Thursday, 2013-03-21

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termiedolphm: emailed you about trusts00:01
dolphmtermie: rip it for grizzly?00:02
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termiedolphm: out of core, yeah00:04
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dolphmtermie: are you opposed to the api, impl, or both?00:04
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termiedolphm: both00:04
termiedolphm: the api i feel should not touch core because it doesn't need to00:04
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termiedolphm: the impl would be better served by oauth IMO, i'm at this point willing to implement that as a counter example extension00:05
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termiedolphm: gotta go graba  snack so i don't die00:07
dolphmtermie: erm, grizzly version bump is gating at this moment -- should i stop it? do you already have a rip-it-out patch?00:07
termiedolphm: can paste you a bunch of scrollback after i get back00:07
termiedolphm: i do not, originally ayoung was going to do it but then he waffeld on his decision :p00:07
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dolphmtermie: yeah, that's a massive change very late in the game00:07
termiedolphm: it is going to be technical debt forever if it goes into core00:08
dolphmtermie: it's certainly possible -- but wish we could have had this discussion like a month ago00:08
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termiedolphm: well it started a week or more ago00:08
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termiedolphm: somebody is waiting on me for sandwich getting00:08
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dolphmtermie: gate is stopped, i'll be around00:08
termiedolphm: i will return shortly however if that long can be waited00:08
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dolphmtermie: o/00:51
ayoungdolphm, termie I never waffled.  I was waiting to be pursuaded00:53
dolphmayoung: lol, i opened a patch to make trusts optional if we want to be noncommittal about it00:54
ayoungdolphm, we had a pretty full discussion here.00:54
ayoungdolphm,  is it part of the V3 API or isn't it?  Is it something we are going to support or not?00:55
ayoungDisabling it is probably fine, especially as it is a new feature, and that gives us a kill switch if there is a problem00:55
ayoungBut that is not what he is saying.00:55
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termieayoung: the conversation we had before had seemed to end with "okay, i'll make it an extension after i submit this patch"00:56
termieayoung: is where the "waffled" came in ;)00:56
ayoungtermie, no, I never meant that,  sorry if I gave that imporession.00:56
ayoungI said that I had to deal with the patch before I could even think clearly about it00:56
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ayoungSo,  three things00:57
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ayoung1.  should Trust CRUD be in core or extensions.00:57
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termieayoung, dolphm: i think makign it disabled in the current code would be the minimal step so that people don't use it before it gets modified00:57
termieayoung, dolphm: and would scare ttx significantly less00:57
dolphmayoung: it should either all stay or go together00:57
ayoung2.  Should Creating a token from a trust be in /tokens or under extensions00:57
ayoungand 3 should the default delegation mechanism be oauth00:57
dolphmtermie: +1 that's my goal00:58
dolphmnever scare ttx00:58
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dolphmdisabling it out of the box means we can say its a tech preview type thing, and then we can pull the API out of identity-api and doc it separately, and revise it ground up if need be00:58
termiedolphm: that would be enough to keep me happy and from having to stay up for the next two days00:58
dolphmtermie: awesome00:59
termiedolphm: i'll then be able to produce an oauth'd example and convince ayoung to help pull the trusts stuff out00:59
ayoungdolphm, so can people then use it?00:59
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ayoungdolphm, oauth won'00:59
dolphmayoung: sure, you just have to manually set keystone.conf [trust] enabled = True00:59
ayoungt be there until Havana00:59
termieif we want to decide to pull things out at this time (pulling them out after release or whatever, but decide to do it) i am okay with that htough00:59
ayoungdolphm, but we are telling them that we are planning on yanking it01:00
dolphmayoung: yes01:00
ayoungThere are people counting on delegation01:00
dolphmayoung: it's a "this is a beta feature and may significantly change before it's stable" type thing01:00
dolphmayoung: they'll just have to understand that the api & behavior may change radically between grizzly and havana01:01
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ayoungdolphm, how about this01:01
ayoungwe move the URL to /extensions for the CRUD01:01
ayoungindicating that the contract for that may change01:02
dolphm /extensions is for listing extensions01:02
dolphmayoung: a proper extension is just as stable and supported as core01:02
ayoungdolphm, so isn't this what we have the API versioning for, then?01:03
ayoungIf it changes in Havana. it is no longer /v301:03
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ayoungdolphm, so termie makes some good points.  However, either we are going to support it or we are not. I am OK with the Kill switch as a safety override, but I am not OK with saying no supported delegation mechanism01:04
ayoungI am OK with oauth support coming in Havana and deprecating trusts01:04
ayoungAlthough I don't know that it really is an improvement, I'll defer to people that have more vested in it, so long as we have the same functionality01:05
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ayoungdolphm, it is my understanding of oauth that it is a superset of the functionality of trusts.  It would need a persistence layer, and thus the CRUD API would still apply01:07
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ayoungalbeit, the normal approach to creating a delegation agreement in oauth seems to be initiated by the service requesting the trust as opposed to the user.  Both approaches would fit in the same data model.01:08
dolphmayoung: unless we find a huge problem with v3.0, havana should be v3.1, be backwards compatible with v3.0, and live on the same endpoint /v3/01:08
ayoungdolphm, and the trusts mechanism would be deprecated01:09
ayoungif we decided to do so01:09
dolphmayoung: i'm not sure we have precedence for deprecating a portion of an api -- that would require a major version bump as you're introducing a major backwards incompatibility01:09
ayoungEither we are going to support it in Grizzly or not.  We can, of course, provide a mechnism for the users to discover if it is enabled.01:09
ayoungdolphm, It would get removed in 4, then01:10
ayoungWhenver we decide to to that01:10
ayoungdeprecating in a minor version is OK, so long as it is not removed01:10
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dolphmayoung: i disagree completely, as the minor version is not exposed to the end user01:11
ayoungI suspect, though, the there would be no reason to do so, as the oauth API and the trust API would be complementary.  Perhaps there would be some overlap, but I am not sure that is the case for the most part01:12
ayoungdolphm, deprecating is an indicator to the integrator that there is a different API they should be using01:12
ayoungIt does not remove the function01:12
ayoungI'm OK with the kill switch, but it should default to 'On'01:13
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ayoungtermie, question for you.  DOes oauth provide a standard way for a user to query the agreements they have set up with a remote service?01:15
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termieayoung: nope, usually the service provides a list of outstanding authorizations, but that isn't part of the spec01:16
ayoungOK, so that is the CRUD API01:16
ayoungcan we accept that, oauth or no, we will need something like that?01:17
termieayoung: why?01:17
ayoungtermie, so the user can see what they have set up, and potentially cancel it later?01:17
termieayoung: i think we should have something like that but i don't like your arguments to keep things not in an extension01:17
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ayoungtermie, extension or core for that is irrelevant.  It is whether we support it or not.01:18
ayoungI'm OK with moving it to an extension, just not dropping it01:18
termieayoung: i think you are arguing with the air at this point01:18
ayoungtermie, as I said, there are 3 things.  that was one of them01:19
ayoungthe second isoauth, which is not happening in grizzly01:19
ayoungis oauth01:19
termieayoung: there will be crud in the extension i would assume01:19
termieayoung: i don't know what youa re getting at, i was never arguing abotu whether crud exists01:20
termieayoung: and nobody else was either01:20
ayoungtermie, so the next is whether we have oauth or the current mechanism for getting a delegated token01:20
termieayoung: oauth01:20
termieayoung: or your extension01:20
termieayoung: i'll do my best to show that oauth is the better option01:21
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ayoungtermie, perhaps it is better in an absolute sense01:21
ayoungI don';t know it well enought01:21
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ayoungthere is the question of doing an oath implementation now for Grizzly01:21
termieayoung: when is grizzly?01:22
ayoungFeature freeze was about three weeks ago01:22
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termieayoung: so how is it an option to do an oauth impl tonight?01:22
ayoungtermie, I don't think it is.  THat is my point01:23
ayoungso if we rip out trusts01:23
ayoungwe have no delegation01:23
dolphmtermie: your two nits on spaces are actually just horrible rendering by gerrit :( it's not a monospace font when it tries to make things bold01:23
termieayoung: we will have a delegation extension people can add01:23
termiedolphm: oh really, okies01:23
dolphmtermie: regardless, tests were failing -- i posted another patch while i run the full suite again myself01:23
termieayoung: extension != on the same schedule01:24
ayoungtermie, I don't think that is for you or I to decide01:24
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ayoungyou or me...01:24
termieayoung: sure thing01:24
* ayoung tired01:24
dolphmtermie: the implementation would have be to external to keystone to abide by it's own schedule, correct?01:24
termiedolphm: yup01:24
termiedolphm: or a separate package at least01:25
termiedoesn't make it hard to do in the least01:25
termiein fact that is usually what an extension is01:25
termiethey aren't all "contrib"01:25
dolphmtermie: without monkey patching, we don't have a way for an external package to legitimately add it's own api01:26
termiedolphm: yeah we do, it is in the paste conf01:26
dolphmtermie: to add its own router and everything?01:26
termiedolphm: it is a middleware, those route fine01:27
dolphmtermie: ah, i assumed that wasn't what you meant01:27
termiedolphm: i mean, i don't know how much you ahve changed, but that was the whole point01:27
termiedolphm: erm that is not the right one01:28
dolphmtermie: wsgi.Middleware or something01:28
ayoungSo do oauth as an extension.  But we've committed to delegation in Grizzly.01:29
termieayoung: if it is an extension it is available whenever you'd like it01:29
harlowjahas anyone been running the oslo-incubator tests successfully, like from nosetests?01:29
harlowjaall sorts of odd errors when i run it, ha01:29
ayoungtermie, I don't think so.  Remember, this isn't just doing a web app for a single company.  We are going to do a cut for Grizzly.  That is going to start the grizzly-stable branch, and that is what people will be using.  An extension would not be part of that no matter when it is cut.  It would have to be ported, and I don't think a new extension would meet the criteria for being ported to stable.01:32
ayoungWhich effectively bumps it to the next major release01:32
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termieayoung: what? totally opposite01:32
termieayoung: if grizzly is stable, you now have a perfect target to provide your extension for01:32
ayoungBut it isn't in the release.  Which means that people cannot plan on it being available.01:33
termieayoung: they can plan on it being available if you write it right now01:33
termieayoung: or just tell them when it will bne available, this is the whole point of extensions01:33
ayoungWhich is why I spent this release writing it, getting it reviewed, and fixing it.  So it would be ready on Day 1.01:34
termieayoung: day 2 ain't bad and you'll have more freedom with an extension anyway01:34
