Tuesday, 2012-08-14

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asalkelddhellmann, you still about?02:02
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s34njgriffith: still around?02:04
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mtaylordprince, blamar, bcwaldon: could one of you give a second review here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11237/02:19
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blamarmtaylor: looks good, done02:32
mtaylorblamar: thank you!02:34
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smoseranyone able to help?02:53
smosergit review forced a rebase and resolution of conflict02:53
smoserand now02:53
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smosermtaylor, ^ thoughts?02:55
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rmkSo, do all changes destined for stable/* need to go into folsom first?03:01
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smoserrmk, i'm fairly certain the answer is yes.03:19
mikalThere is a wiki page for that somewhere03:20
jgriffiths34n: What's up?03:21
smosermikal, you have any idea on http://paste.ubuntu.com/1146136/03:24
* mikal clicks03:24
mikalYes, my hot tip is to not use run_tests03:24
mikalThere are a few bugs saying it doesn't work on ubuntu precise03:24
mikalI do: "tox -ep27 nova.tests.test_metadata"03:25
mikalWhich works fine03:25
mikal(And will build a venv)03:25
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smosermikal, this is strange.03:28
smoserthat worked for me for the last week.03:28
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smoserthen a git review caused git rebase, conflicts...03:28
smoserand poof. stopped working.03:28
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mikalIs there an outstanding conflict?03:29
mikalI've had issues when a python file had syntax errors03:29
smoserno. resolved.03:29
mikalI'd somehow verify that the files involved work...03:29
mikalWhat does "python nova/tests/test_metatdata.py" say?03:29
smoseri rsynced my tree to a devstack and ran it.03:29
smosermikal, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1146165/03:31
smoserthat would seem to be the issue.03:31
smoseri know a recent commit started using glanceclient03:31
smoserhm.. i just re-built my .venv too and i dont have a python-glanceclient03:33
smosermikal, what is 'tox' ?03:33
mikalIs a unit test runner framework for python03:34
mikalI don't think its packaged in ubuntu yet IIRC03:34
smoserbut my .venv does have glanceclient at 0.4103:36
mikalHmmm, you need someone from openstack-infra. I've now run out of knowledge on this.03:36
smoserso that is it.03:36
smoseri'm set now.03:37
smoseri had gotten all the  necessary dependencies outside of the chroot and without venv03:37
smoserbut then the glanceclient added busted me03:37
smoser./tools/with_venv.sh ./run_tests.sh --no-virtual-env nova.tests.test_metadata03:37
smoserthat works, though03:37
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smosersorry for the waste of time03:37
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amotokiHi, quantum-people, qautnumclient version in pip-require needs to be changed to ">=2.0" since python-quantumclient version is dumped to 2.0.04:01
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arosenhi gongys  I got a quick question for you if you are around.04:06
arosenDo you know why quantum net-list -F name passes [u'name', 'tenant_id'] to fields?  (why tenant_id)04:08
gongysthat is used by policy check.04:08
gongystenant_id is added due to policy_required in attr map.04:09
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gongysIt is added on the server side. client does not do it.04:09
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arosenThanks gongys04:14
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arosengongys:  I think it's kinda weird from the plugin perspective since -F name -F tenant_id relates to filters=[u'name', u'tenant_id', 'tenant_id']. I guess I just look for 2 tenant_ids if the client wants me to return tenant_id?04:24
arosengongys:  or something like for filter in filters: if type(filter) == unicode: (Add to return)04:24
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gongysIf the client passes in tenant_id, the server should not add tenant_id. So you should not see two tenant_ids.04:26
arosengongys: i am04:27
gongysIs the second 'tenant_id' which is without u added by server?04:28
arosenThat's why i was thinking I can ignore the ones that are not unicode (though it seems kinda hackish to me).04:28
gongysSo we have two issues: two tenant_ids and unicode/asci string04:29
arosengongys:  i'm not really familiar with the policy stuff. I don't see why the server would add tenant_id automatically04:30
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gongysfor example, quantum subnet-list -F id,04:31
gongysthis will return only id field of subnet from plugin.04:31
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gongysbut our policy will try to check the network ownership basing on the returned subnet, which needs tenant_id04:33
gongysIn fact, we need network_id too, which is a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/quantum/+bug/103642504:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1036425 in quantum "failed to list subnets with id only" [Critical,In progress]04:33
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arosenah thanks gongys I see.04:35
arosenyou need to return the tenant_id regardless04:35
gongysbut I don't know why we have unicode and non-unicode string.04:36
arosenis the return [{'tenant_id': u'2473a530767c412d99530cbec831bfb2', 'id': u'57f23993-8a2e-45a1-a9f8-7fe74d90f98d'}]  even if you just do -F id (so i guess the policy engine pulls it off if not specified)04:36
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fungiokay, administrivia question... my openstack-cla membership was approved by mikalstill, but gerrit doesn't seem to know yet05:54
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fungiit's been about 6 hours--any idea what the usual delay is to propagate?05:55
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mikalYou should ask that on #openstack-infra, they're the people who can help05:56
fungithanks, mikal!05:56
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garykgongys: ping06:29
rmkhard_reboot code in folsom is broken06:32
rmkneed to catch dprince around tomorrow -- using libvirt reset is not reliable at all06:34
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hello_hi require some help regarding kvm12:16
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hello_after some reading i figured out that openstack uses kvm hypervisor and interacts with it thru libvirt12:18
ogelbukhit's correct12:19
hello_now the problem is suppose i want to enhance some features in kvm-qemu, how do i go about doing that12:19
ogelbukhthough it's just one of options12:19
hello_first of all, i need the code for kvm-qemu to develop the features and then i have to compile kvm and link openstack with the new binaries12:20
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hello_any help regarding how to go about12:21
ogelbukhbasically, you don't need to link openstack to kvm binaries12:23
ogelbukhit uses whatever you have in /usr/bin/qemu-kvm12:24
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ogelbukhactually, its libvirt using that binary, and openstack only calls libvirt12:31
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garykgongys: you there?12:48
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zykes-what does openstack do for de-serialization ?12:56
