Friday, 2013-09-06

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morganfainbergjamielennox, sorry back now01:09
morganfainbergjamielennox, if you're here01:09
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: yep01:09
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morganfainbergjamielennox, so atiwari brought up an interesting point01:09
morganfainbergjamielennox, looks like check and validate tokens in keystone are returning 401s instead of 404s if the check/validate fails01:10
morganfainbergjamielennox, am i wrong in understanding the auth_token middleware then re-requests it's "admin" token on a 401?01:10
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: off the top of my head i think that is correct01:12
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jamielennoxa 401 says that the token you are using to validate is not good01:12
morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah, so it's a bug.01:12
jamielennoxso you should re-fetch an admin token and try again01:12
jamielennoxa 404 says that you are valid but the token you are authing is not there01:12
morganfainbergjamielennox, yep. thats what my understanding has been01:12
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jamielennoxwhy is that a bug?01:13
morganfainbergjamielennox, the current behavior, not the way you describe01:13
morganfainbergas in, we should raise tokennotfound not unauthorized01:13
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morganfainbergjamielennox, thanks.  just making sure my understanding was sane.01:14
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jamielennoxtoken not found should be 404 right?01:15
jamielennoxso you need to distinguish between the event that the admin token failed and the token you are checking failed01:15
jamielennoxbecause validation is a priviledged operation01:15
morganfainbergthat is handled by @protected decorator01:15
morganfainbergthe issue is that the provider's validate_token methods cause 401s on TokenNotfound01:16
jamielennoxif your admin token is expired and all of a sudden it just starts showing 404s instead of 401s then it will assume that the token you are validating is bad01:16
morganfainbergthis appears to have been introduced (in v3 auth) at the v3 auth inception.01:16
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morganfainbergright.  @protected decorator should cause 401s01:17
morganfainbergon invalid token.01:17
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jamielennoxon invalid admin token01:17
morganfainberg@protected doesn't care about X-Subject-Token01:17
morganfainbergit cares about the auth token01:17
morganfainbergvalidate_token et al, should care about x-subject-token (v3 terminology)01:18
morganfainbergin v2, token we care about is from the URI, not the x-auth-token header01:18
morganfainbergin valiate_token/check_token that is01:18
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jamielennoxok, so you're saying that an invalid x-subject-token is returning a 401?01:20
jamielennoxthat's tough01:21
morganfainbergthat appears to have always been the case in v301:21
jamielennoxbecause you can't really return a 404 from /v3/auth/tokens01:21
jamielennoxthe caching would go nuts01:21
morganfainberghow so?01:21
jamielennoxsorry, not our caching01:22
morganfainbergwell, we should be tossing pragma-cache headers in01:22
jamielennoxbut in theory you should be able to run this via squid or something and it would work01:22
morganfainbergexcept.. that would be broken01:22
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morganfainbergunless squid cared about the headers01:23
morganfainbergthat would be a bad idea to cache that in either case.01:23
jamielennoxit's a POST operation, it shouldn't touch it01:23
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jamielennoxanyway whaterver01:23
morganfainbergright, but a get or head?01:23
morganfainbergx-subject-token is the important part of that request01:23
jamielennoxit doesn't make sense to return 404 from /v3/auth/tokens IMO01:23
morganfainbergthen how do you differentiate between a bad auth token and x-subject-token?01:24
morganfainbergsame concern as with V201:24
jamielennoxno idea :)01:24
morganfainbergand caching v3/auth/token on get/head unless you also looked at x-subject-token header would be tragic.01:25
jamielennoxwhat happens now? a new admin token is being called for every time  a token is missed?01:25
morganfainbergin v2, yes01:25
jamielennoxin v301:25
morganfainbergmiddleware doesn't do v3 iirc01:25
jamielennoxi think i've always set up PKI when using v301:25
morganfainbergmost people do.01:25
jamielennoxumm, it can i think01:25
morganfainbergwell then it would have the same behavior01:26
morganfainbergnew admin token on each invalid token01:26
jamielennoxactually, no it can deal with v2 tokens but it always sends them over the v2 api01:26
jamielennoxv3 tokens01:26
morganfainbergwhich results in some odd data mismatching.01:26
morganfainbergbut, nothing serious01:26
morganfainbergor even relevant in this case.01:27
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morganfainbergjamielennox, also:
jamielennoxsorry, i confused that - it can talk to the v3 api it's just it can only have a v2 admin token01:28
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morganfainbergjamielennox, ah. in either case. 401 = new admin token (as i understand)01:28
jamielennoxit's the verify_uuid_token function01:29
morganfainbergour spec (also) says the current behavior of keystone is wrong.01:29
morganfainbergi think.01:29
morganfainbergah ys01:29
morganfainberggot it01:29
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morganfainbergi'm going to open a bug since atiwari didn't and see what can be done about it.  this seems like a sub-optimal behavior and could cause excess token churn/failures01:31
morganfainbergerm. just token churn01:31
jamielennoxso the v3 api says that01:32
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morganfainbergand v2 until recently, didn't do this.01:32
jamielennoxThe Identity service will return the exact same response as when the subject token was issued by POST /auth/tokens.01:32
jamielennoxthat's for get /auth/tokens01:32
jamielennoxand POST /auth/tokens only mentions a 40101:32
morganfainbergi'm thinking this is an unclear spec :P01:33
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morganfainbergis the "same response" meant to be if the token validates?01:33
morganfainbergor in _all_ cases.01:33
jamielennoxwell  i would suggest it was interpretted as all cases01:33
jamielennoxbecause you get a 401 in the event of failure01:34
jamielennoxwhich is the same as specified by POST /auth/tokesn01:34
jamielennoxIMO i think we modify the spec to say that in the event of x-subject-token failure we return a 40301:34
jamielennoxThis status code is returned when the request is successfully authenticated but not authorized to perform the requested action.01:34
morganfainbergthat is a good option01:34
jamielennoxnot authorized is not quite correct01:35
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jamielennoxbut it says yes, you passed the correct auth-token just the x-subject-token is wrong01:35
morganfainbergexcept this is more of a 404 instance01:35
jamielennoxi'm not a fan of returning a 404 from a valid url01:36
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morganfainbergjamielennox, we should use 402, payment required :P01:37
jamielennoxespecially one that is so publicly available01:37
jamielennoxi really want a situation where i can use that01:37
morganfainbergi also legitimately want to use "I'm a teapot" 31801:38
morganfainbergerm 41801:38
jamielennoxi would be interested in getting into the smart appliances sector, purely to build a kettle that could use it01:38
morganfainbergsorry, i can't handle that request reason: I'm a teapot,01:39
jamielennoxsimply replace all 404 errors with 418s01:40
jamielennoxGET /bacon, sorry i'm a teapot01:40
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ayoungjamielennox, I'm not really here, just checking in before bed.  Anything burning?01:55
jamielennoxayoung: no, i think it's all good01:55
morganfainbergayoung, all quiet (for the moment)01:56
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ayoungjamielennox, on  yeah, we would honor env vars in localrc of course02:31
jamielennoxayoung: i wasn't thinking so much honour them as just make ipa one means of providing that information into a generic system02:32
jamielennoxso example when you want to put in certs you make IPA fill in a bunch of env variables containing cert data, but the deployment of certs is generic02:33
ayoungjamielennox, I was just talking devstack, but how would ipa provide anything, short of a DNS lookup02:33
jamielennoxotherwise we're going to have a massive IPA section to devstack to maintain02:33
ayoungjamielennox, when you say IPA, you mean the ipa plugin to devstack?02:34
jamielennoxplugin? i mean whatever the path would be through devstack for ipa02:34
ayoungdeployment of certs is really not generic.02:34
jamielennoxayoung: why?02:34
ayoungjamielennox, certonger!02:34
ayoungipa manages certs.  It just needs to know about them02:34
jamielennoxi don't think it makes sense for devstack02:34
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ayoungjamielennox, yes it does...if you think of devstack as the place where people learn how to set up and confiugre openstack02:35