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ayoungoauth may be a better standard, but then again, there are better standards for SSO than the bearer tokens in Keystone.  Trusts is designed to work with the current auth mechanism in as simple a manner possible.  Before I chose to go oauth, I would look at a range of options.  I have yet to hear, on its technical merits, a reason that justifies delaying this feature.01:36
ayoung"It is wrong" is not a reason01:36
ayoungoauth is better is not a reason.  It is a reason to do oauth in Havana, or as an extension01:37
ayoungIf oauth is somehow compromised by Trusts, then we can choose to deprecate trusts01:37
dolphmayoung: to be fair, you spent this release writing it, and a FFE having it reviewed01:38
ayoungdolphm, it was backed up behind V3 Auth....01:38
ayoungI originally wrote it in October and first posted it for review in December01:39
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termiewelcome back01:42
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termiefor the record i do think "it is wrong" is a valid reaosn01:43
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termiewhen you have established there is a better way to do it01:43
dolphmayoung: i don't find it acceptable to release an api-level feature that you have no intention of supporting next release01:44
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dolphmayoung: if our goal is to get it out there and have people try it out while we work out kinks and improve upon it, putting it out there and letting those users enable it is the right way to go01:46
ayoungdolphm, I am not the one claiming I have no intention of supporting it01:46
ayoungdolphm, I stated that I was willing to accept that oauth might supplant it01:46
ayoungbut right now, I have no plans to implement oauth. termie states he is willing to implement it01:47
crazedif i could get some feedback on i wouldn't mind taking a stab at implementing the fix01:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1158077 in keystone "user crud in ldap backend breaks when changing user_name_attribute and user_id_attribute" [Undecided,New]01:47
dolphmayoung: acknowledging that there may be a better solution is a huuuuuuge argument toward "this should be a non-core extension and be released as a beta"01:47
termiedolphm, ayoung: implementing oauth falls well into my "spite coding" sweet spot01:48
termieor at least "angry coding"01:48
ayoungdolphm, I would feel more comfortable saying tokens was wrong01:48
dolphmtermie: you have 7 hours, go01:48
termieayoung: tokens was wrong, we're on bored for that01:48
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ayoungdolphm, so, until we have oauth, we use the implementation in the code base to use a token to get a token.  I don't see anything wrong with that implementation01:49
ayoungdavid chadwich would be here arguing for mapping as you recall01:49
dolphm+1 i'd like to see tokens replaced but i don't know what the best solution is -- we have a summit talk on that though01:49
ayoungthey actually submitted a patch for that, even01:49
dolphmyep, i'm not opposed to the concept, but the api and implementation both needed considerable work01:50
termieturns out oauth would probably handle most of that too ;)01:50
ayoungI'm all for being a purist during design.  I am willing to include oauth as one, potential, standard for doing delegation.  That is afar way from saying it is better for our needs thant what we have01:50
ayoungdolphm, agreed.01:50
termieayoung: it is better for our needs than what we have01:51
ayoungdolphm, if you are going to do that with trusts, you should do it for the whole V3 api.01:52
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ayoungThe arguments are the same.01:52
ayoungShould we disable V3 by default?01:53
termiethat would be rad :)01:53
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termienot changing things are the easiest things to support01:53
termiei suspect that will be too large a battle to win, however01:54
ayoungcrazed, as you can see, we are in a bit of a discussion here, but looking at the bug...01:55
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dolphmayoung: "trusts need to be enabled by default" -- you haven't said anything to justify "need" other than suggesting that a proprietary product at red hat is crippled without trusts; if it's proprietary, red hat can ensure trusts are enabled in their own deployments02:02
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ayoungIt is not a proprietary red hat product that is crippled02:03
ayoungThis feature request came from another team on openstack.02:03
termiedolphm: i am kinda thinking 7 hours might be enough, will see how long it takes to duplicate the appropriate tests02:03
dolphmtermie: i was sort of joking and was worried you take up the challenge02:04
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ayoungdolphm, plus, talk to gyee, as his company stated that they need the feature as well.02:05
ayoungWe need a mechanism to allow us to get away from bearer tokens02:05
ayoungif trusts or a comparable other feature that we can count on is not there, we cannot make use of a better auth mechanism02:06
crazedayoung: it's all good, it's an interesting discussion, i wouldn't be able to work on it until tomorrow anyway02:06
termiedolphm: i am strangely manipulable :p02:06
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ayoungtermie, where were you when this could have resulted in something productive?02:06
dolphmayoung: yes, the community has use cases for delegation and impersonation, but not if we can't stand behind the implementation for 18 months02:06
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ayoungdolphm, I can stand behind trusts for 18 months.  If it gets pulled, it will be because it was replaced by something superior that did everything trusts can do and more, but that something does not exist right now.02:07
dolphmtermie: i'm still wondering what about breaking your face made you run_tests on keystone02:07
ayoungI would not bother implementing oauth.02:07
termiedolphm: new outlook on life?02:08
ayoungBut termie is welcome to02:08
ayoungand if he does02:08
ayoungAND it is accepted and used02:08
ayoungthen we mark trusts as deprecated02:08
ayounguntil that exists, we have a mechanism.02:08
ayoungAnd, to be honest, there is no reason that trusts and oauth can't co-exist.02:09
ayoungSo, yes, 18 months on trusts.02:09
dolphmayoung: competing solutions for the same use case is what defines non-core02:11
dolphmtermie: how familiar are you with the v3 spec?02:11
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termiedolphm: low familiarity, won't need much to write a spec02:13
termiedolphm: did we change response formats to something more standardized?02:13
dolphmtermie: a bit, yes02:13
dolphmtermie: scroll down a bit from here
termiedolphm: oh the famed "methods"02:15
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termiedolphm: most of what i have to return is a token02:15
dolphmtermie: the token itself is returned in a header, not in the body02:16
termiedolphm: looking at this:
termiedolphm: the hard part i expect is that you guys probably normalized the tokens02:16
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termiedolphm: which results in get-token mkaing a bunch of calls02:17
termiedolphm: instead of 102:17
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termiedolphm: (checking)02:17
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dolphmtermie: in the driver?02:17
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termiedolphm: in validate_token i suppose02:18
termiedolphm: actually looks doable as is02:18
dolphmtermie: are you looking at keystone.auth or keystone.token02:19
termiedolphm: roles are pulled from metadata02:19
termieoh right, two copies of the same code02:19
termiewill check the other too02:19
termiecurrently .token02:19
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ayoungdolphm, I have to turn in, I'm on east coast time, and have two little boys whose internal alarm clocks are set way too early.  Lets discuss this tomorrow?02:20
dolphm*sigh* validate_token is calling get_token at least twice02:20
termiedolphm: yeah, normalized in there02:20
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termiedolphm: it does a _populate_roles in the token_factory.TokenDataHelper02:21
termiei think this token_factory is pretty much altogether a bad idea02:21
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termieyou should be building the token at creation time not fetch time02:21
dolphmtermie: the only catch there is that the token structure is different on each api, and ideally a token from one api can be used and validated on the other02:23
termiedolphm: by "each api" do you just mean between v2 and v3?02:23
dolphmtermie: yes02:23
termiedolphm: or do you mean different calls?02:23
dolphmtermie: create token on v2 -> validate on v3, etc02:23
termiedolphm: i think that probably wasn't necessary02:24
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termiedolphm: these tokens barely even get cached anywhere as it is02:24
termiedolphm: they are going to use a library02:24
termiedolphm: and just get a new one02:24
dolphmayoung: termie: was anyone else involved in ya'll conversation from earlier / this past week?02:25
termiedolphm: anyway, the stuff in token_factory doesn't let you give it the data it needs, it always looks up stuff02:26
dolphmtermie: auth_token itself has the best caching probably, for it's own token02:26
dolphmnotsomuch a factory02:26
ayoungdolphm, I don't think so.  There might have been a fair number of lurkers, but no one contributed AFAICR02:26
termiedolphm: it calls all that stuff on validate_token :(02:27
termiedolphm: in effect "validate_token" the call that should be the fastest02:27
termieis actually the slowest02:27
termieit builds teh catalog in there too02:27
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dolphmfeature freeze needs to be like 12 weeks02:30
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termieor just review stuff beforei t goes in02:31
termieand be like, "holy shit this is making 30+ calls"02:31
termietoken response should be "fetch token by key, is this still valid? return it"02:32
dolphmtermie: the auth and trusts reviews both came really late in the v3 cycle; i basically wrote tests against them instead of reviewing as thoroughly02:33
dolphmtermie: on the basis that performance and nits can be quickly improved, broken api behaviors can't :(02:33
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termiedolphm: this token_factory makes a lot of api behavior assumptions, unfortunately02:34
termiedolphm: but i think it can be fixed02:34
termiedolphm: i'd of course just sshred it all :p02:34
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termiedolphm: but i think some checks for "is this data already in the returned token"02:34
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dolphmtermie: ayoung_zzz: i think ayoung is gone for the night, but i'm going to split my patch up -- one to make trusts optional, which i think is valuable at least for security reasons (disable feature you're not using), and maintain the second patch as disabling them by default (which ayoung is currently blocking)02:42
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dolphmtermie: ayoung_zzz: asking ttx to let us change the default after rc1 will be a simple swap of booleans02:43
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termiesorry, makerbot emergency to deal with02:46
termiegah, so many things are already built into this big ugly piece of code02:46
dolphmtermie: glad to have you back!02:48
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termiei think this calls for a run to the corner store02:49
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termiedolphm: did you ever move out to sf?02:49
termiedolphm: or was that even an option?02:49
dolphmtermie: no, and it was a longshot02:49
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termiedolphm: too bad, would be so much easier to do backroom dealings02:49
termiedolphm: in person02:49
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ayoungdolphm, on the kill switch, the if blocks are wrong, and actually dangerous as written.02:58
ayoungIf a token comes in with a trust_id, but trusts are disabled, then we need to return exception.Forbidden02:59
ayoungAs written, the processing will continue and the user will still get a valid token.02:59
termieayoung: he'd never have given a trust in teh first place02:59
dolphmayoung: it'll be an unscoped token, though -- as if the server doesn't understand trusts03:00
ayoungtermie, what if it was enabled and then disabled?03:00
termieayoung: you are making up stuff03:00
dolphmayoung: i'm about to post a split review you'll like03:00
termieayoung: go to sleep so we can talk behind your back03:00
ayoungdolphm, the check just needs to be in the first line:  like this03:00
ayoung if 'trust_id' in auth:03:01
ayoungif !  :03:01
ayoung raise exception.Forbidden()03:01