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helloand so which code of kvm-qemu should i modify12:58
helloi mean which branch (version) is compatible with openstack13:00
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hellohi and can you mention the folder for kvm-qemu in openstack again13:03
hellohi i got disconnected , can you mention it again please13:05
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eglynn__russellb: can you give this patch another look if you get a chance? ... https://review.openstack.org/1102013:15
* eglynn__ would like to get it into F-3 ...13:15
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russellbeglynn__: ack13:18
eglynn__russellb: thx!13:18
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hellohi where is the code of kvm-qemu in openstack13:20
hellowhere are the binaries stored13:21
russellbthat's not part of openstack13:21
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russellbopenstack (nova) -> libvirt -> qemu-kvm13:22
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helloand does openstack support any version of qemu-kvm , so that i am changing things in kvm-qemu which is the version i should use13:23
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ogelbukhopenstack supports any version supported by libvirt )13:24
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hellorussellb: i mean when i install openstack where is the code of kvm-qemu gets installed so that i can change the binaries over there ( i mean the path )13:26
russellbopenstack does not run qemu-kvm directly.13:26
russellbopenstack uses libvirt.13:26
russellband I imagine it's not different than other binaries ... somewhere in $PATH ...13:27
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helloactually somebody mentioned the exact path of kvm-qemu just an hour ago but i forgot13:28
russellbtype this: $ which qemu-kvm13:28
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ogelbukhfor my Fedora system, it is /usr/bin/qemu-kvm13:29
ogelbukhbut it may vary between distributions13:29
hellook, so i have to check which version libvirt supports, and openstack supports libvirt and does not interact with kvm binaries directly, is it correct13:31
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hellothanks, understood the overall structure13:32
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hellorussellb: have one more overview question, does libvirt basically present the api's of kvm-qemu or does it some other functionality as well13:42
russellbyou should probably go read a bit about libvirt :-)13:43
hellook , thanks :)13:43
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hellorussellb: libvirt is a complete separate project from openstack?13:44
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dansmithjaypipes: around?13:52
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jaypipesdansmith: yo13:58
dansmithjaypipes: so, I have the beginnings of a very ugly services/nova/xml/servers_client.py13:58
dansmithjaypipes: enough for me to run a pretty good smattering of tests13:59
dansmithjaypipes: right now it's wedged into place, as you might imagine,13:59
jaypipesdansmith: ready to push it up?13:59
dansmithno, I mean uuuuugly :)13:59
jaypipesdansmith: well, ugly is better than nothing, right?14:00
dansmithbut I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on how to make the "I want to use XML instead of JSON" switch, and also how much of that you think needs to be done before we could get the basic stuff pulled in14:00
avishaydoes someone know how to re-run jenkins?  seems a hiccup caused verification to fail (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11238/)14:01
jaypipesdansmith: not sure I understand what you mean by XML instead of JSON... presumably we'll be running both, right?14:01
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dansmithjaypipes: well, the way it's structured, I guess I expected you'd do a test run, using either the xml or json interface14:02
jaypipesdansmith: unfortunately, we will need additional test cases that use the XML client instead of the JSON one and verifies the XML response output14:02
jaypipesdansmith: no, I don't think that's possible :(14:02
dansmithhrm, why is htat?14:02
jaypipesdansmith: since we need to validate the returned response XMl14:02
jaypipesavishay: just put a comment in your code review that says "recheck"14:03
dansmithwhat I've done so far is take the xml response to, say, create_server and mold it into the same structure as the json equivalent from the test's perspective14:03
jaypipesdansmith: ah, I see.14:03
dansmithin many cases, that isn't all that hard,14:03
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dansmithand seemed like the quickest path to getting the existing tests to run against the other interface, without duplicating all the logic inside the actual tests14:04
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jaypipesdansmith: basically, I suppose the ideal situation would be to run all tests twice, once with each client, right?14:04
dansmithright, that's what I was thinking,14:04
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avishayjaypipes: did i do it right?  don't see any effect14:04
jaypipesdansmith: OK, so there's a pretty easy way we could do that.14:05
dansmitheither a "runtests --mode xml" sort of thing, or do both if not explicit14:05
jaypipesavishay: give it a sec ;)14:05
jaypipesdansmith: one sec, grabbing code14:05
avishayjaypipes: OK, expected the "X" to disappear14:05
jaypipesavishay: only if the next jenkins run succeeds :)14:05
avishayjaypipes: OK I'll wait patiently :)14:06
jaypipesdansmith: https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/master/glance/tests/unit/test_image_cache.py14:06
jaypipesdansmith: I'm thinking of a similar setup for our XML vs JSON needs14:06
jaypipesdansmith: where we create a base test case then subclass them, changing only a class attribute that would trigger the correct clients being loaded.14:07
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jaypipesdansmith: in Glance, the image cache can be either Xattr-based or SQLite-based14:07
jaypipesdansmith: and that link above shows the use of a specialized subclass that tests either one with the same set of tests14:08
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dansmith...yeah, I just worry about duplicating test logic, and the two cases not being identical in terms of what they're validating14:09
dansmithI was shooting for more of an approach where the high-level logic is the same, and only switch out the goo in the middle to prove that they both behave the same14:09
dansmithare you proposing a mostly-empty subclass that doesn't redefine tests,14:10
dansmithbut only has a different self._driver attribute?14:10
dansmith<-- only one cup of coffee so far14:10
jaypipesno worries, haven't gotten any yet.. need some :)14:10
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dansmithoh, so now you're showing off that you're faster than me even without an accelerant? :)14:11
dansmithI see how it is..14:11
jaypipeslol, out comes the tendon.14:11
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dansmithokay, well, maybe I'll try to get just the servers_client bits up in a draft review for you if you wouldn't mind taking a look14:12
dansmithit'll be a bit yet14:12
jaypipesno probs, appreciate you looking at it.14:13
dansmithwell, wait until you see it before you go expressing gratitude :)14:13
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avishayjaypipes: +1 from jenkins - thanks!14:18
