Friday, 2024-06-07

d1nuc0mHi, has anyone encountered error SSLError(524297, '[SSL] PEM lib (_ssl.c:4065)'))) with Designate and SSL? I have some floating IPs with a DNS entry, and when I try to release them Neutron complains that it can't connect to Designate because of a SSL error08:09
d1nuc0mEven though if I test with OpenSSL the connection is successful  08:10
johnsomNo, I have not seen this issue. What is the rest of the SSL error say about the PEMfile?15:38
johnsomMy remote guess is you have a custom cert on the Designate API endpoint and have not configured neutron to have a proper CA certificate.15:41
johnsomSee the cafile setting. 15:41
johnsomIt could also be a DNS issue and validation the "insecure" setting, but that is less likely with a PEM error.15:41
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be restarted at around 17:45 UTC to pick up some small image updates16:44

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