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ayoungdoesn't need to be in every block, just the first one.  Depends on how paranoid you want to code it03:01
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ayoungdolphm, same is true for the delete tokens logic.  If the trusts were disabled, we can't confirm that the admins know to delete all the tokens in the database03:03
ayoungthere may still be outstand trust tokens03:03
termiedid we get rid of the openssl check?03:04
termie'cause i am on a different computer and just ran into that again :p03:04
termiewould have worked juuuust fine in the run_tests.sh03:04
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dolphmtermie: isn't openssl in test-requires or pip-requires?03:05
dolphmor pyopenssl03:05
dolphmgrr, it's not03:05
termienot that03:06
termiethe version of openssal has to be abouve 103:07
ayoungtermie, if you want to do some valuable angry coding, get a decent set of openssl bindings for eventlet03:07
termieos x ships with 0.9.8 or something03:07
termieayoung: this is making me much happeier03:07
ayoungOr just adecent set of openssl bindings that don't run afowl of the GIL03:07
dolphmtermie: i think i brew installed 1.0.103:08
termieyeah sames03:09
termiedolphm: it just dies with a ton of cryptic errors without that03:09
termiedolphm: so i wrote some stuff in run_tests.sh03:09
dolphmtermie: i think you abandoned that review03:09
termiedolphm: then got asked ot move it to, but that broke you all for some reason03:09
termiedolphm: so you reverted it03:09
dolphmtermie: that broke everyone but me03:09
termiedolphm: didn't break me either03:10
termiemaybe we have some secret powers03:10
dolphmtermie: do you manage your own venv or let run_tests build it for you?03:10
termiemanage my own03:10
termiei bet something about how does the venving03:10
termiemakes with the hurty times for others03:10
termieoh weird i get a bunch of "too many open files"03:11
dolphmopenssl says hi03:11
termieopenssl also?03:11
dolphmi think so03:11
termieoh yeah, it didn't get moved iunto my path yet03:12
dolphmi had to increase my ulimit after we added openssl, and again after auth_token started caching stuff on disk in files03:12
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termieoh wait, still happening even after getting proper version03:13
dolphmgranted os x defaults to something really low (256?)03:13
termiedidn't seem to be a problem on my macbook air last week03:13
termieand this fucker is beefy03:13
dolphmnew one?03:14
termiewell, it is my work one but i brought it home03:14
termiei figured if i am going to be doing heavy lifting03:14
termie(actually i was working on docker earlier today, did you see that?03:14
termiepretty rad03:14
termiedolphm: but i needed a bunch of vagrants to test my stuff03:15
* dolphm reading03:15
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termieit's a dotcloud project03:16
termiei have a poc i want to write with it / around it so i asked for early access so that i can get it done for their launch and ride their publicity :)03:16
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dolphmhmm this seems really cool03:17
termiedolphm: hmm, increased ulimit to 1000 and still get errors03:17
termiedolphm: it is basically an lxc for a process wiht the output piped back to you03:17
dolphmtermie: mine has been at 1024 for at least a few months without issue03:17
termieoh, you know i think it was beause i have a "watch" running in the backgorund03:18
termiei guess it must be somehow keeping all the file descriptors that ack was using open03:18
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termie(watch ack trrrt is a really good way to find and remove all teh references to trrrt)03:19
dolphmi use ack, but not watch03:20
termieit is like a countdown to no more mentions03:20
termieevery time you delete some lines the stuff gets smaller03:21
termiestill too many open files wtf world03:21
termiei'm at 1024s03:21
dolphmbrew install watch?03:21
termiethe files open errors start once it gets to the checkouts03:22
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termieerm the Kc11TestCase and such03:22
ayounggnight, all03:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Update Cinder's latest copy of OSLO grizzly stable
termieseems to do fine without running the integration tests except for an oslo test that dies03:27
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dolphmtermie: i resolved ayoung's comments, and he seemed to approve otherwise (and i'm not sure how thoroughly gyee reviewed?), but if you +1 i'll merge and cut rc103:40
dolphmit's enabled by default there, and there's a subsequent review that ayoung -2'd to make it disabled by default03:40
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termiehrm, seems like the trust sql migrations changed more than trust03:52
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termieor i am crazy or something03:53
dolphmtermie: link?03:54
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termiedolphm: lookings03:57
termiedolphm: i already removed the line in my copy03:57
termiewas there no user_id table before?03:59
termielooks like no03:59
termiei guess i'll add that part back to the mgiration04:00
dolphmno, there wasn't -- it was buried in json04:00
termieyou don't get a weird oslo error, do you?04:03
termieit comes from the _test_auth_token_import.py04:03
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termiecan't sleep?04:03
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ayoungdolphm, let me give it a thourough test before you merge04:04
ayoungtermie, nope.  For some reason I am a little wired04:04
dolphmayoung: thank you!04:04
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dolphmayoung: i have the version bump pre-approved behind it, so they'll merge together04:04
ayoung test_auth_with_scope_in_trust_403  is a good idea04:06
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termiei forget what i have to do to make gerrit work on a new computer04:06
termieis my gerrit name termie or termie@openstack.org04:06
termiedo i need keys somewhere?04:07
termieoh found it04:07
ayoungdolphm, this seems a little hard to parse:04:07
ayoungelif not and 'trust' in self.auth['scope']:04:07
ayoung186            raise exception.Forbidden('Trusts are disabled.')04:07
ayoung187        elif and 'trust' in self.auth['scope']:04:07
ayoungany reason you did the double if?04:08
dolphmayoung: i thought it was more clear, actually04:08
dolphmthat was a fast -204:09
ayoungIt needs to depend on a corresponding patch that implements an alternative04:09
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termieayoung: easier to write that patch when there aren't 1850 extra lines of code ;)04:10
dolphmif the alternative is an extension, it would be in a different repo and we couldn't create a dependency anyway04:10
ayoungtermie, it should be completely orthoganal.  Your implementation of oauth should not care that there are trusts.04:10
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termieayoung: i'll let myself decide what i "should" do04:11
ayoungand I'll let myself decide what I should approve04:11
termieayoung: yup, just laying groundwork04:11
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termieayoung: (makes it easier if you want to write an extension, too)04:15
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termiethis token_factory stuff sure is a tangle04:21
termieit calls quite a lot of 6 parameter methods on itself04:22
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termiethen just dumps everything in extras anyway04:22
termiein fact, i wouldn't be surprised if the tokens somehow grew extra subtokens in themselves somehow04:23
dolphmayoung: did you want me to change something in that patch?04:23
ayoungdolphm, still looking, but yes.  Review in a minute.04:23
dolphmtermie: thanks04:23
termietoken_data = token_ref['token']04:24
termie'token' is sttored in the extras field04:24
termieso the token in the db looks like extras['token']04:25
dolphm(i actually think you wrote that)04:25
termiedolphm: not at all, watch ina we04:25
termieso it gets returned from the db, extras gets expanded to token.extra['token'] is now token['token']04:26
termieso token_data = token_ref['token']04:26
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termiethen token_data['extras'] = token_ref['extras'] is set04:26
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termieso in the db we actually have token.extras['token']['extras']04:26
termieit should only be one extra level and there is probably nothing in it04:27
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termiebut yeah, not how that is supposed to work04:28
termieso everything is doing two unroll / rerolls04:28
termieand it makes it very hard to read04:28
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termiei'm just trying to optimize the call so it doesn't look up things it already know04:29
termiebut damn if i can find where it even knows what it knows04:29
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termie(because it never looks for the data it has stored)04:29
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termieluckily it still appears to be storing everything even if it ignores is04:30
ayoungtermie, see, this is why I wanted you engaged....04:30
ayoungjust your timing sucks04:31
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harlowjadolphm: yt04:32
dolphmharlowja: o/04:32
harlowjayo, just some ideas if u have some time :-p04:33
harlowjarun 'em by (not oveR) u04:33
dolphmharlowja: go for it04:33
harlowjasome of the guys at y! were thinking that keystone could be split into a 'catalog' and the authentication and authorizon parts, the catalog especially seems like an odd  duck in keystone04:34
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termieharlowja: HAH04:34
termieoh the lulz04:34
termieeverything old is new again04:34
harlowjathe circle of life04:34
harlowjaakoona matta04:34
termiethis project is one big i told ya so04:35
harlowja*hakuna matata04:35
termieharlowja: godspeed04:35
harlowjajust wondering why its joined04:35
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harlowjakeystone redux304:36
harlowjaother things that might just be interesting questions, users can exist without roles, whats up with that :-p04:36
termiehah it's even worse, token.extras['token_data']['token']['extras']04:38
termieharlowja: that is a feature04:38
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termieharlowja: you don't need a role to be a user04:38
harlowjawhere is it useful? admin stuff?04:38
termieharlowja: you only need roles to do thing that require roles to do stuff (so probably in most cases, but read-only stuff in nova or whatnot might easily have no roles)04:39
termieanyway, i need to code04:39
harlowjano code allowed04:39
termieso i am not going to engage in discourse04:39
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harlowjaso there is almost a 'NoRole' (role) :-p04:40
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harlowjawhich is interesting since then the lack of roles has semantics04:40
harlowjaso meta04:40
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dolphmharlowja: sorry, i was responding to ayoung_zzz's review comments -- did termie answer your question? lol04:44
harlowjaeh, its more of a discussion, rather than an answer04:44
harlowjathe answer may not exist, idk04:44
dolphmi'm not sure i have a great answer, other than it seems like some decisions were made out of convenience, not ideals04:45
harlowjawe were just fixing some issues here since we put users in tenants with no roles, and there was some bugs that happened there (fixed in grizzly), and it was odd that users could exist without roles04:45
harlowjadolphm: sure sure04:45
dolphmharlowja: users in tenants with no roles?04:45
harlowjaright, or thats what i believe happened04:46
harlowja*running folsom*04:46
dolphmah, that was sort of an unintended feature that we dropped during grizzly (thanks ayoung!)04:46
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harlowjaah, thats cool04:47
harlowjagood to know04:47
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dolphmharlowja: if you migrate that data forward, we create a generic role and assign it to such user-tenant pairs, then go about enforcing the fact that you need a role to have a relationship with a tenant04:47
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harlowjaawesome, i think our ops are cleaning up it anyway in the DB04:48
dolphmharlowja: so, users can exist by themselves, and tenants can exist by themselves, but you must use roles to create relationships between them04:48
dolphmharlowja: see Member role04:48
harlowjawoot, thx04:49
harlowjaand the other thing, the odd duckling, is just a thought, but has there been any thoughts about moving said 'catalog' out of keystone, i'm not sure if it makes sense, or maybe it was done before, or ….04:50
harlowja*u've probably been asked this alot04:50
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dolphmi think it was included with keystone for convenience -- it simply made sense to return the catalog in a response from keystone04:51
