Sunday, 2020-07-12

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openstackgerritgugug proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Replace assertItemsEqual with assertCountEqual
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prometheanfireianw_pto: what do you think of performing a --refresh-keys on gnupg keys before verifying (specifically for gentoo)?  gentoo updated the expiration date of our keys so we'll either need to update the gpg key in extra-data or add a refresh function21:18
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ianwprometheanfire: i don't have a strong opinion, but there's been several cases i can remember of doing things like moving ppa key grabbing into static files because of the unreliability of getting keys via network22:43
ianwso, i'd probably say it may make things less reliable, rather than more22:44
prometheanfireianw: ya, I seem to remember possible network issues, and it would be reaching out to the gpg keyservers, which.... suck22:47
prometheanfireianw: I'll just submit a review to update it for now22:47
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: update gentoo-releng gpg key

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