Monday, 2020-02-03

*** SWDevAngel has joined #openstack-diversity16:59
SWDevAngelHi Amy. saw your note. I'm here. :)17:01
spotzSWDevAngel: Hey! It might just be us, fungi is travelling back from FOSDEM17:05
spotz#startmeeting diversity-wg17:05
openstackMeeting started Mon Feb  3 17:05:48 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:05
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'17:05
spotz#topic ROll call17:05
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spotzAnd Meg:)17:06
spotzWe'll give it a few minutes for anyone ellse to show17:06
spotzOk let's go ahead and get started17:09
SWDevAngelThe women of open source award nominations went out from Red Hat last week. I got some notification that I was nominated. It was a nice surprise. :)17:09
spotz#topic Other OSF Projeects17:09
megheislerCongrats! That's awesome17:09
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SWDevAngelThanks! :)17:09
spotzI reached out to Jimmy and Allison in regards to getting contacts for the other projects and was given a list of OSF folks to contact. I've reached out to everyone and have only heard back from Airship and Zuul.17:11
SWDevAngelWhat did they say?17:11
spotzSo Airship haas more info to present to the project and Zuul was fungi so he knows what we do and will bring it up17:12
spotzHopefully we'll have more feedback before the next meeting and if not I'll ping/re-send17:12
megheislerWho was your contact for Airship? I work directly with a few different Airship people17:13
spotzI know some folks might have been at FOSDEM so hoping I'll hear something back from the others this week17:14
megheislerah ok17:14
SWDevAngelAre we also reaching out to other open source projects in the cloud native ecosystem, out side of the OpenStack Foundation? or is the focus on just internal?17:14
spotzBut if you happen to attend meetings feel free to bring it up as well:)17:14
megheislerwill do!17:15
spotzWe are under the OSF Board so we can't reallly go outside of that. I do try to attend CHAOSS D&I meetings but it conflists with this ttime17:15
spotzMaybe when fungi is back we can talk aboutt moving the meeting as we doon't currently have anyone attending from Europe17:18
SWDevAngelSounds good!17:18
megheislerthat's a good idea17:18
spotzBut yeah one of the reasons we can reach out to the other projects is we're under the board directly and not OpenStack17:18
spotzAnd I'm hoping even if the projects have their own mentoring wee can maybe get everyone together onlinee or at the next event and see what is workiing or not woorking for them17:20
spotzOr combine it all together and make one larger but diversified endeavour17:21
SWDevAngelI probably won't be in Vancouver (sadly... I LOVE that show!) unless Diane M does a Red Hat OpenShift Commons thing there. I saw her in London last week and she was considering it but she doesn't know if the event will be big enough to pull enough of a crowd. Especially with the refocus this time.17:22
SWDevAngelI did see Ashlee's email to the Ambassadors though so I'll send out the info in the next community newsletter I send, with the link to register.17:23
SWDevAngelIf we are planning anything special there (like mentoring, etc.) I can mention it in the newsletter.17:23
spotzOk thanks SWDevAngelI haven't heard much yet except for the call for track people and moderators17:24
SWDevAngelOkay no worries.17:25
spotzI plan on being in Vancouver and at the European summit so to bee there for the board meetings17:25
megheislerI'm not sure on either one, it will depend on if work decides to send me17:26
spotzUsually you can look at the sponsor prospective and geet some insight but there isn't one online this time to peek at17:26
spotzI think work has only sent me twice in the past and neew work won't be17:27
spotzOk anything else on the other projects?17:27
spotz#topic Open Discussion17:28
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: diversity-wg)"17:28
SWDevAngelSame boat. Work definitely won't send me17:29
spotzHasn't ever stopped me, but yeah17:30
SWDevAngelYep! Well familiar with the self-funded open source conference thing. :) Also, the Foundation has been REALLY generous in the past with scholarships which has been SUPER cool! But since I won't be presenting at this one or working the event it's not something I'd ask for this time around.17:32
SWDevAngelBut Amy you could ask for it. You're doing lots of stuff there. :)17:33
spotzI'll ask through the Board not TSP so as not to take it away from anyone.17:33
spotzOk I'm gonna close out the llog but we can keep chatting:)17:34
*** openstack changes topic to "Please review the survey at and let spotz and/or aprice know if there's anything that needs updating per"17:34
openstackMeeting ended Mon Feb  3 17:34:16 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)17:34
openstackMinutes (text):
SWDevAngelOkay cool. Thanks Amy! Next official meeting is Mar 2 right? (two weeks from now is Pres weekend holiday!)17:35
megheislerI'll have to get more familiar with going to conferences without work sending me, but if I get a talk approved they'll cover it. So that's what I'm going to try to do :)17:35
SWDevAngelI'm flexible if we move the time a bit, but I just cant do 12-2 PT on Mondays. Anything else is fine.17:36
spotzWe're the first monday of the month unlless we're needed for something beforee ethen so yeah 3/217:36
megheislerI'm very flexible on time17:36
SWDevAngel(Currently for me it's at 9am PT mondays... expect when we move our clock before Grenwich) :)17:36
spotzmegheisler: I'll help you:)17:36
spotzSWDevAngel: good to know17:37
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fungii've briefly touched ground in atlanta and caught up on the meeting. moving it earlier to accommodate our european friends sounds great to me. just let me know what works21:10
fungimegheisler: you should *definitely* think about things you might want to talk about in vancouver. the speaker selection is going to work a little differently on this one because it's a topically-focused event (unlike a summit) but... i know some people and am happy to help suggest you and/or review proposals21:13
fungihopefully the organizers will have more info out in the next few weeks21:13
fungialso i think they're looking for folks willing to help as track chairs if you're interested21:13
megheisleroh thanks Fungi, that's good to know!21:13
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