avishayvishy: Hi. The XIV volume driver has been approved for Cinder. Can we move it into Nova as well please?14:19
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zykes-what does openstack do for de-serialization of json and serialization ??14:28
zykes-to choose which attribs are serialized etc14:28
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vishyrmk: yes that is correct, there was a patch on the mailing list for exactly that14:43
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s34njgriffith: ping14:45
vishyrmk: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11303/4 <--is this what you are trying to do? It looks like it needs to be updated to fix the other drivers14:46
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zykes-bcwaldon: ping14:58
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smoserok. i'm begging for reviews15:01
smoser https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11184/15:01
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smoseractually did not break any tests this time.15:02
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ewindischI'd love to get this in finally… https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9278/  ;-)15:04
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zykes-dolphm: ping!15:13
dolphmzykes-: /salute15:13
zykes-dolphm: in keystone how do you select what attributes should be serialized ? Relish ?15:14
dolphmzykes-: relish was destined for keystone legacy, but never made it in -- whatever the drivers return is basically serialized, and certain attributes are guaranteed to be included per the identity API15:15
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zykes-so relish isn't in use anywhere ?15:15
dolphmzykes-: not that i'm aware of15:16
zykes-Ok, I need a way to select what my app serializes ;p15:17
zykes-and looked to openstack first15:17
dolphmzykes-: it only supports object<-->json anyway15:17
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dolphmzykes-: keystone itself today only supports JSON, and we have a middleware layer that looks at the request to see if XML was requested, and if so, converts keystone's JSON response to XML, and overwrites the Content-Type header accordingly15:18
zykes-I only need json15:18
zykes-but I want a way that's ok to use that selects what attributes to jsonify15:19
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dolphmzykes-: relish will serialize any attribute, i think, unless it starts with an underscore15:19
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zykes-that's my problem atm, the awy I serialize objects does all attibs15:20
dolphmzykes-: you could fork relish and add a decorator like @relish(ignore=True)15:21
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jaypipessmoser: reviewing now...15:22
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dolphmor keep a whitelist/blacklist of attributes you want to serialize on your classes, and then just walk that list... something like: dict([(key, getattr(obj, key) for key in obj.__class__.whitelist])15:24
dolphmzykes-: ^15:24
dolphmdict((key, getattr(obj, key)) for key in obj.__class__.whitelist)15:25
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dolphmzykes-: http://paste.openstack.org/raw/20320/15:27
alexpilottiHi guys, we are discussing the Folsom Hyper-V integration in #openstack-meeting, please leave any comment there if you can! Tx!15:28
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Hiteshprimeministerp: Hi Peter,15:36
dansmithmaoy: you +2'd the review... can you approve also, or do you want someone else to do that?15:36
Hiteshalexpilotti: Hi Alessandro15:37
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maoydansmith, russellb: I meant to approve it.. but since I didn't, let's see if there is any -1 for a few hours, if not I or someone could approve later today.15:39
russellbmaoy: oops ... already approved15:39
maoyrussellb: cool with me. :)15:40
russellbi figure 3 +2s should be pretty good ... can always be changed later if needed :-)15:40
* russellb is trying to cut down this review queue ...15:40
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jgriffithjeblair: mtaylor: Either of you have a moment to educate me on how to get pypi of cinderclient?15:47
dansmithrussellb: thanks!15:48
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heckjdolphm: reviewed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9744/ up15:48
heckjdolphm: only one real issue with it - in comments15:49
jeblairjgriffith: how to cut a release of cinderclient to pypi?15:49
jgriffithjeblair: yes sir15:49
jeblairjgriffith: http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritJenkinsGithub#Tagging_a_Release15:49
jeblairjgriffith: it's very similar to that ^15:50
jeblairjgriffith: (just without the milestone-proposed bit)15:50
notmynamejeblair: FYI https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11340/15:50
notmynamejeblair: any reason I shouldn't merge that?15:51
notmynamejeblair: ie will it cause any issues for CI?15:51
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jeblairnotmyname: that should be no net change for CI (we install from both of those files)15:52
jgriffithjeblair: thanks, I'll see if I can cause some serious damage15:52
notmynamejeblair: ok, good. just checking15:52
heckjapevec: ping15:52
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jeblairnotmyname: did you cut that release; can we add swift to devstack-gate now?15:52
notmynamejeblair: oh yeah. we did last monday. yes, I think it should be ok now15:53
jeblairnotmyname: okay, thanks.  i'll approve it15:53
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dolphmheckj: thanks15:59
heckjdolphm: very welcome - it's great work. I had a question about a core API choice, but it's looking great!16:00
dolphmheckj: the way we used 'get_all_' vs 'list_' confused the hell out of me btw16:00
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heckjdolphm: me too - I thought "get all" *WAS* list_...16:01
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dolphmheckj: on v3 self-consistency... can we say *every* entity response should include [id, name, description, enabled, url]?16:02
heckjdo we have "description" and "enabled" on every resource entity? I didn't think we did...16:02
dolphmwe don't, afaik16:02
heckjI think "id", "name", and "url" are totally kosher - the others I think are just relatively common attributes on our API16:03
dolphmheckj: 'description' seems to be a popular ask, wherever 'name' is available, and since 'description' wouldn't be indexed, it's trivial to support on the keystone side16:03
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heckjno super-big qualms against it - just want to make sure it makes sense related to the entities. Some of the resource entities don't really seem like they need human readable descriptions around them16:04
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dolphmheckj: url should be fully qualified, protocol and all?16:06
heckjdolphm: good question - I'm not sure16:06
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heckjdolphm: I was thinking that ideally it should be - my aim was to have a totally self-referencing entity being returned - not something that a client/end-user would have to assemble.16:07
heckjdolphm: that was my idealism there though16:07
dolphmheckj: i'm not sure of a trivial way to provide a fully qualified URL without just pulling it from keystone.conf (base_deployment_url='https://openstack.example.com/keystone/')16:08
