Wednesday, 2012-07-18

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ewindischLove to get a review on (os-common)00:03
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bcwaldonjeblair: interesting failure to look into tomorrow
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jeblairbcwaldon: turns out there's nothing to prevent you from configuring two slaves in jenkins that point to the same ip address.  precise9 and precise10 were actually both running on precise9.  sorry about that.02:00
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bcwaldonjeblair: no worries, just thought you might want to nail that down03:29
bcwaldonjeblair: thanks!03:29
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winston-djgriffith, ping07:39
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zykes-why isn't paginate_query in use in glance ?09:20
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markmcdanpb, what's the canonical reference for your commit messages essay?10:29
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danpbmarkmc: the mailing list for now - still on my TODO to transfer it to the wiki10:40
markmcdanpb, ok, thanks10:40
markmcdanpb, you'll add a link in HACKING.rst too?10:40
danpbyeah eventually10:41
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Davieymarkmc: some nice catches on 953411:44
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vanchester1Hello everyone. Where can i find identity API v1 docs?12:49
vanchester1dolphm, oh, thanks! Didn't thought about it.12:50
vanchester1so API v1.0 is tempauth, isn't it?12:53
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annegentlevanchester1: I don't think v1 Identity docs are published to any more, but you could look at and examine the history to see. It is not the same as tempauth, tempauth is a swift mechanism to make auth easy for testing and only works with swift.13:54
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zykes-what's the use for glance to sort by created_at and then id when id isn't incremental ?14:02
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dprincezykes-: Glance used to use integer ID's. Those were replaced with UUID's eventually though.14:05
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dprincezykes-: sounds like we have some old logic in the codebase for that sort clause.14:06
dprincezykes-: where exactly are you looking?14:06
zykes-how do you do pagination with uuid then ?14:08
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dprincezykes-: We are using markers.14:09
zykes-that works with uuid ?14:10
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dolphmzykes-: a client sorting by uuid is pretty much meaningless, but pagination by markers lets the server take care of the actual sorting, if any14:13
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zykes-dolphm: hmm k14:13
zykes-but isn14:13
zykes-isn't it using a uuid for something ?14:14
dprincezykes-: I was missing some context though. I think ID is required because it is unique. The comments in that function explain it.14:14
zykes-ok :)14:14
zykes-so you pass the uuid of the previos image ?14:14
dprinceFor marker, yes.14:15
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zykes-can it be numerical as wlel dprince ?14:17
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markmceglynn_, there?14:29
markmceglynn_, seen e.g. #102173814:30
eglynn_markmc: yeap14:30
* eglynn_ looking ...14:30
markmceglynn_, #102173814:30
markmceglynn_, sorry, #102172114:30
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markmceglynn_, #102174814:31
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eglynn_markmc: hmmm, so looks like duplication on the similar bugs I was recently fixing14:33
markmceglynn_, yeah, and e.g. b0da2c4 does different from what you did AFAIR14:33
markmceglynn_, i.e. raises a 413 webob exception rather than a NovaException14:33
eglynn_markmc: yep changes the underlying exception type as opposed to rely on the mapping to occur in the FaultWrapper14:34
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eglynn_markmc: from the stable/essex point of view, that wouldn't work as the NoMoreFloatingIps exception would be wrapped up in a RemoteError that could bubble all the ways up the FaultWrapper14:36
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eglynn_markmc: (as the RPC exception deserialization logic post-dates stable/essex)14:37
markmceglynn_, I guess at this point I care more about everything on master doing things the same way14:37
markmceglynn_, no real opinion yet on what the more correct way is, though14:38
markmceglynn_, just thought I'd point them out14:38
eglynn_markmc: no cool, good spot, I'll link in the bugs appropriately ...14:38
Adri2000anyone knowing the nova (network) code could point me to the right direction for fixing bug #1013726 ? I've been trying different things for a few hours now without luck...
