Monday, 2022-03-07

ianwstevebaker[m]: does this f35 failure seem familiar?
ianwthis is the image based test, and it seems to be failing in the kpartx calls, which i don't think it was before 05:21
ianwi haven't quite managed to pinpoint what is making it unhappy, yet05:21
stevebaker[m]ianw: I think it's because the fedora root partition is btrfs with subvolumes (whatever they're called) for root and home. There is no /boot directory, it's at /root/boot05:28
ianwahh, i saw btrfs in there and was thinking that would be involved :/05:29
stevebaker[m]ianw: workaround could be to mkdir before mount, but it would by better to mount the subvolumes in the right place in the first place05:30
ianwok, i have to run afk atm so can't look till tomorrow05:38

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