heckjdolphm: I've seen plenty of folks provide entity descriptions are just URI's though - where the client is expected to know the host & protocol16:08
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heckjdolphm: I was thinking we'd have to pull it from keystone.conf - or some CONF option - it would also be the only way to allow someone to host multiple API endpoints behind a load balancer/proxy that reported as the same HTTP endpoint16:09
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dolphmheckj: exactly, otherwise we'd be guessing which identity endpoint was 'us' from our own catalog backend, which may not have been populated yet16:09
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vishydansmith: can you rebase https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9932/ ?16:10
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garykmarkmcclain: you there?16:11
timellovishy: any chance to provide some comments on https://review.openstack.org/9666?16:11
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dolphmheckj: also, i didn't catch that you removed the "entity keys" (not sure what else to call them) until just this weekend, as in: GET /collection/{entity_id} --> {"entity_key": { ... }}16:13
dansmithvishy: dang, yeah16:13
dolphmheckj: anyway, what made you remove them?16:13
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heckjdolphm: huh?16:14
heckjdolphm: I'm being horrifically dense this morning16:14
dolphmheckj: like, {"service": { service entity itself }}16:14
heckjdolphm: i thought most of those were still in there...16:15
dolphmheckj: rather than just returning { service entity itself }16:15
dolphmheckj: they're on some entities, and missing on some in draft 316:15
heckjThat was based on feedback from you and ayoung actually - keeping the resources consistent and not nested deeply with extraneous information16:16
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dolphmheckj: i think the basic CRUD operations look better without them, but everything on /tokens will never match16:17
ayoungheckj, we need to do this smart, too. I was discussing with dkranz about their deployment.  They want to split the admin and main servers onto two different networks, with two different IP addresses.  In theory, they could be two different host names16:18
vishytimello: looks good overall. a few stylistic nits in the review16:18
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heckjdolphm: I'm thinking that token is a bit of special case and that we'll need to construct the pieces that go into a token somewhat specially - so adding the wrapper dicts in that case makes sense in a token, but not elsewhere16:18
timellovishy: cool, any comment would be really appreciated16:18
heckjayoung: makes sense - and better than using two ports on the same system.16:18
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dolphmheckj: agree, but but i'm on a consistency rampage16:19
davidkranzheckj: I just turned our non-devstack installation technology to Folsom and it broke because 'keystone user-role-add' arguments changed in an incompatible way.16:19
ayoungheckj, so, if they share a back end (memcached or sql) they could get away with running two different servers.16:19
davidkranzheckj: What is your view of API stability for keystone client?16:19
dolphmdavidkranz: link?16:19
davidkranzdolphm: --user <user_id> doesn't work any more.16:20
davidkranzdolphm: Not sure what link you mean.16:20
heckjdavidkranz: it's been changing more than I'd like, and I want it to be consistent with other openstack projects.16:20
dolphmdavidkranz: i assumed you opened a bug i hadn't seen16:20
heckjayoung: yes, absolutely16:21
davidkranzdolphm: No. I am really asking if this is a bug, or intentional.16:21
dansmithvishy: russellb, maoy, markmc: lucky number 13 is up16:21
heckjayoung: We're running multiple instances of keystone ourselves with a single backend that stashes the persistence (mysql) and it's working brilliants16:22
ayoungheckj, the problem is that the two servers would have to be on different machines,  with slightly different config files, and then each would be still runnning both 35357 and 5000...16:22
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heckjayoung: yep - what's the problem?16:22
ayoungnot horrible, but slightly annoying16:22
dolphmdavidkranz: i'm guessing intentional -- i believe there were several backwards-incompatible changes made to the keystoneclient cli, while backwards compatibility was only maintained for a milestone or two16:23
dolphmayoung: that's not true16:23
ayoungdavidkranz needs to file an enhancement request for splitting the listening port over multiple interfaces16:23
dolphmayoung: there's no reason why you'd have to deploy both admin+public on both servers16:23
dolphmayoung: just delete the unnecessary halves of keystone.conf16:23
timellovishy: thank you for the comments!16:23
dolphmayoung: i'd prefer to have a public_whitelist middleware that explicitly allows certain calls to get through, and block everything else when it's deployed in front of an otherwise "admin" endpoint16:25
dolphmayoung: that way there's only one set of routers and whatnot in keystone (covering all of the /v3/ spec)16:25
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garyknati_ueno: hi, you there?16:26
ayoungdolphm, sounds about right.  I'd have to think about it, and right now I am trying to get PKI revocation working which is stealing all my cycles16:26
dolphmayoung: awesome :)16:26
ayoungdolphm, do we really have until tonight to get new features in?16:27
dolphmayoung: i believe folsom RC will be branched later today (someone correct me if i'm wrong)16:28
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russellbdansmith: gogogogogo16:29
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ayoungmnewby, I think we can split the remaining work16:44
mnewbyWhat can I do?16:44
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ayoungcan you take the actually checking of the rovacation list?16:44
ayoungI am dealing with the fetching16:44
mnewbyAh, in the middleware?16:44
ayoungso modify middleware/auth_token.py16:44
ayoungand specificall16:45
mnewbycan do16:45
ayoungso you have to calcualte the id_hash of the token, and search for that in the revocation list16:45
ayoungthe logic to calculate the hash is called from the sql backend16:45
ayoungI'm working further down the file, in fetch_revocation list, so we should be able to mix patches without merge errors.  But if you are ready to commit something, let me know and I'll rebase,  same here16:46
mnewbyOk, sounds good.16:46
ayoungyou should do a rebase off of admiyo/revoked-tokens16:46
ayoungthere is probably 1-2 patches since my last message16:47
mnewbyI haven't changed anything yet so a pull was sufficient.16:47
ayoungunit tests go in16:47
ayoungput yours below test_request_invalid_signed_token16:48
ayoungand again, we should avoid merge issues16:48
mnewbyok, cool16:48
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jgriffithchmouel: ping16:54
dansmithjaypipes: okay, just pushed up four patches in draft for you to have a look at16:56
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jaypipesnotmyname: nice email about Where do we go from here for Swift.16:56
jaypipesdansmith: cheers16:56
jaypipesnotmyname: you out in bay area now?16:57
notmynamejaypipes: the easy part is the ideas. the hard part is getting a group of open source devs to work on it ;-)16:57
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notmynamejaypipes: ya, I'm in San Francisco now (living and working)16:57
jaypipesnotmyname: heh, true enough :)16:57