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harlowjaohhhh, and the other one, i know in the v2 api, there wasn't a good way to say, get me all the roles a user is in, (without iterating over there tenant), does something like that seem useful, at least for something i am doing it could be, haha, but maybe v3 is better04:52
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dolphmharlowja: i'd be happy to see it split off if there was some complicated use case that warranted a division in labor/expertise04:53
harlowjai'm gonna get the guy who thinks it should be to describe it more :-p04:53
dolphmlooking for similar calls...04:54
dolphmList users with a role: GET /v3/roles/{role_id}/users04:54
dolphmList user's roles on domain: GET /v3/domains/{domain_id}/users/{user_id}/roles04:54
harlowjabasically the reason for that api, is that we have a sync process which goes and makes sure the users in our other system are synced with the ones in keystone, and extracting what keystone has for 'roles/tenants/roles' and what we want it to have for roles/tenants/users04:54
dolphmList user's roles on project: GET /v3/projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles04:54
harlowjacool, that might help04:55
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harlowjaand yes i know we shouldn't have to do said sync in the first place (just the backend should be better, haha)04:55
harlowja*our backend*04:55
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dolphmi think both solutions make sense for different reasons04:56
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harlowjai'll mess around with those apis, just the iterating part is the PITA part, ha04:58
harlowjabasically to create a local view of what is in keystone, and then compare it against what the sync script belives should be the correct 'view' and then make keystone have that 'correct' view by applying various ws calls04:58
harlowjalike say, we have a system to know if new y! employees come onboard, daily adding there users, deleting peopel who left, and such (and interacting with nova to automatically do stuff with there vms)04:59
dolphmharlowja: that should be relatively efficient on v3 because it's all PUT / HEAD / DELETE calls without request/response bodies04:59
harlowjaall not so fun but needed stuff, ha04:59
dolphmdefinition of keystone ^04:59
termiedolphm: i think i mapped out this object05:00
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harlowjaack, extras fields05:00
harlowjajust say no to extras fields05:00
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dolphmtermie: ... now do it again for keystone.token :(05:01
dolphmwhy is domain in there twice05:01
dolphmwith no distinction05:01
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termiesorry indented wrong05:02
termiethere are many things there twice05:02
termieharlowja: the extras field should have been called the "data" field or something05:02
dolphmoh that lines a dupe then05:02
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termieharlowja: obviously nobody understood it and just proceeded anyway05:02
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harlowjatermie: the 'kitchen sink' field05:02
harlowjaor the 'cubbard'05:03
termieharlowja: not the "kitchen sink" field, the "really, the token is this blob"05:03
termiethe other fields are only indexes for lookups05:03
dolphmare you saying the token is not a kitchen sink?05:03
termie_this_ token is05:03
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harlowjatermie: i think our ops people at y! have a dart board with the extras field on it05:04
termienow to figure out what whackjob security considerations were put in05:04
termieharlowja: worst idea ever letting anybody touch this without taking a test first05:04
harlowjawhat kind of test05:04
termie"what is your data model"05:05
harlowjaah, good test05:05
termie"explain to me how an index works"05:05
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termie"what does the database have to do to answer this question?"05:05
dolphmstart every code review with an interview05:05
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harlowjau do know that nova also is similarily odd in lots of places :-p05:05
termiedolphm: i basically have to, which is why i stopped working on this05:05
termieharlowja: oh yes i do, that's why i stopped working on it first05:06
termienova-light will come around eventually05:06
harlowjai'm hoping to get some traction around state-management for it05:06
harlowjaits just so much is awkward05:06
termiewhole thing needs to be switched to a task queue05:07
harlowjafind a for loop in nova, say in run_instance, ask yourself what happens if the for loop breaks in the middle with an exception05:07
termieand people need to learn about idempotency05:07
termieback to writing code05:07
harlowjatermie: yes, i'm gonna make it my mission in life to get there05:07
harlowjasomeday i tell u05:07
termieharlowja: you can have free beer from me as long as you keep trying05:08
dolphmtermie: i'm going to bed so i can talk to ttx as early as possible, if need be05:08
harlowjatermie: not just me, i've got peps involved05:08
harlowjamore than 1 :-p05:08
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harlowjajust its like a battle to the death05:08
harlowjabeat nova with stick05:09
harlowjaget beaten back by nova05:09
termiedolphm: aighty05:09
termiedolphm: i'll probably submit some patches that change the security profile of tokens05:09
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harlowjatermie: if u get bored, ha05:13
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termiehrmph i'm getting all kinds of weird oslo errors :/05:25
termiewhat's the deal with all these tests failing in weird ways05:26
harlowjai had the same issue05:26
harlowjaand the deeper question is how does CI pass :-p05:27
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termieya mang05:27
harlowjai've sent markmc some questions, not really sure i know how it passes anywhere, maybe its my fault though, haha05:27
termiethere's got to be a leak in here05:28
harlowjaKeyError: 'AvailabilityZoneFilter' happens alot05:28
harlowjaand stuff like that05:28
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termieand i don't want to spend a week finding it05:28
harlowjasimilar errors for u?05:28
termiei get too many files open05:28
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termiedolphm said he had it too05:28
termiei've already raised my ulimit05:28
harlowjai didn't hit that one :-/05:29
termiebut obviously something is leaking file descriptors somewhere05:29
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termierestarting computer just in case05:29
harlowjascan /proc and see which pid is doing it?05:30
harlowjafor example, for x in `ps -ef| awk '{ print $2 }'`;do ls /proc/$x/fd|wc -l;done05:32
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termiehrm rebooting didn't fix05:36
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harlowjakill all the processes, ha05:37
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termiethis is frustrating05:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Allow trusts to be optional
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termiekind of making the rest of the coding diffficuly05:49
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termieupdating oslo05:49
termiemaybe that'll help05:49
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termiefucking damnit05:52
termiei hate flaky tests05:52
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termieseems to be some sort of failed cleanup when a test fails05:54
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termieor not05:55
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termiehalf of these errors are now "failed to read some config files"06:11
termiebut i assume those are part of the too many files thing06:11
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termiethe tests run fine individually06:14
termietime to push it all and let jenkins sort it out06:16
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termiesince apparently it is the only thing that can run these tests06:19
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termiei wonder what these random non-public methods on the V2 and V3 keystone controllers are there fore06:59
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termiewow, these have the weirdest call sigs07:01
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termielord almighty07:05
termiei suspect i would have done domains much differently as well07:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: nova-manage: remove redundant 'dest' args
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garykarosen: thanks07:30
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matiuanyone know about sqlite and adding / creating columns ?07:47
matiuspecifically if this looks good or not:07:47
matiuthe two comments07:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-quantumclient: Improve unit tests for python-quantumclient
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ttxdolphm, termie, ayoung: I'm not exactly thrilled to make a change of this magnitude one day before RC1 and two weeks before final release -- Keystone is a pretty central piece of code and I don't want to do another Diablo08:05
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ttxI'm ok with making small changes to make sure the future looks good though.08:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/devstack: Accept Quantums rootwrap.conf in etc/quantum/rootwrap.conf
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eglynnttx: quick questoin about the summit proposal system ...08:52
eglynnttx: is there any way to re-assign a proposed summit session from one track to another?08:52
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eglynnttx: (the topic field doesn't appear to be editable ...)08:53
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eglynnttx: context ... after discussion with markwash & russellb, we decided that is more appropriate for the nova track than glance08:54
eglynnttx: could just delete and re-propose I guess ...08:54
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ttxeglynn: you can ask the topic lead for the one you selected, or I can do it for you08:55
ttxthey have the power to reassign08:55
ttxFor that one i'll dot it for you08:55
eglynnttx: great, thanks!08:55
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ttxeglynn: done, please doublecheck08:56
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eglynnttx: that's perfect, thank you sir!08:56
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termieayoung_zzz: about all i'm going to get to tonight, wrestled with failign tests far too long and still can't run them:
termieayoung_zzz: (and my 7 hours is up)09:42
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johndescshi, there is a missing ':' in from devstack that breaks networking from within the VMs for me, should I submit such a small patch (and where) or is there anyone with push rights here?10:12
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jpichjohndescs: You can report the bug here: and if you're interested in fixing it yourself, devstack follows the same patch submission and review process as the other projects (
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johndescsjpich: okay, will do even if it sounds too much for a colon to add ;)10:23
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jpichjohndescs: I hear you :)10:32
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zykes-markmc: / mordred you guys got any eta on oslo.package ?11:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-swiftclient: Allow user to specify headers at the command line.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Bring back sexy colorized test results.
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garykHenryG: ping12:37
HenryGgaryk, hi!12:37
garykHenryG: hi, thanks for the review. did you see my last comment12:37
garykHenryG: i do not think that what you suggest will work - this is due to the fact the the lockutils internals will catch the exception12:38
HenryGgaryk, looking now...12:38
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HenryGgaryk, Ah, I looked for retries but did not find them.12:40
HenryGSo the problem now is that the user won't know what's happening.12:40
HenryGif an agent blocks12:40
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garykHenryG: agreed. If they look in the log they will know. I do not think that this suffices. Maybe a patch to oslo with exit if used will sort it out12:41
HenryGHow about augmenting InterprocessLock with a flag to not retry?12:43
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garykHenryG: that is what I was thinking12:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Don't actually connect to libvirtd in unit tests.
