Monday, 2016-12-05

greghaynesnoama: sorry, I meant to w+1, not -100:17
greghaynesnoama: fixed r00:17
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noamagreghaynes, can you provide more info on the implementation you suggested here
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jaianshuianw: can you please have a relook at I have updated few scripts over here following yours and others sugesstions.06:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: add option to configure cloud-init to allow password authentication
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fxpesterhi all11:53
fxpesterI set up rhel7 image for ironic, but I got interface names new names with each reboot, so I installed `stable interface names` element11:54
fxpesterI was expecting new names for interfaces, like ensXX or emXX, but I still got ethX - is this ok or it means that package is failed to do its job ?11:55
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fxpesterok... it`s failed... but package biosdevname is installed11:58
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fxpestergot net.ifnames=0 in grub.conf, `surprise motherfucker` ~_~12:10
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greghaynesfxpester: is that something we need to set when using stable interface names?14:31
greghaynesfxpester: if so, can you file a bug?14:31
fxpesternot sure actually, cause base dib package failed to build rhel7 image for me, I edit grub.conf by hands after dib error with grubby - so my bug report will not relate14:52
greghaynesoh, so is there another bug which causes dib to fail to make rhel7?14:53
fxpesterit actually build it, but it`s not bootable14:55
tushar_I have launched the vm from diskimage....the instance is having hostname as "ubuntu"15:05
tushar_the configuration file for diskimage is nodepool.yaml15:06
tushar_How can I get the instance with different hostname than "ubuntu" ?15:07
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openstackgerritMiles Gould proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow installing proliant tools from an OS package
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greghaynestushar_: hrm, usually a tool like cloud-init/glean/dhcp client sets that15:53
greghaynestushar_: I dont think we have a general way to bake it in to image, so youd have to make a custom element right now. It might be a good idea to support DIB_HOSTNAME as a new dib feature though15:54
tushar_I have tried by adding the cloud-init under element section in nodepool.yaml... but it didnt work16:04
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tushar_Earlier when I was working with Kilo release the vms were getting dynamic hostnames ...but now with the newton release i am facing this problem of hostname16:06
greghaynesright, so dib just makes the images, as far as what your cloud provides thats not really something dib can help with. It sounds like your dynamic network config isnt working though16:07
greghaynesyou could also try using simple-init16:07
tushar_ok I will try with simple-init16:08
tushar_thank you Greghaynes16:09
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tushar_simple-init didnt work16:23
tushar_actually in newton neutron networking is there ...while kilo nova network was there16:24
greghaynesyea, this sounds like a cloud issue not a dib issue16:24
tushar_one more thing i want to mention here ..if I am launching the instance with ubuntu image manually from dashboard takes the hostname dynamically16:26
tushar_the problem is only through nodepool16:26
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greghaynesah, so if you need to use the neutron metadata service then youll have to use cloud-init16:35
tushar_tried to configure cloud-init as well16:37
tushar_but still something went wrong16:37
greghaynesah, thats probably the thing to debug16:52
tushar_thank you16:53
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openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Update hpssacli to ssacli in proliant-tools element
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yolandahi greghaynes , ianw , can you take a look at ?19:38
yolandait's a tripleo patch to fix CI, but slagle is concerned about how dib v2 is breaking tripleo workflow19:39
yolandacan you take a look at their comments and my code, and see if that makes sense, or can be improved somehow?19:39
greghaynesianw: ^ Do you remember what all changed here? I agree that we shouldnt be breaking folks like this...19:45
greghaynesoh, we started returning a dict of element objects or somesuch19:46
greghaynesI think there should be an easy fix - make a new method which is the new api, keep the old method there as a mapping from the new format to the old19:47
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Preserve backwards compat for expand_dependencies
greghaynesyolanda: ianw ^20:05
yolandahi greghaynes, thanks. What about the print of get_image_element_array function?20:13
greghaynesyolanda: why do you need that?20:13
yolandai'm actually not sure if that's needed, just tried to replicate the code in dib20:13
yolandabut i can try to remove20:14
greghaynesYes, I dont think you should need it20:14
greghaynesif you do then something very wierd is going on20:14
yolandalet me amend the patch, and depend on yours from dib20:14
greghaynesI think with mine the patch should be able to go away entirely20:17
greghaynesif you can test that20:17
yolandawell, that bits. The bit to point to lib directory is still needed20:17
greghaynesI actually dont understand why there needs to be an explicit point to lib20:18
yolandabecause it went one level down20:18
yolandaand we removed that directory creation in the package20:18
yolandaianw suggested we better pick with that python method20:18
greghayneswhat fails if you just dont set _LIB?20:19
yolandait was giving an error, cannot remember now but was failing20:19