ayoungplus it has to be in devstack for gating jobs to use it02:35
jamielennoxso for example we set up a lot of env variables like IDENTITY_CERTFILE and IDENTITY_KEYFILE for {service}_{key}02:36
jamielennoxputting the files into the correct place is then a generic operation02:36
jamielennoxpopulating the variables is an IPA operation02:36
jamielennoxsame for kerberos02:36
ayoungjamielennox, in this case, it would take that info and pass it to Certmonger02:36
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jamielennoxdoes it have to be?02:37
ayoungjamielennox, wouldn't be much for the ipa part of devstack to do except to say "don't try to do this yourself"02:37
ayoungjamielennox, I am not saying that FreeIPA wopuld be required for devstack02:38
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ayoungit would be optional, but, if triggerd, would use IPA to the utmost02:38
jamielennoxi mean in an ideal situation it would but you can deploy certs from ipa without certmonger and you can use certmonger without ipa02:38
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ayoungjamielennox, "same for Kerberos" I think that is the real issue.  Without FreeIPA, Kerberos is a non-starter in a devstack environment02:40
ayoungI'm less concerned about the X509 side02:41
ayoungdevstack setting up Kerberos is ...02:41
ayoungwicked hard?02:41
ayoungein bissel meshugie?02:41
jamielennoxyou need keytabs and krb5.conf stuff02:41
jamielennoxare you talking about doing that one per service?02:42
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ayoungipa-client-install handles that to start with.  ipa-getkeytab simplifies it for additional services, too02:42
ayoungyes, one per service02:42
jamielennoxi'm not saying we don't use that02:43
jamielennoxi'm asking what would be required to provide that information manually, that we could then have IPA auto configure02:43
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ayoungjamielennox, so you are saying that you think the provisioning for the ipa case should be the same as the provisioning for the non-ipa case.  I suspect that is actually harder than letting ipa-client and certmonger do their jobs02:44
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ayoungWe'd still need a mechanism to, say, fetch a cert from ipa and put it in place02:45
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jamielennoxayoung: right, but we'll need that anyway02:45
ayoungwhic hexsts, but we would need a separate call out to it in the ipa case than in the non-ipa case...which probably does self signed02:45
jamielennoxwe don't' have to provide the non-ipa case, someone might wish to02:45
ayoungno, I mean the current way *is* the non ipa case...when the cert doesn't come from IPA, it has to be openssl generated02:46
jamielennoxi didn't realize devstack was generating that many certs, but good02:46
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ayoungyeah...or it is not setting up SSL at all.02:47
ayoungI am not sure which02:47
jamielennoxso let's rephrase the question, what does it take to make the SSL cert stuff a 'plugin'02:47
jamielennoxi'm not that familiar with devstack's internals but as i see it there are two ways to accomplish it02:48
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jamielennox1. have an actual plugin that gets called with 'generate a new cert for X'02:48
ayounggood question.  I'd have to scan the code, but I suspect the answer is " a lot of shell scripting"  and, for the IPA case, if that does not currently exist, we don't need to do it, either02:48
jamielennox2. pregenerate a bunch of certificates and put them into ENV variables, and then use them iff they are set02:48
ayoungI have to admit I have learned and forgotten and relearned and reforgotten much of devstack02:49
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ayoungnot a bad idea, but lets keep that as a stretch goal.  We can move that way if it looks easier to do.02:49
jamielennoxif we can make it number 2 then to my mind it's easy02:49
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jamielennoxbecause you take either the openssl path, the ipa path, or neither02:50
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jamielennoxthe handling/installing of certs is generic, the generation is done up front02:50
ayoungjamielennox, he look
jamielennoxbet they're regretting writing devstack in bash these days02:52
ayoungjamielennox, devstack sets up certificates for keystone pki, but I don't think it does ssl elsewhere02:52
ayoungjamielennox, beats Perl02:53
jamielennoxi've never done perl, but i'd suggest it doesn't02:53
jamielennoxi mean i've read enough and know the arguments02:54
jamielennoxthere are throwbacks who really love perl but02:54
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ayoungpersonally, I hate all languages.  Each for a different reason, of course02:55
morganfainbergayoung, i'll take python over perl (at the very least)02:56
jamielennoxdo you know what the tls proxy in devstack is for?02:57
ayounganyway, cert generation aside, jamielennox heh, I just found that too   Only other place that seems to be doing openssl02:57
ayounglet see if git can tell us02:57
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ayoungjamespage, commit c83a7e1202:58
jamielennoxi can see a good argument for saying i want to setup keystone/other service with this certificate02:58
ayoungspecifically for Keystone02:58
jamielennoxso you put IDENTITY_CERT in localrc02:58
jamielennoxprobably IDENTITY_CA and IDENTITY_KEY as well02:58
jamielennoxsame for all services02:58
jamielennoxthat is first challenge02:59
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jamielennoxthen you say, you asked to be setup with a freeipa server, let me just prefill all those {SERVICE}_{CERT|CA|KEY} variables for you02:59
ayoungjamielennox, so, It might end up being the same...if they are all running in an apache instance, just on different ports, I think they can share a cert.02:59
jamielennoxayoung: can, depends on what makes sense i guess03:00
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ayoungjamielennox, ok, lets table this detail for now.  I suspect that we will just skip it for the IPA case, as I think that lib/tls is not even used if Keystone is running in HTTPD, and you want  the HTTPD server to provide SSL support03:01
ayoungSo it would more likely be that lib/apache makes use of certmonger for ssl, otherwise, no ssl.03:02
jamielennoxyea, i think lib/tls is going to be irrelevant with httpd03:02
jamielennoxayoung: allways uses certmonger? that seems extreme03:03
ayoungjamielennox, I mean that the IPA work is going to be the first to do this, so we will set it up with cermonger via ipa-cleint.  If someone else wants to do more, they are welcome to03:04
jamielennoxsurely the first situation is going to be deploying with apache though, certmonger being the extension03:04
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ayoungapache work is already done for keystone.  We will leverage that.  We will just have, as part of lib/ipa (or whatever) code that registers the httpds service, allocates the certificatre, and tells certmaonger to manage it.03:06
ayoungjamielennox, I think that when you run ipa-getcert, certmonger knows about it if the machine is an ipa-client03:07
jamielennoxi don't know enough about how that works03:08
jamielennoxif certmonger knows about it does that imply httpd knows somehow03:09
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ayoungjamielennox, I have the advantage that I sit back to back with Nalin. He's basically certmonger maestro03:09
jamielennoxi've seen it in use with IPA but not otherwise, and i don't remember how i set it up03:10
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jamielennoxi'm still not convinced that certmonger should be the default route for certs though03:10
ayoungactually , I need to figure out how to reissue the ipa servers HTTPS cert, as I am getting that "reissued certificate serial number" error now that I rebuilt or dev IPA server03:10
ayoungBTW, I rebuilt our dev ipa server03:11
jamielennoxit seems like giving devstack even the option of using certs is first03:11
ayoungjamielennox, one of the reasons to use IPA is to make all of this easy03:11
ayoungcerts, kerberos, ldap, dns03:11
ayoungcentralized sudo and HBAC are add ons on top of that.03:12
jamielennoxayoung: i get that, the thing that i like most about ipa though is it more or less management of well known services, and there should be the option of using those without ipa03:12
ayoungjamielennox, there is no standardized way of getting certificates from a CA03:12
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ayoungbut, every way that is close to standardized is supported by cermonger03:13
ayoungI would say, use certmonger, even in the absence of IPA03:13
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ayoungok...I'm off to bed.  Have to work tomorrow.03:14
jamielennoxand i think that building certmonger into devstack is a good idea - it should be able to be independant of the freeipa stuff03:14
jamielennoxayoung: ok, good night03:14
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bashaHey can someone please review
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sshturmjd__: Could you please review a patch that fixed wrong downgrade in migrations?