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1158308 in devstack "FLAT_INTERFACE not working" [Undecided,New]13:38
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johndescsshould I really join the foundation etc. for that ? or is it enough like that ?13:39
johndescsnice bot :)13:39
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jpichjohndescs: I guess we'll see what the devstack people think, certainly thank you for reporting a bug + providing a patch/hint for resolution :)13:41
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jpichjohndescs: Until a patch is up on though, it can't get in13:42
vkmcCool johndescs, I was having problems with that too, thanks!13:44
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berendtcan somebody have a look at the build failed with a OOM and a kernel stack trace. I already triggered a recheck with the same result.13:45
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crazedbknudson: hey, about are you okay with the way the default test scenario is handled?13:48
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bknudsoncrazed: yes, it looks ok to me.13:49
bknudsonso just fix the order of the imports and I'll +1 it.13:49
crazedawesome, thanks i'll do that now13:49
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bknudsoncrazed: obviously, I wasn't looking very closely at the code, just thinking about what might be wrong... it was getting late.13:50
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johndescsokay let's wait a little :)13:51
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crazedbknudson: it's all good, it was late for me too13:55
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crazedi'm glad we have some tests on the actual ldap connection now though14:00
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johndescshas any dev from devstack here an idea why I can find no info about DNS? it's not working out of the box for me, but I may setup a server in the dashboard afterwards14:16
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johndescswould be nice to get it/them from resolv.conf14:16
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kenperkinshello from rackspace via Seattle :P14:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Version bump to 2013.2
dolphmayoung_zzz: henrynash: ttx: ^14:59
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ayoungdolphm, and with that, rc1 is complete15:00
ttxdolphm: hmm, what about the trustocalypse ?15:00
dolphmayoung: thanks for approving that change last night15:00
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dolphmttx: we merged a patch to let us disable trusts with a config variable (it's enabled by default)15:01
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ayoungdolphm, NP.  I was thinking that a kill switch would be a decent feature even before that discussion.15:01
ttxdolphm: but still make it part of the v3 main api ?15:01
ayoungdolphm, I am writing up a comparison of auth and trusts.  I'll do it as a blog post.  Let me check splelling and the like and I'll send you the link when I'm done.15:02
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ayoungttx, yes15:02
ayoungttx, the kill switch is a panic button15:02
ttxdolphm: is termie on board with that solution for grizzly ? I don't really want him to come back today and talk you into dropping it to an extension after all, post-rc1.15:02
ayoungttx, doesn't matter15:02
ayoungthe rest of the core are aligned in the approach15:03
ttxi'm fine with a number of changes pre-rc1, not so much post-rc115:03
dolphmttx: at the moment yes, termie implemented oauth last night as an alternative to consider15:03
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henrynashdolphm: ..and given we want to have a much larger discussion on Oauth etc. at the summit, I don't think pushing it now quickly is right15:04
ttxdolphm: so if oauth comes in havana as a replacement for the current impl for trusts, that would make a 3.1 or 4.0 api, right ?15:04
dolphmttx: pretty sure he's not on board with trusts at all; if we changed trusts in grizzly at this point, i'd only want to change the URL to indicate it's an extension, and nothing more15:04
ayoungttx, probably not15:04
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ayoungprobably not 415:04
dolphmttx: that's my thinking, yes15:04
dolphmttx: i expect at least 3.1 in havana, but on the same endpoint /v3/15:05
dolphmhenrynash: +115:05
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ttxdolphm: my point is... dropping it to an extension post-rc1 would be bad. So the call you're making now should be the call for Grizzly release15:06
ttxi'm totally fine with your decision -- that was really too late to come up with an objection. Just making sure you understand the consequences :)15:06
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ayoungttx thanks15:07
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dolphmttx: agree & understand -- it's not something i want to do15:07
ayoungttx, the thing is, delegation, regardless of implementation, cannot help but touch core.15:07
dolphmttx: i want to understand termie's perspective at this point15:07
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dolphmayoung: i'd disagree on that point15:07
ayoungdolphm, no, you wouldn't15:08
ladquinmaurosr, around?15:08
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ayoungbecause some of the change we made were at your request15:08
ayoungand those were changes for example15:08
ayoungto revoking tokens from trusts15:08
ayoungthat logic, the ability to chain tokens, and revoke on those chains had to happen in the core controller code15:09
ayoungit was even refactored out of the identity controller and into the common code15:09
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jamespagenijaba, hey - has ceilometer been tested with mongodb 2.4 (just released)?  just pondering a late upgrade for raring.15:12
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chmoueljd__: ^15:15
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chmoueljamespage: nijaba is traveling today i believe15:15
jd__jamespage: I don't think so15:15
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ttxdolphm: cutting grizzly release branch from 4b8cab7b3753ba3de9f93175636858555d575be615:16
dolphmttx: +115:16
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jamespagejd__, OK - thanks - I think we will defer until next release15:22
jamespagetbh the python driver upgrade is not even release yet :-)15:22
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ttxdolphm: keystone master now opened for havana development15:23
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dolphmttx: woot, thanks!15:24
ttxdolphm: will tag rc1 in a few if you don't waive any red flag15:24
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crazedttx: dolphm, any chance we could get in there15:25
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dolphmcrazed: i'm good with the patch if bknudson's concers are resolved, which looks to be the case15:28
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bknudsondolphm: I looked at it and am happy with it.15:28
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ttxdolphm: if you want it in grizzly you should backport it to MP once it hits master15:30
dolphmttx: will do15:31
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jgriffithsdague: sadly at this point it seems the prudent thing to do is just remove support altogether15:31
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ttxdolphm: adding bug 1153786 to rc1 to track that15:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1153786 in keystone "ldap dereferencing is broken in the ldap backend" [Medium,In progress]
sdaguejgriffith: yeh, let's see what Bradley says first (give him till the end of the day)15:32
jgriffithsdague: sure15:32
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crazedttx: dolphm, sorry if i'm late/new to the development cycle, but any chance can be handled in grizzly as well? the ability to change ldap name/id attributes is sort of broken without a way to ensure all necessary attributes are defined for say inetOrgPerson15:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1158077 in keystone "user crud in ldap backend breaks when changing user_name_attribute and user_id_attribute" [Undecided,New]15:34
bknudsondolphm: keystone master now open for H development means that anything checked in now will go into H release and not G unless backported?15:34
ttxbknudson: yes15:35
dolphmcrazed: i'd need to see a patch and assess it's impact15:35
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crazeddolphm: okay, i wanted to get feedback on the proposed config option before attempting a patch15:35
SpamapSheh.. does this make any sense at all:     # Log all queries (any query taking longer than 0 seconds)15:37
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maurosrladquin: hey, hi!15:43
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dolphmcrazed: reviewing the bug, it seems like a valuable feature, but i think it would need to stay in havana due to complexity/impact15:44
ladquinhi, maurosr! sorry to bother so much15:45
dolphmcrazed: but again, can be hard to tell without a patch15:46
maurosrladquin: you are not =)... so what's up?15:46
ladquinmaurosr, yesterday I was working on documenting the os-services ext api, and I got a few doubts, perhaps you can help me with that15:46
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ladquinmaurosr, as I could see, there were some patches around to fix it, as it had some inconsistencies15:47
maurosrindeed, few days agora15:48
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ladquinmaurosr,  I was testing it on my devstack and couldn't really make it work the enable/disable requests15:48
ladquinlet me get a pastebin15:48
vishyjgriffith: fyi had a couple of important changes regarding getting is_admin via policy15:49
vishyjgriffith: you might want to grab those if you don't have them15:49
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crazeddolphm: okay, i'll work on a patch, seems the oslo.config stuff doens't have a good way to parse the values currently though15:50
crazeddolphm: worse case scenario i live hack the changes i need when i upgrade to grizzly15:50
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dolphmcrazed: register_list() and .split(':') each result?15:52
dimscrazed, i'd appreciate if you could open a bug against oslo for the problem you see parsing values15:52
dims(pretty please)15:52
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ladquinmaurosr,  tried that and many other combinations, but I always get a 404 (it works ok with the nova client)15:53
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maurosrlet me see15:53
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jgriffithvishy: Yeah, but policy borked all the unit tests so we passed on it15:53
crazeddolphm: yeah i could do the split, but would be kind of cool if that was in oslo.config15:53
dolphmmarkmc: when are dicts coming to oslo.config? :D15:54
jgriffithvishy: That's the only one that was really significant15:54
jgriffithvishy: I'll take another look15:54
markmcdolphm, what's that mean?15:54
maurosrladquin: I'll try here first... will ping you back in minutes15:54
jgriffithvishy: thanks for the heads up15:54
markmcdolphm, CONF['debug'] ?15:54
dolphmmarkmc: see the proposed config syntax in this bug
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1158077 in keystone "user crud in ldap backend breaks when changing user_name_attribute and user_id_attribute" [Medium,Triaged]15:54
dolphmmarkmc: user_additional_attribute_mappings = sn:name, description:email15:54
markmcdolphm, when someone sends a patch :)15:55
dimscrazed, i can fix oslo.config15:55
dimsor at least help markmc fix it :)15:55
ladquinmaurosr, sure, thank you!15:55
dolphmi wouldn't mind writing that as well, if the proposed syntax is agreeable15:56
crazeddims: cool, yeah i think if we supported something like option = key1:value, key2:value, etc which turned into a dict15:56
crazedi think the quantum ovs plugin uses a syntax similar to that15:56
markmcdoesn't seem crazy15:56
markmcconsider doing it as multistropt variant tho15:57
markmcoption = key1:value15:57
markmcoption = key2:value15:57
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markmcgiving the same result15:57
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crazedah yeah that would be nice15:57
markmcmaybe you want both variants15:57
dimsagree, both would be good15:57
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crazedhow should we proceed15:58
dimscrazed, bug against oslo, will take a stab when i get a chance15:59
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jgriffithvishy: booo... our policy file is VERY old, we're still using enforce everywehre16:11
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1158380 in oslo "oslo.config should support a means of doing options that result in dicts" [Undecided,New]16:13
dimscrazed, thanks16:13
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crazedfor the keystone changes i'd like, i'll go with a list + spit until oslo.config is ready16:15
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heckjttx, dolphm : morning - sorry, bad bus day getting into work today16:19
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heckjI heard I was "requested"?16:19
ttxheckj: about to cut rc116:19
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dolphmheckj: o/16:21
dolphmcrazed: +116:21
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ayoungcrazed, I meant to ask you on  if changing user_id actually makes sense16:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1158077 in keystone "user crud in ldap backend breaks when changing user_name_attribute and user_id_attribute" [Medium,Triaged]16:21
dolphmcrazed: when you've proposed a patch, open a bug that the config syntax needs to be revised16:22
crazedayoung: what do you mean?16:22
crazeddolphm: sure thing16:22
ayoungcrazed, typically user_id can't be changed after the user is created.  At least, that is the Keystone approach16:23
ayoungI'll link you to the code16:23
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dolphmcrazed: ah yeah, you shouldn't be able to change user id -- name is mutable though16:23
crazedah yeah, i agree, which is why my dn for users is uid=blah,ou=users,dc=example,dc=net,16:24
ayoungand then enforced in the backend16:24
