Wednesday, 2024-01-10

stevebaker[m]ianw, clarkb hey could we please get a diskimage-builder release?01:31
* stevebaker[m] is only now discovering it is not managed by openstack/releases01:31
ianwyeah, it's always been separate01:37
ianwoohhh, i have to turn off ssh signatures for the tag :/01:39
ianwi pushed 3.32.002:03
stevebaker[m]sweet, thanks ianw 02:40
ianwi feel like we tried putting it under openstack/releases but it didn't work, their might be some git history.  it might have been some sort of chicken-egg problem with being unable to make a release until something in dib was fixed02:46
ianwbut also this was probably in the days when a lot more was shipped in the dib images, stuff that now resides in zuul jobs02:47
ianwyou know what i love, when you're debugging something completely separate like  an error "/proc: none already mounted on /sys/fs/bpf" and you google it to get exactly one hit that refers to something you wrote in irc @
ianwand i didn't even figure out why04:39
clarkbyes its the chicken and egg problem we wanted to avoid of the CI system needing working iamges to run releases but if you're broken and that breaks releases...16:13

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