Thursday, 2023-10-12

AsmaHi everyone! is there anyone working on deployment of openstack-release 2023.1 with kolla-ansible?05:43
fricklerAsma: that should work just fine, do you see some specific issue?06:09
AsmaHi Fickler! Thankyou. I have set up OpenStack release 2023.1 (antelope) using ansible in docker (automated deployment tool Kolla-Ansible). However, I noticed that there is enable_plugin option of bgp_dragent in the /etc/kolla/global.yml file. When I enabled this plugin option, the separate directory neutron-bgp-dragent exists with the following files: •Bgp-dragent.ini •Neutron.conf •Config.json The service plugins and router-id hav06:24
Asmaagent, through the command, the output gets blank.                          Openstack network agent list –agent-type bgp06:25
fricklerneutron-bgp-dragent works fine for me, just ftr09:05
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The site will be offline over the next few hours for migration to a new server15:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint James Page as PTL of Sunbeam
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add Monasca to list of the inactive projects

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