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1013726 in nova "Essex upgrade doesn't ensure networks have uuid" [Medium,Confirmed]14:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1013726 in nova "Essex upgrade doesn't ensure networks have uuid" [Medium,Confirmed]
Adri2000basically the question is: where in the code could I add a check saying "if that/all network(s) doesn't/don't have an uuid, then generate one and add it to the database"14:40
markmceglynn_, ok, I'm filing a bug that the floating_ips extension should raise FloatingIpLimitExceeded14:41
markmceglynn_, oh, it does - but catches it14:42
eglynn_markmc: cool, assign it to me14:42
markmceglynn_, it should just avoid catching it then?14:42
eglynn_markmc: exactly14:42
markmceglynn_, cool14:42
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markmceglynn_, I've assigned bug #1021748 to you too since it's also in the security groups stuff you did:14:51
markmc    def raise_over_quota(msg):14:51
markmc        raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)14:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1021748 in nova "Security Group Create and adding rule to it,  is not raising proper error code for overlimit" [Undecided,Confirmed]
eglynn_markmc: cool, I'll take care of that ...14:51
markmceglynn_, excellent14:52
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chmouelmarkmc: do you know if it's a known problem with openstack.common.log ? (openstack.common.log)15:01
bcwaldonmtaylor: pbr+glance15:01
bcwaldonmtaylor: you workinprogressed15:01
bcwaldonmtaylor: then pushed15:01
bcwaldonmtaylor: ready for review?15:01
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andrewbogottchmouel:  I'm the one who moved logging and notifiers into common.  That failure is new to me.15:05
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andrewbogottchmouel:  Is cinder using common notifier as well as common logging?15:06
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markmcandrewbogott, see chmouel's draft here:
mtaylorbcwaldon: well, let's wait until it passes *@$%@ tests15:09
bcwaldonmtaylor: kk15:09
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andrewbogottmarkmc:  Gerrit doesn't want me to see that page.15:10
markmcandrewbogott, wise gerrit15:11
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zykes-anyone know if rackerjoe is on irc ?15:15
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andrewbogottgrrr, I hate how git regards a switch to common logging as a move+edit rather than as a remove and an add15:16
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andrewbogottWell, maybe this is an actual bug.  markmc, if I import 'notifier' and notifier is a directory with an then I should be able to reference notifier.api later shouldn't I?15:20
andrewbogottI fear I'm making some horrible noob python mistake here15:20
bcwaldoneglynn_: ping15:20
eglynn_bcwaldon: hey15:20
bcwaldoneglynn_: do you have a sec to talk about the refactor-db-layer bp?15:21
eglynn_bcwaldon: sure15:21
bcwaldoneglynn_: I want to talk about what we want to get done within F-315:21
eglynn_bcwaldon: what's still un-done at this stage?15:21
bcwaldoneglynn_: you noted some promotion to openstack-common15:21
bcwaldoneglynn_: and alighment with Nova15:21
andrewbogottchmouel:  Does something like this help?
bcwaldoneglynn_: but I'm not really sure that is necessary at this stage15:22
bcwaldoneglynn_: I would like to figure out our bootstrap process15:22
eglynn_bcwaldon: yep, I agree15:22
bcwaldoneglynn_: I think we should just copy whatever nova does w.r.t. spin up and db creation15:22
bcwaldoneglynn_: but we may already be doing that15:22
bcwaldoneglynn_: I just dont know15:22
bcwaldoneglynn_: would you agree that once that is done, the bp is done?15:23
eglynn_bcwaldon: I need to remind myself wrt. to the nova differences, I haven't looked at that code in a while15:23
bcwaldoneglynn_: maybe dprince knows offhand15:23
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bcwaldoneglynn_: I know he's dealt with it in the past15:23
bcwaldoncalling dprince !15:23
eglynn_bcwaldon: but yes, that would be a reasonable endpoint for the bp15:23
vishymarkmc: nice job on the extensive cherry picks into cinder15:24
bcwaldoneglynn_: ok, I'll clean up the bp definition to reflect tha15:24
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eglynn_bcwaldon: cool15:24
vishyjgriffith: are you there? I think we should get all the common sync patches proposed by mark in15:24
markmcvishy, thanks; there's plenty more, I was only looking at openstack-common related stuff15:24
jgriffithvishy: Agreed, I was going to give one day for folks to review before just approving all of them15:24
jgriffithvishy: That one day is up :)15:25
vishyI just went through them all and there isn't anything obviously wrong as far as I can tell.15:25
jgriffithvishy: Cool, I'll consider them all +1 form you then :)15:25