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AndreaRosaI am putting an import pdb; pdb.set_trace() in a test, I'd like to run it (using tox or run_test) and enter in the pbr, is that possible?12:54
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AndreaRosaI mean pdb12:55
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dolphmayoung: this isn't an LDAP vs AD issue, is it?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210141 in keystone "LDAP identity provider fails when using samAccountName" [Medium,Triaged]13:00
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dolphmchmouel: mind if i assign you bug 1210515?13:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210515 in keystone "keystone chokes on empty "description" field in active directory" [Medium,Triaged]
AndreaRosarun_tests -d it works, my problem is on a specific test...debugging it. thanks13:10
chmoueldolphm: i think i am assigned already :)13:10
dolphmchmouel: so you are. ;)13:10
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henrynashdolphm: quick question….in the V2 identity controller there are some Diablo CRUD "extensions" for getting and creating role_refs…..I assume we still need to support these (I noticed we don't test them anywhere!)13:14
dolphmhenrynash: test_keystoneclient doesn't hit that stuff?13:15
henrynashdolphm:let me check13:15
dolphmhenrynash: line 1030 ish13:16
dolphmhenrynash: first few tests in KcEssex3TestCase13:16
henrynashdolphm: oops, sorry my search filter was wrong….13:17
henrynashdolphm: …and I assume support is still required…13:17
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henrynashdolphm: just rationalising where I need to make changes for the bug in list/get user projects13:17
dolphmhenrynash: yeah, i'd like to consider it deprecated though, if possible13:18
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henrynashdolphm: ok13:19
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dolphmhenrynash: maybe in icehouse-1 we can add deprecation warnings to all of the v2 controller methods?13:20
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henrynashdolphm: yes, I was thinking something like that…we haven't really made any statements on v2 yet13:20
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dolphmhenrynash: if we do it in icehouse, then we can drop support as soon as K-113:22
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henrynashdolphmL yep13:22
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henrynashdolphm: feels about the right sort of time13:22
dolphmhenrynash: i imagine we'll have to support /v2.0/tokens much longer though13:23
dolphmhenrynash: but all the admin stuff can go ASAP13:23
henrynashdolphm: agreed13:23
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dolphmhenrynash: i guess that's a blueprint worthy endeavor... i'll go file one13:24
henrynashdolphm: good plan13:24
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sdaguedtroyer: so I'm actually thinking that we could use a pep8 equiv for devstack, at least something to check basic indentation and whitespace things. Am I crazy for thinking about banging that out?13:46
lxsliHi, please could I have eyes on ? Very small change13:47
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dtroyersdague: not at all.  I've thought that before too...13:48
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sdagueok, well I'm putting it on my list :)13:48
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sdaguemaybe a good thing to hack on in new orleans at linux con when other things aren't going on13:49
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stevemardolphm: ping14:14
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dolphmstevemar: pong14:16
dolphmhenrynash: this is now invalid, right?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1195019 in keystone "GET /role_assignments not supported on LDAP backend" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:16
stevemardolphm: so, trying to recreate your bug (, can't at all =\14:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221418 in keystone "creating duplicate users is allowed, MultipleResultsFound exception on auth" [Medium,Won't fix]14:17
dolphmstevemar: see my comment this morning14:17
stevemardolphm: i didn't refresh the page this morning14:18
dolphmstevemar: i need to update the role one as well14:18
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dolphmstevemar: i tried to repro against mysql and it doesn't seem possible, but i can repro against sqlite easily14:18
dolphmstevemar: and somehow sqlite has gotten worse14:18
stevemardolphm: and I don't get launchpad emails right away for some reason, there is at least a 30 minute delay14:18
stevemardolphm: alright, btw I wanted to show you an error i was getting this time around14:19
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dolphmstevemar: well that's new14:21
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stevemardolphm: and not so good14:22
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bknudsonwhy is that a 400? the request was fine.14:22
dolphmstevemar: that's not reproducible on master for me14:22
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stevemardolphm: i did this last night at 1am, token format is UUID, that's the only change to devstack i made14:23
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dolphmstevemar: i have the same config against mysql14:24
dolphmstevemar: changed the username to something unique
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med_have the 2013.2.b3 tags gone out yet? I'm not seeing them.14:37
med_or is that close-of-biz today?14:37
med_ttx, ^14:38
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ttxmed_: it's today. Looks like I'll push them out in 30min14:38
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med_thanks ttx14:38
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henrynashdolphm: on it is technically still an issue, although likely no longer such an issue….since with split-identity, you can have users/groups in ldap, but roles in sql…so the issue raised is only relevant if you want the assignment backend also in ldap….for which I think we are deficient in most v3 role APis (e.g. grants)15:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1195019 in keystone "GET /role_assignments not supported on LDAP backend" [Wishlist,Invalid]15:32
dolphmhenrynash: want to keep it open then?15:33
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dolphmhenrynash: or supersede it with a broader wishlist item?15:33
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henrynashdolphm: let's go for a broader wish list - which is to decide what we do about ldap assigmnet backend….do we freeze it as is, bring it up to full capability, depreceite it etc.15:34
dolphmhenrynash: ++15:34
henrynashdolphm: want me to put that in?15:34
dolphmhenrynash: sounds good15:35
henrynashdolphm: maybe that's a blueprint?15:35
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dolphmhenrynash: well, the decision should be a bp, not the fact that it's incomplete15:36
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henrynashdolphm: ok15:36
dolphmhenrynash: .. if that makes any sense15:36
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chmoueldolphm: about
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221579 in keystone "Disabling a tenat with ldap does not seem to do much" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:37
chmoueli think we should just come back with an error right?15:38
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chenxuquestion: on dhcp-agent of neutron, RemoteError: Remote error: AgentNotFoundByTypeHost Agent with agent_type=DHCP agent and host=openstack-n1 could not be found15:41
chenxuwhere to look first?15:41
chenxurunning trunk btw15:41
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crazedso quantum was renamed to neutron in havana?15:42
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crazeder wrong channel15:43
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henrynashayoung: ping15:49
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bknudsonhenrynash: deprecate ldap assignment backend.15:49
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insanidadehi all. question: I'm trying to use a routar openstack still doesn't support. I have to write code so that that router's api can be invoked and responses are translated back into openstack. I understand that's an agent's responsability. As I don't understand the complete flow yet, I ask: do I have to create a new driver for that router and make the agent use that driver ?15:50
henrynashbknudson: is that proposal or a question ?15:50
henrynashbknudson: :-)15:50
bknudsonhenrynash: my opinion is it should be deprecated15:50
henrynashbknudson: I agree…15:50
ayounghenrynash, yeah15:51
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ayoungbknudson, I agree15:51
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henrynashayoung: question for you default project and membership role (which i kind of saw you in conversation about a while back)15:51