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ayoungcrazed, so what is the problem that you are seeing?16:25
ttxdolphm: could you summarize your call on trusts to heckj, so that we are all on the same page ?16:25
crazedi'm not trying to allow user id changes, just telling keystone to check a different attribute in ldap16:25
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crazedthe problem is when searching for a user by id, it does something like %(user_id_attribute)s=%(user_id),%(user_tree_dn)16:26
dolphmttx: sure...16:26
crazedso to work with existing schemas you need to be able to change the user_id_attribute16:27
dolphmtermie isn't a fan of the trusts api or implementation, and wants to see them moved to an extension so that he can propose an alternative extension based on oauth16:27
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ayoungheckj, it was an interesting night....16:27
heckjsounds like it16:27
ttxa loong one.16:27
dolphmi proposed (and ayoung merged) a patch to add a feature flag for trusts16:28
heckjI caught some of termie's "feedback" when I was in mountainview last week before PyCon16:28
dolphmwe discussed defaulting that feature flag to 'off' so that we could say the feature was beta, and would either be reworked in v3.1 or moved to an extension16:28
dolphmayoung is quite opposed to that, and i'll certainly admit it's VERY late to have that discussion16:29
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ttxi'm fine with whatever option as long as the call is made before rc1 and sticks (and does not involve completely ripping the work that was done out)16:29
heckjsince I'm blessed (or cursed myself with) a fairly external perspective on this work, here's what I'm seeing:16:29
dolphmttx: i'm definitely opposed to ripping out the work, if only because of the massive code change and impact on stability16:29
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heckjWe rushed an API that didn't get a lot of review into the release, requesting a FFE for it. We got it in, and it's tentacles reach fairly deep. We have a lot of competing opinions on how we could do this, and while trusts was on the books for months, we didn't see anything concrete on it until the few weeks prior to RC freeze. We don't have much feedback or idea on how this API will work in practice, only in tests and bare documentation.16:31
dolphmthis is beside the point, but i'll share anyway: my opinion on the trust api is that it could be simplified drastically, but that would also mean cutting the fact that trusts automatically expire, and the fact that trusts have unique identifiers -- ayoung argued against both awhile back and i gave up16:31
dolphmheckj: that's an accurate perspective, imo16:32
heckjAt any other time, I'd say we should switch and make it an extension, but it's not clear that doing so will A) be easy and B) no introduce a bunch of instability issies. Dolph's added the feature_flag mechanism to enable/disable- which means I fucked up asking for a FFE earlier in the process, and we should have deferred this work entirely since it was so late16:32
heckjMy primary goal is not to screw up the stability of the current release,16:33
dolphmheckj: the patch to make it an extension could be as simply as changing the url it operates on ... the rest is docs16:33
ttxagree that the FFE was borderline and is biting us now16:34
heckjIt's pretty clear we're going to want to rev the v3 API as well - at least tweak here and there - and we want to make sure we have teh core totally forwards compatible16:34
kbringardwould someone on the stable core team mind taking a peek at: ?16:34
heckjttx: my bad on the FFE16:35
ayoungWould it make sense to mark the V3 API as Beta?16:35
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heckjayoung: marking it as such wouldn't help or hurt this - it's just a label, and I think we're all considering it beta until it's well proven as a default in the system16:35
kbringardfor favor :-)16:35
kbringardmarkmc: ^^ :-D16:35
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ayoungThe reason we got the FFE in the first place was due to the late submission of the V3 api.  V3 is pretty new.16:35
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dolphmv3 auth specifically16:36
heckjayoung: yeah, and we piled a lot into that very late in the game. Bad game plan16:36
heckjayoung: I think we'd be better shifting this URL (if that's really that easy) and calling this an extension, with the knowledge that we'll likely want to rev all of V3 to a V3.1 based on all the feedback we've seen recently.16:37
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ayoungV3 across the board has not been deeply adopted16:37
dolphmadopted, no16:37
ttxbetter move it to an extension before it's actually used by anybody.16:37
heckjMy perception is that it was because we delayed in defining V3 Auth and getting that out the door16:37
dolphmheckj: on a v3.1 rev -- it should be backwards compatible with v3, else it's v416:38
ayoungWe saw what happened in auth_token middleware when we tried to switch over to it16:38
heckjdolphm: yes, 100%16:38
dolphmheckj: that's accurate16:38
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ayoungI don't know if things are using V3 policy or Catalog yet or not16:39
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heckjayoung: I'm not 100% sure what you mean with the "we saw what happened", but my perception is that these changes are nessecarily slow - and having trusts as core, seems unnescarily risky when we could get the 100% benefit from that code and system the same as an extension16:39
ayoungI'm OK with the trust implementation changing in the future.  What I don't think we want to do is leave ourselves without any delegation mechanism at all.16:39
heckjnothing is using the policy mechanims yet - that requires changes to all the other projects to both register and retrieve policy (although they do have autoloading in most of the projects)16:40
heckjayoung: I agree - which is why I don't want to rip out the code, but I do want to see it as an "extension"16:40
ayoungTo be honest, it would have been better to have written it as an extension back in October.  I still think it would have required changes to the core token API, but those would have been limited.16:40
heckjsounds like we're on the same page16:40
ayoungPeople could have begun developing against trusts in parallel, and then it would have gotten promoted.16:41
ayoungNot quite16:41
maurosrladquin: I'm still trying, so far one problem is the url is /os-services not /services16:41
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ayoungwe have to state that the feature is there.  People need to be able to reliably build on it16:41
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ladquinmaurosr, yeah, sorry that was one of my tries, os-services did not work neither16:42
ayoungif we state is an extension, are we stating merely that the API might change, or that we reserve the right to remove the feature all together?16:42
maurosrok.. let me try few more things16:42
ayoungWe have a kill switch if the feature proves to be horribly broken16:42
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ttxayoung: not really. We can't pass a default change in a stable release update16:43
ayoungI actually was wondering if we needed that before dolph proposed it16:43
ttxso the default (disabled or enabled) will stick16:43
ayoungttx, so is there really any difference to saying it is part of V3 versus /extensions?16:43
ttxit's just giving us a workaround16:43
heckjayoung: extension doesn't mean we'll be ripping it out entirely, extension effectively means that as we rev the API we can potentially make significant (non-backwards compatible) changes to the extnesion APIs. In practice, that's rarely i ever done (see Nova's almost-critically-needed extensions) as an example16:43
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ttx"it's broken! please all settrusts_enable=False now !16:44
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ayoungttx, understood.16:45
ttxextension is giving us lower API compatibility constraints16:45
dolphmheckj: ayoung: ttx: haven't tested this at all, but something like
heckjttx: yes, exactly16:45
ttxi.e. leaves more options open for havana16:45
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heckjdolphm: yeah - with appropriate trusts updated and such16:46
heckjer, tests - that was fruedian, wasn't it16:46
dolphmthere's some test changes included, i'm not sure what else would be required16:46
ayoungdolphm, the API doc16:46
dolphmayoung: i'll tackle that as well16:46
ttxayoung: I feel a bit bad given how much work you poured into this... the later your work goes in, the more vulnerable you are to this kind of... last-minute change16:46
ayoungttx, so, here 's why I think that this is so important16:47
ayoungand I am ok with having some wiggle room16:47
ayoungwe need to commit to getting rid of bearer tokens16:47
ayoungright now, there is no way around that16:47
ttx(if it had been in at an early milestone we wouldn't even have that discussion)16:47
ayoungwe need some delegation mechanism to do that16:47
ayoungbut the work to get rid of them is Havana stuff16:48
dolphmmy philosophy is that i write disposable code; it will inevitably be refactored, deprecated or fixed :)16:48
ayoungthat is beyond the HEAT use case16:48
ayoungand the other people that need it now16:48
ttxdolphm: rarely two weeks after you write it, though ;)16:48
dolphmttx: i'd argue that it's most likely within two weeks :P16:48
ayoungthat was why I wanted it for V2 tokens, because I want people to be able to use it in existing systems unchanged16:48
ayoungIf the API changes in Havana, that will have minimal impact16:49
ayoungIf the base concepts change (like the unique ID thing) that probably will have more impact16:49
ayoungusing Oauth as the mechanism should be deployable along side16:49
ayoungSo, changing the  URL, no big deal at all.  Personally, I want more discoverability in how we organize URLs anywya16:50
* ayoung was later for me than the people on the West Coast when this was discussed16:50
ayoungbut not committing to the base concept now hamstrings us16:50
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ayoungttx, probably the biggest follow on to this work will be adding support for delegation into the Python Keystone client16:52
ayoungTHat has not even started.16:52
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ayoungThe unfortunate side effect of that is that we don;'t have control over what the consumers of delegation will do,  they will have to consume it directly from the Web API for now16:53
ttxayoung: I don't think anyone doesn't agree that the base concept is worth it16:53
heckjayoung: you're absolutely right, we should have put this in as an extension way back in october to get the new concepts available for immediate use. We didn't, that was poor on our end. Let's keep this in as an extension, enabling the ability to move beyond bearer tokens in fact as well as concept, and get some more implementations in that can leverage and use it forward16:53
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ayoungheckj, lesson learned.16:54
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ttxheckj: Given our current time constraints it sounds like a good trade-off16:54
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ayoungttx, that said, we should rethink our versioning strategy.  There are other approaches that putting /v3 in the URL, and I think that this feature here shows exactly why.16:55
zulttx: it would make people nag you less ;)16:55
heckjdolphm: you've got one patch in flight, ayoung would you review and see if that's missing anything? I'll lurk and try and stay available today to help usher it through so we don't keep ttx up until his 2am16:55
ayoungThat would be a good summit session16:55
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ayoungheckj, link?16:55
heckjayoung: yeah, it would16:56
heckjdolphm: you can to run through and update the API docs as well?16:56
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dolphmheckj: almost doen with that16:57
henrynashdolphm: RH-TRUSTS..what does the RH stand for?16:57
heckjttx: so it sounds like we'll shift the URL on this, update the docs, and then I think we'll be ready for an RC1 cut16:57
ayoungdolphm, gonna see if Jenkins likes it.  No surprise in the coding.  Not sure if I should object to the RH-  or consider it a marketing ploy.16:57
ayoungREaly Handy16:57
ayoungRound Here16:58
henrynashayoung: ha!16:58
ayoungRadical Harmony!16:58
ttxheckj: I'll be back in ~4 hours to check if you're ready by then, otherwise we can cut early tomorrow16:58
henrynashayoung: Roughly Harmonious16:58
dolphmayoung: the convention is to use your company, especially when there could be competing impls16:58
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ayoungdolphm, advertising it !16:58
ttxheckj, dolphm: note that since the grizzly branch was cut you'll need to backport everything to milestone-proposed16:58
ttxbad timing16:58
henrynashdolphm: ah, didn't know that16:59
heckjhenrynash: started w/ the RAX- extensions...16:59
dolphmheckj: ayoung: ttx: identity-api WIP
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gyeedolphm, you may want to move the trust scoping to RH as well17:00
ttxdolphm: i don't care that much about identity-api, can land post-rc117:00
ayoungYou know, if this had just been done earlier, I would actually be thrilled with it.17:00
dolphmgyee: i was going to ask about that17:00
dolphmgyee: i think changing the request body is *really* ugly but i see the value17:00
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adam_gvishy, ping17:01
gyeedolphm, unless you want a RH auth api17:01
vishyadam_g: sup?17:01
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dolphmgyee: i'd rather not lol17:01
adam_gvishy, just stumbled on this,  do you know if there were any similar changes in nova that would have triggered ?17:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1157864 in python-glanceclient "Requests to https server can yield WantReadError" [Undecided,In progress]17:02
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vishyadam_g: no that one is new to me17:03
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vishyit should have been monkeypatched form the beginning17:04
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vishyI think the ssl support was added recently so that might be what triggered it17:04
