Monday, 2024-09-16

clarkbfungi: TheJulia  can probably confirm but I think we're in a good spot for a dib release. I think we'd be doing a 3.34.0 tag since we've changed things like the default centos version to build. Unfortunately I've been bad and haven't dug my gpg key out of cold storage. Any chance you might be willing to do that again18:07
fungisure, no problem. i'll take a quick look at it first18:08
TheJuliaI'll take a quick look at open items, but I know my pain points have merged18:08
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: docs: add two contextual warnings to the replace-partition element
TheJuliabut that might force 4.0.018:09
JayF++ on doing it as a major version18:10
TheJulia has some testing improvements18:11
clarkbthe one edit is only for supporting python2 which we haven't in a long time and the other is for python3.1 or 3.0 which barely got any traction. If we don't want to do a 4.0.0 I think we can just tag it 3.34.0 but also versions are basically free18:11
JayFI'm doing a review run through, but tbh I don't remember if I have actual-full-core here or just "babysit-gentoo" core18:11
TheJuliawe likley want to workstream
JayFyeah I was going to but then realized I shoudl ask ^18:12
clarkb can go in before or after a release without any real impact to users18:12
clarkbre MBR you may be surprised, shcoekd even, to know that basically none of the clouds we work with really document boot requirements anywhere and I'm positive at least one of them cannot efi18:16
clarkb(that was sarcasm if it didn't carry through the text) Unfortunately we're likely going to need to support both for a bit. It annoys me that even though gpt boot without efi is supposed to be a thing it isn't anywhere. Thought at the same time its not like things are getting updated for efi so why would they be udpated for gpt18:16
clarkbthe good news is we test both so should have decent coverage of them18:17
TheJuliaThat is really really really unfortunate18:17
TheJuliaSince bios booting will fully deprecated on centos 10 (like, expect stuff to get peeled away as it lives) and entirely gone in centos 1118:17
fungi25 changes merged (so far) since 3.33.0, has a couple of upgrade notes, the consequential one being the centos/rhel 7 removal which might warrant a major version bump but i'd be okay with that as minor18:18
TheJuliaThat likely needs to be solid feedback that operators need to keep in mind18:18
clarkbbut ya it would be cool if gpt was a thing everywhere then you can do bios and efi18:18
fungichat-gpt is everywhere, does that count?18:18
* TheJulia is disrupted by cat finding the cooking pork in the crock pot interesting18:18
clarkbfungi: ya and I just approved a chagne to rip out python2 and 3.0 and 3.1 support in some places. But again thats minor enough given we haven't done python2 in forever and python3.0 and 3.1 were never really a thing that I'm not sure we need a 4.0 release18:18
clarkbbut if others think 4.0 is safest those numbers are basically free18:19
fungiright, for a project whose lifecycle includes rolling additions and removals of support for distro versions, and python interpreter versions for that matter, i would count those things as sufficiently non-surprising as to not warrant signaling major backward-incompatibility18:20
TheJuliaclarkb: well, fun thing is you *can* bios boot gpt partitioned disks, since the pointer is to location on disk, not a partition structure data18:20
TheJuliabootloader just needs to have a clue18:20
clarkbTheJulia: supposedly qemu/kvm arm64 implementations explicitly cannot do that even though the spec says they should (not sure if it is a must)18:21
TheJuliaclarkb: all 64 bit arm is UEFI18:21
clarkbor maybe I have the logic backwards and it is mbr + efi18:21
TheJuliaand thus is not bios booting18:21
clarkbya I must have things backwards then its mbr + efi that is supposed to exist according to the spec for efi but they only grok gpt18:22
TheJuliayeah, that is semi-common on physical hardware side as well18:22
clarkbre this change implicitly drops support for centos that is not stream18:22
clarkbI'm going to -1 it for error handling that is missing, but are we ok with ^ as well?18:22
TheJulia(the lack of groking it even though they could easily JFDI)18:22
TheJuliado those streams of packages even still exist?18:23
clarkbopendev doesn't care because we only build stream images at this point18:23
clarkbTheJulia: I think they do in the archives somewhere let me dig18:23
TheJuliaI know centos7 and I think centos8 packages are gonezo18:23
fungipretty sure the 8 to 8-stream transition happened quite some time back18:23
TheJuliaI had someone trying to do centos7 package installs recently and their links were all dead (for good reason) (except epel, which had archive urls)18:24
TheJuliaack, makes sense to -118:24
clarkbthe packages do seem to still exist but you must repoint things to the vault (they are removed from the nomal location)18:24
TheJuliawe also don't inherently support that, but folks might try it18:24
clarkbI'm going to post the comment without a +/- and see what others think18:26
fungii'm on standby ready to push a 3.34.0 once folks are happy that whatever needs to be merged has been18:26
fungialso, ianw tagged 3.33.0 so might want to have some input on what goes into 3.34.018:27
TheJuliaThe train must ship though, fwiw18:28
clarkbfungi: thanks. 923896 and 927781 have been approved but also don't have major impacts on the release. We can definitely see if ianw has input later today18:28
clarkbor we can just go ahead with 3.34.0 as is then decide if we want a 3.35.0 or 4.0.0 in the near future18:28
fungiin the immortal words of esr, release early release often18:29
clarkbafter fiddling with bash regexes and [[]] test behavior I think this code actualyl does work since we weren't doing anything special for regular centos18:31
clarkball of this will simply be skipped over. I'll approve the change18:31
clarkbit turns out "" is not -ge "9"18:32
clarkbI should've expected that because bash18:32
clarkbfungi: 922352 has also been approved if we want to wait for the three changes before tagging18:32
fungican do18:35
clarkbside note: at the summit the software factory folks were deploying using centos 718:36
TheJuliaclarkb: heh, it was one of the folks loosely adjacent to that which grumbled in my direction last week about epel718:58
TheJulia"why are you doing that!? nooooo"18:58
clarkbthose dib changes are failing to pass ci due to dubious git ownership. I'm surprised we haven't fixed all of those at this point20:24
fungihuh, that's been... years?20:24
clarkbI think the most recent update was this year but like 6 months ago20:25
clarkbthat is indeed doing a local clone of the zuul home dir repos into the dib build cache. I'm confused as to why this was never an issue before, but I suspect we can do a simple chown or git config edit in the jobs to address it20:27
fungifile exclusions hid the failure up to now i guess20:27
fungias in that job never ran20:27
clarkbmaybe? I think those jobs run often20:28
clarkbya most recently about a week ago20:28
clarkbthat runs outside of the chroot20:33
clarkbwhich means it is running in the context of nodepool-builder's container image I think20:33
clarkbdo we bind mount in the zuul repo dir to make that work?20:34
clarkblooking at nodepool nothing has changed since august so I don't think we're seeing side effects of a nodepool update20:34
clarkbI'm going to need to do a school run soon so not sure I can really page in everything right now. It might be easiest to debug this on a held node simply because there are so many moving parts, though in theory we've got enough configs and logs to inspect that via the job results20:35
clarkbconfirmed we bind mount /home/zuul into the container20:36
clarkbremote: Set git repo ownership for nodepool dib integration testing20:42
clarkbthis is the "I don't have time to think this through so lets try the most obvious thing and learn what we learn" approach20:42
clarkboh that change doesn't actually run the source jobs so I need a depends on20:47
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update functests
clarkbI updated that one since it was already testing related20:47
ianwhey no strong opinions on tagging a release23:24
ianwi don't really know if we need to go to 4.0.0 for
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Drop logic for old python versions
ianwi'm not really sure why that wanted a rebase23:28

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