Thursday, 2017-09-21

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Avoid networkx 2.0 release
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Support networkx 2.0
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal/pin networkx <2.0
ianwprometheanfire: ^ hopefully once this all falls out, that gets the gate going again04:49
prometheanfiretomorrow is my scheduled build the gentoo images day04:50
ianwi guess we need to obey upper-constraints04:53
prometheanfireit is sorta enforced :P04:55
ianwdon't we need a and stuff?04:57
prometheanfireyes, let me take a look04:58
prometheanfireya, the tox file needs updating04:58
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use upper-constraints in tox tests
prometheanfireianw: that should fix ya ^05:00
prometheanfireI think that's the only place it's needed...05:00
prometheanfireso says the grep on the nova repo :D05:01
prometheanfireianw: that will probably still need your gate fixing stuff to fix the other breakage though05:02
prometheanfireso feel free to update it05:02
prometheanfirenot sure which review that was in05:02
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
yolandahi, resuming the job from Ian... so trying to land fixes one by one08:08
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add initramfs-tools for ubuntu-minimal
hwoarangyolanda: should you add a proper reference to bug report on ?08:54
yolandaah, the dib one... was linked08:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1700972 in linux-azure (Ubuntu Xenial) "Please only recommend or suggest initramfs-tools | linux-initramfs-tool for kernels able to boot without initramfs" [Low,Fix committed] - Assigned to Marcelo Cerri (mhcerri)08:56
yolandaanyway i already merged that, to try unlock the network problem as well. Hoping it works08:59
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Support networkx 2.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Support networkx 2.0
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: debootstrap: Call update-initramfs explicitly
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hwoarangianw:  this pins networkx<2.0 but your dropped support for networkx-1.010:53
hwoarangand diskimage-builder doesn't have updated requirements.txt so it will not try to force networkx>2.010:54
hwoarangthings will start breaking soon I believe10:54
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "Support networkx 2.0"
yolandatrying to revert the network>2.0 support... but things look bad with nodepool gateas11:17
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Updated from global requirements
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johnsomYep, broken with the g-r update14:32
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andreas_sHi is anyone facing an issue with the ubuntu minimal build? At least I do since yesterday. For the first thing a patch was already submitted
andreas_sbut now I'm facing a different one:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1718702 in diskimage-builder "ubuntu minimal build fails with: KeyError: 'blockdev'" [Undecided,New]15:19
andreas_s(using version 2.8)15:19
andreas_sanyone facing the same?15:19
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clarkbandreas_s seems to have left but yes we were having kernel panics on xenial builds using ubuntu-minimal. ianw was looking at it iirc15:34
hwoarangclarkb: fyi and perhaps this fixes it
openstackLaunchpad bug 1718415 in diskimage-builder "xenial image fails to mount rootfs" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:09
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rm_workhey, any word on the strategy for fixing the networkx breakage?18:00
rm_workoctavia gates are broken pending this issue18:00
rm_workI am willing to help if there's something I can do to speed this up18:00
rm_workdo we know exactly what the plan is to fix it? moving forward with changes to use the new version, or pinning to an older one, or what?18:01
rm_workyolanda / hwoarang / ianw ^^18:02
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yolandarm_work, i need reviews on
rm_workok yeah just started looking at that18:03
rm_workdid they really just rename a thing?18:03
yolandathey did a set of breaking changes when landing v218:04
yolandai pinged ianw to review and approve it18:05
yolandaright now the dib code works for networkx 2.0 but fails for lower versions18:05
rm_workso what was dg.nodes is now dg.node, and there's a new thing that's different but named using the old name dg.nodes ?18:05
rm_workok so18:05
rm_workkinda the opposite18:05
rm_workthey moved what was "dg.node" to "dg.nodes"?18:06
rm_workugh ok probably i am just distracting you18:06
rm_workis ianw the only one who can move this forward?18:06
yolandathis is the list of changes
yolandaany other dib core could make it land as well18:07
yolandaor i could approve myself, but i don't think ian will take so much to join18:07
rm_workok so i think I understand18:12
rm_workand I think your solution should work18:12
johnsomIt looks like it failed a gate.18:14
