Thursday, 2024-12-12

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Force grub2-install to bypass secureboot complaints.
PetraeaYay! Merged. :)11:48
clarkbnow to double check there isn't anything else we need to land before tagging a relase16:04
clarkbI've approved a change to make ubuntu noble the default ubuntu release. There is a chagne to add support for fedora 40 without reviews yet (I'd like to defer that to those who undersatnd fedora and rpm distros better) as wll as the pkg resources removal16:07
clarkbI think we can do a release with what we've got + the noble default and then followup with those other items in another release16:08
clarkbthank you ianw for reviewing the grub change16:15
JayFI was nervous to vote on that one because it looked OK but I don't use that distro16:16
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update default Ubuntu to noble (latest LTS)
clarkbfungi: in the interest of expediency since I've been distracted by gerrit things and have not restored by gpg key any chance you'd be willing to push a release for dib based on the current tip of master (which should be either ^ or a merge commit for ^)17:05
fungiclarkb: yeah, i can do that in a few minutes17:51
fungilast tag was 3.36.018:06
fungi14 changes merged to master since then18:06
clarkbthe next one should probably be 3.37.0 as we made noble the default ubuntu among other things18:07
clarkboh and the gentoo updates were pretty involved but I don't think gentoo was working before so not a big deal18:08
fungiokay, i was about to ask if there was a reason not to make it 3.36.1 but if the ubuntu default changing warrants a minor increment then so be it18:08
clarkbI think so since it is a default behavior change (though one we've made in the past without a major release bump)18:08
fungirelease-openstack-python has succeeded, has 3.37.0 now18:18
clarkbJayF: ^ fyi18:19
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix: Run final Gentoo tasks in post-install.d
JayFclarkb: thanks, I let Kangie know, he passes on his thanks as well (the person who requested the ubuntu version bump)23:04
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Stop using deprecated pkg_resources API

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