vishyjgriffith: already +2d them all :)15:25
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jgriffithvishy: Well, there ya have it :)15:26
jgriffithvishy: Thanks!!!15:26
vishyjgriffith: you still have to approve them though :)15:27
jgriffithvishy: Yep, doing it now15:27
jgriffithmarkmc: The only one that needs looked at is
chmouelandrewbogott: just catching up.. let me try15:28
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markmcvishy, what needs doing with 9904?15:29
vishymarkmc, jgriffith: that looks like a suprious error to me15:29
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markmcvishy, jgriffith, yeah a few of them failed like that15:30
vishyjust ran a reverify to check15:30
jgriffithvishy: markmc: Agreed, there's a couple others15:30
chmouelandrewbogott: needs a bit more digging that that15:30
vishymarkmc: don't know if you noticed while you were gone, but if you put a comment 'reverify' jenkins will check it again15:30
andrewbogottchmouel:  That results in the same failure?15:31
chmouelandrewbogott: changed your import tho15:31
markmcvishy, oh, thanks for the tip15:31
andrewbogottchmouel:  OK, to start I think what we need is a test in common that traverses that code.  I thought there was one...15:32
bcwaldoneglynn_: so the db code is different, but glance does match the same default behavior now15:32
andrewbogottIf you don't get to it first, I'll work on that in an hour or so.15:32
bcwaldoneglynn_: I'm going to run through existing glance db bugs and see what we can do about those15:32
bcwaldoneglynn_: then I'll close that db15:32
bcwaldoneglynn_: close that bp*15:33
eglynn_bcwaldon: sounds reasonable!15:33
chmouelandrewbogott: yeah, let me do some digging more seems weird with the way python does the import15:33
andrewbogottMight just be that there's a circular import?15:34
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chmouelandrewbogott: i would expect python to bug us about it15:35
andrewbogottme too15:35
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chmouelandrewbogott: it's maybe because there is still a cinder/notifier/ in there16:08
chmouelandrewbogott: but could not see where is the conflict16:09
andrewbogottchmouel:  I thought about that, but can't think why it would matter.16:09
andrewbogottYou should probably remove the cinder notifier as part of this patch anyway.16:09
chmouelwell I can do that but the patch is a bit big already16:09
chmoueland it's a bit of chicken and egg problem which one comes first :)16:09
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chmouelI guess i need to start removing the notifier16:10
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andrewbogottI think when I did this in nova I moved the logging first, and hand-edited the common logging files to point at nova notifier16:11
andrewbogottThen a second patch that moved the notifier and reverted the common logging file to their pristine state.16:11
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chmouelyeah was going to go for that but not sure what was the policy for this if we are allow to handedit16:12
andrewbogottBut it may be that the same problem was present and there just wasn't a test that caught it.16:12
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chmouelannegentle: so yeah will go for now using the cinder.notifer which make it pass and will see with removing it next16:35
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timellohey jaypipes! Thank you very much for the great review! Regarding your question... how possible is to have phased approach? I would like to get a point that even though the critical functions are not implemented... we can submit further patches in phases... My concern is to keep adding more code and make the review process slower and hard.16:50
jaypipestimello: right, which is why I asked :) just wondering about your thoughts on where to "divide" the work up into phases.16:51
timellojaypipes: does it sound possible?16:51
jaypipestimello: I think first phase should be completing work on the most basic ops16:51
jaypipestimello: for instance:16:51
jaypipesspawn, list instances, stop16:51
jaypipestimello: I think that's a good enough phase 1, no?16:51
timellojaypipes: yeah, I agree. Ok. For the next review, I'll add those!16:52
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jaypipestimello: reviewers are going to want to see your roadmap for completing the driver, which is why I bring this up. we've been burned in the past with folks dumping a driver into nova and not maintaining it, so it's important to see a plan.16:52
jaypipestimello: cool, sounds good! ping me if you have further questions on how to use stubout, BTW. it can be a bit obtuse when you start working with it.16:53
timellojaypipes: the roadmap could be described in the code itself, somewhere?16:53
jaypipestimello: a blueprint, please :)16:53