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smoserjaypipes, so https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11184/17:04
smoseris your NAK definitive? what happens there?17:04
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ewindischhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/11334/ & https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11025/ (note that the -2 on the latter was pending further discussion, which has been had -- Mark will need to remove it, but it should be good for additional comments and reviews)17:24
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jaypipessmoser: I'm not on nova-core, so there's nothing definitive about anything I say :)17:35
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smoserjaypipes, i do value your input, though. i dont think that config-drive is a web service replacement though. due to guaranteed lack of dynamic content.17:37
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davidkranznotmyname: Pending packages for swift folsom, can you upgrade swift to 1.6 with pip on top of Ubuntu precise packages and then just adjust the conf files and restart things?17:38
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jaypipessmoser: oh, I wasn't suggesting that config-drive should be or was a web service replacement... I am saying I don't think that adding openstack endpoints to the EC2 metadata service is wise. If we add any endpoint for exposing "metadata" (god I hate the use of that term..), I would prefer it not be on the EC2 metadata endpoint17:38
notmynamedavidkranz: ya, that should work. each of the swift releases are prod-ready. you can upgrade to them as you need/want17:38
davidkranznotmyname: Great! Thanks.17:39
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ayoungmnewby, I am generating two new signed things:  a revoked_token and a revocation_list.  I'll get my current test working, and then commit.  You can reuse them for your tests.17:40
mnewbyayoung: ok.17:41
smoserjaypipes, i suggest that there is no specific link between those 2 things.17:41
smoserthe config drive could easily have a path to a different location17:41
smoserhttp:// is just well known default.17:41
jaypipessmoser: OK, answer me this...17:42
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jaypipessmoser: what value does having a web service that provides the exact same information that is already on the config-drive (or injected into the root filesystem) provide to the user?17:43
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jaypipessmoser: in other words, why wouldn't I just grab the /etc/networks/interfaces instead of hitting a web service at some remote location for /openstack/content/network_config?17:43
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jaypipessmoser: or am I missing something here?17:47
smoserfor now, not a lot. i agree.17:47
smoseron ec2 (granted i realize you dont like ec2)..17:47
smoserthe data in the web service is now dynamic17:47
smosernew mac addresses will appear with data about them.17:48
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jaypipessmoser: is that what your patch added?17:49
jaypipessmoser: I must have missed that :(17:49
jaypipessmoser: also, it's not about my not liking EC2.... :) It's just about not wanting to mix EC2 stuff with openstack-specific stuff if we can avoid it, that's all..17:50
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smoserno. it did not add that.17:52
smoserbut i'm saying in EC2, it is *now* a dynamic service.17:52
smoserand i dont see how we'd avoid wanting some similar thing.17:52
smoserhttp:// is just a url17:52
smoserif you want, i'm ok to add it to config-drive-v2 as an item, and document that you should not expect web metatdata service unless config drive tells you its there.17:53
hub_capchmouel: hey dude, u got a min to talk about the cache openstack-common middleware email?17:53
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harlowjasmoser: is there anything documented anywhere about how dynamic ec2 metadata is, i didn't actually know it could be that dynamic right now, would be nice to know what fields could be dynamic (or is right now...)17:55
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vishymtaylor: commented on entrypoints review.17:57
smoserharlowja, it only became dyanmic recently. when they added the new multiple nic stuff.17:58
smosermost of what I know of ec2 metadata is through running:17:58
harlowjadamn u amazzzzonnnian women for adding that to ec2, lol17:58
smoserpython -c 'import boto.utils, pprint; pprint.pprint(boto.utils.get_instance_metadata())'17:58
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harlowjakk, thx17:59
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ayoungmnewby, can you join #openstack-meeting18:04
vishysmoser: commented on the review18:04
vishyi don't like the instance: thing18:04
mnewbyayoung: ok18:04
vishysmoser: just show it all.18:04
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rmkvishy: You answered several of my questions by ripping my code to shreds :D18:11
creihteglynn__: ping18:11
creihtAny update getting this into nova-volume? https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/103033018:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1030330 in nova "Creating a volume with XML body fails" [Undecided,In progress]18:11
eglynn__creiht: hey18:11
creihtI saw the fix get into cinder, but didn't see it get into nova-volume yet18:12
eglynn__creiht: one sec ...18:12
creihtahh there's the review18:12
eglynn__creiht: yep, I see it now, expired - darn it!18:13
eglynn__chreit: hmm, I'm not sure why it can be re-opened, I'll resubmit, then address Duncan Thomas's concerns in a subsequent patch18:15
creihteglynn__: awesome, and thanks again18:15
vishyrmk ?18:18
vishyrmk :)18:18
smoservishy, i can drop that.18:18
smoserwill resubmit quickly.18:18
smoservishy, so you just want no meta.js ?18:18
smoserit seems to me to be wrong to put all of the meta tags in18:18
vishysmoser: I want it18:18
smoseri really think that is wrong18:19
vishysmoser: why? what metadata is scary to expose?18:19
rmkvishy: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11303/18:19
smosernot necessarily, but the reason those tags were added was for api tagging18:19
smoseras i undrestood it.18:19
vishyrmk: ah, didn't know that is you :)18:19
rmkvishy: I do have some questions though about updating the other drivers.  We actually debated it internally as well before I went the exception route.18:19
rmkvishy: Yeah it's not obvious I suppose :)18:19
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rmkvishy: Do the drivers need to be updated to just accept the additional function arg?  The truth is I don't have every hypervisor here, nor do we really have the time.  Making the code work, so that it accepts the new variable and does nothing with it is easy enough.18:21
smoservishy, so you want no filter on it?18:23
smoseri'm fine with that. i just think it is not what was originally intended. and i can see reason that you would tag something but not want to necessarily expose that information to the instance.18:23
vishysmoser: correct. If we really want hidden metadata we can add an extension for it later18:23
smoserthat metadata can be added later, right?18:24
vishythe issue is that users expect it to be visible in the instance18:24
vishyI've had many people ask, so i used nova command to add metadata but it isn't available on 169.254...18:24
vishyso i think default to showing makes way more sense18:25
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jaypipessmoser: sorry, had a standup call... readin back now.18:35
