Wednesday, 2023-03-22

opendevreviewwangxiyuan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix openeuler mirror problem
opendevreviewwangxiyuan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix openeuler mirror problem
opendevreviewArx Cruz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix jsonschema version to match lower-constraint
johnsomianw I see DIB is not managed by the release tooling. What do I need to do to get a DIB release with that fix in it?16:42
clarkbjohnsom: on Sunday/Monday depending on your timezone ianw said: "i'm thinking merge the f37 bits and release, then merge the bigger fips things and new command and let that sit for a few days before another release"16:44
clarkbthose changes have all landed so I suspect a new release can happen shortl16:45
johnsomThat would be great. We have some grenade jobs that had to be marked non-voting, etc. 16:46
ianwyeah i was just looking at that ensure-fips role yesterday20:17
ianwassuming TheJulia is ok with it as there were edits published20:18
ianwi think let's let that fips change merge so the bootloader fixes and that element are in the same release, and there's one openeuler mirror fix too20:20
ianwafter that i can push a new release20:20
TheJuliahmm, irccloud didn't notify me there were messages20:36
TheJuliaAnyway, that sounds good to me. I do think Arx's fix makes sense20:37
ianwTheJulia: maybe your name needs to be at the front20:37
TheJuliaat least for folks using much older build20:37
TheJuliaianw: dunno, I get notices for stuff tagged to tc members all the time20:37
TheJuliaand that is burried deep in messages20:37
ianwhrm, yeah that jsonschema one seems ok, probably want that alongside the new command20:40
johnsomYeah, it doesn't need to be at the front, but I have had inconsistent notifications myself recently. Not sure if it's the latest browser update or not20:41
TheJuliajohnsom: it might just be connectivity, I've been having some weird packet loss issues today since the wind returned20:42
* TheJulia expects there is some fiber someplace occassionally leaking like 10% of the light20:42
ianwwe probably should drop lower-constraints.txt20:44
ianwi think that commit message really meant "upper constraint", but i think it's ok20:51
ianwso let's wait for that one too.  so now we have 3 in the gate20:51
ianwand crossed fingers nothing goes wrong in the jobs20:52
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add a FIPS element
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix openeuler mirror problem
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix jsonschema version to match lower-constraint
ianwthat went well22:10
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove lower-constraints.txt
ianw3.28.0 should be making it's way out now22:13

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