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adam_gvishy, ah17:05
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ayoungdolphm, gyee would it be possible to do what gyee suggested?17:05
ayoungsomething like  /RH-TRUSTS/auth17:05
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dolphmayoung: that would require way more than just adding to a few paths17:07
ayoungand then reuse the auth controller, but add a parameter in init that allows trusts for /RH-TRUST and does not for /v3/auth?17:07
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gyeeayoung, I know you wanted that, PKI token? wink wink17:07
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ayoungdolphm, yeah...but even if we just duplicated it with no change17:08
dolphmayoung: a copy/paste of the entire code path?17:08
ayoungbut in the documentation stated "use RH-TRUST" for getting a trust token17:08
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ayoungdolphm, just add the auth router entries to the trust router17:08
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dolphmgyee: diff patchset 3 and 2
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ayoungdolphm, since this really is a "what we are committing to" issue, we can state that , while getting a trust based token from /auth will work, it is not expected to be supported in the future.  We can even open a bug for it.17:10
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ayoungperhaps disabling between RC1 and RC2 if permitted?17:11
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ayounghenrynash, heckj, gyee does ^^ agree with you guys?  duplicate /auth into /RH-TRUSTS and document only the second URL is supported for getting tokens from trusts?17:12
gyeeayoung, sure17:13
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maurosrladquin: hey take a look
maurosrladquin: it's a PUT method =)17:14
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ladquinmaurosr, right!17:15
ladquinmaurosr, never thought of specifying that... !17:15
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maurosrladquin: yeah.. I was trying it using post... just realized when I checked the and couldn't find it lokking for _post('os-services')17:16
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ladquinmaurosr, sorry for wasting your time on this, I thank you a ton17:17
ladquinthe doc patch is ok then17:17
maurosrladquin: np.. I'm glad to help =)17:18
ayoungdolphm, you must be tired, too. you are spilling our dev conversation over to #openstack17:20
ayoungdolphm, so, do you want to duplicate the auth urls?  I defer to you on that one17:21
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dolphmand ideally in middleware17:27
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gyeedolphm, ayoung, I missed most of the conversation about trust is broken17:31
gyeewhat's actually broken? its not solving the use cases we have? it have a security hole or what?17:31
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ayounggyee, nothing is broken.  The concern is that is a very new feature, and it might need some more trial and error to get 100% correct, so they want to move the API out of /v3 and into /RH-TRUSTS.17:37
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ayoungThe good news there is that it means trusts can change without breaking the V3 contract.  The bad news is that Trusts itself has no versioning yet.  But it is a trade off17:38
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ayounggyee, so I'll just have to do something like this:
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gyeeayoung, yeah, sounds good17:40
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gyeeayoung, or you can version the trust itself17:42
ayounggyee, heh...I guess I can always add a version field on there, but I think that might be a bit overkill17:42
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gyeeayoung, actually not overkill17:43
ayoungI'd be more likely to do a migration for trusts and then to either remove old ones or upgrade them17:43
ayoungright now they are all in a single system17:43
gyeeif you version the trust, you are free to make major changes17:43
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ayoungUntil we do trusts with crypto signatures, they won't be usable outside a single keystone system17:43
dimsayoung, adding version to Accept or new content-type?17:44
gyee{"trust": {"id":"blah", "version":"1", "data":"whatever"}}17:44
ayoungdims, I don't know.  I'll burn that particual barn when I decide I've freed all the livestock over the bridge?17:44
* dims is just being curious and nosy17:45
ayoungdims, want to see something that should pique your curiostiy even more?17:45
dimsayoung, sure17:46
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dimsayoung, what no use of xsl? :)17:48
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ayoungdims, oh no17:48
ayoungnot for baseline17:48
dimsayoung, kidding :)17:48
ayoungthat is a deployment decision17:48
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ayoungdims, the idea is that we provide a place holder for CSS and Javascript files, and then it is up to the deployer how to render it17:48
dimsayoung, this would be very handy17:49
ayoungI know17:49
ayoungdims, I've walked down this road a time or two before17:49
ayoungAdd in CORS support and bam17:49
dimswhat i like is the auto-discovery aspects of it17:49
ayoungdims, yeah, I think this whole REST HATEOAS thing might just have some legs to it17:50
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sdaguedtroyer: you about? was hoping you'd submit a Grenade session into the QA track at summit, as would really like to figure out how to get that into the QA normal workflow17:52
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dimsayoung, we had a system where the inital GET would throw a WWW-Authenticate challenge and would respond back with a list of available services and you could then turn around and call each service to poke around (all json, no html rendering)17:54
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ayoungdims, I think that technically that is the letter of the HTTP spec17:56
dimsayoung, thanks for sharing17:56
ayoungdims, feel free to contribute.  Input, code, snide comments, beer....17:57
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* gyee love to do beer review17:58
dimswell, i can promise the last one :) at portland17:58
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dimsgyee, sounds good :) will find you too17:59
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davidkranzttx: Any chance we could beg another slot for QA?18:00
ayoungheckj, you still around?18:01
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heckjyep - lurking while I'm in meetings at the office18:02
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ayoungheckj, do you think we should duplicate the /auth URLS under /RH-TRUSTS?  I wasn't clear on doph's response, and don't want to pull the trigger on his patch yet18:02
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heckjI need to read deeper to have a sense18:03
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ayoungheckj, basically, to use trusts, even with the CRUD moving to /RH-TRUSTS means a change to POST /auth/tokens18:04
ayoungAs an interim change we can18:04
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ayoungduplciate all of /v3/auth  urls into /RH-TRUSTS18:04
ayoungand state only those will be supported for creating tokens from trusts18:04
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ayoungThen, in RC2 if allowed, we can explicitly disallow using /auth/tokens to create a token from a trust18:05
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gyeeayoung, its a conspiracy, you actually want trust tokens to be kerberos :)18:08
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ayounggyee, yeah, right, sure.18:09
ayoungI just want bearer tokens to go away18:09
ayoungthe rest is commentary18:09
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heckjayoung: sorry for the delays - running a meeting elsewhere at the same time, hard to split attention18:11
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heckjayoung: seems reasonable to move them, but I get all itchy/scratchy about just replicating the code, and I haven't read through /auth and what happens under it right now18:11
ayoungheckj, so it wouldn't be replicating code, just dding additional entries into the routers18:12
ayoungheckj, I'll just add it to the patch...easy enough to rip out again later18:12
heckjayoung: cool18:12
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dolphmayoung: updated patch -- don't know how i missed those failures18:13
ayoungdolphm, do you want the /auth routes duplicated?  Wasn't clear from your last if you agree18:14
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dolphmayoung: i wrapped the scope request and response in RH-TRUST instead which is a bit more low impact and simpler to implement at this point18:15
ayoungdolphm, looking18:15
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ayoungdolphm, OK, I see.  did termie really get an oauth impl completed last night?18:16
dolphmayoung: havent tested but yes lol18:17
ayoungdolphm, posted?18:17
dolphmon his github18:17
ayoungcool. I'll take a look18:17
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heckjwouldn't surprise me18:20
ayoungdolphm, so the body of tests pass. Ran them locally18:20
ayoungdolphm, for your patch...18:20
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crazeddolphm: ayoung, i set up a basic patch that allows arbitrary ldap attribute mapping18:22
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ayoungcrazed, the whole LDAP  config is becoming its own domain specific language. But nice work18:23
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ayoungcrazed, any reason you only test user in the live tests?  Any reason that test can't be in the bas LDAP tests?18:24
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crazedayoung: they could possibly be in ldap base, didn't check if it worked with fakeldap though18:25
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crazedayoung: i just wanted to get something basic, i can add more tests for more than just user18:25
ayoungcrazed, please do so.  If now, It should be annotated18:25
ayoungyeah, user is the most important18:26
ayoungjust asking...18:26
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crazedit is funny that the config is becoming a dsl, but ldap is complicated18:27
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ayoungcrazed, yeah, and this even supports only a subset of what people want from it.18:28
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crazedthere isn't tls support yet right?18:29
crazedi think that's the last piece that would be necessary for full integration for my personal use case at least18:29
topolcrazed not yet18:29
crazedi can use ldaps in the meantime though18:29
dolphmheckj: ayoung: approve?
topolcrazed Im starting it today but if I am too slow you can take the work item18:30
ayoungdolphm, lets let jenkins confirm first18:30
ayoungI mean, I ran the unit tests.18:31
dolphmayoung: jenkins will still gate18:31
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ayoungI'm ok with it. Pull the trigger if you feel comfortable18:32
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crazedtopol: cool yeah, if you need some help i can probably find some time, but have some other things i need to take care of18:32
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dolphm+1 from smokestack18:33
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russellbttx: will there be a BoF room or something at the design summit?  I've got a proposal to discuss an unofficial project, probably because he wasn't sure where to propose it.18:45
dolphmayoung: grr, accidentally rebased the patch on master instead of uploading the backport ... you can review now, but don't approve until master is merged
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ayoungdolphm, ha!  Why new change ID?18:46
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dolphmayoung: they're both on the same change id,n,z18:46
dolphmdifferent branches18:47
ayoungah18:47 nice to be able to diff them, and confirm they are the same....let me do that18:47
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ayoungdolphm, +2ed18:50
topolcrazed, I will give you daily status updates.  I got swamped this week and feeling guily about being the bottleneck on this18:50
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dolphmayoung: agree18:51
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ayoungcrazed, something I just realized.  Before you post a new version of a patch, rebase the old version, so that you can do "diff to previous version" and seee only your changes.  It would be nice if Gerrit did that for you.  If you don't then the diffebetween Patch sets 1 and 2 show all of the difference pulled in by the rebase.  Rebasing is done with a button on the gerrit panel at the bottom of the PAtchset.  It is only visible18:57
ayoungwhen something has been committed on top of the parent.18:57
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henrynashayoung, heck, dolphm: so we are good for the trust move to extensions…looks ok to me?18:59
dolphmhenrynash: the change is gating now i think18:59
dolphmayoung: how did you confirm that it was identical by the way? i've cherry-picked on top of the patch to master, but that doesn't always work lol19:00
henrynashdolphm: ah, looking at the wrong one!  ok19:00
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crazedayoung: ah! okay, thanks for the pointer, i'll be sure to run that in the future19:01
ayoungdolphm, I checked both out into my tree and ran git diff19:01
dolphmhenrynash: waiting to approve the backport until the change to master goes through19:01
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ayounggit diff trusts-to-extension-master trusts-to-extension-milestone19:01
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ayoungmaybe I flubbed the checkout calls and they are identical...let me look19:02
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ayoungnope, different commits19:03
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ametts-atlWant to propose Maconi sessions at, but there doesn't seem to be a suitable option in the "Topics" drop-down.  (
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Remove skips in volume types tests.
