Wednesday, 2021-02-24

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate stable/stein: Fix pdns4 devstack plugin and drop lower-constraints
openstackgerritNicolas Bock proposed openstack/designate stable/stein: Adding distributed locking to central
nicolasbockjohnsom: I did a partial backport of eandersson 's central lock fix for Stein at
johnsomOk, I will take a look. First glance it doesn't look like there is a backport blocker there, so that is good.16:36
nicolasbockA full backport is tricky because eandersson also refactored a lot16:36
nicolasbockThanks ho16:36
nicolasbockHopefully CI is going to be much happier now going forward :)16:37
johnsomThat would be lovely16:37
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nicolasbockHi johnsom . I am trying to figure out the naming convention to add a release note18:45
nicolasbockDo I add the hash of the commit to the name?18:46
nicolasbockAh I think I am getting somewhere :
johnsomNot usually. It's just a short description of the change18:50
nicolasbockI think `reno` adds something to the name18:50
johnsomYeah, it does18:52
johnsomI just do "reno new Add-cool-new-feature" but you can also do a quoted string and reno will add the hyphens18:52
nicolasbockAh cool18:53
nicolasbockI'll add a note18:53
johnsomThe "reno new" will create a template release note for you. Just edit it, drop the sections that don't  matter, and git add the file.18:57
johnsomTypically only the "feature" section is needed.18:57
johnsomIn the case of the locking, maybe upgrade or bug fix???? Probably not feature as it is a backport18:58
nicolasbockTrue, it's more a bug fix19:04
nicolasbockThere is a  bug for it:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1871332 in Designate "Many records created at the same time may lead to a race condition" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Erik Olof Gunnar Andersson (eandersson)19:04
openstackgerritNicolas Bock proposed openstack/designate stable/stein: Adding distributed locking to central
nicolasbockOk, I got it working johnsom19:13
spatelFolks any idea about this issue -
openstackLaunchpad bug 1828049 in Designate "designate pool update" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:22
nicolasbockI'll stand up a test environment to reproduce this spatel19:48
spatelnicolasbock thank you! i am trying my best to re-produce it again with latest code.19:49
nicolasbockThanks spatel19:49
johnsomspatel How are you updating the pool configuration? Are you using the "designate-manage pool update" tool?19:52
johnsomAh, I see you added a comment, nevermind19:52
spatelYes! i just confirmed that i am also seeing same issue19:53
spatelI have updated entry in pools.yml file and then ran pool update command and i got exit code 119:54
spatelthat means its error19:54
johnsomYeah, I see19:54
spateldesignate-manage pool update --debug command also not working19:54
spateljohnsom look at this -
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hamalqhi can get +1

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