaylorvishy: I re-ran the refresh data command - the date is hardcoded into the header - do the graphs look more appropriate now?23:17
torgomaticbcwaldon: I'm in already; my coworker darrellb has an open request23:18
bcwaldontorgomatic: ah, ok23:19
bcwaldontorgomatic: looking23:19
bcwaldontorgomatic: approved23:19
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jeblairI believe that change will make it so that we are _fully_ gating the gate script itself23:25
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jeblairthen after that, let's add horizon:
mtaylorjeblair: oh, good catch.23:28
jeblairmtaylor: do you think bash might have a problem with the running script changing under itself?23:28
jeblairmtaylor: i've seen that happen but don't fully understand the circumstances23:28
mtaylorjeblair: bash? no. jenkins execing of bash? don't know23:28
mtaylorI have no idea what happens to java process handles in case of exec23:28
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jeblairoh, that will be fine, we're execing over bash, not over java23:29
mtayloroh right. cool23:29
mtaylorlooks good then23:29
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mtaylorjeblair: have I mentioned that I think that the jenkins slave scripts should be in their own repo so that changes that have nothing to do with jenkins scripts don't gate on devstack ?23:30
torgomaticbcwaldon: he's in now; thanks23:30
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jeblairmtaylor: reasonable!23:30
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jeblairbcwaldon, termie:
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termiejeblair: +123:36
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devcamcari'm about confused about the changes to console/proxy stuff in e423:39
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devcamcarspecifically, whats the role of nova-console?23:39
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mnewbydevcamcar: Can I work on this?
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 943029 in nova "fixed_ip_associate or FixedIP tables looks broken" [Undecided,In progress]23:45
devcamcarmnewby: yep, doesn't look like anyone is actively working on it23:46
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jeblairbcwaldon, termie, heckj, mtaylor: the change merged, so the devstack vm gate now tests horizon as well, and changes to horizon are gated on the test.23:51
bcwaldonjakedahn: take note ^23:51
termiejakedahn: NEVER AGAIN23:51
jeblairhowever, more exercising of horizon specifically may still be in order.  :)23:52
heckjjeblair: awesomesauce!23:54
ohnoimdeadnow we just need some selenium-ish end-to-end tests and we'll be aces23:57

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