Friday, 2025-02-21

opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [doc] Document expected environment for dib
clarkbJayF: re ^ I suspect the biggest issue running things on say OSX or even FreeBSD et al is the filesystem and loopback manipulation. Wondering if that notice could even be a bit stronger as a result15:51
clarkbI think the warning is a good one to have though15:51
JayFI tried out a couple of different wordings15:52
JayFit's hard to express without writing a book15:52
JayFclarkb: can you generally expect to be able to chroot and run linux-compiled code on a mac? I think not?15:52
JayFclarkb: at least FreeBSD has a linux emulation layer, so it has a chance15:52
JayFand the cross-compiliation, you can do it, you just have to BYO-emulation (ala )15:53
clarkbI think osx also has a binary compatibility tool like freebsd but ya its not a thing that would work out of the box on either platform I do't think15:53
JayFwe could probably write a whole doc on environmental tricks and requirements tbh15:53
clarkbbut even if you solved that then you've got the ext4 and xfs and loopback mounting stuff to contend with15:53
JayFbecause that qemu user chroot stuff is supported on almost every OS15:53
JayFand is a reasonable way to cross-compile15:53
JayFor you could use containers15:53
JayFthere are lots of options if you're on something !linux15:54
JayFI'd ask we merge that and I can file a bug saying "document the myriad of environments DIB could be expected to run in or not run in"15:54
clarkbI was thinking of going the other direction fwiw15:54
JayFIDK what you mean?15:54
clarkbI was trying to say we should be stronger and just say "Diskimage builder and its elements require a linux runtime"15:54
JayFI think that's saying something weaker than I am15:55
JayFbceause that doesn't mention CPU arch15:55
clarkboh I would keep that15:55
clarkbI'm just talking about the first bit which implies you can run it elsewhere or if you use the correct elements you can15:55
JayF"DIB requires the ability to execute linux code intended for the target architecture of your image"15:55
JayFI can revise if that sounds better to you? 15:55
JayFI think "runtime" is going to trip some people up tbh15:56
clarkbwell ist not even linux code it requires a linux kernel for mounting. I'm startying to see how this is tricky to state in one sentence and be accurate15:56
JayFthat's why I'd ask we consider what I have (or some version of it) better than existing docs and land it15:56
JayFand let me take a swing at a dedicated page when I have time15:56
clarkbI think the part I don't like is "Most dib elements..." as it implies you can run it with a special selection of elements15:56
clarkband ya I think what you have is an improvement15:56
JayFtake that for a spin15:58
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [doc] Document expected environment for dib
JayFand I can see an easy late addition of an entire page around environments to run dib in that we could link from there15:58
clarkbthat should leave enough of a door for the truly adventurous to set up qemu or whatever compat layer they want while pointing people at the base requirements15:59
JayFwith a table of environments and how likely they are to work (green/yellow/red)15:59
JayFfor people who are advanced users and willing to do spicy things like use a container (not spicy) or setup binfmt_misc+qemu (muy caliente)15:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: [doc] Document expected environment for dib

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