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termie.... and awake again20:28
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dolphmtermie: good morning20:29
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termieayoung: not a full implementation, no, just all the groundwork (with working oauth), needs a bunch of cleanup and database access calls20:29
kbringardtermie lives20:29
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dolphmheckj: ayoung: gyee: henrynash: i believe we wanted to backport this ldap fix?
ayoungtermie, I';ve already cherry-picked20:30
ayoungtermie, I plan on using this to fill in my gaps on oauth among other things20:30
ayoungdolphm, chatted a bit about it with crazed thought he was still working on it.20:31
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dolphmayoung: about the dereference option? he's working on a different fix i thought20:31
ayoungah...right, yeah this is the one for backport...please!20:32
termieayoung: cherry-picked as in you are looking at the code?20:32
termiedid anybody have any info on how i stop not being able ot run any tests20:32
termiei think it is a fairly bad sign that we are leaking file descriptors20:32
ayoungtermie, meaning I have your git repo as one of my remotes and I cherry-picked the two patches and viewed a diff of them together to see the net state.20:33
ayoungtermie, to be honest, the last I had heard about leaked file descriptors was last night...are you running on a Mac?20:33
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ayoungI've not seen that on Fedora or RHEL20:33
dolphmayoung: what's their ulimit?20:34
dolphmby default20:34
ayoungdolphm, one sec20:34
termieayoung: i am running on a mac, yea20:34
termieayoung: but things don't generally run into the ulimit20:34
ayoungopen files                      (-n) 102420:34
dolphmno, they shouldn't20:34
termieayoung: as in, nothing else ever20:34
termiemine is at 1024 too20:34
ayoungtermie, my guess is it is popen20:34
ayoungspecifcially the monkeypatch thing20:34
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ayoungI think that openssl is not being run correctly via popen from the mac.  The question is,  why?20:36
ayoungtermie, does lsof show you anything?20:36
dolphmayoung: too many open tcp ports ...20:38
dolphmfrom python20:38
ayoungthat isn't ssl20:38
ayoungdolphm, pythonkeystone client tests?20:38
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dolphmayoung: termie: from test_v3_auth running for a few seconds
termiegetting that also20:41
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ayoungsomething is not closing database connections20:42
termieayoung: the tests ;)20:42
dolphmsee keystone.common.sql.util20:42
ayoungonly in v3?20:42
dolphmayoung: that just happened to be where the suite failed for me when i set the limit to 6420:42
ayoungAh, ok, probably all sql based tests20:43
termieyay morning when the brain starts working again20:43
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ayoungMorning?  Last I checked, even SF was on DST so unless you are in Hawaii...20:44
termieayoung: morning == 8 - 12 hours after i go to sleep20:44
ayoungtermie, after I went to bed last night I had a 3yo with a nightmare and then a 6 year old that likes to get up at 5.  8-10 hours is a thing of the past for me20:45
ayoungActually, 5 is exagerating20:45
ayoungMOre like 6:3020:45
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dolphm630 is sleeping in20:48
termiedayumn dolphm bringing the hammer20:48
termie"i get up two days ahead of time, every day"20:49
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mikalHand up if you understand moniker...20:50
ayoungdolphm, yeah, he has started sleeping later on school days.  But he's up with the sun on weekends.20:53
ayoungdolphm, we have two different things doing DB connectson.  The migrations and the tests themselves.20:53
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ayoungdolphm, what was the way that we set up the tests to run prior to using the migrations?  The SQL alchemy thing that uses the code to establish the schema?20:54
termieit sort of seems like these tests should be a lot faster to begin with :p20:54
dolphmayoung: and the application itself20:54
dolphmtermie: they've gotten a lot slower since december or so20:54
termiei added some code to clean up the connection in the teardown, no effect yet20:55
dolphmtermie: i made a bunch of test performance improvements and had the entire suite running in < 1 min on my air20:55
ayoungtermie, yeah.  Part of the problem is that we are running through the whole migration process for each one.  With sqlite that isn;t necessary but it is for mysql/postgres.20:55
termieayoung: are youd oing it for sqlite as well?20:55
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termieayoung: even though it isn't necessary20:55
termiebecause as far as i know i am not running mysql on this machine?20:56
termiei wouldn't be surprised if migrations never expected to be run in process and as such don't close properly20:56
ayoungtermie, we had logic to bypass it at one point, but we were running the unit tests against a different layout than the migrations, and we unified means the tests run slower.  I'd like to find a better middle ground20:57
termiebecause to hit 1024 descriptors in just a few tests it has to do a lot of connections20:57
ayounglet me pull up the commit, should be easy to bypass20:57
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dolphmOOH ya'll just reminded me of a patch i've been waiting until havana to write20:57
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termiehmm, i dropped the removal of the pristine db, seemed like a slight speedup but still too many filesing20:59
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ayoungtermie, so one hack I do is mount the /tests directory on a ramdisk21:02
ayoung sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=256M tmpfs /opt/stack/keystone/tests21:02
ayoungsqlite to memory much faster21:02
ayoungtermie, dolphm  git show ed252e0f21:03
ayoungwrong highlight...1 sec21:04
termieis this not happening for anybody else?21:04
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termiedolphm: (running with those changes)21:06
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termiedolphm: (or rather, testing)21:06
termiedolphm: still too many files21:06
dolphmtermie: that shouldn't affect file limits21:06
dolphmtermie: this is just fixing a pet peeve that has propogated21:06
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ayoungdolphm, have you run that against mysql or just sqlite?21:09
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dolphmayoung: just sqlite, was hoping you'd do sql21:10
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dolphmayoung: i figure now is a good time to make this fix since no one is writing migrations (hopefully)21:11
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termiei switched the sqlite pool to "NullPool"21:13
gyeedolphm, sure, backporting dereferencing sound good21:13
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termiewhich will open and close a connection every time it is accessed21:13
termieand the problem goes away21:13
termieseems like the problem is that we must be leaking the pools, we're using a static pool by default21:14
termiewhich means 1 connection and it gets re-used21:14
termiebut somehow it must not be getting fully cleaned up after tests21:14
termieat the moment we are making a new engine something like 20 times per call21:15
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termieah, found the culprit21:23
termiewe're never setting a global engine21:23
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ttxdavidkranz: depends on your neighbors on the schedule21:24
ayoungtermie, if I remember correctly, that was due to trying to get this to run with in memory sqlite.21:24
ayoungtermie, where'd you find that...I am too tired-stupid to remember21:24
ttxrussellb: we have an "unconference room"21:25
termieayoung: yeah, that is the reason given in the code, i'll just have to check how to enable it for more use cases21:25
ttxall 4 days21:25
termieayoung: keysone.conmmon.sql.core:Base21:25
ayoungtermie, there is something in the migrate code, outside of Keystone that destroys the engine21:25
ttxametts-atl: yes, htat's by design. Summit is limited to official projects. There is an unconference room for everything else21:25
ayoungwith in memory sqlite, it means the whole DB goes away.  Very unfriendly21:26
ayoungtermie, BTW, did you get the status from what was decided about trusts?  It is an extension, although part of the grizzly release.21:27
termieyeah, heckj fileld me in21:27
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heckjfileld? I think you meant "filed"21:27
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termiewell, there is still _something_ wrong, even after switching to the start a new connection per call thing, domains just stop being created21:28
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termieso it seems we're doing migrations in some cases and not in others21:28
termieheckj: i meant flied21:28
termieheckj: defile21:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Make versions aware of enabled pipelines.
ayoungOK, I'm out.  termie I assume you are more than capable of straightening out the sql mess.21:29
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termiei'm out too, thanks for taking care of this all henrynash21:29
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russellbttx: thanks21:31
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ttxheckj: approved the backport, anything else we need in rc1 ?21:33
heckjttx: there's a LDAP dereference/bugfix that was also queue'd21:34
ttxheckj: I think that's what I just approved21:34
ttx"Add a dereference option for ldap"21:34
* heckj looks21:34
heckjthat's it21:34
ttxis the extension-ization in ?21:34
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ttxlooks like it is21:35
heckjlooking - thought we'd pushed it through, but not seeing that in the search yet21:35
ttxOK, so when the ldap thing lands, i can cut rc121:35
ttxprobably tomorrow morning21:35
heckjsounds good, thank you21:35
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ttxjust waive a red flag if I shouldn't21:36
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ayoung-afkheckj, ttx,
ayoung-afkits in21:48
heckjyep, ttx found it - I was slow21:48
heckjayoung-afk: thnks21:48
ttxheckj: want me to cut now, or give you a chance to backport something else in the next hours ?21:49
ayoung-afkCut now please.21:49
heckjttx: if you're game to cut now, go ahead and do it21:49
ttxok let's do this21:49
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ttxheckj, ayoung: still waiting on
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heckjnot long now - top of the list21:53
ttxyep, I'm waiting21:54
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heckjttx: looks like it just finished through zuul22:08
ttxyep, onit22:10
ttxheckj: err. fail22:10
ttxlooks like it needs a reverify22:11
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ttxI'll let you push it and go to bed22:11
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ttxheckj: ^22:12
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heckjttx: thanks22:12
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heckjdolphm: is failing out jenkins22:16
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cyeohdolphm: hi23:16
dolphmcyeoh: what's up?23:17
cyeohhey just wondering if you have a moment to talk about
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cyeohdolphm: this is the test which picked up the issue with session.close() (it started failing after 022 was added)23:20
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dolphmcyeoh: what's special about 22?23:21
cyeoh022 was the first db migration to not either close or commit a session23:21 attempts to drop the database on tearDown, which fails because there is still a user of the db around23:22
cyeohif the session is closed its fine (I'm guessing its ok if the process with the session just exits as well which would be why it hasn't been picked up before)23:23
dolphmcyeoh: i don't believe that's true; most migrations don't commit or close anything23:23
dolphmcyeoh: random example from nova-
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cyeohdolphm: hrm I think they do for keystone. I'm not sure what the difference between keystone and nova could be...23:24
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dolphmcyeoh: this commit removes every .commit() and .close() in every migration -- the migrations that did so were in the minority
cyeohdolphm: oh 146 doesn't create the orm.sessionmaker23:24
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cyeohdolphm: yea I saw 25055 - it also creates causes users of the db to hang around for postgres. The session.close is only requied where there is a session = orm.sessionmaker(...) line23:26
dolphmcyeoh: so if migration 20 was the last migration, then it would fail?23:27
cyeohdolphm: with 25055 applied, yes23:29
dolphmhow do i reproduce this with db_sync on a real postgres server -- what do i look for to verify?23:29
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cyeohdolphm: hrm well does use a real postgres server (
dolphmcyeoh: yes, but users are using db_sync, not test_migrations or test_sql_upgrade23:32
dolphmcyeoh: i've got to run, but i'll keep your review open -- if you find a way to reproduce, will you leave a comment?23:33
cyeohdolphm: sure, will do23:33
dolphmcyeoh: thanks!23:33
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