Monday, 2019-11-18

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spotzMeeting in 30 if folks are about14:31
* fungi nods14:38
fungimeeting time was changed to 1500 utc?14:38
fungispotz: still says 1700 utc, is there an irc-meetings change for that which needs to be reviewed?14:39
spotzI looked up when 1700 UTC was yesterday and it said 9!14:40
spotzWell 9 my time:)14:40
fungimmm, the current time is 14:40 utc14:40
spotzTime is hard to!14:40
fungiso 17:00 utc is 2 hours 20 minutes from now14:40
spotzI'm good with that:) Lisa emailed she's at Kubecon so I'm pretty sure we'll be a small group no matter what14:41
fungii only know this because i leave all my clocks in utc (thankfully i have very few meetings which follow north american daylight time)14:41
spotzyeah that wouldn't work. I did put the World Clock on my phone though so I can check especially when travelling14:42
spotzfungi non-channel related but was going through reviews. This one sitll valid? I'll workflow it if it is15:21
fungispotz: seems like it could still be relevant, but if you workflow it then give jimmy at osf a heads up since whatever script is aggregating the aucs list will need to fold that source in15:22
spotzOk I'll hit him up first15:22
spotzMeeting in 2:)16:58
* fungi peers around17:03
spotzJust us I think?17:06
spotzOfficial meeting or just tell me how Summit went?:)17:07
fungiit was fun, i don't think i've totally digested it yet17:07
spotzDid you make it to the lunch?17:08
fungii could go either way on official meeting17:08
fungii did not make it to the diversity lunch, not even sure i saw it on the schedule17:08
spotzYeah it's just us, so no reason to take up log space17:08
fungilunch was a bit of a mess in general17:09
spotzI'll have to poke aprice then, I was curious how it went with Intel and RedHat sponsoring17:09
spotzI thought except for that one lunch it was on your own lunch17:09
fungithere was lunch catered every day but it was served in the hallways17:10
fungiwe weren't supposed to take food into the rooms17:10
fungii don't know where the diversity lunch ended up being held, whether there was a special place for it or if it was just a sign on a few of the lunch tables17:10
fungithe venue itself was nowhere near hotels, so we ended up needing to transit during rush hour twice every day17:11
fungiat peak rush hour on shanghai public transit you literally get to be pressed against other subway riders on all sides for the duration (and that's not an exaggeration)17:12
fungievery time the car would decelerate or more people would try to get on at a stop you literally heard groans from the other people being crushed by the force of all the bodies17:13
fungiit was... an experience17:13
fungithere seemed to be a lot of local attendees in the conference talks, but when it came to forum sessions or ptg days there were basically none17:15
fungialso apparently quite a few talks were in mandarin but not marked as such on the schedule, which took non-mandarin-speaking folks by surprise17:17
fungisecurity was strict. everyone had to walk through body scanners and put their belongings through x-ray when entering the conference venue17:18
spotzWow, I think my decision not to go and ask for TSP was a good one:(17:21
fungii almost didn't get to go. i finally received my chinese entry visa three days before i had to leave home17:21
fungigoing out to eat at night was fun though. i had all sorts of random organ meats and other things i couldn't identify17:22
spotzI almost thought the upcoming Vancouver event might be in Austin. I was hoping for it anyways17:22
spotzYeah so I would have lost lots of weight not being very adventurous17:23
fungiwell, it was a good experience i think, to be able to see how everyone lives there17:23
spotzFirst thing I learned for traveling to Luxembourg was horse in French so I could avoid it in restaurants and then at cafeterias not order anything from that side of the place17:24
fungialso we got to debug various service connectivity problems there first-hand, and discovered that people just blanket blame the gfwoc for all sorts of stuff which it's not actually doing17:24
spotzI do regret not going to Hong Kong when I had family there, but I was young and stupid17:24
fungithere seems to be a mental block for locals where they just don't bother troubleshooting network issues because they assume it's the great firewall17:24
spotzthat's interesting to know, I had servers in Beijing and Changhai for one job17:25
fungimost of the actual gfw filtering seems to be http(s) and some vpn protocols, but when folks say things like "irc isn't reachable in china" take it with a grain of salt. it's often company firewalls, cheap isps, et cetera to blame17:26
spotzYeah even Beth Cohen had company firewall issues with IRC here in the states17:27
fungiright. that's not "a china thing" it's just "a draconian corporate egress filtering policy"17:28
spotzWell sounds like there were challenges but overall it was worth the journey17:29
fungisame thing with the gerrit ssh api. it initially wasn't reachable for the oui students17:29
fungiturned out to be lenovo office networks doing some sort of data exfiltration prevention17:30
fungionce their etch support got involved they were able to whitelist that traffic17:30
fungiand yeah, it was worth going17:32
fungiif for no other reason than to bring our ethos and ideology about software development to the people there17:32
fungiit seemed very well-received by local media17:33
spotzWell that's good news17:35
fungithat said, it is not a place where people feel comfortable talking about challenges they struggle with, or things which make them personally different from one another, homogeneity and unity are very important themes they're raised with, so i think our choice to avoid too much content about individual diversity was the right one17:35
spotzYeah, I was just watching Queer Eye in Japan last night and they touched on that in the Japanese culture which I think is at least slightly more relaxed and it's still a big issue there17:38
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cmurphyspotz: had a conflict with the meeting time and forgot to mention it ahead of time, sorry18:58
cmurphyspotz: but i'll mention now - I'll be taking this meeting off my calendar, need to start making more strategic use of my time and going only where I'm most needed18:58
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