Wednesday, 2022-05-04

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*** prometheanfire is now known as Guest006:23
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
*** Guest0 is now known as prometheanfire19:47
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add Jammy functesting to dib
ianwthanks for pushing on ^ clarkb21:43
ianwit's a bit annoying to have to bring in bits to fixup bullseye, when we already do that in the Dockerfile to fixup the container21:44
ianwi did actually have a change out to move these func tests to build themselves from a dib in the nodepool container, to avoid that step21:44
clarkboh interesting. I think this is a small neough workaround for now. Though getting that swap done would unify things21:45
ianwthe problem was the build time of creating the arm64 nodepool image, then starting the func tests jobs using that21:46
clarkbeven running natively on arm64 the build is slow?21:47
clarkbOh I guess we do that in a separte job and wait for it21:47
ianwi guess we play this dance of drifting further and further from the base distro, until we take the pain of updating to the next release, and start all over again21:48
ianwwe start out with zero diffs, then keep patching things on :)21:48
clarkbI also noticed we don't functest ubuntu-minimal on x86 just ubuntu21:48
ianwright, that was by design as ubuntu-minimal is covered by the devstack boot jobs21:49
ianwwe don't have arm64 devstack (or, again it's too slow) so our closest thing to do is just the functional test21:50
clarkbah ok21:50
ianwor, rewrite the jobs to independently boot check the images in a non-devstack environment.  but even then, on arm it might be binary translation and again still too slow to really work21:51
ianwclarkb: do you think we should wait for 840391 before adding to project-config, or are you confident enough it will work?21:51
clarkbianw: considering 840391 is mostly working I think we're good? the arm jobs passed and x86 functest passed21:53
clarkbit was an unrelated error running pylint that broke stuff. I think we're probably ok to proceed with both concurrently21:53
ianw /dev/mapper/main-main  787G  435G  353G  56% /opt21:54
ianwnb03 should have enough space21:54
ianwapproved the build and we can see how it goes21:55
clarkbI'll recheck21:55
clarkbianw: has a +1 now23:45

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