ayoungit is there to provide a migration path for people currently using LDAP for Identity.  We can't cut them off, but it should not be a long term approach15:51
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henrynashayoung: I though a default project meant you would have (at least) the membership role on the project, no?15:52
ayounghenrynash, so the discussion was whether changing default shoud unenroll you.  I say, no way Jose15:52
ayoungand it should enroll you, I think, as a streamline15:52
ayoungbut removing it as your default project should not unenroll you15:52
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ayoungalternatively, we could force the user to explicitly enroll before changing default.15:53
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ayoungthat would be consistent, but obnoxious.  Hobgoblin.15:53
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henrynashayoung: I'm actually looking at a separate issue…which is, can you safely assume that if you want to respond to "list projects for suer" that we can just return any project that has a role for that user...15:54
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henrynashayoung: today the code (sometimes) also adds in the default project from the user record explicitly…that seems redundant to me15:54
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ayounghenrynash, hmmm. does setting default role currently enroll the user?15:55
henrynashayoung: yes15:55
henrynashayoung: on create user, yes15:56
ayounghenrynash, how about update?15:56
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ayounghenrynash, so, to contradict myself, I would say that we should not enroll a user upon setting default.  But we should allow a user to set their own default.15:57
henrynashayoung: that was the bug that was in question to which you responded…what happens if you update the default project…and the fix was to indeed enrol you15:57
henrynashsorry gotta nip offline…will be back on line later to continue...15:57
ayounghenrynash, so, do you thin a user should be able to set their own default?15:57
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dtroyerayoung: fwiw, as a user I would like to choose the default…if I already am a member of the project.16:00
ayoungdtroyer, yep16:00
ayoungme too16:00
ayoungdtroyer, as a user of an OS cluster, I was messed up by that very issue on Wednesday16:00
ayoungAll our accounts were created with a user specific project, but as a team we started using a team project, and I wanted to change my default/16:01
dtroyerstevemar: (or anyone else interested in OAuth in DevStack)  could you have a look at when you get a sec?16:01
ayoungdtroyer, I'll look16:01
dtroyerayoung: thanks16:02
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ayoungdtroyer, shouldn't we have something like KEYSTONE_EXTENSIONS=oauth, kds,vargarble,snurp16:02
bknudsonayoung: is that a copy of the config in the pipeline?16:03
dtroyerayoung: possibly...16:03
bknudsonayoung: or do we change the pipeline to have an extension handler16:03
ayoungbknudson, this would be additional extensions16:03
ttxhavana-3 is out16:03
ayoungttx, rock on!16:04
ttxNow let's test and fix :)16:04
dtroyerthis is the first extension to be enabled in DevStack, right?  (I don't know what is and what isn't an extension offhand)16:04
ttxmed_: ^16:04
bknudsonshould be like enable_keystone_oauth16:04
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dtroyerbknudson: I'd prefer to do it like we do services now, just have a list to enable and do the right thing in the code.  but yeah16:05
ayoungdtroyer, he'll need to run the migration script for it, too16:06
dtroyerayoung: good to know…please leave a comment16:06
ayoungdtroyer, working on it16:07
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med_ttx, ,many thanks16:07
ayoungdtroyer, how'16:08
ayoungs that?16:08
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dtroyerayoung-afk: looks good, thanks again16:09
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wolfdreamerso question, I have an issue that I've completed, but the changes break a test in tempest, what is the procedure for being able to make modifications to tempest and original issue16:29
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ayoungwolfdreamer, submit a  change to tempest first that removes the old test, with an link to the change that breaks it.  Ater you have the new change in, submit an additional test to tempest17:26
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wolfdreamerayoung, thanks for the info. Test to tempest didn't need to be removed first but will keep in mind for future17:29
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bknudsonI'm not able to start up devstack with LDAP keystone ...17:46
bknudsonUNDEFINED_TYPE: {'info': 'enabled: attribute type undefined', 'desc': 'Undefined attribute type'}17:46
stevemarbknudson, i saw that last night, i think it's independent of ldap17:47
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bknudsonstevemar: I'll try without.17:47
bknudsonI think I had seen this a few times yesterday but then it would mysteriously go away17:47
chmoueli have tried ldap/devstack keystone just this morning and had no troubles so far17:48
chmouelbknudson: ^17:48
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stevemardtroyer, i'm taking a look at
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ayoungwolfdreamer, also watch out for the Foresaken.  One of them has been hiding out in Tempest.  I think it is Samael.17:52
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wolfdreamerayoung, just trying to avoid Ishamael18:08
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bknudsonmy ldap problem was my own mistake... had changed lib/keystone to not set user_attribute_ignore enabled to work on a diff fix.18:13
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morganfainbergdolphm, digging into, I'm finding a lot of gaps in multi-domain support.  I can probably get a bug fix in before RC1, but it's likely going to have a good deal of delta.18:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1218094 in keystone "Multi domain code not searching domains for LDAP read only users" [Medium,Triaged]18:15
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i was starting to suspect there was a significant gap :(18:16
morganfainbergyep.  a lot of calls wont handle domain_scop.  i think i'm about 50% there with  11 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)18:16
morganfainbergand that doesn't include touching a single test18:16
morganfainbergplus.  user_id's don't look very unique based upon how we do str2dn18:17
dolphmmorganfainberg: ouch18:17
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morganfainbergdolphm, we should likely be storing user_id as something like user_id@domain18:18
morganfainbergbut that seems like it will be a pretty massive change.18:18
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dolphmmorganfainberg: it is - and you either need to encode at least one half, or ensure that '@' can't appear in at least one half18:19
morganfainbergi'd use the same logic as the external user, use an rsplit('@', 1) if anything18:19
morganfainbergdolphm,  that has edge cases as well, now that i think about it18:20
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dolphmmorganfainberg: edge cases like ? or something else18:21
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morganfainbergdolphm, i was thinking upgrade issues.  user@something (username), now we do an rsplit, "something" isn't a domain18:22
morganfainbergit should be user@somthing@domain18:22
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morganfainbergso we'd need to write a migration script for that.  that likely would be an ugly migration script.  or we have to do some wierd compat code.18:24
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dolphmmorganfainberg: also doesn't solve the upgrade issue of a user who is already authenticating with a pre-upgrade user_id and no domain18:24
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morganfainbergdolphm, there is one other issue. is used to extract domain information,  in some cases this would limit keystone so there cannot be a "super admin" that could lookup/edit/etc things outside of the current token's domain scope.18:24
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morganfainbergsuper admin/cloud admin/etc18:24
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dolphmmorganfainberg: wow, that code is also incredibly broken18:26
morganfainbergdolphm, yep.18:26
morganfainbergdolphm, i am pretty sure i could put together a 75% ish fix.  but, there would be strange edge cases / lack of functionality18:27
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morganfainbergdolphm, so, not sure if we want to mothball this up some until icehouse or push for a fix.  it's kind of 11th hour for this type of rabbit hole.18:29
dolphmmorganfainberg: +++18:30
dolphmmorganfainberg: i'm now worried that not-split-identity use case could be very broken as well18:31
morganfainbergdolphm, my digging in shows (for the most part) it looks sane as long as you never have multiple identity drivers (no split domain drivers).18:32
