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clayg | is/was there a "forum feedback" session - like jbryce hosted at the PTg? | 17:12 |
diablo_rojo_phon | @clayg: it's right now | 17:13 |
diablo_rojo_phon | In the Sheraton | 17:13 |
clayg | yes, someone had indicated it might be "that lunch thing" | 17:13 |
clayg | oh over there... | 17:14 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Second floor | 17:14 |
diablo_rojo_phon | There are signs :) | 17:14 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Also there is an etherpad :) I can link you one sec | 17:14 |
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diablo_rojo_phon | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-summit-feedback | 17:16 |
clayg | np, thanks https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-summit-feedback | 17:16 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Launchpad/UbuntuOne SSO OpenID provider is offline, preventing logins to review.openstack.org, wiki.openstack.org, et cetera; ETA for fix is unknown | 17:25 | |
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chatter29 | hey guys | 23:27 |
chatter29 | allah is doing | 23:27 |
chatter29 | sun is not doing allah is doing | 23:27 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 23:27 |
chatter29 | As-salāmu ʿalaykum (Arabic: السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ [asːaˈlaːmu ʕaˈlaikum]) is a greeting in Arabic that means "peace be upon you". The greeting is a standard salutation among Muslims and is routinely used whenever and wherever Muslims gather and interact, whether socially or within worship and other contexts. [1] The typical response to the greeti | 23:27 |
chatter29 | ng is waʿalaykumu s-salām (وَعَلَيْكُم السَّلَام [waʕaˈlaikumu sːaˈlaːm]; "and upon you, peace"). | 23:27 |
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chatter29 | prophet muhammad peace be upon him was sent to destroy the musical instruments | 23:28 |
chatter29 | men must have one fist beard | 23:28 |
chatter29 | mustaches should be very thin | 23:28 |
chatter29 | trowsers of men should not go below the ankles the part that goes below the ankles will burn in the fire of hell | 23:29 |
chatter29 | women can not look at other men except their close relatives | 23:30 |
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chatter29 | men can not look at other women except their close relatives | 23:30 |
chatter29 | men can not hear voice of other women except their close relatives | 23:31 |
chatter29 | but if you are at the airport and a announcement is being made then it is okay because you can not do anything but you can not call another women | 23:31 |
chatter29 | prophet muhammad peace be upon him said backbiting is worse then adultery | 23:32 |
chatter29 | also listening to someone who is backbiting is not allowed | 23:32 |
chatter29 | taking selfies are not alowed | 23:33 |
chatter29 | because this selfie that you are taking you are gonna show it to your mother and she is gonna see someone who she is not suppose to see | 23:34 |
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chatter29 | because this selfie that you are taking you are gonna show it to your sister and she is gonna see someone who she is not suppose to see | 23:34 |
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chatter29 | because this selfie that you are taking you are gonna show it to your wife and she is gonna see someone who she is not suppose to see | 23:35 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 23:35 |
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chatter29 | need spiritual doctor visit http://www.alhaadi.org.za | 23:36 |
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