smoserjaypipes, no worries.18:36
smoservishy, ^18:36
smoserdoes that patch look reasonable ?18:37
smoserit also addresses one of that curmudgeon jaypipes' concerns.18:37
vishysmoser: yes18:37
jaypipessmoser:: yes it would :)18:37
jaypipessmoser: ok, well I'm curmudgeoned out for today... I don't quite understand the need here, but removing the instance: prefix would be a good thing and I can remove my -118:38
smoseri agree that that was somewhat hacky.18:38
smoseri justdidn't like that previously it was only available "injected" or with config drive, which in reality meant it wasn't available at all18:39
smoserso i didn't want to turn on the default "available"18:39
jaypipessure, understood... I think in the future API version we can tweak to add explicit endpoints for instance-readable data18:40
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smoservishy, jaypipes just 'git review'ed18:44
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jaypipessmoser: +1d.18:49
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mnewbydolphm: quick question about v3 api18:58
dolphmmnewby: shoot18:58
mnewbydolphm: ack. I just answered my own question.18:59
mnewbydolphm: sorry for the interrupt.18:59
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dolphmayoung: Credential.blob (some serialized blob), Credential.mime_type ("application/json"), Credential.type ("ec2")18:59
dolphmayoung: does that work for keys?19:00
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dolphmayoung: (ssh keys)19:00
mnewbydolphm: Ah, I do have a question….19:00
mnewbydolphm: Is there any ability to delete a token by user id or tenant id?19:01
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dolphmmnewby: definitely not19:02
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dolphmmnewby: you could disable the user or tenant though, invalidating related tokens19:02
mnewbydolphm: ok.  use case is that an external auth system may need to invalidate tokens in response to changes external to keystone.  i.e. roles change19:03
dolphmPATCH /users/{user_id} or PATCH /project/{project_id} w/ disable=true19:03
dolphmmnewby: changes to what, exactly? role revocation?19:03
mnewbydolphm: yes.  or addition.19:04
dolphmmnewby: how would a role addition require a token revocation?19:04
dolphmrole grant*19:04
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mnewbydolphm: pki tokens store roles19:05
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ayoungdolphm, I have no idea...I have not been thinking about keys19:06
zykes-anyone know of a lib that serializes sqlalchemy models effectively where you can select attribs to serialize ?19:06
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dolphmzykes-: did you see my paste from earlier?19:08
zykes-modify relish ?19:10
tinjawSorry, to bother you folks. I know this is the dev channel, but I can't get an answer on #openstack and I am about to give up on openstack.19:10
tinjawSimple question:19:10
dolphmzykes-: no, the whitelist example19:11
zykes-nope :/19:11
tinjawIf I want to start playing with OpenStack, what Operating System distro and19:11
zykes-I was out19:11
dolphmzykes-: http://paste.openstack.org/raw/20320/19:11
zykes-tinjaw: Ubuuntu or Fedora19:11
tinjawOpenStack version, is most likely to work "out of the box"19:11
tinjawFedora 16 or 17, or it doesn't matter?19:12
zykes-oh, yeah dolphm19:12
zykes-dolphm: do you use anything similar elsewhere ?19:13
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eglynn__tinjaw: should work on either ... devstack is specifically oriented to F1619:13
zykes-is it eglynn__ ?19:14
zykes-doesn't it work on ubuntu as well ?19:14
dolphmzykes-: sort of, i have a side project that reads/writes json client side19:14
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zykes-warlock ?19:14
eglynn__zykes: sure, I meant oriented to F16 as opposed F1719:14
eglynn__zykes: (rather than Fedora is preferred to Ubuntu ...)19:15
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tinjawI'll try F1619:16
tinjawand, just for the record,19:16
tinjawusing CentOS 6 and the docs at19:16
tinjawdon't work19:16
tinjawDocs start with one version of OpenStack and then switch to another19:17
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tinjawThanks for the help. Back to the lab for me.19:17
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smoservishy, jaypipes anyone else. embarrasingly i ask for one more review.19:30
smoserthe 'meta' stuff was broken in the last.19:31
cloudflyhey hey19:33
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mtaylorbcwaldon: apparently some recent novaclient change broke people running diablo-based nova-volume19:42
eglynn__creiht: that nova-vol patch you mentioned earlier, re-proposed as: https://review.openstack.org/1135819:42
zykes-mtaylor: would you condider splitting out the ci modules in puppet to submodules ?19:42
eglynn__whois creiht19:43
mtaylorzykes-: we're doing it differently19:43
mtaylorzykes-: they don't need to be in submodules19:43
creihteglynn__: yeah saw that, and thanks19:43
creihteglynn__: that's me :)19:43
zykes-mtaylor: would be easier for others to clone and help with them ;p19:44
creihteglynn__: I'm nobody of importance :)19:44
eglynn__creiht: cool ;)19:44
mtaylorzykes-: right now they're all in the same repo without submodules. the barrier to help hasn't seemed to be git organization :)19:44
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bcwaldonmtaylor: novaclient?19:50
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mtaylorbcwaldon: yah19:51
bcwaldonmtaylor: what a shame19:52
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PotHixdanwent: I'm fighting with devstack, this is the main reason that I did not updated the isc-dhcp review.20:04
danwentPotHix: ok.  if it merges by tonight, i'm fine with it going in.  was just trying to clean up launchpad a bit by moving things out if it seemed they weren't being actively reviewed or worked on.20:05
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PotHixdanwent: I need to understand better the devstack workflow (we are just using quantum) to reproduce garyk review. I tried to get something last night without success.20:07
ttxprimeministerp: your new hour for the Hyper-V meeting is at the same time as the EC2 team meeting20:07
ttxprimeministerp: so maybe you should contact them first to make sure they no longer hold meetings20:07
ttxprimeministerp: see with zul (mentioned on http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings)20:07
zulwe dont20:08
ttxzul: I can remove yours ?20:08
zulttx: yep20:08
primeministerpttx:I had originally written the wrong time20:08
ttxzul: ok - primeministerp: ignore me, will add you to the iCal20:09
primeministerpttx: but can move if conflicts w/ zul's20:09
primeministerpttx: thanks20:09
primeministerpttx: any chance you looked at our hyper-v code?20:09
primeministerpttx: actually we're waiting to get through smokestack20:10
ttxprimeministerp: nope. I'm not nova-core either.20:11
ttxprimeministerp: just noticed all those .gz files and was wondering what they were about...20:11
ttxprimeministerp: if that's compressed stuff, might be better to store uncompressed in source code (binary in source is a bit... meh)20:12
bcwaldondprince: would you have time to look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11359/20:14
bcwaldondprince: I want to make sure I deprecate bin/glance correctly20:14
dprincebcwaldon: sure. So presumably this is moving the glanceclient then?20:15
dprincebcwaldon: and if so what will it be called then?20:15