dolphmmorganfainberg: comforting words ^^ :P18:32
morganfainbergdolphm, yeah i know.  :P18:32
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morganfainbergdolphm, i'm going to get some lunch, once i'm back (and i've stewed on thsi some more) we can figure out what we want to do18:38
morganfainbergdolphm, s/once i'm back/once back i'll hit you up/18:38
dolphmmorganfainberg: henrynash:
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dolphmmorganfainberg: starting to map that out ^18:39
morganfainbergdolphm, cool.  looking now (have a few mins before lunch train takes off)18:39
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morganfainbergdolphm, ok i'll be back in a few.  hit you up then.18:44
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dolphmmorganfainberg: o/18:44
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dolphmttx: will bugs / blueprints targeting 'next' automatically map to icehouse somehow?19:08
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atiwariAll I am waiting for review on
atiwarialso, can some one validate
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221889 in keystone "Wrong unit tests for v3 token head calls" [Undecided,New]19:12
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crazedwhere's the best docs on the latest way to do metadata api? specifically i'm not running the l3_agent19:43
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morganfainbergdolphm, the etherpad looks good19:47
atiwarimorganfainberg,  I filed the bug, please take a look19:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221889 in keystone "Wrong unit tests for v3 token head calls" [Medium,New]19:49
morganfainbergatiwari, i saw that.  Commented on it.19:50
atiwarijust saw19:51
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dolphmmorganfainberg: /salute20:00
morganfainbergdolphm, i'll snag the tenant_id vs tenantId bug for rc1 so we can get that out the door.  I'll also work on the new BP for icehouse and the multi-domain stuff this weekend (so we have a starting place) unless you already grabbed that20:01
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i have not20:02
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morganfainbergdolphm, sounds good.20:03
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i amended the docs to identify the feature as experimental in havana... does the scope of work you're looking at to complete the overall feature fit under one of the currently filed bugs? or should we create a new one?20:10
dolphmmorganfainberg: i'm just trying to figure out what bug to cite in the commit message for docs as a Related-Bug20:11
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dolphmmorganfainberg: bug or bugs... probably plural20:11
morganfainbergdolphm, i think it covers the read-only bug and then some20:13
morganfainbergso i'll need to probably file a couple more bugs along the way.20:13
morganfainbergbut for now i think the 2 bugs you identified are the crux of why it can't be used in havana20:13
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dolphmmorganfainberg: fair enough20:15
morganfainbergdolphm, looking now.20:16
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dolphmmorganfainberg: just realized the WARN should maybe be WARNING20:16
morganfainbergdolphm, yeah WARNING, also you're missing a capitalization on Keystone in line 108.20:17
morganfainbergotherwise, looks good to me20:17
dolphmmorganfainberg: fixed20:18
morganfainbergdolphm, Looks good, +2.20:19
morganfainbergany issue with me pressing "go" on the LLC -> Foundation patch?20:19
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dolphmmorganfainberg: not that i'm aware of20:23
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bknudsonis multi-domain experimental or it doesn't work?20:26
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dolphmbknudson: it makes several assumptions and appears to be incompletely implemented; a proper fix appears to be out of scope for havana20:35
morganfainbergbknudson, it would be a significant amount of delta to get it into havana20:36
morganfainbergbknudson, and there would be some odd edgecases where things would behave in non-intuitive ways20:36
bknudsonI assume it would be a significant delta to revert it?20:36
morganfainbergbknudson, i think that would be worse because of when it went in.  alot of things were built with it's changes already there20:37
bknudsoncould a small change disable it (reading the configs?)20:38
dolphmbknudson: prevent people from using it?20:38
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bknudsondolphm: right, not make it experimental make it so that it's not usable at all20:38
morganfainbergdolphm, bknudson, i think it's only tested (config option) in a couple places, could just move from if conf.<whatever> to if false20:38
bknudsonexperimental to me indicates that I can try it out.20:39
morganfainbergbknudson, it will sort of work… kind of… and produce very odd behavior.20:39
bknudsonbut if there's a bunch of stuff we know doesn't work?20:39
david-lylebknudson: which part of multi-domain?  the ability to create multiple domains?20:39
morganfainbergbknudson, a lot of things will just flat fail because user lookups don't provide domain_scope20:40
morganfainbergnot even including the same issues for grants, etc20:40
bknudsonare we going to get security issues?20:40
dolphmbknudson: we "generated" some useful bug reports by having it "usable" ... but you're right, we probably won't get much more useful feedback from havana20:40
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morganfainbergdolphm, bknudson has a point.  this opens the door for some nasty problems.  disabling whole-sale might be a better course20:41
bknudsondavid-lyle: it appears that you can create multiple domains (there are unit tests for this), but then you couldn't find the correct users when looking up by id.20:42
bknudsonI could be wrong in the assessment.20:42
dolphmbknudson: that sounds correct20:42
morganfainbergthats the base of it20:42
bknudsonkeystone looks up stuff by id all the time... roles, groups, etc.20:42
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morganfainbergbasically, anything controlled by the identity driver wasn't guaranteed to be able to be looked up by ID in all cases20:43
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dolphmdavid-lyle: we have the ability to create multiple domains, and to specify discrete backend configuration per domain, but we're not entirely handling the consequences of that properly20:43
morganfainbergwith multiple domain backends.20:43
david-lyleso it's just the multiple backends in question?20:43
dolphmdavid-lyle: yes20:44
morganfainbergdavid-lyle, yes.20:44
dolphmdavid-lyle: multiple domains in SQL is fine, AFAIK20:44
david-lyleok, just wanted to check, Horizon added multi-domain support in Havana for at least SQL backends20:44
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bknudsonoh, this isn't exactly multiple domains...20:44
bknudsonit's "split domains"20:45
morganfainbergbknudson - yes.20:45
dolphmwe have a lot of "split-X" blueprints lol20:45
bknudsonyou have a domain in LDAP1 and a domain in LDAP2 and a domain in SQL120:45
david-lyleok, just got worried when I read disable multi-domain :)20:45
dolphmand then most of your users suddenly can't be found :)20:45
morganfainbergbknudson, yep that is the problem scenario, the per-domain-backend20:46
david-lylethanks for the clarification20:47
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dolphmmorganfainberg: if people didn't try and run "production" installs with debug enabled, i'd suggest just checking that debug = True to 'disable' it20:49
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morganfainbergdolphm, fair point.20:50
bknudsonyou do have to work pretty hard to use it, it's not like someone's going to accidentally use it.20:50
dolphmmorganfainberg: bknudson: how about adding an --i-am-an-idiot that defaults to False20:52
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bknudsondolphm: I'm not sure about the default...20:53
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dolphmbknudson: oh, but we should always provide it20:53
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morganfainbergbknudson / dolphm, make it also log "no seriously this feature is still being baked, you probably don't want to use it"21:12
morganfainbergstevemar. you going to take: or should I start working on it?21:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1219739 in keystone "LDAP use 'tenant_id' instead of 'tenantId' in user_ref" [Medium,New]21:13
stevemardolphm (and others if interested), i'm still getting that error i showed you earlier, where create user expects 3 args instead of 221:13
stevemarmorganfainberg: go ahead sir21:14
morganfainbergstevemar, cool.21:14
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stevemarmorganfainberg: I "worked" on the duplicate name on, it's no longer on the list :P21:14
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bknudsonmaybe we need to push back on large patches ...