greghayneshrm, the reason we moved this stuff is so we could use python entrypoints for our scripts, the idea being once you pip install the scripts are accessible rather than having to much search paths20:20
greghayneswe might have missed something which is probably what failed20:20
greghaynesbut it might be nice to fix that in dib too20:20
yolandaok let's see first output of that patch now, and after that, i can try removing the os.environ['_LIB'] var, and see20:25
yolandai need to update it slightly anyway, because right now instack gives an exception if the var is not set20:25
yolandagreghaynes, actually i think the depends-on needs to go in the other direction. your change in dib needs to depend on mine that sets up lib path for v2, or it won't pass the CI20:28
yolandait's quite a chain20:28
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Preserve backwards compat for expand_dependencies
ianwhmm, i mean, _LIB is supposed to be private, it's right there in the "_" :)20:33
yolandai don't get where is that used20:34
ianwyeah, IIRC that was really only used inside disk-image-create20:34
greghaynesyolanda: why do you want the dib patch to depend on the instack change? shouldnt it be the other way around?20:35
yolandagreghaynes, no because right now the code in instack fails if it cannot find _LIB path20:35
yolandaand in v2 , /usr/share/diskimage-builder/lib does not exist20:35
yolandaianw, you mean, _LIB is only used for dib v1?20:35
greghaynesright, but why does the dib change require the instack change?20:36
greghaynesI think that means instack requires the dib change?20:36
yolandagreghaynes, no... if we test dib without that fix, it will fail on DIB CI20:36
ianwyolanda: no, we still use _LIB, but I don't think any elements depend on it?20:36
ianwactually, a quick grep shows that's not true20:37
yolandai cannot find anywhere20:37
yolandamaybe i can drop it from the instack code completely? or only if using v2?20:37
ianwyolanda: no, i don't think you can.  but i think essentially looks correct?20:38
yolandaok let's see how CI behaves now20:39
greghaynesI just dont understand why that var needs to be set for instack to work, wonedering what instack is doing there20:39
greghaynesthe value is correct there, more just wondering why20:39
yolandayep, i don't understand as well. I think my failure was just falling into exception, so that's why i added the workaround for paths in v220:40
yolandabut don't know the core reason for that _LIB var20:40
ianwgreghaynes: it looks like a couple of elements use it to find files to source20:40
greghaynesoh wait, so is this running the elements but not using the dib runner?20:41
ianwgreghaynes: yeah, that's always been the weird thing about instack20:41
greghaynesyolanda: ok, so then yes youre going to need that export20:42
ianw??? it's bitten me before too.  elements are *mostly* separate, but there are some hook points like env vars like this20:42
greghaynesyolanda: but really, this isnt a public interface. the python module api is a public interface but the interface between dib and what context is passed to elements is not20:43
greghayneswe wont remove things but we totally can and do add things20:43
greghaynesso... this is just going to break randomly when we do20:43
greghaynesanyhow, I still dont get about the depends-on. If youre going to break without the dib fix, then you want to depend on the dib fix I would think?20:45
yolandagreghaynes, so it's a chain problem now..20:51
yolandadib will break without instack fix20:51
yolandaand instack will break without dib20:51
greghayneswait, dib shouldnt break at all20:51
yolandawell, tripleo-ci for dib20:51
greghaynesthat change works fine without any instack change - dib doenst depend on instack20:51
yolandathe tripleo-ci for dib won't pass20:51
greghaynesah, ty20:52
greghaynesI forgot that we co-gate with instack20:52
greghaynessorry about that :)20:52
yolandabut i also think that instack will fail without the other change, so it's a circular dep20:52
greghaynesyea, so IMO we should just remove the depends-on from dib, merge it anyways (tripleo is nonvoting)20:52
greghaynesthen the circular dep is broken20:52
yolandaah ok20:53
yolandalet me amend it then20:53
greghaynesianw: curious what you think on the backwards compat element_deps patch20:53
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Preserve backwards compat for expand_dependencies
yolandagreghaynes, i'm also a bit worried about tripleo-ci being non-voting20:54
yolandathat led to ignoring the errors...20:54
yolandasometimes they are just fake errors, but some other times were legit ones20:54
greghaynesright, its not actually possible to make it voting since its 3rd party CI style, but more so the issue is weve had long periods where it failed continuously where it sort of trained us to not treat it as voting20:55
yolandayep, i agree on that20:57
yolandaanyway let's see if things are better now20:57
yolandai need to step out for dinner, will check tomorrow morning20:57
yolandagreghaynes, also, what's progress on the partitioning? how do you see it?20:57
greghaynesIt seemed like Andre updated the patches a bunch and started adding some tests, I think theres the perms issue we have to figure out still20:58
greghaynesI need to look at it again though, I havent since he updated over the weekedn20:58
yolandai've been focused a lot on the ci fixes and lost track on progress about it. But i'm more confident now on the integration with tripleo itself21:00
greghaynesthats good to hear - now that theres some tests its a ton easier for me to review and fix up21:01
greghaynesso I think itll finish up more quickly, once I get some time to review it again21:02
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: pip-and-virtualenv element needs python installed
* hwoarang review time23:27
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