jaypipestimello: and then make sure you --amend you commit message to say "partially implements bp <BP_NAME>16:53
timellojaypipes: got it. Thanks!16:54
jaypipestimello: that way vishy can track your blueprint with inclusion into a milestone (likely in "Grizzly" release...)16:54
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bcwaldonjaypipes: thoughts on ?16:56
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timellojaypipes: Ok!16:57
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jaypipesbcwaldon: approved.16:59
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bcwaldonjaypipes: awesome, thank you sir17:01
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bcwaldonjeblair: seeing odd failures
bcwaldonjeblair: that job came from this review
bcwaldonjeblair: see it was reported as failure17:04
bcwaldonon the review17:04
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bcwaldonjeblair: seeing that kind of failure a lot17:05
jeblairbcwaldon: the vote is correct, the message it left for the merge job is wrong....17:05
bcwaldonjeblair: ok17:05
jeblairbcwaldon: i actually fixed the bug in the code about 40 minutes ago, but there are 92839487239842342 cinder changes in the queue right now, and i have to wait until they are done to restart.  :(17:05
bcwaldonno problem17:06
bcwaldonI can reverify later17:06
bcwaldonif necessary17:06
jeblairnot necessary since the vote is correct17:06
bcwaldonkk, cool17:06
jeblair(there should be a gate job in the queue somewhere and assuming nothing has changed, that change should merge17:06
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jgriffithjeblair: You exagerate, it's only 92839487239842341 !17:16
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eglynn_mtaylor, jeblair: looks like a /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-nova-merge/.git/refs/remotes/origin/master.lock file may need to be manually blown away on a Jenkins slave17:16
eglynn_mtaylor, jeblair: see
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jeblaireglynn_: looking17:18
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jeblaireglynn_: thanks.  it was a slave misconfiguration, i'll correct it as soon as the currently running job finishes17:21
eglynn_jeblair: cool, thanks!17:21
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andrewbogottchmouel:  Just got your review request; were you able to hammer out that test failure?17:29
andrewbogottGit makes it pretty hard to read the part of the patch.  Is the notifier import the only part you edited?17:31
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chmouelyeah that's it17:32
chmouelchanged the notify17:32
chmoueli.e removing None argument since the notifer from cinder doesn't have a context17:33
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chmouelstill the import problem we had is weird and that's just workaround17:34
chmouelmaybe that's what __path__ is useful for17:34
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dansmithvishy: how come we use context.elevated() in reboot_instance() but not, say, start_instance()?18:17
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Ryan_Laneanyone have an idea why the api service may take 9-10 seconds to return a response?18:44
Ryan_Lanetoday, all of a sudden, all of my api requests are taking 10 seconds to return18:45
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jaypipesdtroyer: ping18:56
dtroyerjaypipes: yo18:56
jaypipesdtroyer: I'm seeing this on a freshly-pulled devstack install... wondering if you've seen this?
jaypipesdtroyer: seems like glance-manage db_sync is not being run?18:57
jaypipesdtroyer: wondering if something recently changed with glance db migrations?18:57
jaypipesbcwaldon: ^^ u too18:57
dtroyerI'm not aware of anything changing in devstack wrt glance lately.  is that from
jaypipesdtroyer: yep.18:59
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dtroyerjaypipes: I can't find a 'glance image-list' command in…it is in a couple of exercises and they're running for me…but I have a basic minimal service config…no swift, etc19:04
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Ryan_Lanewhere's the recommended place to get help? irc is like a ghost town19:06
jaypipesdtroyer: sorry, that's in, but the same traceback occurs when the does any glance command.19:06
jaypipesRyan_Lane: ML?19:06
Ryan_Lanefor diablo support?19:07
Ryan_Laneor is there a ML for support?19:07
jaypipesRyan_Lane: no, I was just suggesting posting to the general mailing list19:07
* Ryan_Lane nods19:07
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dtroyerjaypipes: I don't see it with swift enabled either...19:10
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jaypipesdtroyer: shouldn't have anything to do with swift...19:11
dtroyerjaypipes: ok19:12
dtroyerjaypipes: runs for me too...19:12
jaypipesdtroyer: found the issue...19:14
jaypipes+ /opt/stack/glance/bin/glance-manage db_sync19:14