stevemarmorganfainberg: that's not to say I wrote a patch21:14
bknudson"Review fewer than 200–400 lines of code at a time"21:14
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morganfainbergbknudson, that is the exact reason why i split the caching into each subsystem i was enablin caching for21:15
morganfainbergbknudson, it would be good to also split things into "basic support" and "enable support of new feature for <blah>" type patches21:16
morganfainbergbknudson, at least that way we could have a series of small changes to look at even if it amounts to a big change needed for a feature.  and we are more likely to catch issues like this.21:17
morganfainbergbefore they are a problem21:17
bknudsonmorganfainberg: I think everyone appreciated splitting up by subsystem... could concentrate on each one.21:17
morganfainbergbknudson, i think it is a good practice to encourage across the board (unless it _really_ isn't possible)21:17
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bknudsonI remember on that one I spent a lot of energy looking at the config changes21:19
bknudsonby "that one" I mean the split domains21:19
morganfainbergyeah, i spent like 4 hours last night chasing down all the edge cases21:20
morganfainbergand a lot of that was wrapping my head around the config system to make sure that wasn't going to bite me along the way21:20
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morganfainbergbknudson, i bet it was time consuming on initial review, there is some nuance to the approach - and a lot of things are touched by it21:22
ayoungannegentle, for many of the doc bugs, I can go through and provide the info inside the bug report.  Is that suffcient, or is it need to be the patch and submit process?21:23
bknudsonmorganfainberg: 24 changed files     with 1,050 additions     and 412 deletions
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morganfainbergbknudson, that is a sizable delta.21:25
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: although not sizable enough21:25
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morganfainbergbknudson, true21:26
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ayoungdolphm, for a bug like this:  where do we document it?  Is it in the keystone project, or in the openstack-manual project?21:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1090655 in openstack-manuals "grizzly: keystone user groups" [Medium,Confirmed]21:28
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dstanekis the format for a templated catalog in Keystone documented anywhere?21:32
ayoungbknudson, morganfainberg still, domain specific ID backends might be the single most requested feature for Keystone21:33
dstanekah cool, i found an example in devstack21:33
ayoungexpect people to use it, and to break it21:34
morganfainbergayoung, and i really want it in (personally, i am stoked about being able to do this split).  I am just concerned about havana timelines and how broken it is.21:34
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ayoungmorganfainberg, let's crank up the priority on bugs on that, then21:35
bknudsoncan we backport the fixes if they get through more testing in IceHouse?21:35
ayoungbknudson, we can still do bug fixes up until release, with major thinkgs backprotable from ICe house to Havana stable21:36
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ayoungmorganfainberg, are there bug reports specific to multi-domain?21:37
morganfainbergayoung, per-domain backends, there are 221:38
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henrynashwe're talking about the issues of user_id access with mulit-domain, I assume?21:38
morganfainberghenrynash, yes.21:38
morganfainberghenrynash and all other identity-controlled items (groups, etc all have the same issue)21:38
morganfainbergayoung, sec.21:38
morganfainberg and
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1218094 in keystone "Multi domain code not searching domains for LDAP read only users" [Medium,Triaged]21:39
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henrynashmorganfainberg: I think they'll all work Ok as log as you have a domain scoped token (or at least they should), with the exception of the bug in auth that we need to pass domain into get_user when setting project scope21:39
henrynash(as long as)21:40
morganfainberghenrynash, there are a lot of cases that never see domain scope passed when they do get_user21:41
morganfainberge.g. grants21:41
morganfainbergso it'll get a usernotfound error21:41
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morganfainberghenrynash and a scoped domain token will not allow a user (e.g. cloud admin) to access / update data from a domain they are not part of (in some cases)21:42
henrynashmorganfainberg: ahh, so management of "pure" identity assets are OK, but mixed assignment/idenity calls are an issue21:43
morganfainberghenrynash, there is a chunk of work to do to get this shored up. I have a partial delta together, but it's going to be a lot.  I wasn't sure if we wanted to try and wedge this in under RC.21:43
morganfainberghenrynash, yep.21:43
ayoungmorganfainberg, did you split the caching info off into a separate bug?  If not, that should be tracked separately21:44
morganfainberghenrynash and some cases it's very hard to derive domain since domain is derived from the ref returned by get_user (not commone, but i think i've found 2 or three)21:44
henrynashmorganfainberg: I understand your concern - but actually I thikn we do "get_user" all over the place when we really shouldn't… would be great to get that cleanup up…I really don;t think we ever want an assignment backend calling the identity backend…should all be done higher up (when scope can be checked)21:44
bknudsonmorganfainberg: henrynash: how to you get it to work other than query every backend for the id?21:44
morganfainbergayoung, ah, i should open that bug.21:44
morganfainbergayoung will do todya.21:44
bknudsonoh, move the lookup to someplace earlier.21:45
henrynashbknudson: so every query shouldn't be doing that, clearly….and if we can't see our way out of that hole, then I agree we have a problem21:45
morganfainbergbknudson, and if you don't already know the domain, how do you know which result to use (e.g. 2 users with the username "joe")21:45
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morganfainbergin different domains.21:46
bknudsonmorganfainberg: I assume we're doing lookup by ID and not name.21:46
henrynashmorgainfainberg: to usernames with joe is fine...21:46
henrynashmorganfainberg: two users with the same users_id is not21:46
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morganfainbergbknudson, in ldap, id is a str2dn[0][0][1], so cn=User,dc=example,dc=com becomes 'User'21:46
ayoungmorganfainberg, please make sure I am added as  a reviewer on all LDAP related bugs.21:46
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morganfainbergayoung, will do.21:47
ayoungah. dolph submitted the fix on behalf of...sorry, morganfainberg misread that21:47
bknudsonI think we always had the assumption that user IDs were unique21:47
bknudsonthe assumption before domains was that user names were also unique21:47
morganfainbergayoung, no worries.  i know you're an ldap expert, anything i touch with LDAP i'll make sure you're part of.21:47
bknudsonso if they're violating unique user IDs then I think that's not our problem.21:48
morganfainbergbknudson, how do you enforce that with per-domain identity?21:48
ayoungmorganfainberg, Expert, in this case, means I've written more broken LDAP code than anyone else...21:48
ayoungwe should test a user ID and figure out what domain it is in21:48
ayoungUUID-> got to SQL21:48
morganfainbergayoung, hehe.21:49
bknudsonmorganfainberg: documentation21:49
ayoungDN-->  calculate the domain based on the subtree21:49
ayounghenrynash, is ^^ a workable solution?21:49
morganfainbergbknudson / ayoung, i think the right answer is to have the domain stored with the user.21:49
henrynashayoung: so caching on identity would really help…so after one call to find a user_id (that searched domains) subsequent calls would dome out of cache21:49
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ayounghenrynash, except that caching on Users from LDAP breaks the ability to have revocation events come from LDAP21:50
ayoungIf I remove a user from a group in LDAP, there is no notification21:50
ayoungand group assignments typically come off the user object  in a memberof21:50
ayoungso we have to be careful21:51
morganfainbergthis is one of the reasons i punted on any Identity caching for havana21:51
