Saturday, 2022-10-29

*** JasonF is now known as JayF00:21
han-guangyuHello, I'm first use diskimage-builder.16:19
han-guangyuAnd when I executed `disk-image-create fedora vm`, I got:
han-guangyucould I get some help16:21
JayF> export DIB_RELEASE=9-stream17:58
JayFthat looks incorrect? Seems like it should be a fedora, not a centos-style version17:58
JayFnot sure where that's coming from, but if you overrode it with the correct value it might work17:59
JayF indicates to me that it's likely set somewhere before that runs18:00
JayFbecause otherwise it has a sane default18:00
JayFwell, at the release you have it's expecting fedora 35, not 36, but either way the problem is the same, more or less18:00
JayFif you are trying to do fedora 36, I'd upgrade to latest diskimage-builder either from git/pypi/a more updated package source18:01
JayFgood luck han-guangyu 18:01

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