jaypipes2012-07-18 14:49:36     INFO [glance.db.sqlalchemy.api] auto-creating glance registry DB19:14
jaypipes2012-07-18 14:49:36     INFO [glance.db.sqlalchemy.migration] Upgrading sqlite:///glance.sqlite to version latest19:14
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jaypipesdtroyer: the call to glance-manage db_sync is syncing a SQLite database, but the glance-registry.conf sets the DB connection to a MySQL database (as it should)19:15
jaypipesdtroyer: do you have /etc/glance/glance-*.conf files?19:17
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dtroyerjaypipes: yup and they have sql_connection set to mysql19:18
jaypipesdtroyer: ok, so that's the issue... need to pass --config-file to the glance-manage call. I'll submit a patch.19:18
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jaypipesdtroyer: gotta love hard-to-find default configuration settings ;)19:18
dtroyerjaypipes: so why don't I see that?19:19
jaypipesdtroyer: so... glance-manage looks for /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf if no --config-file=<FILE> option is given. and since you have that file (and I don't), it uses the mysql connection. In my case, I don't have that file and it used the default db_connection setting of a SQLite database.19:20
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dtroyerjaypipes: ah, I didn't realize you didn't have them…makes sense to me now19:20
jaypipesdtroyer: just a simple matter of supplying the --config-file arg when calling glance-manage19:20
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jaypipesdtroyer: yup, adding --config-file=$GLANCE_API_CONF fixed it up. patch coming soon.19:23
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Ryan_Laneok. I generally don't bitch very much….19:43
Ryan_Lane(that's a lie)19:43
Ryan_Lanebut I just did a show full processlist to find out why why queries are taking so long for my metadata service19:44
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Ryan_Laneand I swear I've just seen the worst query I've ever seen in my entire life19:44
dtroyerjaypipes: I'm confused…looking at the code to refresh my memory, how are you not getting files in /etc/glance?  Not only is it the default but it isn't configurable in localrc either.19:44
jaypipesdtroyer: actually, I also have /etc/glance/* installed by devstack. now trying to figure out what glance-manage thinks is the difference if I don'r supply --config-file to it :(19:46
Ryan_Laneplease. someone tell me why a query like this is ever necessary:
jaypipesdtroyer: sorry for jumping the gun.19:46
jaypipesRyan_Lane: welcome to ORMs.19:46
* Ryan_Lane sighs19:46
Ryan_Lanethis is why I don't use ORMs19:46
jaypipesRyan_Lane: ya, I know :(19:47
Ryan_Lanemy metadata requests are taking 10s19:47
Ryan_LaneI can't boot instances19:47
Ryan_LaneI can't create instances19:47
Ryan_Lanehow the hell am I supposed to debug a query like that?19:47
jaypipesRyan_Lane: is the request spent entirely in the database query?19:51
Ryan_Lanethose queries are taking 7 seconds19:52
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: ugh.. :(19:56
jaypipesRyan_Lane: that query has absolutely no where condition on it :( it's reading all of the instances table joined with a dozen other tables... all table scans.19:57
jaypipesRyan_Lane: vishy refactored the metadata query code in essex. perhaps it's worth backporting to essex?19:58
jaypipessorry, backporting to diablo.19:58
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vishyjaypipes: I did?19:58
jaypipesvishy: yeah... you added a caching layer IIRC19:59
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vishyjaypipes: oh right, yes jesse and I added that20:02
vishyjaypipes: it is probably cherry-pickable20:02
vishyjaypipes: although stuff moved around so it will probably have to be done manually20:02
jaypipesvishy: git log --author=vish* --oneline | grep metadata20:02
jaypipesvishy: it's in there somewhere :)20:02
jtrananyone know if ceilometer gerrit doesn't allow draft reviews?20:03
jtranTo ssh://
jtran ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/draft/master/bug/1004449 (can not create new references)20:03
jtranerror: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'20:03
jaypipesjtran: hop over to #openstack-infra and ask jeblair :)20:04
jtranok thx20:04
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: ping. any chance you could paste the output of an EXPLAIN SELECT for that query above?20:09
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Ryan_Laneso…. from the slow query log: # Query_time: 6.026755  Lock_time: 0.000607 Rows_sent: 18822  Rows_examined: 4214520:24
Ryan_Lanethat's for looking up the metadata for a single instance20:26
Ryan_Lanethat's crazy20:26
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: can you EXPLAIN SELECT any of the queries for me?20:40
