Wednesday, 2021-06-02

*** kevko has joined #openstack-dib08:00
kevkoHi guys, when trying to build centos 8 ..I'm getting this08:00
kevkoprobably I can do a pkg-map and make python-dev: "" to not install python-dev ..but do upstream have same problem ?08:02
kevkousing 3.1108:04
ianwkevko: no but what's your command line?08:49
kevkoianw: this one >
kevkoianw: probably I can fix it and send upstream as I think there has to be pkg-map for this ..but I really don't have opinion if pkg-map should be python-dev: python2-devel or platform-python-devel (which points to python3 i think) ...or just python2-dev: "" so python2 will be not installed08:54
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