Friday, 2017-12-08

*** mkrai has joined #openstack-diversity00:46
*** janki has joined #openstack-diversity05:59
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to some unforseen Zuul issues the gate is under very high load and extremely unstable at the moment. This is likely to persist until PST morning07:01
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Due to some unforseen Zuul issues the gate is under very high load and extremely unstable at the moment. This is likely to persist until PST morning"07:02
*** cmurphy has quit IRC07:08
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*** mkrai has quit IRC07:15
*** mkrai has joined #openstack-diversity09:18
*** janki has quit IRC12:07
*** ChanServ changes topic to "New meeting poll doodle Meeting etherpad"13:58
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The issues have been fixed, Zuul is operating fine again but has a large backlog. You can recheck jobs that failed.13:58
*** ChanServ has quit IRC20:17
*** ChanServ has joined #openstack-diversity20:24
*** sets mode: +o ChanServ20:24

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