jaypipesdtroyer: I am an idiot... I had a glance-api.conf file lying around in my ~ directory that was being picked up. :(20:41
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dtroyerjaypipes: argh!   I HATE IT when that happens20:44
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jaypipesdtroyer: :) abandoned the change in gerrit...20:46
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mtaylorRyan_Lane: you should ping devananda about that too20:48
mtaylorRyan_Lane: I know he's been looking at database optimizations20:48
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jgriffithdtroyer: I almost forgot, did you ever get a chance to look at the failures?20:55
devananda2mtaylor, ryan_lane, whats up?20:55
dtroyerjgriffith: you mean the boot_from_volume failure?20:56
jgriffithdtroyer: Yep20:56
jgriffithdtroyer: I'm still trying to figure out why the jenkins runs work and nothing else does :( Including the gat job changes20:57
jgriffithdtroyer: Well, not still... just came back to it this afternoon20:57
dtroyerjgriffith: not really.  boot_from_volume isn't run for gating20:57
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mtaylordevananda2: from earlier (don't know if you was here, Ryan_Lane said "so…. from the slow query log: # Query_time: 6.026755  Lock_time: 0.000607 Rows_sent: 18822  Rows_examined: 42145 ... that's for looking up the metadata for a single instance"20:58
jgriffithdtroyer: Well that explains that :)20:58
dtroyerjgriffith: I don't recall it ever working, that's why we disabled it20:58
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devananda2mtaylor, nope, not at my comp now. thats an awesome query.20:59
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mtaylordevananda2: yeah, right?21:00
devananda2ryan_lane, want to send a snippet of that query log, and i can look into it?21:01
jgriffithdtroyer: Oh... ok21:01
jgriffithdtroyer: So then I'm just down to the one failure for the gate changes21:02
jgriffithdtroyer: Sorry, I was confused21:02
dtroyerjgriffith: np21:03
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jgriffithdtroyer: Do you by chance know what I missed in this patch to get the gate changed over?
dtroyerjgriffith: I don't see anything obvious but I'm not too familiar with the CI scripts21:06
* mtaylor lookie21:06
jgriffithdtroyer: Cool, thanks.  Wasn't sure if you were on that side of the devstack stuff too.21:06
jgriffithdtroyer: You've answered every other question I've asked so it was worth a shot :)21:06
mtaylorjgriffith: it looks like you did actually enable something cinder-wise21:07
jgriffithmtaylor: yeah, but something went awry and it failed.21:07
jgriffithmtaylor: I need to look at the screen output again I suppose21:08
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mtaylorjgriffith: yeah - I mean, on VERY cursory look it seems like it mostly perhaps did what you asked?21:08
jgriffithmtaylor: Yeah, and what's annoying is it "looks" like it created the volume succesfully as well21:09
jgriffithmtaylor: That assert I believe is fomr the python threading bug that shows up all over the place21:10
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zykes-Should my instance go offline when snapshotting ?21:25
zykes-Can't ping it when snapshotting :/21:26
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Ryan_Lanejaypipes, devananda2:
Ryan_Lanehere's the query:
Ryan_Laneso, deleted on all of these tables is unindexed21:28
Ryan_LaneI'm not sure if that's changed in newer versions of nova, but it's the case in diablo21:28
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Devananda2Ryan_Lane: can you send the actual query, and/or info on reproducing it in devstack? The explain doesn't help me find the code responsible for the query21:32
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Ryan_Laneit's in the pastebin21:32
Ryan_Lanethis is a query to get metadata21:33
Devananda2Ah, thanks. On a bad connection, didn't see that paste before21:33
* Ryan_Lane nods21:33
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zykes-or is it designed like that ?21:37
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Ryan_Lanesooooo. what's that cherry-pick for caching this stuff?21:47
Ryan_LaneI really need a working system21:47
Ryan_Lanealso, another question: why are things marked as deleted in the database, rather than actually being deleted at some point?21:48
Ryan_Laneand is there some way for me to delete this old cruft, since every row is making the database increasingly slower21:48
jaypipesRyan_Lane: the ones I identified earlier were e607353 and 1a209e6 at least...21:49
jaypipesRyan_Lane: but of course, pretty sure it won't be an easy cherry-pick without conflict :(21:50
jaypipesRyan_Lane: and we mark deleted instead of deleting because of audit reasons.21:50
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Ryan_Laneheh. seems that query returns 391MB of data21:52
