Monday, 2019-08-12

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fungispotz: just a heads-up i'll be on an airplane during the meeting, so may not be able to attend14:18
spotzfungi: Yeah we don't have much of an agenda, I was going to bring up maybe switching to once a month14:18
fungiokay, thanks! i'm good with whatever meeting schedule folks want14:19
spotzfungi: Yeah we just don't really have anything we're working on, I think if somethign really came up all of us would respond to a ping in a reasonable amount of time14:25
fungii would certainly do my best to, yes14:26
* fungi sees nothing15:05
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spotzAck sorry everyone, the old man was down in the pasture and we were down moving things so he could get up18:26
fungino worries, i wasn't on hand anyway18:27
fungididn't get to my layover until after the meeting would have been over18:28
spotzOn the plus side once we moved the excess hay on the groound and rocks he got up on his own!18:29
spotzHe just couldn't get traction:(18:29
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