morganfainbergwanted a bit more time to work out sensible caching / etc21:51
ayoungmorganfainberg, caching is always at odds with responsiveness by definition.  YOu were right in favoring correctness over performance to start21:51
henrynashI'm going to mull on this issue this weekend…21:51
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ayounghenrynash, is that in conjunction with the original meaning o "Mull"?21:52
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morganfainberghenrynash, i have a partial delta already on shoring up things, and i think i could have a semi-working solution (with some edgecases and limitations) by RC1, but it would have very odd edgecases w/o some serious restructuring of how things work (at odds for being this late in the cycle)21:53
henrynashayoung: no wine invloved...21:53
ayoungEn vino veritas21:53
henrynashmorganfainberg: so here's one thought…let's not check whether user_id or group_id is valid on grants….just assign it...21:53
ayoungmorganfainberg, what kind of edge cases21:53
ayounghenrynash, agreed21:53
ayounghenrynash, I thought I submitted a patch for just that?21:54
morganfainbergayoung, unless you are part of the domain, you can't get information about users, etc for the domain21:54
henrynashwe shouldn't bother doing get_user() etc. all over the place21:54
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morganfainbergsince we rely on the scoped token to determine the domain in some cases21:54
morganfainbergso no super-admin/cloud admin being able to see into some data21:54
morganfainbergayoung, i can dig up the specifics on that over the weekend if it makes a difference.21:55
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ayounghenrynash, ^^ is that not sufficient?  Where else are we doing that check?21:56
ayoungoh, I moved it into the controllers...21:57
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morganfainbergayoung, yes.21:57
morganfainbergayoung, it just needs some modification to include domain scope.21:58
morganfainbergayoung, thats part of the change set i've been working on (those calls to identity included)21:58
ayoungmorganfainberg, I want to drop that.  It is going to make Federation really, rally hard21:59
morganfainbergayoung, that makes sense.  and i'm not opposed to providing some fixes for RC1, i just see this as being a massive bug fix (all things considered) very late in the cycle22:00
morganfainbergto get things cleaned up.  it's not a bad approach, it's just incomplete.22:00
morganfainberg(I wish I had looked at this more closely before H3)22:01
ayoungassume you are an admin and you want to create entries for a user that is going to authenticated from some remote domain, and verified via SAML.   You won't be able to query the system about that user...22:02
ayoungassignments will become impossible.  What do we give up if we stop checking user validity?22:02
ayoungmorganfainberg, so all of the V2 calls will assume default domain.  All of the v3 calls should be providing domain id with them.  We stop making the domain fields optional, we should be on the right track, no?22:02
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morganfainbergayoung that is the essence of my patchset.22:02
ayoungmorganfainberg, H3 is not rc122:02
morganfainbergone exception.  v2 tokens need to know how to do lookups for domains in a sane way (easy enough)22:03
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ayoungfor all domains or just default?22:03
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morganfainbergif you ask about validity of a token by uuid/hashed id, it should respond correctly regardless of v2.0 or v3, no?22:04
morganfainbergwhich case it would fail on defaultdomain if the user was in a domain-specific backend22:04
morganfainbergbut that data is already there (scoped token that is)22:04
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morganfainbergayoung, i can have a workable patchset ready for some drive time next week if we want to do cleanup.  i've already chased a chunk of this down.22:06
morganfainbergayoung, but, in this case i'm defering to dolph and you guys about the scope we're willing to take on post H3 (feature freeze)22:07
morganfainbergmy opinion is there is a bunch to do.22:07
ayoungmorganfainberg, will it change either API or configuration?22:07
morganfainbergayoung, api will change some.  domain becomes manditory in a number of cases.22:07
bknudsonGrant role to user on project: PUT /projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}22:07
bknudsondoesn't have a domain22:08
bknudsonso should not check if the user exists or not?22:08
morganfainbergbknudson, iirc that assumes the scoped token is where the domain is derived from22:08
bknudson(wouldn't return 404 if user doesn't exist)22:08
ayoungbknudson, ouch22:08
morganfainbergbknudson, project id is unique, you can lookup domain from project_id22:08
ayoungyeah, proejct and domain stayed in the same backend for just that reason22:09
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bknudsonI can't use the admin token to grant role to user on project ?22:09
morganfainbergbknudson, in that case you could. since project can be used to get domain22:10
morganfainbergbut deleting a user.  you couldn't do that22:10
bknudsonList user's roles on project: GET /projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles22:10
morganfainbergyou have to be part of the domain to delete a user, regardless of admin-token22:10
bknudsonhow can I get the domain from the project?22:10
morganfainbergbknudson, assignment_api.get_project()['domain_id']22:11
bknudsonIf it's LDAP, I'd be deleting the user from the LDAP directory directly, not going through keystone.22:11
morganfainbergbknudson, if it's read-only ldap.  but if you have a domain w/ a sql backend, and one with an ldap backend22:11
morganfainbergor 2 with sql backend22:11
ayounghenrynash, do we trust LDAP?22:11
morganfainbergor read-write ldap22:11
ayoungFor example, say I have two LDAP based domains registerd22:11
ayoungand I know that they will be searcheed A and then B22:12
ayoungif a user is in domain B, and I hack LDAP A to have a subtree that looks like it, will I be able to steal users from domain B?22:12
ayoungI think...we want to do a pattern match on the User IDs from LDAP.  they should contain the subtree22:13
bknudsonmorganfainberg: ok, I see that the project is owned by a domain... so we could say that you essentially can't go willy-nilly granting roles across domains.22:13
morganfainbergbknudson, yes.22:13
ayoungbknudson, A user in one domain can be granted access to a project in a different domain, though.22:14
bknudsonayoung: I was wondering if we could drop that (A user in one domain can be granted access to a project in a different domain)22:14
ayounghmmm, also, I am making the assumption that a userID will be their DN...22:14
ayoungbknudson, I don't think we want to drop that. It is too powerful an abstraction22:15
bknudsonor maybe only drop it if using split domains.22:15
ayoungI'm more concerned with...22:15
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morganfainbergbknudson, except a22:15
morganfainberg"cloud admin" might want to be able to do grants22:15
morganfainbergon behalf of a customer?22:15
ayounglets say an LDAP deployment uses the posix numeric ID as the users ID.  We are definitely going to have overlap22:15
bknudsoncloud admin can get a token scoped to domain22:16
morganfainbergbknudson, without an account specifically in that split-id backend?22:16
ayoungwe should not allow that....userId needs to be globally uniqeu22:16
morganfainbergayoung, agreed22:16
bknudsonayoung: that's what I was going to say ... user ID unique.22:16
morganfainbergayoung, i think it needs to be enforced unique22:16
bknudsonbut we can only enforce it by documenatation22:16
morganfainbergbknudson, we could make domain required across the board (v2 only uses DEFAULT_DOMAIN)22:17
bknudsonwe can't stop someone updating their LDAP with a non-unique name22:17
bknudsonthis goes back to trusting LDAP22:17
morganfainbergbknudson, there is a difference between single ldap server with someone doing something dumb and multiple ldap servers22:17
ayoungugh, we should get the defaults out of the User Object in ldap.py22:18
morganfainbergif we force lookups to always include domain, we don't need to worry.22:18
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: ... because then user IDs don't have to be unique22:18
morganfainbergbknudson, actually i'd encourace encoding the domain in the "user_id"22:19
