Wednesday, 2024-11-13

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opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewJoel Capitao proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewJoel Capitao proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
dtantsurHi folks! WDYT about using `dnf mark install` on all packages from package-installs.yaml? We have a large problem in Ironic because some of our packages get auto-removed.17:24
JayF 17:25
JayFthat was recently landed, and I think caused this regression17:25
dtantsurianw: please revert your revert17:25
JayFI'm posting it now17:25
dtantsurThanks and good catch!17:26
clarkbare you using dib from master and not releases?17:27
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Reapply "Make sure dnf won't autoremove packages that we explicitly installed"
clarkbjust asking because that merged more recently than the latest release17:27
JayFthis is in ipa-builder jobs17:27
dtantsurclarkb: I'm quite sure we do17:27
JayFwhich I think uses master17:27
JayFexplicitly to frontrun these kinda failures17:27
dtantsurAn example for anyone curious: if we remove cloud-init (which we don't need on IPA ramdisks), dnf removes gdisk which IPA needs.17:28
clarkbalso why does dnf installing a package not mark it as installed manually by default? this seems like a dnf bug (which ianw's original commit aludes to I guess)17:28
clarkbdtantsur: do you explicitly list gdisk as a package you need? I would expect that would cause dnf to mark it as explicitly installed even if it was already installed via a dependency chain elsewhere?17:29
dtantsurclarkb: dnf does not do that IIRC17:29
dtantsur(you could argue it should..)17:29
clarkbya that does sound like a package manager bug to me17:30
dtantsurand yes, it's in our package-installs.yaml17:30
* dtantsur needs to leave now, leaving the conversation in the hands of JayF17:30
JayFI'm not convinced there's not an IPA-builder bug here too, but I'd prefer us research that not under the gun of CI failures17:30
dtantsurNot just CI failures: we produce IPA images that do not work.17:31
JayFYeah, if the other cores here aren't willing to land this revert, in the meantime we can pin the version in ironic CI.17:40
JayFBut I suspect we wouldn't be the only people impacted by this change in behavior, even if it is actually the package manager's bug17:40
TheJuliakind of digesting everything right now, it is almost like we need to re-trigger re-installs after any package removals17:42
clarkbI've gone ahead an approved it. I agree any improvements can happen as followups17:43
JayFThanks. I feel like this is some sort of weird dnf behavior issue, because when you look at the commands that are executed in the order they're executed in out the result doesn't make sense at all17:45
TheJuliaThe fact the base source image they based the revert on lacks history is also sort of problematic because then the self packaging history/providence data is more on image trust17:45
TheJuliadunno, that also seems... wrong-ish17:45
TheJuliaso there are multiple sort of weird cases which need to be navigated here17:45
TheJuliaclarkb: ++ thanks!17:46
ianwwe could probably drop the fedora 22 bit of that20:18
ianwi wonder if it has something to do with the way we create the initial chroot?  20:21
ianwi guess it somewhat makes sense, in that we're not giving dnf the full packages info.  if i was completely starting this again, a better way to do it might to be for package-installs to make a dependency-only RPM and install that ... a bit like the way builddeps and mock works21:57

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