Monday, 2017-12-11

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spotzMeeting in 2019:39
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spotzLet's get this party started20:00
spotz#startmeeting diversity-wg20:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Dec 11 20:00:28 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'20:00
spotzEtherpad for those who need it20:00
spotz#topic Roll Call20:01
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lsell__o/ thanks for organizing!20:01
spotzHa was about to thank everyone for joining, I think we have more here for the kick off then our last meetings last go round20:02
spotzI've got a rather loose agenda due too the fact it's right before the holidays and we are missing a few people who were interested, but I didn't want to wait too long to have a kickoff20:03
spotz#topic Goals for the Working Group20:04
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spotzWhile I do have picking a chair on the agenda I thought we'd start with setting some goals for the group.20:05
spotzI'm working on getting a copy of our original survey and the results, but I'd like to see us do a follow-up and wee where we are 2 years later20:06
spotzAre there any thoughts on that as at least the first outcome goal for the group?20:07
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lsell__I'm interested in getting more visibility into diversity metrics being gender. We currently track the number of women in leadership positions, attending events, speaking, etc20:07
lsell__*beyond not being20:07
fungii suppose we do some limited breakdown of geographic diversity across our contributor base, right?20:08
fungiwant to say i've seen maps of that stuff in the past20:08
lsell__Yay dc48 first irc meeting! :)20:09
spotzlsell__: Yeah and that was part of the original survey, nationality, race, etc. Now during somoe discussions we had discussed multiple follow-ups with everything including political type questions. Which may or may not be feasible20:09
lsell__Yes good point on geographic fungi20:09
fungii seem to recall a fair amount of (in my opinion justifiable) pushback against surveying about politics and religions, since those factors arguably have little impact on the ability of people to participate and tracking that sort of stuff is a slippery slope20:10
spotzfungi: I'm pretty sure it's available as we say something like 17000 contributers from 150 countries and 350 companies. Stats may not be accurate:)20:10
fungiheh, stats are _rarely_ accurate, but better than having none at all!20:10
spotzfungi I'm not sure some stuff like politics is feasible because of how international we are. I think that's how we ended up with the more abbreviated first survey20:11
spotzWe also had the issue of minority. So I believe it was worded as do you feel like a minority. As in someonoe's home country they might not be where in the US they would be20:12
annabelleBspotz: is there a place where we can see the original survey questions?20:12
fungiand a lot of that comes back to cultural marginalization, which is hard to characterize across cultures20:12
spotzannabelleB: I had hit Erin up to see if she had it. If not I can try to bring up my old Rackspace email somehow20:13
annabelleBwe need a baseline to assess against, but it sounds like maybe the “baseline” just needs to be reviewed and rerun to start?20:13
spotzeglute might have it as well but I think she's visiting her folks20:13
fungiwas there a copy linked from the board meeting minutes where it got presented?20:13
spotzannabelleB: Agree, it's over 2 years old at this point so an outdated baseline20:14
spotzfungi: Not sure how/where it was presented though I suspect a mailing list and we had a room in Tokyo20:14
* mrhillsman agrees as well but could be interesting to see the data that was collected20:14
apricespotz: we did it through the Foundation survey monkey account20:15
spotzI know the number of respondents was extremely. low at the time20:15
apriceSo we can pull it up and share20:15
fungii recall a presentation was made to the board, but i don't recall now whether they were provided with a copy of the questions in that presentation nor which board meeting it was. maybe AlanClark remembers20:15
spotzaprice: Great, that'll give us a start20:15
annabelleBaprice: awesome! agree with mrhillsman, would probably be worth reassessing how it was collected, questions, etc20:15
apriceI can take that action item of locating and distributing20:15
mrhillsmani personally am interested in the numbers around blacks involved then vs now20:15
* AlanClark looking for the presentation20:16
spotzI think we will probably need to reword some of the questions before we re-do the survey. Also have a plan in place to request participants a second time a few weeks out20:16