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morganfainbergsomehow. or make it a composite of some sort we can rely on.22:19
bknudsonIf you were using LDAP and had unique email addresses, then could derive domain from email22:19
morganfainbergthen the "user_id" isn't the complete user_id as far as keystone is concerned.22:20
morganfainbergsimilar to how external auth could be user@domain22:20
ayoungugh, and we default ID to cn...what was I thinking?22:20
morganfainbergayoung, >.<22:20
morganfainbergayoung, you were thinking 1 identity back end?22:21
morganfainbergalso, isn't that configurable?22:21
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ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah, but so many people have been following the documentation....22:21
morganfainbergayoung, fair poiint22:21
* ayoung goes to bang head against wall22:21
morganfainbergand if we change that… upgrades are going to be ugly22:22
morganfainberg(change the default)22:22
henrynashsorry, hopping in and out of this conversation...22:22
ayoungOK,  we knowthat no one is yet using multiple domains in a live deployment, so the damage is fairly limited22:22
bknudsonanybody with an existing LDAP would have to pick an attr that's unique .22:22
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bknudsonmaybe it's cn or maybe it's posixAccountNumber22:23
ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah22:23
bknudsonprobably should pick one that's single-valued.22:23
morganfainbergbknudson, or samaccount or...22:23
ayoungstill we can fix the documentation on that22:23
ayoungnothing else really makes sense22:23
henrynashsurely for all the grants, list projects for user etc…..none of that needs to know the domain….since this is all manipulation of id mappings in assignemnt22:23
bknudsondn would be unique, but might be longer than the db allows22:24
morganfainbergbknudson, dn->hash?22:24
morganfainbergsha1 should be _safe_22:24
bknudsonmorganfainberg: that would be ok22:24
bknudsonoh, right, a nefarious user could pick their name to match another hash.22:25
morganfainbergbknudson, unless we hash it across the board, and store the hash'd for reversability…or use a reversable hashing22:26
morganfainbergerm non-hashed22:26
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morganfainberghenrynash, i think that that argument can be made.  we'd need to ensure we're not assuming validity in a way that would break otherwise22:27
dolphm(if we're going to hash, i'd suggest something strong than sha1)22:27
morganfainberghenrynash, but as long as we decouple that cleanly, yes.22:27
morganfainbergdolphm, sha256?22:27
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dolphmmorganfainberg: that's as high as we can go for convenience, probably22:27
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bknudsoncould be keyed off some secret known about each domain.22:29
morganfainbergdolphm / bknudson, do we need anything to reverse the hashing?22:29
morganfainbergor would it always be a forward lookup?22:30
morganfainberghenrynash, actually list_projects for user (if you need to lookup the user from id) would need domain i think?22:31
morganfainbergunless the id was the full dn (or hash thereof)22:32
henrynashmorganfainberg: why would you need to look up the user?22:32
bknudsonhow about this API: List effective role assignments: GET /role_assignments22:32
dolphmmorganfainberg: you want to be able to rip apart a user ID to figure out the domain driver to call?22:32
bknudsonI guess that only deals with IDs.22:33
morganfainbergdolphm, i don't know if we need that.22:33
morganfainbergdolphm, just something to consider if we do hashing.22:33
henrynashbknudson: purely should reflect the id mappings in assignment…no need to look up users22:33
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morganfainbergdolphm is there ever a case we will have the hash and need to be able to get the user_ref.22:34
dolphmmorganfainberg: wait, is that not the point?22:34
henrynashmorganfainberg: list_project_for_user does uses get_user() today, but I'm looking at that for another bug…since it thinks it needs to get the default project for the user…but  I think that is superflous22:34
bknudsonhenrynash: what about ops like HEAD /projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}22:35
dolphmmorganfainberg: when you say hash, you mean "user_id = hash(dn)", right? so GET /users/{hashed_dn} has to return a user_ref22:35
morganfainbergbknudson, again, project_id can derive domain if needed.22:35
bknudsononly touches the assignment backend so doesn't need to look up at all?22:35
henrynashbknudson: nope, just a mapping look up22:35
morganfainbergdolphm, yes.22:35
bknudsonjust wouldn't return a 404 if user didn't exist.22:35
bknudsonalthough maybe it doesn't do that anywyas22:36
henrynashbknduson: yes the mapping is found or not22:36
morganfainbergdolphm, that is my thought, i might be wrong though.22:36
dolphmhow long can dn's really be?22:36
bknudsondo we want PUT /projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} to be successful if user doesn't exist or user isn't in project domain?22:36
morganfainbergdolphm, in AD as of 2012 looks like 255characters22:37
morganfainbergbknudson, i would say it should fail.22:38
henrynashbknudson: I guess it is debatable….but I would argue that we just allow the assignment and don't check the validity of UUIDs….as was point out earlier, future federation will be close to impossible otherwise22:38
dolphmbknudson: current behavior is that it would fail with a 40422:38
morganfainbergif it didn't it would be a vector for a seciurity problem.  create the grant, oops didn't exist, later a user is created that matches22:38
henrynashdolphm: I think that's true22:38
morganfainbergnow that user has an unintended grant22:38
bknudsonnow it will fail if the user doesn't exist22:39
henrynashmorganfainberg: a user is created with a random ID that just happens to match?22:39
bknudsonbut it will succeed if the user exists but is in a domain other than the project22:39
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henrynashmorganfainberg: isn't that just as likely as two users getting the same UUID on creation?22:40
dolphmhashing was suggested because "dn would be unique, but might be longer than the db allows" ... if dn's can only be 255 chars, hashing isn't really a gain22:40
dolphm255 is fine22:40
dolphmso, how about just user_id = urlencode(dn)22:41
dolphmpersist in sql as plain text, urlencode on the wire22:41
dolphmwe could start url encoding / decoding everything without consequence (every *other* ID is url safe by design..)22:42
bknudsonit's the ID col that would be a problem...
bknudsonit's 6422:43
dolphmbknudson: make it 255?22:43
bknudsonworks for me22:43
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morganfainbergthat seems sane22:45
bknudsonbut also doesn't seem like something to put in H22:45
morganfainbergdolphm, with url-encode we should probably add some buffer in there.22:46
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dolphmmorganfainberg: store the plaintext dn in sql, no?22:46
morganfainbergdolphm, yes.22:47
morganfainbergdolphm, oh oh22:47
dolphmmorganfainberg: encode/decode in the controllers22:47
bknudsonseems like we could configure some # of pieces of the DN rather than the whole thing.22:47
bknudsonif necessary22:47
morganfainbergdolphm, was thinking of storing encoded in the DB… :P22:48
morganfainbergwhich doesn't make sense22:48
morganfainbergplaintext is the right way for sure.22:48
dolphmmorganfainberg: if you do that then you should zlib it too :P22:48
morganfainbergdolphm, can we layer lzma and rot13 on it while we're at it?22:48
* dolphm win22:49
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morganfainberghenrynash, fair enough, but if we have deterministic uids (partial DNs) it could be a problem22:58
henrynashmorganfainberg: that's a fair point22:58
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morganfainberghenrynash, There is a lot to digest in this conversation today.  I think I'll see if I can come up with some cleanup / completion of the feature this weekend.23:32
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morganfainberghenrynash, it wont hurt us to be closer, but I'd still recommend keeping it marked as "experimental" since I think the final fixes will be Icehouse.23:33
henrynashmorganfainberg: I agree23:33
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ayoungdon't hash...just put a rule that the user id has to be globally unique and document that it should be the DN23:55
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