Tuesday, 2016-12-13

pabelangerdo you guys have any functional tests running on fedora-24?00:25
pabelangerianw: $ ls /proc/ | wc -l00:55
pabelangeras you can imagine, kill_chroot_processes:141 is taking some time00:55
pabelangeris that step really needed?00:55
ianwhmm, i wouldn't think that would take that long?00:56
ianwis it blocking on something00:56
ianwthat was a recent change where we check if any process is still running the chroot & try to kill it00:56
pabelangernope, think it is just taking a while for each lookup00:56
ianwhence the name :)00:56
ianwso the problem might more be a stuck chroot process?00:56
pabelangerthis is a osic VM, with alot of kworkers processes00:56
pabelangerianw: best way to enable a debug?00:57
ianwjust going back to look over that code again00:57
pabelangerjust hacked in set -x for now00:58
pabelangerover and over00:59
pabelangerabout a second for each loop00:59
pabelangerso, 2241 procs is 37mins01:00
ianwthat's way way too long01:01
pabelangerso, this is osic-cloud1-s3500 and fedora-2401:02
ianwi guess it's a lot of forking01:03
pabelangerYa, something is going on01:04
pabelangeris non-voting right now01:05
pabelangerso I'll poke more at it01:05
ianwwe could save at least a bit of time by not looking at the name unconditionally01:07
ianwbut still, "ps -aef" isn't slow, is it?01:08
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ianwyeah, it's a slow loop01:17
ianwi wonder if this would be much faster in python01:22
ianwyeah, without forking, its *way* faster01:27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Speed up chroot checking loop  https://review.openstack.org/41000001:49
ianwpabelanger: ^ something like that should work a lot better i think01:50
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jaianshugreghayens, ianw: would you please reook at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/385880/...i did had +2 from greghayens, after that i had uploaded a new patch for some minor comments and so require you to have a re-look.11:52
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pabelangerianw: let me test14:26
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greghaynesianw: could I get some feedback on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/408288/ ? octavia folks are depending on that stack ATM15:58
greghaynesI think to unbreak some of their jos15:58
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow disabling manifests  https://review.openstack.org/35886516:25
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow disabling manifests  https://review.openstack.org/35886516:28
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Switch to openSUSE Leap 42.2 release by default  https://review.openstack.org/40907116:49
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pabelangerFinally have some spare time to try and get docker images going again with DIB18:09
pabelangerlets see how this magic works18:09
greghaynesoh nice18:37
pabelanger$ sudo docker images18:40
pabelangerREPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE18:40
pabelangerdocker-ubuntu       latest              184df7971312        About a minute ago   679.5 MB18:40
pabelangerkinda fat18:40
pabelangerbut worked18:40
pabelangernow, to use my simply-playbook element to overlay something18:41
greghaynesoh what18:41
greghaynesthats stupid big18:41
greghaynesare you using the latest dib release?18:41
pabelangerright from master18:42
greghaynesthere was a fix that should have made it much smaller18:42
pabelangerlet me check18:42
pabelangeryup: 8c74c8e409adf21094a5973bef84a02ba887646418:42
greghaynesand just ubuntu-minimal, not any extra stuff?18:43
greghaynesI wonder if something related to how to do the tar'ing is making it explode in size18:43
pabelangerdisk-image-create -x -t docker,tar --checksum --no-tmpfs --qemu-img-options 'compat=0.10' -o ubuntu-trusty ubuntu-minimal --docker-target=docker-ubuntu18:43
pabelangerwas the command18:43
pabelangertrying again, cause I actually wanted trusty18:43
greghaynesis the tar roughly the same size?18:44
pabelangerwill know in a min18:44
pabelangerit is fat too18:48
pabelanger-rw-r--r--  1 pabelanger pabelanger 576M Dec 13 18:48 ubuntu-trusty.tar18:48
pabelangerdocker-ubuntu       latest              4faadc4b1094        32 seconds ago      568 MB18:49
greghayneswomp womp18:49
greghaynesmight just be ubuntu then. I thought I had them down to about 300M18:49
