Monday, 2021-12-06

opendevreviewErik Olof Gunnar Andersson proposed openstack/python-designateclient master: Add basic osc unit tests
eanderssonfrickler johnsom can you let me know what you think about the above ^00:33
eanderssonMy goal is just to add some really basic tests that we can later build upon 00:33
eanderssonHoping it would be perfect for an intern or similar to finish at some point ;)00:37
eanderssonbut would at least provide some very basic coverage for now, testing some previously completely uncovered (and critical) code paths00:37
opendevreviewErik Olof Gunnar Andersson proposed openstack/python-designateclient master: Add basic osc unit tests
johnsomeandersson In general I am fully in favor. I haven’t commented yet as I wanted to understand the existing tests. I just didn’t get to it last week.01:03
johnsomI did get some stable branch releases out and the Ussuri EM tag.01:04
eanderssonAll good no hurry.01:32
eanderssonThe general change is that nothing was previously covering anything in the cli folder01:32
eanderssonThe above patch increases unit test coverage by 10% :p01:36
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