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kongfy | hi, I have a problem when I deploy ironic using devstack’s stable/juno branch, | 08:27 |
kongfy | [ERROR] /home/stack/devstack/lib/ironic:477 Nova hypervisor-stats did not register at least 3 nodes | 08:27 |
kongfy | This message comes out at the end of the process, do you guys have some idea? | 08:28 |
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eikke | any known DNS issues with review.o.o? | 09:11 |
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edleafe | eikke: it seems that Rackspace is having DNS issues (https://status.rackspace.com/). | 14:03 |
edleafe | Some of the systems may be hosted there | 14:04 |
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ociuhandu | hi guys, we’re running into a new issue with pip 6.0: while “pip install prettytable>0.7” runs fine, “pip install 'prettytable>0.7’” fails | 18:28 |
ociuhandu | with: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement prettytable>0.7 (from versions: ) | 18:28 |
ociuhandu | and this leads to devstack builds failing | 18:28 |
sigmavirus24 | ociuhandu: the requirement should be >0.7.0 | 18:31 |
ociuhandu | sigmavirus24: if you look above, the only difference is the single quotes | 18:31 |
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ociuhandu | without them it works ok, with them it fails | 18:32 |
ociuhandu | and devstack generates th pip install cmd with them | 18:32 |
sigmavirus24 | ociuhandu: that's because > tells your shell (most likely bash) to redirect output to a file called 0.7 | 18:32 |
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sigmavirus24 | 'prettytable>0.7' is required for you not to spuriously create files named 0.7 and to also have the lower bound be parsed by pip | 18:33 |
ociuhandu | so it’s a bug in devstack at the moment? | 18:33 |
sigmavirus24 | No. | 18:33 |
ociuhandu | sigmavirus24: missed that part | 18:33 |
sigmavirus24 | `pip install prettytable>0.7` is not the same as `pip install 'prettytable>0.7'`. | 18:34 |
ociuhandu | sigmavirus24: got it | 18:34 |
sigmavirus24 | The latter is the correct command to run, the former takes the output from `pip install prettytable` and writes it to a file called 0.7 | 18:34 |
ociuhandu | but for the last hour or so any devstack build i run fails on installing prettytable | 18:35 |
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ociuhandu | http://paste.openstack.org/show/153946/ | 18:35 |
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sigmavirus24 | ociuhandu: re-read the last thing I said in here please | 18:36 |
ociuhandu | but i’m not doing any manual run, devstack is trying it | 18:36 |
ociuhandu | so from what you say it’s a bug in devstack, unless it gets fixed while we speak | 18:37 |
sigmavirus24 | It is not a bug in openstack | 18:37 |
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ociuhandu | in devstack: tools/fixup_stuff.sh:pip_install 'prettytable>0.7' | 18:38 |
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ociuhandu | https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/tools/fixup_stuff.sh#L88 | 18:39 |
ociuhandu | so i guess it is | 18:39 |
ociuhandu | unless I’m missing something else there | 18:39 |
sigmavirus24 | It's not a bug in openstack | 18:39 |
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ociuhandu | sigmavirus24: on one side you tell me that “pip install 'prettytable>0.7’” will not work, missing the “.0” at the end. On the other you tell me that even though devstack runs it like this it’s not a bug | 18:40 |
ociuhandu | i never said it’s a bug in openstack but devstack | 18:41 |
sigmavirus24 | ociuhandu: right, but not using quotes will not fix it and people are already working on this | 18:41 |
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ociuhandu | i totally agree on that part with the quotes, that was just my mistake, not paying attention | 18:42 |
ociuhandu | just wanted to know if it’s a bug in devstack that is currently looked into or not | 18:42 |
ociuhandu | as our whole CI is down due to this | 18:43 |
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sigmavirus24 | It's a problem caused by how versions are managed by pip 6.0 which was released this morning | 18:43 |
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ociuhandu | sigmavirus24: thanks | 18:44 |
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sigmavirus24 | Sorry for the confusion | 18:44 |
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jaypipes | sandywalsh: Mr. Pug just arrived. | 19:35 |
sandywalsh | jaypipes: it's a xmas miracle! | 19:35 |
jaypipes | indeed it is. | 19:36 |
jaypipes | sandywalsh: I'm definitely going to wear it for the next openstack bootstrapping hour. | 19:36 |
sandywalsh | haha ... photos required | 19:36 |
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jgriffith | dhellmann: curious to get your opinion on something like this: https://gist.github.com/j-griffith/9a6e1b57ab3eae60a222 | 20:35 |
jgriffith | dhellmann: re https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo.log/+spec/app-agnostic-logging-parameters | 20:35 |
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jgriffith | jogo: guess I'll loose my beloved nova-network yet :( | 21:45 |
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jogo | jgriffith: ^_^ | 21:47 |
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alazarev | could someone help with devstack installation? | 23:49 |
alazarev | ERROR: openstackclient.shell Exception raised: python-neutronclient is installed but python-neutronclient<3,>=2.3.6 is required by [] | 23:49 |
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alazarev | this happens when devstack installs heat | 23:51 |
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alazarev | from my understanding "" is pretty "<3,>=2.3.6", does it check dependencies lexicographically? | 23:53 |
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prometheanfire | isn't the new pip having issues with those type of searches? | 23:54 |
prometheanfire | < >= should work I think | 23:54 |
prometheanfire | if that is the problem | 23:54 |
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alazarev | dependancy goes from heat, so I believe it is in global requirements, so other projects will have it too | 23:57 |
dtroyer | Another set of releases upstream (pip and friends) have landed in the last couple of hours that fixes the most recent round of version wierdness | 23:57 |
alazarev | is any fast way to fix that? install old version of pip? | 23:57 |
alazarev | dtroyer, so, should I just wait a day or so? | 23:58 |
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prometheanfire | ya. neutron gate is failing | 23:59 |
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