pabelangeroh, I think I know18:49
pabelangerya, /lib is 300M itself18:51
greghaynesnice. Theres a deal I was doing to sort installed dpkg's by size18:52
pabelangerI suspect, if I create an ubuntu-container element, that strips out the kernel / modules, I'll save a few hundred mbs19:27
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pabelanger-rw-r--r--   1 pabelanger pabelanger 245M Dec 13 19:43 ubuntu-trusty.tar19:43
pabelangerwithout kernel19:43
pabelangerstill fat, but less of it19:44
pabelangerdown to 211MB if I drop base20:01
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Switch to openSUSE Leap 42.2 release by default  https://review.openstack.org/40907121:47
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Switch to openSUSE Leap 42.2 release by default  https://review.openstack.org/40907121:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Don't set the executable bit on dhcp-interface@.service  https://review.openstack.org/40986322:56
ianwgreghaynes: mind if i change it to "dib_python_version" in the pkg map, just to make clear it's relationship to DIB_PYTHON_VERSION in 408293 ?22:57
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move adduser to debian element from debootstrap  https://review.openstack.org/41045823:26
pabelangerianw: so, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/318461/23:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Make dib-python use the default python for distro  https://review.openstack.org/40828823:28
ianwpabelanger: uh oh, this seems like a random, weird issue coming23:29
pabelangerianw: what are your thoughts about either dropping it again or not using pkg-map?  Reason being, I want drop pkg-map dependency as it is pulling python into my debootstrap elements23:30
pabelangertrying to see if I can remove the need for python23:30
pabelangerianw: Or, maybe moving it into the growroot element23:30
ianwhaha, greghaynes is trying to see if he can remove the need for bash!23:31
ianwsomething seems like it's gotta give there23:31
pabelangerwut? bash23:31
pabelangerhaha, I was hoping just for it :)23:31
ianwwell, moving to python over bash so busybox images can work23:31
pabelangerAh, I see23:32
ianwi mean, if we had dib-run-parts in python, you'd be kind of screwed right?23:32
ianwunless i guess you uninstall all the python in a cleanup23:32
pabelangerThis is just from me poking at the ubuntu-minimal element, minus kernel and base.  Am building some docker containers with DIB23:33
ianw(i'm presuming this is for making a docker image)23:33
pabelangerya, in fact, I'm trying to drop dib-run-parts too23:33
pabelangerbut haven't got there yet23:33
pabelangercurrently dib-run-parts element has no element-deps, so not sure if dib-python is needed23:35
ianwno, currently dib-run-parts is in bash23:35
ianwbut greghaynes has a wip change to move it to python23:35
ianwfor that busybox image build reason23:35
ianwso you'd basically want it the other way23:35
ianwall in-chroot scripts in shell, no python23:36
pabelangerI suspect this is where the ansible stuff we talked about is going to come into play23:36
ianwthat's still going to require python in the chroot, though?23:36
pabelangerrun things in ansible outside chroot, then connection chroot23:36
pabelangerianw: depends on what I'm doing,23:36
pabelangerbut eventually ya23:36
pabelangerso, maybe at this point, accept python for now23:37
ianwi feel like python in the chroot is going to be a hard requirement23:37
pabelangerand maybe cleanup in finalize if possible23:37
ianwif anything, we're moving more towards that23:37
pabelangerI am fine with that for now23:37
ianwyes, at least for build.  if it can be cleaned, that would be fine i guess23:37
pabelangerlet me continue clean up of debootsrap, see if I can get it down a few more packages23:38
pabelangerI'll WIP my ubuntu-container element in a bit, once I get things working23:38
pabelangerokay, have to run out for an errand, once back I'll ping about zookeeper23:39
ianwor we could just move everything to perl, that way nobody would be happy :)23:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Put MKFS_OPTS after filesystem type  https://review.openstack.org/40840823:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: DIB element to support cinder local attach/detach functionality  https://review.openstack.org/38588023:58

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