Monday, 2025-03-24

opendevreviewArkady Shtempler proposed openstack/designate-tempest-plugin master: Fix recordset update scenario tests
ykarelHi can someone check , tests randomly failing in 2023.2/2024.112:45
ykarelis there some known issue with zone quotas12:45
oschwarthello ykarel, I don't know any known issues with zone quotas. I rechecked
oschwartalso, I saw your comment, but I don't know how I could get credentials to access https://opensearch.logs.openstack.org15:24
ykareloschwart, credentials are openstack / openstack15:34
ykareli was checking designate api logs but couldn't related the logs with quota full15:35
ykareldefault quota for zones in job is set to 1015:35
ykarelbut i see zones getting created and deleted as part of tests, couldn't get how quota got full, so was suspecting some bug somewhere15:36
ykarelmay be you can check15:36
ykareli was checking such logs first time so could miss something obvious15:36
oschwartI guess it is related to the errors we see here
oschwartmaybe other tests created zones with shares and then tried to delete the zone before the shared were deleted, hence the zones were not deleted. Then the zone quota was reached. I am not really familiar with shared zones16:01
johnsomThere are tests that cause those errors on purpose to test16:01
oschwartthen I wonder how was the zone quota met today, and not beforehand. Maybe it was a one-timer issue16:05
oschwartI didn't see anything weird in the logs except for that16:05
johnsomShared zones have been in there for well over a year, so if this is something new that is happening, I can't jump to it's related.16:06
oschwarthmm ok. I don't know if we should really change anything about it. I guess we could see if passes16:17
oschwartbut it is using master branch anyway16:17
johnsomI think we are going to need a full set of logs to run this down. There are very few tests there and they seem to run sequentially, so I'm just not sure what is going on.17:27

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