bcwaldondprince: nope20:15
bcwaldondprince: the naming conflict has been addressed by adding the legacy compatibility layer in python-glanceclient20:16
bcwaldondprince: this is adding warnings to users of the legacy glance client20:16
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dprincebcwaldon: I should have looked before I asked! Gotcha.20:17
bcwaldondprince: no worries20:17
dprincebcwaldon: So warnings will print to stdout/stderr right. Should we make this go to common logging as a warning?20:18
primeministerpttx: that's the moc wmi bits for the unit tests20:18
bcwaldondprince: we could log, too20:18
bcwaldondprince: and it just goes to stderr20:18
ttxprimeministerp: hmm, ok. I guess that's the lesser of all evils20:19
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bcwaldondprince: actually, we can't log20:22
bcwaldondprince: or can we...20:22
rmkdprince: hey there -- commented on one of the bugs you were handling.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/101759320:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1017593 in nova "avoid use of libvirt reset() for hard reboot" [Low,Fix released]20:23
rmkdprince: Was curious why the move was made to use reset() ?20:23
bcwaldondprince: yeah, we don't log in the client20:23
primeministerpttx: *nod*20:23
bcwaldondprince: I dont think this is a good enough reason to start configuring a logger20:24
dprincebcwaldon: I suppose I was thinking about both: logging and printing to stderr. The case would be where a client was using client.py as a library... then they could see it in the log file when they imported the module.20:25
bcwaldondprince: ok, I can make that happen if you want me to20:26
dprincebcwaldon: I think that might be a bit better. Also in Nova we do this: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/common/deprecated.py20:26
dprincebcwaldon: I didn't realize you could ignore them the way you did it though. Pretty cool.20:27
dprincermk: looking now...20:27
bcwaldondprince: logging is going to be hard20:29
dprincermk: I think reset was added because it is a more concise way to reboot the instance. We actually removed that code from the current Nova folsom though.20:29
bcwaldondprince: you need a config to get the common log set up, which we don't have on a client machine20:29
rmkdprince: I actually discovered the problem yesterday using the latest code from master20:29
bcwaldondprince: and if you did happen to be on the same box the warning would go to the server log file20:30
rmkdprince: The issue is that reset won't start kvm (in this case) if it's not running in some capacity20:30
dprincermk: Oh. Way. Ignore me. It tries to use reset if it exists... otherwise it does it the old school way of re-creating the domain.20:30
dprincermk: File a new ticket on this. It is unrelated to the issue you linked before.20:30
rmkI don't mind submitting the code to change it back also if that helps20:31
dprincebcwaldon: really. How is importing a client.py in my client side program going to cause the server to log something?20:32
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bcwaldondprince: I guess the common config wouldnt work that way20:32
dprincebcwaldon: I think I'm good with the way you have it. Its just a bit odd to log to stderr only I think. We don't do much of that.20:32
bcwaldondprince: I know we don't, but this is the first command-line tool we wanted to deprecate20:33
jtranjeblair & mtaylor  :  yay, thanks for seeing this through to the end ;)   https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9065/20:34
jeblairjtran: yay!20:34
jeblairjtran: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/Bitrot/20:35
jtranvishy, ^ thanks to you too20:35
jeblairjtran: i'll be sending a note to the ml about that soon (when it's all finished)20:35
bcwaldondprince: can you put an offical vote on that review? I need it to land today if we like it20:35
jeblairjtran: so hopefully we'll find out about breakage sooner20:35
jtranjeblair, sweet.20:35
dprincebcwaldon: done20:37
bcwaldondprince: thanks20:37
ayoungmnewby, OK, I think I have the fetch tests working and ready to go.  I've done a pep8 cleanup, and am just running the tests one last time20:42
vishyjaypipes: can i ignore your -1 here? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11017/20:42
ayoungthen I'll push.  How are you looking?20:42
mnewbyayoung: i'm afraid I haven't gotten too far - meeting then lunch.20:43
jaypipesvishy: no. that will (further) break the now-broken tempest gate20:43
ayoungOK...I might drive on ahead20:43
mnewbyBut I'm pst now so I can work past your end-of-day.  :)20:43
mnewbyUp to you though.20:43
vishyjaypipes: the last comment was that it was needed for two other patches to merge20:44
rmkvishy: Did you catch my questions early?20:44
vishyjaypipes: that is incorrect?20:44
vishyrmk: no20:44
jaypipesvishy: no, other commits to tempest need to be approved/merged before that patch will work.20:45
rmkvishy: Do the drivers need to be updated to just accept the additional function arg?  The truth is I don't have every hypervisor here, nor do we really have the time.  Making the code work, so that it accepts the new variable and does nothing with it is easy enough. (Regarding https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11303/, which you can delete/close if you want)20:45
jaypipesvishy: if that patch is merged, tempest gate will break entirely.20:45
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vishyjaypipes: ok20:46
vishyrmk: correct just add the extra argument to the calls, no need to implement it20:46
vishyrmk: the other hypervisors may be smart enough to do it without20:46
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rmkvishy: Please feel free to kill that review, I'll start over.  Was my first gerrit submission. :)20:46
rmkdprince: created a bug and commit -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/103682620:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1036826 in nova "Using reset for hard_reboot is not reliable" [Undecided,In progress]20:47
vishyrmk: wait one sec20:47
vishyrmk: actually now that i relook, we don't need this fix in folsom at all20:48
rmkoh really?20:48
rmkI was able to reproduce it with devstack20:48
vishyrmk: nope, reboot uses the existing xml, so it should have the volumes already20:48
rmkgranted I intentionally broke it but I prefer not to assume any state20:48
rmkI'm not seeing how the iscsi connections get re-established20:49
vishyrmk: tracking20:50
vishyrmk:  that was fixed by a the bug you originally linked to20:50
rmkThe xml refers to the /dev path for the block devices, which won't be there if iscsiadm isn't run20:51
vishyrmk: ok gotcha20:52
vishyrmk: the issue is in trunk you can't put it in hard_reboot20:52
vishyrmk: it has to go in resume_state_on_host_boot20:52
vishythey no longer use the same code path20:52
rmkHow does compute determine you're resuming state on boot?  Is it tracking uptime?20:53
rmkRather than a simple compute restart20:53
vishyrmk: that is the method that gets called20:53
vishywhen the compute worker starts20:54
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vishy327                 if ((expect_running and FLAGS.resume_guests_state_on_host_boot)20:54
vishy 328                      or FLAGS.start_guests_on_host_boot):20:54
rmkSo in theory, if I launch a vm, connect a volume, then kill -9 kvm and the associated iscsi connections, restarting compute should recover it when that flag is set?  Because it doesn't.20:54
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vishyrmk: right it doesn't because you need to add the volume recovery code in resume_state_on_host_boot20:55