rm_worknothing voting18:15
rm_worknot sure if relevant18:15
johnsomYeah, it was odd and looked like it was voting18:16
rm_worklooks unrelated18:16
rm_workthat task is probably well before actually doing the DIB stuff?18:17
johnsomYeah, undercloud stuff, so I suspect not related18:20
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calebbhey, i seem to be running into , any idea if there is some sort of temporary work around, or what might be causing the issue?19:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1718702 in diskimage-builder "ubuntu minimal build fails with: KeyError: 'blockdev'" [Undecided,New]19:42
calebbi tried using dib 2.7.2 instead of 2.8 and i had the same error19:42
prometheanfireI think I'm getting the same erorr on gentoo builds too19:46
prometheanfireI'll know in a couple min19:47
prometheanfireyep KeyError: 'blockdev'19:47
prometheanfiretry reverting a47ff0dd4abbceae786d9a5a4d1ce8042a9eb4f7 (it's what I'm trying next19:48
calebbim gonna install from source and see if i can figure out a fix19:53
bkeroWow this got a lot more complicated than last time I looked19:55
prometheanfireactually that wone worked20:04
prometheanfireso master worksforme (at least for one image20:05
bkeroprometheanfire: how about latest tag?20:06
calebbyeah im testing master and it looks like it might be working20:06
prometheanfireI run git master :|20:06
prometheanfireplus whatever patchset I'm working on20:06
bkeroTime to bisect20:07
prometheanfireI think this is mostly a side effect of not running with upper-constraints20:08
calebbyeah master just worked for me too20:08
prometheanfireI wonder if dib has a 'is_truthy' function, so passed in envars could be '1,yes,Yes,true,True' etc20:30
ianwok ... what's up :/20:34
prometheanfireI think we are ok now20:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1718702 in diskimage-builder "ubuntu minimal build fails with: KeyError: 'blockdev'" [Undecided,New]20:36
prometheanfirehaven't reproduced since the multiversion networkx patch made it in20:36
ianwhas that merged?20:40
ianwok, so networkx is pinned to <2.0 in requirements now20:42
ianwand we've also merged a 2.0 fix
ianwand we have a bit of a hack out there to support both in
ianwan open critical tripleo bug in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1718753 in tripleo "DIB fails to build images, UnboundLocalError: local variable 'call_order' referenced before assignment" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ian Wienand (iwienand)20:45
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Updated from global requirements
ianwprometheanfire: 505975 ... i'd like to make sure we don't confuse ourselves even more :/20:53
ianwok, so it seems what should happen now is that we revert my 2.0 fix and take the <2.0 requirements pin from global requirements20:55
ianwthen figure out how to make sure we're testing against upper constraints20:55
ianwthen put the 2.0 change back against the requirements change to bump it, along with the other projects20:57
ianwok, have to run for a bit but will do that, then look at a release21:00
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "Support networkx 2.0"
prometheanfireianw: sounds like a plan21:19
prometheanfireianw: ok, so how about I also fix it in project-config?21:28
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Updated from global requirements
clarkbianw: was the networkx issue the thing breaking the xenial build fix?21:34
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use upper-constraints in tox tests
prometheanfireianw: depends on the project-config change for dib to use upper-constraints, I think that's everywhere now?21:35
clarkbactually that change merged but failed CI? I am confused21:39
prometheanfireclarkb: aren't we all21:45
ianwclarkb: networkx was unrelated to xenial21:47
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clarkbianw: ok, any idea how merged? it looks like CI was failing (due to networkx?)21:48
ianwclarkb: it says "change has been successfully pushed" ... maybe yolanda did it out of band?21:49
clarkbya wondering if that is how gerrit shows that21:49
ianwthat said, i think what i want to do is pin everything to <2.0 networkx and then we can tackle doing the upgrade properly21:50
ianwtonyb: thanks, so my question is around how do i handle testing of new upper-constraints.txt with depends-on?21:50
ianwtonyb: like
ianware there examples to follow?21:51
tonybianw: You need to rebase and take
tonybianw: otherwise you don't support constrarints21:52
tonybbut once you have that then Depends-On shoudl do excatly what you want21:52
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ianwheh, 8 months ago :/21:52
tonybMy fault as it hit a merge conflict and I didn't fix it21:53
tonybDo you want me to do it now?21:53
ianwtonyb: ok, i'm just wondering about the non-tox case too though21:53
ianwi want to make sure testing is in sync21:54
tonybI don't have a godd answer there, I normall just pip install -c giturl .21:55
ianwwe shouldn't use a plain "pip install"? should be a tox_install?21:55