spotzThat's just normal survey proceedure thoguh20:17
spotzDoes anyone feel we should set any more goals to start? I personally feel we should get a base to see where we are so that we can figure out next goals20:19
spotz#action aprice to get a hold of older survey20:19
fungiseems like a good initial goal to get things rolling again20:19
spotzhrm, action should have worked!20:20
apriceIt did :)20:20
spotz#action AlanClark to find presentation to board20:21
spotzOh sweet, didn't see a message from the bot. Ok so we've got 2 action items to get us started20:21
spotzAnything else for goals before we move on?20:22
lsell__My only caution is that I don't think a relatively small survey will give us any real demographics, especially to compare over time, but it can give us insights. I think we need a better way to track relevant demographics in the foundation profiles, but that's probably stage 3...20:22
fungithe meetbot is generally quiet about #action additions20:22
cdentI assume the general notion here is figuring out where we are is required to go somewhere else?20:23
spotzlsell__: That's why I'd like to re-survey and also follow up to increase our response rate. Profiles and possibly summit/ptg registrations might be ways of getting more data too20:23
cdentWe can all probably make some fairly obvious conclusions already, is there anything we can do with that?20:23
spotzcdent: Well first go around we were expecting barriers to be language when the #1 barrier was tools. That's why I've been doing the zgit and Gerrit Lunch and Learns since Tokyo. So we get side effects we didn't expect20:24
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* cdent nods20:24
fungiyeah, it seems less of a "where are we" and more of a "where are we compared to two years ago"20:25
* ildikov is apologizing for showing up super late :/20:25
spotzSo where we are in relation to 2 years ago, what's changed demographics/response wise and what are the current need of the community20:25
annabelleBredoing the survey is a good time to put in things like “how did you get started”/ “what has helped” type of questions so we can crosstab with people in leadership roles/core roles and look for any patterns20:25
spotzYeah so we can definitely add to it, make sure the wording we used previously is clear, etc20:26
AlanClarkHere's a report the Diversity Team gave to the Board in July 2015:
fungior even more direct questions about the efficacy of the measures we've put in place in an attempt to address some of the disparity20:26
spotzAlanClark: Ok that looks like pre-survey itself but gives an idea of the phases that were initially discussed20:28
spotzAnd we can also see if/how we can tie in to CHAOSS20:28
AlanClarkyes - it's pre-study... but contains a link to a study that may be helpful20:29
AlanClarkI'm still looking for post-study20:29
spotzI remember that link:)20:29
fungii have fairly vivid memories of eglute presenting some analysis of the survey results at a bod meeting, just wish i could recall which one it was20:29
spotzfungi it would have been before/around Tokyo20:30
spotzThe original group died out after Austin20:31
apriceYeah it was done pre Tokyo so probably the summit board meeting in October 201520:31
mrhillsmangeo data as of 9/15 #link
spotzI don't thin we ever ask anywhere what country you are from/reside in for profiles. So that data could be off IP?20:32
apriceCountry isn't mandatory but I think we ask for it in Foundation profile. Checking with our team20:34
fungiyes, foundation profiles have street address (1/2), city, state, postcode and country fields20:34
spotzBut yeah the OpenStack version of diversity is broader then other groups which is a good thing, we just need to figure out how to collect and report on it. That was the one issue I had with some of the CHAOSS discussions at Open Source Summit20:34
fungicurious to know how their model differs20:36
fungiis there any writeup summarizing that?20:36
spotzWell for one thing someone for red hat responded to talking about diversity as where it was in the oopen source process. Mainly company contributers, a  mix, or folks from all over:)20:37
spotzSo I think CHAOSS will be broad enough for everyone to define their own criteris, I'm just not sure it'll meld for good overall comparison20:38
fungiahh, got iy20:39
spotzThat also was the week it got announced, ildikov may have a more recent impression20:39
spotzWe're at about the 20 minute mark left, so maybe give this another few minutes and then move on to Chair/co-chair how we want to organize20:42
spotzOk moving on, we're at 15 minutes and counting20:45
spotz#topic chair/co-chair20:45
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AlanClarkquestion:  Do we keep the IRC logs from years past?  Those logs would contain links to the survey20:46
