Wednesday, 2023-06-07

NeilHanlonI've got a question about the usage of `aarch64` vs `arm64` in the package-install element. It seems some parts of DIB will translate back and forth based on the user's input on the disk-create commandline (-a argument), but it appears that if I specify a package which should only install on aarch64, but the user passes -a arm64, that package is19:33
clarkbmy hunch is that its just a missed location. iirc th ereason for the translation is that some distros use one value and others use the other value and to simplify for users we try to coalesce them20:01
clarkbbut chances are it is just a missing tarnslation somewhere20:01
NeilHanlonokay, cool. i can poke around if it's "supposed" to work, then. thanks!21:56

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