jaypipesRyan_Lane: looking into that now...21:52
Ryan_Lanewhich makes it understandable that it takes so long21:52
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Ryan_Laneit's not the query, it's returning the data across the wire21:52
jaypipesRyan_Lane: would you mind doing something else for me? could you mysqldump the schema only, please?21:52
jaypipesRyan_Lane: I can identify indexes that will speed this up considerably for you -- at least get you past this existing perf issue.21:53
Ryan_Lanethis isn't an index problem anymore21:53
Ryan_Lanethe problem is that a query for a single instance is returning data for every single instance21:53
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: well, i need to go back to a stable/diablo (or 2012.2?) branch and see why there isn't any where clause being put on this query :(21:55
Ryan_Laneyeah. I'm really hoping this has been fixed in essex+. heh21:55
* mtaylor blames jaypipes21:55
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: well, I'm not sure whether the underlying query has been fixed (that's what I'm currently investigating), but I do know for sure that vishy and anotherjesse_zz added caching to the metadata handler in Essex, which speeds stuff up considerably (it essentially memoizes requests for an address' metdata21:56
* jaypipes git checkout's stable/diablo...21:56
vishyRyan_Lane: It does a bunch of db requests21:57
vishyRyan_Lane: there is probably one in there that gets all of them, maybe it is because the filter by ip is not done at the db layer?21:58
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Ryan_Laneseems that way21:58
vishyRyan_Lane: it could also be the weird mpi code we added that gets a list of all instances in the same security group21:58
vishy(if your instances all belong to the same tenant)21:59
Ryan_Lanethey are all in different tenants21:59
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Devananda2Ryan_Lane, you may want to create a cron to purge old deleted records. We have had to do that...22:00
Ryan_LaneI'm more than happy to delete the old data22:00
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Ryan_Lanebut it would be quite nice to have it work without that too :)22:00
Ryan_LaneDevananda2: can you give me the cron you use?22:01
vishyRyan_Lane: I'm sure it wouldn't be very hard to fix that issue22:01
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: the database really isn't that big, from what I can tell... it's more a problem with the query the ORM is making IMO.22:03
Ryan_Lanethat one query returns 391MB of data22:03
jaypipesRyan_Lane: just making sure .. you on 2012.2?22:03
Ryan_Lanethat much data going across the wire is going to take a while22:03
Ryan_Lanejaypipes: I'm running what was in the ppa, which isn't stable22:04
jaypipesRyan_Lane: which PPA?22:04
Ryan_Lanewell, it was the stable ppa22:04
Ryan_Lanewhich is different from the stable repo (hooray)22:04
* Ryan_Lane is looking forward to ubuntu handling this22:04
Devananda2Ryan_Lane, I will check when I get home. Should be OK ....22:05
Ryan_LaneDevananda2: thanks22:05
Devananda2Actually, I should probably submit it upstream...22:05
Ryan_Laneoh, and the ppa was deleted :D22:06
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: I'm going to go with 2012.2 then...22:06
Ryan_Lanelikely similar enough22:06
jaypipesRyan_Lane: which is the second point release on diablo22:06
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Devananda2Vishy, any thoughts on me adding a database event to purge old deleted records?22:08
jaypipesRyan_Lane: could something be requesting metadata without an address?22:09
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Ryan_LaneI'm not seeing how22:09
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zykes-vishy: can you give a clue on why snapshots fail ? Seems to be hanging on vgscan something22:10
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Ryan_Lanemy coworkers, going through the code, mention this is likely fixed in newer versions, so the cron job will get me through till we uograde22:12
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: holy shit, I just figured out the source of the bad query...22:17
jaypipesRyan_Lane: fixed_ip is not listed in exact match filters, and so the entire set of instances + IP addresses for each is returned, then ...22:18
jaypipesThat ^^ is run against that whole set of records :(22:19
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: all so that (I think!) things like 127.0.* can be used in the query?22:19
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: if I submit a patch up to Gerrit stable/diablo, you think you can pull it and test it out?22:20
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: k, gimme about an hour. FYI, AT&T is dealing with this exact same slowdown right now and it's causing major headaches...22:21
Ryan_Lanegreat. thanks.22:21