ianwotherwise it seems like our functional tests will be different libraries to our unit tests, which seems ... confusing21:55
tonybYeah, I think the right way would be to also clone requirements (or use the macro?) which will set UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for you21:56
tonybthen the can pip install to pip install -c .....21:57
tonybMind you your suggestion of just callign tox_oinstall shoudl work albeit with the potential for network issues to stomp on you21:57
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Constraints support
ianwthat would make sense.  tl;dr -- add requirements to the zuul-cloner, and use "-c" in the pip install pointing at that ?21:59
tonybianw: I don't know if you can just use:
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "Support networkx 2.0"
tonyband then just pip install -c ./upper-constraints.txt ....22:03
tonybbasically the same thing just less grow your own22:03
ianwprometheanfire / tonyb: ^ so we're in agreement on the broad steps in 50639822:03
ianwi will do a release with the <2.0 pin.  then we can add proper constraints support22:04
ianwtonyb: oh nice, yes that would be the way to go22:04
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tonybianw: +1 I endorse that plan22:05
prometheanfireI've been distracted, what's up?22:06
ianwtonyb: ok, thanks :)22:06
ianwprometheanfire: basically the steps in 50639822:06
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ianwwith step 1.5 being a 2.9 dib release so people can use that22:07
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prometheanfirelooks like is step 122:07
prometheanfireand 1a22:07
clarkbianw: once you'd got things settled, can you make sure to let us know when you think it is safe to build xenial images again?22:07
ianwclarkb: yep, that will be when 2.9 release is made22:08
prometheanfire with it's depends-on should be step 222:08
clarkbcool, thanks22:08
ianwprometheanfire: i think we want 412747?22:09
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ianwbtw, this is mea culpa ... i should have thought ahead about what happened when an incompatible 2.0 was released when i was warned about it with that bug22:09
tonybprometheanfire: personally I think not 50597522:09
ianwlive and learn22:10
tonybprometheanfire: the depends-on is fine but slightly sub-optimal22:11
tonybanyway /me needs linner22:11
prometheanfiretonyb: right, forgot about the self refrence thing22:11
prometheanfiretonyb: you need to update that patch, it include a merge conflict (was auto --contined it looks like)22:12
tonybGah how did I do that?22:12
prometheanfiretonyb: guess I'll need to figure out how to fix it up in project-config then22:13
prometheanfirewe still need something like
prometheanfirethe easiest way would be to just sed out the disimagebuilder line from upper-constraints22:14
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Constraints support
ianwprometheanfire: ohh, so "pip install -cFOO -e ." in the diskimage-builder directory is going to look at the constraints, see that the local dir is higher and take the pip version?22:17
ianwor does it figure this out?22:17
clarkbconstraints always wins.22:18
clarkbso if you have foo>3.0 in requirements but foo===2.5 in constraints then 2.5 will be installed22:18
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prometheanfirethat's what it needs the sed22:18
ianwclarkb: even if you're installing from your git checkout?22:19
prometheanfireI just updated
prometheanfirethat's the === power22:19
clarkbya, which is why we have the special machinery to work around that22:19
ianwhow to other projects deal with that?22:19
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prometheanfirethat's what fixes22:20
prometheanfirealso not sure if my sed method is the correct one for the project-config change though22:21
ianwahhhh, ok22:22
ianwprometheanfire: why not use edit-constraints?22:22
prometheanfirecomplexity mostly22:22
ianwi think the complexity horse has bolted :)22:23
ianwbasically i guess make the project-config script look like tox_install.sh22:23
prometheanfirewell, I'm trying to not let it get too far :P22:23
prometheanfireI could do that, but don't think it's necessarty22:24
prometheanfireI could do that, but don't think it's necessary22:24
ianwyeah, all this will need to be fiddled for zuulv3 ... but one thing at a time22:29
ianwbut it is why i'd like to use as much generic infrastructure as possible, so that we fit closer to any migration plans everyone else has22:30
ianwok, i'm out for a bit ... we're just waiting for the revert/pin to land, then i'll quick approve that and go for 2.9.0 release22:48
ianwthen we can consider all the other testing stuff :)22:48
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* prometheanfire is just sitting working on gentoo things23:41
prometheanfirebtw, I'm redoing the gentoo patch, the python update is going to be first things, because some things could be pip installed with a python version that is later removed (aka simple-init/glean)23:42
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