Friday, 2023-11-03

opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Skip glean-install for ironic ramdisks
TheJuliaclarkb: second patch seems to work just fine. In fact, no dhcp, and networking was near instantly up once cloud-init/network manager got started21:41
clarkbTheJulia: my concern is for the case where we do need it to fallback to dhcp though.22:36
clarkbdhcp as the method of last resort is very useful so would be good to confirm that happens when disabling it as a first attempt method22:36
TheJuliaWe could make it detect ironic’s agent in the image build…22:37
TheJuliaI guess I'm also worried your construing that to be all dhcp, which it is not, just the first pass configuration22:38
TheJulia"initial" collection basically22:38
clarkbbut the change puts this in the config: disable_network_activation: true22:39
clarkbnaively without knowing too much about cloud init that tells me its not going to try anything but what you then explicitly configure it to do22:39
TheJulia != the next paragraph22:40
clarkbso its attempting to bring up network in any way it can with no info hence dhcp. Then looking at the datasources (which may not even need networking like config drive) then doing what the data source says to do22:41
clarkbbtu that doesn't answer the question of what does it do if networking fails to come up at that point. /me keeps reading22:42
TheJuliathe keep reading part :)22:42
* TheJulia goes and jumps on the exercise bike22:42
clarkbok so it does use a heuristic to dhcp only on likely interfaces as a fallback by default22:43
clarkbthat seems reasonable. Also, I'm reminded why glean exists. cloud init is really the kitchen sink configurator22:43
TheJuliaWith a bit of the fridge and stand mixer attached22:44
clarkb+2 sorry I missed the extra bit in the docs the last time this came up22:46
TheJuliaOh no worries!23:04

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