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preillyjaypipes: what is your proposed patch?22:24
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jaypipespreilly: I'm currently working on it.22:25
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devanandajaypipes: if i'm reading this correctly, the same potential issue is present in trunk. Even though the instance_get_all_by_filters function has been refactored, ip still is not in exact_match_filter_names, soo....22:32
jaypipesdevananda: yes.22:32
jaypipesdevananda: I'm going to see if it works for Ryan_Lane and if it does propose to trunk22:33
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preillyjaypipes: how's the patch coming along?22:58
* preilly wants to try it ASAP22:59
* preilly works with Ryan btw22:59
jaypipespreilly: about 70% done.22:59
preillyjaypipes: okay cool22:59
preillyjaypipes: thanks for the update22:59
Ryan_Lanewe're all walking through the code right now. heh22:59
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jog0vishy: ping23:03
vishyjog0: heyo23:03
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jog0how is the force_hosts an admin only option?23:05
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vishyjog0: 474         if context.is_admin and forced_host:23:06
vishyjog0: also it circumvents filters, so it allows an admin to force a host that otherwise wouldn't pass filters23:06
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jog0ahh I see.23:07
jog0I will abandon my patch.  I only proposed it because of your NOTE  on line 29823:08
jog0but there is nothing that can fully replace this ATM23:08
vishyjog0: thanks :) I think the forced host comment still applies23:12
vishyjog0: s/comment/code23:12
vishyjog0: it is just ugly to pull the parameter out of availability zone23:12
devanandavishy, jaypipes: for the archiving/purging of old records (what Ryan_Lane was asking about while I was at lunch), we've got an EVENT that does this23:13
devanandaright now, it archives instead of deletes, but it could just as well delete things23:13
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Ryan_Lanearchives is fine too23:14
devanandahow do you guys feel about that, and what's the right place to create an EVENT from (ideally, somehwere that can interpret options such as the prune-age)?23:14
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: OK:
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: unfortunately, I haven't been able to run tests locally because -N bombs on the damn database migrations for some reason in the stable/diablo checkout.23:20
jaypipesRyan_Lane: perhaps you could give the commit a look over and maybe patch it in and test?23:21
jaypipesRyan_Lane: really sorry about that :(23:21
Ryan_Laneit's cool. thanks for the patch23:21
jaypipesRyan_Lane: tried getting the tests to run but it was one thing after another with old dependencies needed23:21
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preillyjaypipes: You're missing a closing parentheses in query = query.filter((models.VirtualInterface.address == address)23:35
jaypipespreilly: dang. thank you. one sec.23:35
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Ryan_Lanejaypipes: heh23:36
Ryan_LaneI think this is looking in the wrong spot23:36
jaypipesRyan_Lane: how so?23:36
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Ryan_LaneWHERE virtual_interfaces.address = ''23:38
jaypipesRyan_Lane: that is definitely what is producing that monster query with no WHERE clause...23:38
jaypipesRyan_Lane: ah, I see... so it's the wrong filter.23:38
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jaypipesRyan_Lane: needs to be on the floating and fixed ip address field?23:38
jaypipesRyan_Lane: k. thought that might be the case, but figured I'd go simple first...23:39
jaypipesRyan_Lane: k, will work further and push in a bit.23:39
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vishythe vid address is a mac23:48
vishy* vif23:48
vishyyou need virtual_interfaces -> fixed_ips -> address23:48
vishyjaypipes, Ryan_Lane ^^23:49
* Ryan_Lane nods23:49
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jaypipesvishy: yeah, figured that out :)23:50
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vishyis the query still there in trunk? it does: 194     fixed_ip = network.API().get_fixed_ip_by_address(ctxt, address)23:51
vishyfollowed by: instance = db.instance_get(ctxt, fixed_ip['instance_id'])23:51
Ryan_Lanethat seems like a sane way of going about that23:51
vishyjaypipes, Ryan_Lane: or is it a later query that is doing it without the join?23:52
jaypipesvishy: it's because the IP is not used in the exact match filters... a regex is used across the entire crossjoin of instances + floating IPs + fixed IPs23:52
jaypipesvishy: what's wrong with just joining fixed_ips to instances directly via fixed_ips.instance_id?23:54
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