Wednesday, 2020-06-24

openstackgerritHirotaka Wakabayashi proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fixes to use the latest centos-8 release image
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openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM: Debug py3 on dib 7
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ckonstanskiHaving a hard time building an ISO image. I see that GRUB_FILE, SHIM_FILE, SYSLINUX_FILE and LDLINUX_FILE all have incorrect filepaths. I tried to export these variables with no effect. How can I fix these paths?18:35
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openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM: Debug py3 on dib 7
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ianwckonstanski: from what i can see, you can't, they're hard-coded by distro in diskimage_builder/elements/iso/post-install.d/01-copy-bootloaders22:14
ianwckonstanski: honestly i'd say this path has zero testing, so per if it's not tested it's broken, it's probably broken22:15
ckonstanskiThanks for locating this. I can at least hardcode it for troubleshooting.22:15
ianwthe gate testing is all quite focused around .qcow2 images22:16
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