spotzI had though the chairs last go round we're Egle and Carol but reading that report to the board there were 320:46
ildikovspotz: CHAOSS has a new diversity and inclusion project20:46
spotzAlanClark: They were logged but I'm not sure if they got deleted when we lost the channel bot. Fungi?20:47
ildikovspotz: at this point our earlier survey is one the main inputs to that one beyond general interest20:47
spotzildikov: Oh good to hear20:47
fungiyeah, old logs are kept indefinitely20:47
ildikovspotz: we have guys from Bitergia who were involved so the connection is there from multiple sides20:47
fungilooks like the meeting used to use "diversity" instead of "diversity-wg" so can be found under that20:48
spotzildikov: Yeah I know Daniel wasn't involved originally but has been doing some alaysis since at least Barcelona20:48
fungi#link old diversity meeting minutes20:48
spotzfungi: When I do the new meeting patch I'll switch us back to that and just put a link to this meeting's logs20:49
fungithat works too20:49
ildikovspotz: yeah20:49
spotzor talk you into renaming this one batch:)20:49
fungineeds a bunch of stream editing applied to the files since the html versions embed hyperlinks20:50
spotzOk so back on topic, do we want to have one chair, multiple chairs? And who might be interested?20:50
spotzOk I'll just link this oone set some where20:50
ildikovspotz: I will try to ensure to keep both sides up to date20:50
spotzthanks ildikov20:51
ildikovspotz: we can also suggest metrics to CHAOSS if we feel something worked out well for us, etc20:51
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cdentspotz: are you willing/able to chair? If so, you seem like a good choice :)20:53
fungii second that ;)20:53
spotzcdent I definitely can if that's the consensus solo or as a co20:53
ildikov+1 :)20:54
spotzOk done, and if anyone would like to co-chair just let me know.20:55
spotz#topic future meetings20:55
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spotzWe will need to find a different time/day so I'll send out a new doodle. This is the revolving slot for WoO and OUI. Does anyone have a day/time that just won't work? Or leave it to the hands of the doodle?20:56
fungi(or framadate)20:57
SWDevAngel__Hi Team - sorry to be joining in so late. I️ reviewed the above but didn’t see a mention to the Bitergia survey that was done.20:58
SWDevAngel__Would that be useful?20:58
spotzI'd like to see the possibility of getting some APAC representation. Last go round we had 2 meetings but there was little attendance in the APAC one20:58
SWDevAngel__I️ think Nithya has the links to that.20:58
spotzSWDevAngel__: If she has them that'd be great. The more links to stuff we've done in the past the better20:58
apriceI have links to the bitergia survey but that was just gender20:58
spotzaprice: Ok so back to searching survey monkey or my old email:)20:59
SWDevAngel__Right. They were working on another one. I️ know we put them in touch with Lauren after the Boston Summit, but not sure if it went further.20:59
SWDevAngel__They were also looking at adding disabilities, etc.20:59
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apriceFor the November version, it was just gender21:00
spotzFYI 1 minute left in the official meeting, but as it's our channel we can go over:)21:00
SWDevAngel__Ahhh okay.21:00
spotzFor anyone who has to get going, thank you soo much for joining in today!21:00
apricespotz: Thanks for running!21:01
SWDevAngel__Yes, thanks Amy!21:01
spotzYou're welcome aprice and SWDevAngel__21:02
cdentspotz: on which list will the doodle poll end up21:03
*** openstack changes topic to "New meeting poll doodle Meeting etherpad"21:03
openstackMeeting ended Mon Dec 11 21:03:09 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:03
mrhillsmanthanks spotz for chairing :)21:03
openstackMinutes (text):
cdentoh duh, sorry21:03
spotzcdent: Because diverty WG is under the board we use the foundation@ list with [diversity] in the subject21:03
cdentcool, thanks21:03
cdentgotta go, thanks for running the meeting21:04
spotzI jsut figured I'd close up the meeting log:)21:04
spotzthanks cdent!21:04
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spotzmrhillsman: Thanks for coming21:06
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fungii'll see what i can do to migrate the meeting log to the old diversity series21:06
fungioh, wow. maybe better if i don't...
spotzfungi: Sweet. And we'll see about using the wiki or a single etherpad for agendas going forward too21:08
spotzfungi Um yeah maybe a nice wiki page:)21:09
fungii vote wiki page or extended set of entries in the meeting description21:10
fungibut yeah, trying to clean up history there is not going to be time well-spent, sorry!21:11
spotzNope not at all, if it was just today it's another story21:12
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