Monday, 2019-02-25

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spotz_#startmeeting diversity-wg17:04
openstackMeeting started Mon Feb 25 17:04:07 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz_. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:04
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'17:04
spotz_Sorry for the late arrival bouncer is acting up17:04
spotz_#topic roll call17:04
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* fungi is around as well17:05
spotz_Agenda for anyone who needs it17:05
spotz_#topic Forum session17:07
*** openstack changes topic to "Forum session (Meeting topic: diversity-wg)"17:07
spotz_We also have WG and BoF sessions we can ask for as well. If we have survey results in time I think we should dedicate the WG session to that17:08
fungithat sounds like a good use of our time17:08
spotz_In Berlin the Mentoring group used the BoF session, but I'm not sure Jill or Ell will be there and we may need to find new people to help run it17:08
fungiyou'd rather do diversity survey retrospective as a wg session rather than a forum session?17:09
spotz_fungi I'm good with whatever is more appropriate to be honest and I'm not sure which one17:09
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fungii suppose it depends on the goal of the session17:11
fungiif we want to talk to the community about the survey results and get feedback that's more in line with a forum session17:12
spotz_Dissemination of the information and then discussion17:12
spotz_Ok so I'll pop that in as a forum session17:12
fungiif we want to plan next steps between wg members then a wg session might be more appropriate17:12
fungiat least that's my take17:13
SWDevAngelAnd figure out a plan of action. Survey is about gathering data right? So then, what do we do with that information. That type of discussion. And assign AIs17:13
spotz_Ok so forum to discuss results and WG for what's next?17:14
* fungi suspects he doesn't know what "AI" means in this context17:14
fungioh, action items. nevermind17:14
fungijust got it17:14
spotz_Don't feel bad I thought comuters first:)17:15
fungithe wg session could certainly be about more than just the survey, while the forum session being focused on one topic is probably best17:15
spotz_Do we want to put anything else out there as a forum?17:15
SWDevAngelYeah sorry. No more acronyms. (That one is now used in a different context more often than not. As in... ML/AI. But yeah, in this case I meant we need to assign tasks to people. :)17:16
spotz_I think alot will depend on the data we get back, what is actionable etc17:17
spotz_llison isn't able to attend this week but she emailed me and we have 149 surveys as of last thursday/friday not sure which as I was on CET17:18
spotz_fungi: Yeah I lost the A:)17:19
fungicool, just making sure. 149 sounds like more than last time we asked17:19
apriceyeah they keep trickling in17:19
spotz_Yeah each time we've posted something we've gotten a few17:20
apricein another meeting, but can keep an eye here if there any questions / updates17:20
spotz_I was trying not to disturb your meeting aprice:)17:20
apricethanks spotz_ :)17:20
spotz_So we'll do the forum for the survey and discussion, depending on number of submittals and room available we can always go a bit longer17:20
spotz_WG slot state of the union type session and try to get more people involved as always17:21
SWDevAngelDo you already know what day that will be?17:21
spotz_nope, we can always request and change things up but we haven't even started submitting things yet17:22
SWDevAngelOkay. I ask only because I'm not sure my exact dates at Summit. My talk got accepted and of course I'd love to be there for all 3 days but I didn't get mgmt approval to attend the whole time. I will for sure be there on Wednesday for my talk, and maybe some of Tuesday.17:23
spotz_I'm going to tentatively save the BoF session for mentoring. diablo_rojo is planning a forum session in relation to all the discussions that took place from the help wanted list I believe so I don't think we need a mentoring forum session on it's own17:24
spotz_SWDevAngel: We can requewst later in the week possibly17:25
SWDevAngelOkay cool. :)  If that works for everyone else of course.17:26
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SWDevAngelUh oh. Did we lose Amy?17:29
fungilooks like17:29
spotzYeah hopefully it'll let me still do commands from here;)17:30
SWDevAngelLooks like the other agenda items were Summit (sort of already talking about that)  and Open Discussion.17:30
spotzOk anything else about the forum?17:30
SWDevAngelOh cool. Amy's back. :)17:31
spotz#topic summit17:32
fungiyou can `/nick spotz_` (chair permission is based on the nick of whoever initiated the #startmeeting) or just wait for the hour to be up after which any nick can issue a #endmeeting17:32
spotzI'll deal with it later:)17:33
spotzOk so summit. Do we know if there's going to be any night stuff besides the mixer we should plan to do an alternative even for?17:35
SWDevAngelDid I read correctly that Jill and Ell won't be at Summit? Bummer. Do you know if they are expecting a smaller summit this year? The agenda looks great so far, and DEN is pretty centrally located, so I was thinking this might be a pretty big event!)17:35
fungii'm not sure what the evening events are at this stage17:36
spotzEll's talk didn't get submitted she's not sure what happened17:36
spotzShe's got a talk in for docker con the same week17:36
SWDevAngelI haven't heard of any evening things yet. Probably someone from the foundation would know? Is there an official "planner/organizer of summit" within the foundation?17:36
SWDevAngelDockerCon is the SAME week? Wow. We pulled out of DockerCon so that wasn't on my radar.17:37
spotzLast time the pub crawl showed up later. I haven't checked eventbrite to see if there's anything yet to be honest17:37
fungiyeah, the osf hasn't done any official evening events other than the marketplace mixer in a while. most of the evening festivities end up getting organized independently by sponsors (that berlin pub crawl for example)17:38
spotzSpeed Mentoring is being sponsored by Intel so I'll check in with Nicole and see if she needs anything from the group but I'm assuming she's heading the effort. IBM is doing the dieversity lunch, I'm not sure who would be the contact over there or if it's really RedHat17:39
spotzI'm not sure if Git and Gerrit is happening so those are the sessions we didn't talk about under the Forum topic17:40
spotzRight now nothing besides summit itself in eventbrite just checked17:43
spotzAnything else on summit?17:43
spotzOk End of Survey topic17:44
spotzSurvey will end in 3 days so if you thin about it send a tweet out asking for folks to participate if they haven't yet. And once it's over I'll get with Allison and Matt (from CHAOSS) and we'll figure out the best way of getting the data over to the people who signed the confidentiality forms17:46
spotzAs already mentioned we're at 149, which is probably half that of the originial but we're also a smaller community then we were before Tokyo17:46
spotzAnything else on survey or we'll finish the last 10 with open discussion17:48
SWDevAngelIs there a handy link or sample tweet we can cut/paste?17:49
* SWDevAngel in the interest of efficiency of course... not laziness! ;)17:49
spotzI know I have tweeted but not finding it:( I'll keep looking17:52
SWDevAngelOkay. I will look too.17:52
spotzAny thing else? Don't want to hold the meeting while I look17:52
SWDevAngelIs it this one?
spotzYeah that'll work:)17:53
spotzI retweeted it:)17:54
SWDevAngelI will as well, from several accounts. :)17:54
spotzOk for all intents and purposes meeting is over, I'll be around now that the bouncer is back and I'm back home. And I'll start trying to end meeting in 10 minutes:)17:54
spotzThanks everyone for coming!17:55
SWDevAngelSounds good. Thanks for hosting! I'll see you in DEN (at least on the Wednesday. ;)17:55
spotzTIme is really coming fast, the ops meetup is like next week:(17:59
*** openstack changes topic to "Please review the survey at and let spotz and/or aprice know if there's anything that needs updating per"19:01
openstackMeeting ended Mon Feb 25 19:01:51 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:01
openstackMinutes (text):
spotzI forgot:(19:02
spotzOh wow next meeting we fall back an hour already21:18
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