vishybut hard_reboot isn't called in that path anymore20:55
vishyso no need to pass block device in to reboot20:55
vishyi guess you do need to pass it in the resume_state_on_host_boot call20:56
vishyrmk: I think that is the only time you need to do it20:56
rmkI actually have the folsom version done but it still uses exceptions..20:57
rmkI can show you what I did20:57
vishyrmk: k20:57
vishyrmk: i guess it doesn't matter if you do it in the other method, attaching to the volume multiple times is safe iirc20:57
rmkresume_state_on_host_boot() still calls hard reboot in folsom20:58
rmkvishy: Right20:58
rmkvishy: I tend to prefer absolutes rather than relying on relative state20:58
rmkWhere it's safe, of course20:58
vishyrmk: you mean essex?20:58
vishyfolsom it doesn't20:59
rmkhmm ok20:59
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vishyrmk: it directly calls _create_domain_and_network20:59
rmkok right, I patched it in that call20:59
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rmkwhich means that call should probably be renamed too since it's recovering block also21:00
vishyrmk: yeah21:00
vishyrmk: create_domain_and_xxx21:01
vishysomething witty there21:01
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rmkhttp://paste.openstack.org/show/20325/ -- what I have so far, still need to rework it not to use typerror exceptions21:03
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vishyrmk: makes sense. I guess the question is: do we need it for reboot?21:06
rmkvishy: I see reboot as a sledge hammer which tries to correct any broken state, so I'd prefer it to be there21:07
vishyrmk: i suppose that makes sense21:07
vishyrmk: so yeah add it as a parameter to the methods in the other drivers and default it to None21:07
rmkWill do21:07
jeblairgabrielhurley: ping21:07
gabrielhurleyjeblair: pong21:08
jeblairgabrielhurley: do you have a minute to talk translations in #openstack-infra ?21:08
gabrielhurleysure, lemme join the room21:08
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vishyrmk: intersting thought on the reset21:13
vishyrmk: seems like it should be part of your other patch because your actually reintroducing bugs21:13
vishyrmk: actually i guess you aren't21:14
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rmkThe essex and folsom patches are so different21:14
ewindischLove some feedback on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/10719/21:15
rmkthe pastebin I linked and the latest gerrit submission are identical functionally, both just need to have the drivers extended rather than extensions21:15
rmkI probably need to create a new bug and associate both to that21:15
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rmksort of surprised more people haven't run into this21:16
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zykes-any reason glance client doesn't show upload progress anymore ?21:38
rmkmaybe its just off by default (guessing, haven't looked)21:39
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vishyandrewbogott: ping21:47
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andrewbogottvishy:  what's up?21:49
vishyandrewbogott: is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/novaplugins complete21:49
vishyor defer to grizzly?21:49
andrewbogottvishy:  I'm slightly unclear on the gradations of beta/deployment/informational, but all the features described in the blueprint are in.21:53
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vishyandrewbogott: in that case, I will mark it implemented21:56
vishyandrewbogott: thx21:56
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primeministerpmestery: ping22:10
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nati_uenoYay! Yay! for an extra day of crazy reviewing !22:23
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rmkvishy: Don't have to look at it here (submitting it to Gerrit) but here's the reworked folsom patch for volume reconneciton - http://paste.openstack.org/show/20326/22:31
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zykes-mr notmyname how does one do health checks etc on swift?22:32
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ASauIs there any more efficient way to get changes into devstack than through launchpad?22:32
rmkwrong paste22:33
cloudflyfor the record, whoever wrote the project overview screen on horizon really didn't like the idea of extensibility.  that whole thing needs a rewrite.22:33
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notmynamezykes-: what sort of healthchecks are you looking for?22:33
zykes-anything ;)22:33
notmynamezykes-: ok, I can suggest 322:33
notmynamezykes-: 1) connect to /healthcheck and make sure it returns OK in the body22:34
cloudflyASau when in devstack you can git pull on the individual units22:34
cloudflyand then rerun installs and restart services22:34
cloudflyto varying degrees of success22:34
notmynamezykes-: 2) use swift-dispersion-populate (once) and swift-dispersion-report (frequently) to monitor a certain percent of your cluster for errors22:34
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notmynamezykes-: 3) use swift-recon every so often to get reports22:35
zykes-how to setup ? ;p22:35
notmynamewhich one? they are all part of the base swift install22:35
notmynamezykes-: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/admin_guide.html#cluster-health22:36
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notmynamezykes-: and, of course, I work for a company that provides swift monitoring and tools ;-)22:36
ASaucloudfly: sorry, it doesn't make sense to me.22:36
ASaucloudfly: I'm asking about the opposite direction: getting my fixes into devstack.22:37
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zykes-notmyname: hah!22:38
zykes-what's the pricing on that ?22:38
notmynamezykes-: depends on the size of your cluster22:39
notmynamezykes-: http://swiftstack.com/trial/22:39
zykes-notmyname: how does it integrate with the rest of a openstack deployment ?22:42
pandemicsynzykes-: theres also a Swift ZenPack from Zenoss - https://github.com/zenoss/ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackSwift22:43
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cloudflyAsau i generally code directly into devstack and do my git commits there and review from there23:12
cloudflyit works pretty well for me23:12
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ASaucloudfly: how do I get write access then?23:15
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cloudflywrite access to?23:20
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ASauTo the devstack repository.23:20
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cloudflyi think you just issue a git-review23:21
cloudflyyou ever worked with gerrit / jenkins before?23:21
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ASauIs there short document on that?23:22
clarkbASau: http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritWorkflow23:22
cloudflythat's pretty good23:22
cloudflybut not sure its specific to devstack23:22
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clarkbit isn't but that workflow should apply to devstack or nova or any other project hosted by review.openstack.org23:23
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cloudflyyeah i guess its same approach23:23
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ASauAlright, it's getting better.23:24
ASauThanks for the information.23:24
ASauI'll try to get it working tomorrow (it's late here).23:25
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